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Post Info TOPIC: Ecuador's lack of passion.....


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RE: Ecuador's lack of passion.....

OMG!!! I can't believe this thread went to 3 pages!! Wow, some people took this personal!! Anyhoo, can't we all get along. I skimmed through this thread after my last post!!

BTW LB, i meant what i said in a joking way!! Are we stll friends???


-- Edited by ad at 17:06, 2006-06-15


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GENIE wrote:

DulceGalletita wrote: Let's add Mexico too ...               DULCE UR WALKING ON THIN ICE!!!!

Girl, I can't even skate on ice ... let alone walk on it ... 

I'm playing! I want Mexico to win ... they have some really cute players


*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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DulceGalletita wrote:

Let's add Mexico too ...

              DULCE UR WALKING ON THIN ICE!!!!

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Let's add Mexico too ...

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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LaDyBuG wrote:

So I'm back from a wonderful afternoon after Ricky's show downtown and I come to a 3 page thread where more than PRIDE I felt a disrespectful tone taken towards "others" who are not in the world cup.... All of you Ecuas totally mis-understood my point....and failed to understand that ALL OF US ARE VERY HAPPY FOR ECUADOR AND THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT (including myself - someone who has more Ecua friends than Ecuas themselves).....but you missed that point just went on and on calling me a "hater" (whether jokingly or not) and making comments like "this is such a big deal for Ecuador and Latinos...etc..etc...etc.....and YES IT IS!!! Nobody is disagreeing at all.....another point that you all missed...... TOTAL MIS-COMMUNICATION for people (or Ecuas actually) who did not read and comprehend my point of view....a simple comment of what I had noticed from watching this World Cup as a fan......  I loved the way Ecuador played today....I loved the goalie's "cheeks"....the goals were NICE and controlled!!! .......etc...etc.....I as a viewer and fan of the World Cup expected some excitement from the players upon scoring a goal.....and got none.....SORRY FOR EXPECTING A REACTION THAT I THOUGHT WAS SHARED BY ALLLLLL SOCCER PLAYERS WHO HAVE HAD THIS AS A LIFETIME DREAM......I APOLOGIZE FOR EXPECTING TO SEE SUCH A PASSIONATE REACTION AS I HAVE SEEN BY EVERY OTHER PLAYER FROM EVERY OTHER COUNTRY WHO HAS ACCOMPLISHED EVEN MORE THAN ECUADOR.....BUT I DO NOT WHATSOEVER APOLOGIZE FOR MY COMMENT AND POINT OF VIEW......I feel that it was not disrespectful at all...... I was just wandering why Ecuador was not so excited...that's all....I find it odd for a country who has accomplished this much so far......don't you? .....Of course they can react however they want (strategical, confident or whatever).....I just made an observation...... I even stated that maybe "lack of passion" is not the right I'm sorry for my lack of "vocabulary"......but those who did not jump to conclusions.....understood what I meant.... You guys took this from PRIDE to a whole new level (of maturity)......and to be honest with you, I really expected more maturity and maybe even an explantion of something that I might have missed...EXAMPLE: the confidence factor......but the first and immediate reaction was HATER!!   I say a whole new level for not knowing how to communicate.....and letting this world cup fever fog up your brains ...... Come JULY 10 this will all be flushed down the toilette....gane quien gane! X & Princessa....out of all the comments made....I expected so much more from you least the understanding and explanation part.....but I do understand you for being "caught up" in the moment of your country's pride....even if extreme! @ totally dissapointed me for being so FAKING disrespectful (te pasaste and you know it) might not look ghetto, but you suit the crowd with the way you carried yourself on here today......especially the over weight comment.....que verguenza.....My ecua friends would be soooo ashamed of you for not having any class......yuck! All of us can hit you where it hurts but someone with no shame like you but not feel anything why waste the energy......come on MSN and talk to me like the respectful human being that you are OUTSIDE of totally turn IMMATURE when you log on to foro.....I don't understand why? How come the rest of us remain normal? FYI: I sat in a car today that had an Ecua flag waving on my side and I was so happy to see the people celebrate such a big deal.....INTERPRET THAT HOW YOU MAY...... I love the game and watching how each team's players play and react....etc....I'm not rooting for anyone in particular....but for personal reasons I prefer Spain and Argentina.....but if Ecuador is in the finals I will be just as happy, especially for my true friends who are not extremists.....INTERPRET THAT HOW YOU WILL...... I now know the kind of Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde people I'm dealing with on here ......don't trip others along the way and at least try to maintain your all I can advise! I'M VERY DISSAPOINTED BY THE COMMENTS MADE ON THIS THREAD!!!      

oh! You said “Argentina”

Suuuuuuure! Lets bring Argentina into it too!!… I take it we probably celebrate TOO MUCH NOW!?!… I see how it is!!!

FYI we are ranked (insert a veery low number here) and my dad said that we played really really good (go nuts lahtina)… and I don’t know why you go saying that Argentina sucks!

… or did I totally misinterpret you?




It’s a joke, please don’t kill me

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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oh wait... they're not playing

nevermind... back to your conversation...

"meh" - Margo

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LaDyBuG wrote:

 If that's case then it means they have no that's not it...because almost every Ecua pitched the "confidence" ball con seguridad..... I honestly was just curious.....and maybe that's how those particular players celebrate....they are "quiet".....who knows.....

Well then for me let's say they have slight confidence and as they get ahead it's increasing (but I could be wrong like always )... but maybe they don't want to celebrate anything until they see how far they get ...



*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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DulceGalletita wrote:

@LB: Girl you read the whole thread I didn't And well I hope I didn't disrespect if I did Sori-Ah! But to answer your question, I think that the reason that they don't go all happy when scoring is because they too are suprised ... I'm suprised but HAPPY on how far they have gotten but that is just me

If that's case then it means they have no that's not it...because almost every Ecua pitched the "confidence" ball con seguridad.....

I honestly was just curious.....and maybe that's how those particular players celebrate....they are "quiet".....who knows.....

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"

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@LB: Girl you read the whole thread I didn't

And well I hope I didn't disrespect if I did Sori-Ah!

But to answer your question, I think that the reason that they don't go all happy when scoring is because they too are suprised ...

I'm suprised but HAPPY on how far they have gotten but that is just me

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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LaDyBuG wrote:


Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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@cascodebombero:  I don't get you, in one thread you are talking about your bf $ucking your B@lls dry, and now your telling us that Danny was asking you for head.  Now the thing Danny surprises me because from what I know, he's straight.  So what CLOSET are you coming out of???  Is that why you are so pi$$ed off with the world, because you have been gay bashed???  Its ok, nobody judges here, we might poke a little fun on the WRONG side of things, but I'm sure you might enjoy the occassional poke in that area!!!


Ha ha I can change my signature!!!


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Daeveed wrote:

Baina can be fat.. Danny can be an idiot... I can be funny looking... Genie can be a moron...   but at the end of things...                       ...Ecuador still lacks enthusiasm.  


Anyone want  some popcorn???

"All people want is someone to listen"


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So I'm back from a wonderful afternoon after Ricky's show downtown and I come to a 3 page thread where more than PRIDE I felt a disrespectful tone taken towards "others" who are not in the world cup....

All of you Ecuas totally mis-understood my point....and failed to understand that ALL OF US ARE VERY HAPPY FOR ECUADOR AND THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT (including myself - someone who has more Ecua friends than Ecuas themselves).....but you missed that point just went on and on calling me a "hater" (whether jokingly or not) and making comments like "this is such a big deal for Ecuador and Latinos...etc..etc...etc.....and YES IT IS!!! Nobody is disagreeing at all.....another point that you all missed......

TOTAL MIS-COMMUNICATION for people (or Ecuas actually) who did not read and comprehend my point of view....a simple comment of what I had noticed from watching this World Cup as a fan...... 

I loved the way Ecuador played today....I loved the goalie's "cheeks"....the goals were NICE and controlled!!! .......etc...etc.....I as a viewer and fan of the World Cup expected some excitement from the players upon scoring a goal.....and got none.....SORRY FOR EXPECTING A REACTION THAT I THOUGHT WAS SHARED BY ALLLLLL SOCCER PLAYERS WHO HAVE HAD THIS AS A LIFETIME DREAM......I APOLOGIZE FOR EXPECTING TO SEE SUCH A PASSIONATE REACTION AS I HAVE SEEN BY EVERY OTHER PLAYER FROM EVERY OTHER COUNTRY WHO HAS ACCOMPLISHED EVEN MORE THAN ECUADOR.....BUT I DO NOT WHATSOEVER APOLOGIZE FOR MY COMMENT AND POINT OF VIEW......I feel that it was not disrespectful at all......

I was just wandering why Ecuador was not so excited...that's all....I find it odd for a country who has accomplished this much so far......don't you? .....Of course they can react however they want (strategical, confident or whatever).....I just made an observation......

I even stated that maybe "lack of passion" is not the right I'm sorry for my lack of "vocabulary"......but those who did not jump to conclusions.....understood what I meant....

You guys took this from PRIDE to a whole new level (of maturity)......and to be honest with you, I really expected more maturity and maybe even an explantion of something that I might have missed...EXAMPLE: the confidence factor......but the first and immediate reaction was HATER!!  

I say a whole new level for not knowing how to communicate.....and letting this world cup fever fog up your brains ......

Come JULY 10 this will all be flushed down the toilette....gane quien gane!

X & Princessa....out of all the comments made....I expected so much more from you least the understanding and explanation part.....but I do understand you for being "caught up" in the moment of your country's pride....even if extreme!

@ totally dissapointed me for being so FAKING disrespectful (te pasaste and you know it) might not look ghetto, but you suit the crowd with the way you carried yourself on here today......especially the over weight comment.....que verguenza.....My ecua friends would be soooo ashamed of you for not having any class......yuck!

All of us can hit you where it hurts but someone with no shame like you but not feel anything why waste the energy......come on MSN and talk to me like the respectful human being that you are OUTSIDE of totally turn IMMATURE when you log on to foro.....I don't understand why? How come the rest of us remain normal?

FYI: I sat in a car today that had an Ecua flag waving on my side and I was so happy to see the people celebrate such a big deal.....INTERPRET THAT HOW YOU MAY......

I love the game and watching how each team's players play and react....etc....I'm not rooting for anyone in particular....but for personal reasons I prefer Spain and Argentina.....but if Ecuador is in the finals I will be just as happy, especially for my true friends who are not extremists.....INTERPRET THAT HOW YOU WILL......

I now know the kind of Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde people I'm dealing with on here

......don't trip others along the way and at least try to maintain your all I can advise!





"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"


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Daeveed wrote:

Baina can be fat.. Danny can be an idiot... I can be funny looking... Genie can be a moron...   but at the end of things...                       ...Ecuador still lacks enthusiasm.  

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.

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Daeveed wrote:

Baina can be fat..
Danny can be an idiot...
I can be funny looking...
Genie can be a moron...
but at the end of things...
...Ecuador still lacks enthusiasm.

But I can still diet!!!

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."


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Motown Junkie wrote:

cascodebombero wrote: Motown Junkie wrote: cascodebombero wrote: It wasn't a vulgar comment child! BTW your so called friend isn't he a little bit too old to get defended by a woman? There's an age limit on defending your friends??  I assure you, Danny can take care of himself but since he's not here, I'll say something. And yes, it was vulgar. Oh my gwad I hurt your poor bleeding heart didn't I child?     EEEEEEZZZZZZZ..............  It takes A LOT more than words, coming from someone who reminds me of large clumps that I see in my cat's litter box, to hurt me.  



Ha ha I can change my signature!!!

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cascodebombero wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote: cascodebombero wrote: It wasn't a vulgar comment child! BTW your so called friend isn't he a little bit too old to get defended by a woman? There's an age limit on defending your friends??  I assure you, Danny can take care of himself but since he's not here, I'll say something. And yes, it was vulgar. Oh my gwad I hurt your poor bleeding heart didn't I child?  

  EEEEEEZZZZZZZ..............  It takes A LOT more than words, coming from someone who reminds me of large clumps that I see in my cat's litter box, to hurt me.


Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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cascodebombero wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote: cascodebombero wrote: It wasn't a vulgar comment child! BTW your so called friend isn't he a little bit too old to get defended by a woman? There's an age limit on defending your friends??  I assure you, Danny can take care of himself but since he's not here, I'll say something. And yes, it was vulgar. Oh my gwad I hurt your poor bleeding heart didn't I child?  




I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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Daeveed wrote:

Baina can be fat.. Danny can be an idiot... I can be funny looking... Genie can be a moron...   but at the end of things...                       ...Ecuador still lacks enthusiasm.  



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cascodebombero wrote:

PLUHEASE a woman defending a girl friend is totally different than a woman defending a boy (or should I call her boy toy?)

BOY TOY... hahahahaha don't make me laugh, you should consider yourself so lucky if you ever had a friend like that, one that would stick up for you when your are being bashed behind your back.  A friend is a friends regardless, and as for age, I never new there was an age limit to help out a friend ...


Ha ha I can change my signature!!!


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Daeveed wrote:

Baina can be fat.. Danny can be an idiot... I can be funny looking... Genie can be a moron...   but at the end of things...                       ...Ecuador still lacks enthusiasm.  

LOL ...

yes .. yes we do..  ..


but see how the thread goes away from the topic...




I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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Motown Junkie wrote:

cascodebombero wrote: It wasn't a vulgar comment child! BTW your so called friend isn't he a little bit too old to get defended by a woman? There's an age limit on defending your friends??  I assure you, Danny can take care of himself but since he's not here, I'll say something. And yes, it was vulgar.

Oh my gwad I hurt your poor bleeding heart didn't I child?


soy feo pero no facil

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Baina can be fat..

Danny can be an idiot...

I can be funny looking...

Genie can be a moron...


but at the end of things...












...Ecuador still lacks enthusiasm.


I went to a beautiful place, and back.

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cascodebombero wrote:

It wasn't a vulgar comment child! BTW your so called friend isn't he a little bit too old to get defended by a woman?

There's an age limit on defending your friends??  I assure you, Danny can take care of himself but since he's not here, I'll say something.

And yes, it was vulgar.

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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a woman defending a girl friend is totally different than a woman defending a boy (or should I call her boy toy?)

soy feo pero no facil


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cascodebombero wrote:

a woman that defends a man, seems suspiscious don't you think? She can sure have a bf but it seems she didn't keep her legs closed.

no, i don't think its suspicious at all, if someone was attacking one of my friends I would stick up for them too.  And unless you truly know her, I wouldn't comment about her keeping her legs closed.  Besides, its always tends to be the person making the acusations that has something to hide.  you know, trying to make others look bad to help out your own self esteem.


Ha ha I can change my signature!!!

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It wasn't a vulgar comment child!

BTW your so called friend isn't he a little bit too old to get defended by a woman?

soy feo pero no facil


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Motown Junkie wrote:

cascodebombero wrote: a woman that defends a man, seems suspiscious don't you think? She can sure have a bf but it seems she didn't keep her legs closed. Correction:  a woman that defends a FRIEND As for your vulgar comment, I suggest you check out your raisins that you call balls and question who's legs were open!!  Clearly your boyfriend had a field day!!





I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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cascodebombero wrote:

a woman that defends a man, seems suspiscious don't you think? She can sure have a bf but it seems she didn't keep her legs closed.

Correction:  a woman that defends a FRIEND

As for your vulgar comment, I suggest you check out your raisins that you call balls and question who's legs were open!!  Clearly your boyfriend had a field day!!

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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a woman that defends a man, seems suspiscious don't you think?

She can sure have a bf but it seems she didn't keep her legs closed.

soy feo pero no facil


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cascodebombero wrote:

behind that yawn you are dying of jealousy

I'm not sure, but last time I heard MJ had a man, and she was also a bit older than Danny.  So why would she be jealous that he was chasing you and not her???


Ha ha I can change my signature!!!

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This thread is too long to read i need the FORO COLES NOTES

I was kept informed thank you very much

I read HUMP I hope they don't do that

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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Lahtina wrote:

cascodebombero wrote: excuse me child! Someone sounds jealous here. She's not only jealous, she's tingly all over.

Yup!!    Stupidity senses are going into overdrive!!

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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cascodebombero wrote:

excuse me child! Someone sounds jealous here.

She's not only jealous, she's tingly all over.


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behind that yawn you are dying of jealousy

soy feo pero no facil

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cascodebombero wrote:

excuse me child! Someone sounds jealous here.


Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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excuse me child! Someone sounds jealous here.

soy feo pero no facil

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cascodebombero wrote:

danny was chasing me before, he wanted me to give him head and I declined his delightful offer. He is way to young for me, his lack of experience turned me off.

    It was most likely the other way around!

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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danny was chasing me before, he wanted me to give him head and I declined his delightful offer. He is way to young for me, his lack of experience turned me off.

soy feo pero no facil


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Lahtina wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote: I don't think Danny's stupid, I just think his comments are stupid.  As for my drooling, I'M TAKING CARE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, I dunno... but stupidity sure does seem to get in the way of Deadboyinmybook a lot.

I don't really know Danny416, but when I read his post I thought he was 13 years old.  The weight thing LOL It took me back to high school. So imature.

Anyway not my problem.


-- Edited by Yesi at 14:50, 2006-06-15


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Motown Junkie wrote:

I don't think Danny's stupid, I just think his comments are stupid.  As for my drooling, I'M TAKING CARE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well, I dunno... but stupidity sure does seem to get in the way of Deadboyinmybook a lot.


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Lahtina wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote: Danny416 wrote: Motown Junkie wrote: Danny416 wrote: Bainaman wrote: Danny416 wrote: we still on this??? f***too many morons here alot of you must have trouble reading..... And you're the biggest one!   hahaha and this was soo expected from you... you talk too much you know that.... ur ridiculous..what r u?? in ur early 30's??id like to see u have all the guts one day and say it to my face.. go loose some weight and do urself a favour  -- Edited by Danny416 at 12:54, 2006-06-15 Aaaaahhhhhhhh Danny, why do you have to get so personal???  I love ya and you and I are mad cool but be nice............. lol its all good..when someones calling u this and that..ur gonna have to step up obviously.... ....baina man got was about time ..he was going to far DY416 owned ur asss im off of this...i have to go celebrate ... feel free to bash me like you always dooo!!! ill be out having a drink .. cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hun, I think you just took it a bit too far and look who's telling you?!  ME!!  The one who's always quick to react.  It shouldn't be a case of who owned who and since I'm cool with Baina too, I assure you he didn't get hurt.  Danny, from what I know of you, you're too good to steep to that level.  Be nice!  Boooooooo!!!! I thought you said stupid ppl irritate you. Girl, you wouldn't recognize stupid if it drooled on your hair. First I didn't think anything of Danny, then I didn't really like him, then I decided to give him a chance, then he was kinda coolies, then he started surking arse again, then I ignored him, then I thought he was an idiot, then I thought perhaps it wasn't idiocy just immaturity but now it must shirley be both so... because I hate being all flip-floppy (pfffffffffffffffffffft) as far as I'm concerned, Danny416 is dead in my book. (© 2006 DJ Prieto)

I don't think Danny's stupid, I just think his comments are stupid. 

As for my drooling, I'M TAKING CARE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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Bainaman wrote:

Chica W wrote: you forgot to mention ridiculously good looking too!!

Xa...el man tiene style...yeyesito y pritty de alante  jajajajaja

"There's an evil monkey in my closet"-Criss Griffin

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Motown Junkie wrote:

Danny416 wrote: Motown Junkie wrote: Danny416 wrote: Bainaman wrote: Danny416 wrote: we still on this??? f***too many morons here alot of you must have trouble reading..... And you're the biggest one!   hahaha and this was soo expected from you... you talk too much you know that.... ur ridiculous..what r u?? in ur early 30's??id like to see u have all the guts one day and say it to my face.. go loose some weight and do urself a favour  -- Edited by Danny416 at 12:54, 2006-06-15 Aaaaahhhhhhhh Danny, why do you have to get so personal???  I love ya and you and I are mad cool but be nice............. lol its all good..when someones calling u this and that..ur gonna have to step up obviously.... ....baina man got was about time ..he was going to far DY416 owned ur asss im off of this...i have to go celebrate ... feel free to bash me like you always dooo!!! ill be out having a drink .. cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hun, I think you just took it a bit too far and look who's telling you?!  ME!!  The one who's always quick to react.  It shouldn't be a case of who owned who and since I'm cool with Baina too, I assure you he didn't get hurt.  Danny, from what I know of you, you're too good to steep to that level.  Be nice! 

Boooooooo!!!! I thought you said stupid ppl irritate you. Girl, you wouldn't recognize stupid if it drooled on your hair.

First I didn't think anything of Danny, then I didn't really like him, then I decided to give him a chance, then he was kinda coolies, then he started surking arse again, then I ignored him, then I thought he was an idiot, then I thought perhaps it wasn't idiocy just immaturity but now it must shirley be both so... because I hate being all flip-floppy (pfffffffffffffffffffft) as far as I'm concerned, Danny416 is dead in my book. (© 2006 DJ Prieto)



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Danny416 wrote:

Bainaman wrote: Danny416 wrote: we still on this??? f***too many morons here alot of you must have trouble reading..... And you're the biggest one!   hahaha and this was soo expected from you... you talk too much you know that.... ur ridiculous..what r u?? in ur early 30's??id like to see u have all the guts one day and say it to my face.. go loose some weight and do urself a favour  -- Edited by Danny416 at 12:54, 2006-06-15

Shouldn’t it yourself a favor and loose some weight????


If ur gonna insult somebody at least do it in a proper manner and with style....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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Chica W wrote:

you forgot to mention ridiculously good looking too!!

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."


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Bainaman wrote:

Danny416 wrote: go loose some weight and do urself a favour  -- Edited by Danny416 at 12:54, 2006-06-15

you forgot to mention ridiculously good looking too!!

"All people want is someone to listen"

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Danny416 wrote:

go loose some weight and do urself a favour
 -- Edited by Danny416 at 12:54, 2006-06-15

-- Edited by Bainaman at 14:26, 2006-06-15

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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Bainaman wrote:

GENIE wrote:            FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!! lol baina dont stoop to that level oh but if u do call me!!! I'm not trying to pick a fight with him..... He says I don't have the guts to say it to his face.......he's sadly mistaken! If he wants to do something about it.....then we can cross that bridge when we get there!

            Yeah i know but talking to Danny1234 is like me telling Orale Jr to pee outside!!! basically impossible right now!!!!

            LOL danny its just a fawken soccer game and btw THESE MORONS!! have not said anything wrong!!! and THESE MORONS (yes im including myself) are glad that Ecuador is in the second roung however these morons think that there not as excited as the other teams!!!

            oh and these morons dont forget some did have a little but i mean a LITTLE BIT of respect because we understood ur maturity level now however u have lost it all!!!


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