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Post Info TOPIC: When your friend is your ennemy...
Amistades [24 vote(s)]

Hell no! I only trust my real friends outside this foro


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RE: When your friend is your ennemy...

 I have many friends, probably too many since I have no time to call them or visit them.

 I think that just because someone is our friend it doesn't mean we have to disclose all about us, I mean, not even my brothers know all about me; there are things that are just too personal.  I have friend back home who I know don't share my political-religious points of view and yet they are my friends.

 De los unicos que no confio son de los blancos de aqui, son rapidos para meter el cuchillo por la espalda mientras se sonrien con uno.


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Lahtina wrote:

Ok, I'm confused now. Is the uneasiness a matter of lack of trust?

Ummmmm, I don't think so ... I know what you mean 'cause I get that with a few people ... but if your not comfortable at all it's not mistrust ... I don't think

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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Colombiana4Life wrote:

Lahtina wrote: Colombiana4Life wrote: Oh girl, it`s kinda hard to explain why I am the complex individual that I am.  One day I will explain it to you.  Awww, thank you for giving me hopes of getting your benefit of the doubt. I feel special now. lol j/k. I knew that was coming. LOL  So ur telling me that when u meet someone you trust them 100% and take them at face value?

Hmmm... well, not everyone is the same. With some people you just feel at ease right away and with others it's harder to feel comfortable. But I don't think I have a reason to mistrust.

Ok, I'm confused now. Is the uneasiness a matter of lack of trust?


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Colombiana4Life wrote:

I knew that was coming. LOL  So ur telling me that when u meet someone you trust them 100% and take them at face value?

I do ... until I am proven wrong ... ya I know I shouldn't but well I dunno

And I have been proven wrong

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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Lahtina wrote:

Colombiana4Life wrote: Oh girl, it`s kinda hard to explain why I am the complex individual that I am.  One day I will explain it to you.  Awww, thank you for giving me hopes of getting your benefit of the doubt. I feel special now. lol j/k.

I knew that was coming. LOL  So ur telling me that when u meet someone you trust them 100% and take them at face value?


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

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Daeveed wrote:

Only the ones whose name start with a D.                     ...except for Dogo    

Awwwwwwwwwww ... I'm trusted


Ummmm, I trust everyone ... but once trust is lost then nothing is the same although it may appear to be

** Is it a flaw to trust everyone?? in foro and outside ... maybe that is why I'm always confused and lost LOL

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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Colombiana4Life wrote:

Oh girl, it`s kinda hard to explain why I am the complex individual that I am.  One day I will explain it to you. 

Awww, thank you for giving me hopes of getting your benefit of the doubt. I feel special now.

lol j/k.


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Lahtina wrote:

Colombiana4Life wrote: It`s not that I automatically dont trust people.  I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  It`s just that in the past I`ve been burned, and I give many chances and people still take advantage of that.  So now I`m just "less trusting". Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the same as saying:Ok, I'm not really sure you can be trusted but I'll do it anyway? How different is that from: I trust you. I will trust you until you give me a reason not to?

Oh girl, it`s kinda hard to explain why I am the complex individual that I am.  One day I will explain it to you. 


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

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Colombiana4Life wrote:

It`s not that I automatically dont trust people.  I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  It`s just that in the past I`ve been burned, and I give many chances and people still take advantage of that.  So now I`m just "less trusting".

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the same as saying:

Ok, I'm not really sure you can be trusted but I'll do it anyway?

How different is that from: I trust you. I will trust you until you give me a reason not to?


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Lahtina wrote:

ETA: I just remembered the worst let down by a foro friend. He ate his cereal without me. QEF??!! Synchronized Cereal Time is sacred! BFFMC! -- Edited by Lahtina at 12:53, 2006-04-12

Attention: Span is officially gone.

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Lahtina wrote:

Bainaman wrote: Colombiana4Life wrote: It`s always been said that you should NEVER trust anyone 100% That's such a sad statement.... I understand why you say it..... But I think it's so sad. That is sad. I think that if you live by that statement, you're going to get the same in return: people will not trust you. We're nothing but savages without trust. Hahahaha, kidding or, I dunno.    I consider myself a pretty trusting person. Over the years I have had many great friends. Not all friends are meant to be forever but the love for them still remains. I have only been let down by one of them. Our relationship might have been saved if I had handled the betrayal differently but I didn't and we did each other too much harm. Now partners... that's different. Too many burns but you still take that risk.

It`s not that I automatically dont trust people.  I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  It`s just that in the past I`ve been burned, and I give many chances and people still take advantage of that.  So now I`m just "less trusting".


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

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Bainaman wrote:

Colombiana4Life wrote: It`s always been said that you should NEVER trust anyone 100% That's such a sad statement.... I understand why you say it..... But I think it's so sad.

That is sad. I think that if you live by that statement, you're going to get the same in return: people will not trust you. We're nothing but savages without trust. Hahahaha, kidding or, I dunno.   

I consider myself a pretty trusting person. Over the years I have had many great friends. Not all friends are meant to be forever but the love for them still remains. I have only been let down by one of them. Our relationship might have been saved if I had handled the betrayal differently but I didn't and we did each other too much harm.

Now partners... that's different. Too many burns but you still take that risk.


ETA: I just remembered the worst let down by a foro friend. He ate his cereal without me. QEF??!! Synchronized Cereal Time is sacred! BFFMC!

-- Edited by Lahtina at 12:53, 2006-04-12



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Bainaman wrote:

I tend to put my trust in people.......If the let me down.....then I's kinda like a test I guess......But I find myself giving people more than their amount of chances.....and that's when I really get burned!

Same here but tonta de mi ! Sigo ahi por ellos, because they're my friends after all and they might have act a certain way that I will never understand.

So I guess I will never learn.



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Bainaman wrote:

I tend to put my trust in people.......If the let me down.....then I's kinda like a test I guess......But I find myself giving people more than their amount of chances.....and that's when I really get burned!

I used to do that.. put trust in ppl... but when they turned me down.. is when I changed completely!!!..... ..

I guess is like they say: u learn from your mistakes...!!


I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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Bainaman wrote:

I tend to put my trust in people.......If the let me down.....then I's kinda like a test I guess......But I find myself giving people more than their amount of chances.....and that's when I really get burned!

OMG, that`s exactly how I am.  We`re such Scorpios.  LOL.  But seriously, I have a very high tolerance level, and most people know this about me.  I keep giving people many, many, many chances, giving them the benefit of the doubt, but once i`ve reached my limit, that`s it.  Cuando se me sale una persona, se me sale, and there is usually no going back to the way it used to be.  And if it does, there is always that little part of me that holds  back.


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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Jinx wrote:

Do you trust your foro-friends??? -- Edited by Jinx at 15:13, 2006-04-11

Well, I do trust foros.  So far I don;t doubt anyone here, don't have a reason yet or bad experience with anyone. So, its ok. 

-- Edited by QUE chula LINDA at 09:50, 2006-04-12


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I tend to put my trust in people.......If the let me down.....then I's kinda like a test I guess......But I find myself giving people more than their amount of chances.....and that's when I really get burned!

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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Bainaman wrote:

Colombiana4Life wrote: It`s always been said that you should NEVER trust anyone 100% That's such a sad statement.... I understand why you say it..... But I think it's so sad.

It is a sad statement.  And I never used to be like that, if anything, I used to be way too trusting.  But after you`ve been burned many times, I guess you just develop a barrier.  I think in order for me to trust someone at least 99.99999999%, that person would really have to prove themselves.  Not trying to be picky or difficult, I guess life experiences have sort of molded me that way.


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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I trust that X guy, he seems very trustworthy.




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Bainaman wrote:

Colombiana4Life wrote: It`s always been said that you should NEVER trust anyone 100% That's such a sad statement.... I understand why you say it..... But I think it's so sad.



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Colombiana4Life wrote:

It`s always been said that you should NEVER trust anyone 100%

That's such a sad statement....

I understand why you say it.....

But I think it's so sad.

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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LaDyBuG wrote:

Colombiana4Life wrote: Very few are the ones I trust, I can count them on one hand.  And by trust it doesent mean that they know everything about me.  They may know tid bits here and there, but that`s about it.  I tend to be a pretty good judge of character in figuring out how much I can tell to whom.  I have always been like that.  I know sis....ME TOO From foro....1 or 2 people at the most might know more than 50% about me....(lucky them) LOL...and that's just becuase they are "somehow" into my life....

I know you`re a very good judge of character as well.  And from foro, like I said before, I can count the people that I trust with some of my stuff.  I have like 3 or 4 friends outside foro, that I have been friends with for many years that I can trust with most of my stuff.  But I never divulge everything.  It`s always been said that you should NEVER trust anyone 100%


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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Colombiana4Life wrote:

NeNa wrote: I don't trust every single person I say "hello" to ....... and friends... don't have that many!!! .. (better for me .. )..   Same here, aquaintances I have many, but friends only a few.  I dont go around thinking that everyone I meet 2 or 3 times is my friend.  A lot of times someone is so nice to you in your face but behind your back they`re trying to verte la cara de pendeja/o.  All I can say about that is that karma is a biatch.

Right on...

hate ppll like that.... they are nice to u, but as soon u're gone .. they talk trash !!!!



I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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NeNa wrote:

I don't trust every single person I say "hello" to ....... and friends... don't have that many!!! .. (better for me .. )..  

Same here, aquaintances I have many, but friends only a few.  I dont go around thinking that everyone I meet 2 or 3 times is my friend.  A lot of times someone is so nice to you in your face but behind your back they`re trying to verte la cara de pendeja/o.  All I can say about that is that karma is a biatch.


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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Colombiana4Life wrote:

Very few are the ones I trust, I can count them on one hand.  And by trust it doesent mean that they know everything about me.  They may know tid bits here and there, but that`s about it.  I tend to be a pretty good judge of character in figuring out how much I can tell to whom.  I have always been like that. 

I know sis....ME TOO

From foro....1 or 2 people at the most might know more than 50% about me....(lucky them) LOL...and that's just becuase they are "somehow" into my life....

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"


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I don't trust every single person I say "hello" to ....... and friends... don't have that many!!! .. (better for me .. )..



I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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Very few are the ones I trust, I can count them on one hand.  And by trust it doesent mean that they know everything about me.  They may know tid bits here and there, but that`s about it.  I tend to be a pretty good judge of character in figuring out how much I can tell to whom.  I have always been like that. 


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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LaDyBuG wrote:

I trust Ladybug

I am not sure you should !

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.


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I trust Ladybug

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FR35H wrote:

Jinx wrote: Do you trust your foro-friends??? -- Edited by Jinx at 15:13, 2006-04-11 don't have any foro friends...ahahaha lucky me, huh?

welcome to the club!

"There's an evil monkey in my closet"-Criss Griffin

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Jinx wrote:

Do you trust your foro-friends??? -- Edited by Jinx at 15:13, 2006-04-11

don't have any foro friends...ahahaha

lucky me, huh?


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Only the ones whose name start with a D.











...except for Dogo



I went to a beautiful place, and back.

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Jinx wrote:

Do you trust your foro-friends??? -- Edited by Jinx at 15:13, 2006-04-11


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Interesting, indeed !

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.

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WOW The polls don't lie! 

"meh" - Margo


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Jinx wrote:

AH! Surprising %!

Chistosa :p


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AH! Surprising %!

"There's an evil monkey in my closet"-Criss Griffin


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:( i don't have any friends:(


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Do you trust your foro-friends???

-- Edited by Jinx at 15:13, 2006-04-11

"There's an evil monkey in my closet"-Criss Griffin
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