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RE: Latin Kings

well i gotta say its also depends on the persons life and how they live life

latinos in the states mostly come from low class families and low class area


now u see latinos here living the life in a nice home with a family who cares for you but yet they seem 2 want 2 life this thug life that they see from tv and music

in my case i was blessed to life a good life yet i live with my mom who was a single parent and 1 brother and sister plus had no1 to guide me which made it hard 4 me

the latin kings  r a group who try and grab the latin youth but u cant judge them

TH Foro New Blood >


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Chale Tanga wrote:

LGigolo wrote: Danny416 wrote: alright its edited..before someone complains on me lol TOO LATE... Chale got you! See prior page I wasnt complaining... its a free forumbut i just thought it was a bit much.. thats all.people can complain and b itch and whine and moan all they want... me nah care star... me nah care... long as me got me bong, life is iiiiirrrrreeeeee star... ya hear me.... iiiiiiirrrrreeeeeyah okay, i need to stop that. LOL.

Ummm, yeah come again

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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LGigolo wrote:

Danny416 wrote: alright its edited..before someone complains on me lol TOO LATE... Chale got you! See prior page

I wasnt complaining... its a free forum
but i just thought it was a bit much.. thats all.

people can complain and b itch and whine and moan all they want... me nah care star... me nah care... long as me got me bong, life is iiiiirrrrreeeeee star... ya hear me.... iiiiiiirrrrreeeee

yah okay, i need to stop that. LOL.



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Danny416 wrote:

alright its edited..before someone complains on me lol

TOO LATE... Chale got you!

See prior page

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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too late baboso

..:: Que Lo' Que? ::..

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alright its edited..before someone complains on me lol



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u gonna have to send me that pic danny... email it to me.... i got to send that to someone.

..:: Que Lo' Que? ::..

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Danny416 wrote:

GabyMartinez01 wrote: what' tha.... los 3 reyes magos ??? jejeje y de que circo salieron esos payasos, jijiji

Wow... thats a bit much Danny


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GabyMartinez01 wrote:

what' tha.... los 3 reyes magos ??? jejeje y de que circo salieron esos payasos, jijiji

-- Edited by Danny416 at 14:09, 2006-03-24


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what' tha....

los 3 reyes magos ??? jejeje

y de que circo salieron esos payasos, jijiji



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There were original LK's from Boston and New Jersey in Toronto back in the late 90's. The "new" generation of LK's in T.O. are a bunch of 15-19 year old kids that are into the theory of uniting Latinos of every nation under one. Its somewhat like a gang and cult, but not really. They're not hardcore members like the ones in NJ or NY but these kids are down for what comes to them. Im familiar with a couple of these kids, most of them are in high school and some work full time jobs. They dont look for trouble or pretend to know everything, perhaps in the group there are about 2-3 of them that have actual connections to the LKs on the Tri-State Foundation.

Amor De Rey

LBC LK 103 Benson & 26th, NJ

..:: Que Lo' Que? ::..

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I guess u guys know allot, I am not even going say anything more, I guess I am talking here somo real experts in the subject...

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rick wrote:

man people complaint that life is hard in canada .. please life is easy here , once you turn 16 you can get a job , so many places hired people ... you get your own money  and as sweetness said there are a lot of programs to help this kids ... come on joker what the hell are you talking about ???.. young people in other third world countries wish they had as many opportunities as young people have here ... life is tough give me a break . My parents were so poor back in my country and they didn go into gangs thats just plain stupid . and let me tell you something most of my friends that are in gangs are just lazy f u c k  s that don t wanna get a job .. they want their parents to give them money but since their parents are not rich they just find that as an excuse to join gangs .  -- Edited by rick at 18:06, 2006-03-23

 You and sweetness are rigth.  I remember a kid back-home who delivered papers home to home before going to primary school while other kids were still in bed.  He became a teen and still was delivering paper early in the morning before going to high school; he's goal was getting into University, I hope he did; I left that place so long ago.  I'm sure this kid had a really hard life but had the decency and the guts to work and grow up in such conditions (there's no welfare backhome, by the way).

BEsides. What's the point of leaving our beloved countries if the kids are going to waste their time joining gangs??.  It's no fair to blame parents who work so hard to bring the bacon home. I'm sure kids can also joing the army cadets, or church activities, or other staff like that.


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well its fools like these that think they have a tough life , living in suburbs like sauga or even woodbridge..and "gangbang' ridiculous



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Hey that Gangsta Girls documentary is on again on channel 31 for those of you who haven't seen it and are interested in seeing it.



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man people complaint that life is hard in canada .. please life is easy here , once you turn 16 you can get a job , so many places hired people ... you get your own money  and as sweetness said there are a lot of programs to help this kids ... come on joker what the hell are you talking about ???.. young people in other third world countries wish they had as many opportunities as young people have here ... life is tough give me a break . My parents were so poor back in my country and they didn go into gangs thats just plain stupid . and let me tell you something most of my friends that are in gangs are just lazy f u c k  s that don t wanna get a job .. they want their parents to give them money but since their parents are not rich they just find that as an excuse to join gangs .  

-- Edited by rick at 18:06, 2006-03-23



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bistor wrote:

I agree with Sweetness. If you think things are tough in Canada, I'm not exactly sure what one might be expecting. A personal assistant to pamper your bottom with baby powder? Things in Canada are about as easy as they come, anywhere in the world. Period.

Carefull with what you write, because you might get accused of giving people "attitude" because you don't agree with them and for posting your opinions on a and possibly get b*tched at for agreeing with



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I agree with Sweetness.

If you think things are tough in Canada, I'm not exactly sure what one might be expecting. A personal assistant to pamper your bottom with baby powder?

Things in Canada are about as easy as they come, anywhere in the world. Period.



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     LoL u are so sad girl LoL learn how 2 respect other opinions without insulting them.   Look I do respect other people's opinions, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree with them, just like you don't have to agree with mine.  Look at you.  You came out here telling me that I don't know what I was talking about, and that I have it easy.  Like I said before you don't know anything about me, so who's the one that is doing the judging really?  You or me?  It was you who assumed things first sweetie, so don't try to turn things around. Stop doing this $hit, every time u post something n PPL don't agree with u, u come back with a freaking attitude,  Stop doing what?  You must have me confused with someone else, because all I do is post my opinion.  It may seem like I'm giving attitude, but all I'm doing is posting MY OPINION like I said before. get some help girl cause I thing u need it. I'm just fine thank you. Obviously you didn't understand what I was saying. Look if you want to throw insults around we can do that all day, but it won't get us anywhere. "  It seems to me that gangs here in Canada are formed out of pure boredom," << that was from your post, so WTF u call that?? I think is call judging. I call it MY OPINION, and saying how I FEEL about it.  I didn't mean for it to sound judgemental, but I was only stating what I thought, as in why I think they are formed, I didn't mean that's the exact reason why they are formed.  If I told you not to talk out of your ass is because, you were assuming things about me that are not true. So if you're going to make comments like that to me, then yeah I'm going to give you attitude.  IT'S NOT BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME, IT'S BECAUSE YOU WERE ASSUMING THINGS ABOUT ME THAT ARE FALSE!!! GET IT?! 



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Chale Tanga wrote:

LGigolo wrote: (        Y        )     Ewwwww I can see your Plumbers Crack!

U 2 guys are so funny LoL I enjoy reading both of your post

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LGigolo wrote:

(        Y        )    

Ewwwww I can see your Plumbers Crack!



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Chale Tanga wrote:

LGigolo wrote:   But I ALWAYS have only have had ONE “personality” – not multiple like some OTHERS! So do I! Ve! No te me enojes chavo.... LOL!I only have the Chale Tanga one, you can go check for yourself... I deleted the Chale account.Cuz honestly, whats Chale sin la tanga? (Dont answer, it was a rhetorical question you perv!)

Chale sin Tanga – major no describe mis pensamientos (alejate enemigo malo!)  



(        Y        )



You know that I know what I know!

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Sweetness wrote: JOKER_ESCO wrote:  I am sorry but U don't even know what u are talking about, life is not easy as it seens here in toronto otherwise why we are having more shootings?? 2 understand why this things happen before u judge ask some, who has live this life n then judge, is not easy 2 grow up now days, we are influence by many things, but specially if u are poor n your parents have 2 work hard just 2 feed u, the real problem here are the goverments only when something is really mess up then they pay attention 2 the problem mean wile they don't give a ****kkk, if u have had a good life n have good economic situation just thank god, not every1 lucky as u are... I'm sorry, but you need to learn how to read better, because I never said that they WERE formed out of pure boredom.  I said it SEEMS to ME that they are formed out of boredom.  I'm sorry but there are so many programs out there that are offered by the government that kids can be put into so that they have something to do.  Yes there have been more shootings, but many of these punks were over 18.  Sweetie if you think that I've had it good you are sadly mistaken, because I have had a rough life in my own way.  I'll tell you what a big part of it was.  I had an abusive, racist father who made my life hell everyday of my life until I was 13 when my mom kicked him out.  I could have taken the bad path.  I could have ran away, could have gotten pregnant at a young age, could have even joined a gang to get that feeling of acceptance and respect from them, something that I feel my father never showed me.  I never did any of those things.  All I did was deal with it then and there, and never used that as an excuse to turn to the gang life or anything else that was wrong or was going to get me into trouble.  Also my parents worked real hard to put food on the table for my sibblings and I, and they nearly died just to get to this f*cken country so that they could make a better life for us.  So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about buddy, because you don't even know me. You don't know what I've been through, or what my family has been through for that matter.  Just for the record I was not judging ANYONE! I was only stating my opinion, so why don't you use your brain and talk with your mouth instead of talking out of your ass.      LoL u are so sad girl LoL learn how 2 respect other opinions without insulting them. Stop doing this $hit, every time u post something n PPL don't agree with u, u come back with a freaking attitude, get some help girl cause I thing u need it. "  It seems to me that gangs here in Canada are formed out of pure boredom," << that was from your post, so WTF u call that?? I think is call judging.

i agree sometimes sweetness comes off a lil tooo jumpy like chilenita


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LGigolo wrote:

Chale Tanga wrote: LGigolo wrote: Let’s start the Toronto Chapter of LK’s – right here in El Foro.. Que dicen… Amor de Rey?                                   AMOR DEL REY!It can become the new Latino version of Scientology I thought you are a REINA, biatch!... LOL   (having fun reading Joker’s exchange of opinions with Sweetness! KEEP IT UP!!)


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LGigolo wrote:

  But I ALWAYS have only have had ONE “personality” – not multiple like some OTHERS!

So do I!
Ve! No te me enojes chavo.... LOL!

I only have the Chale Tanga one, you can go check for yourself... I deleted the Chale account.
Cuz honestly, whats Chale sin la tanga?

(Dont answer, it was a rhetorical question you perv!)



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Chale Tanga wrote:

LGigolo wrote: I thought you are a REINA, biatch!... LOL   (having fun reading Joker’s exchange of opinions with Sweetness! KEEP IT UP!!)   You said biatch Youre such a flaming flamer... lmao


But I ALWAYS have only have had ONE “personality” – not multiple like some OTHERS!

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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LGigolo wrote:

I thought you are a REINA, biatch!... LOL   (having fun reading Joker’s exchange of opinions with Sweetness! KEEP IT UP!!)

  You said biatch

Youre such a flaming flamer... lmao



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Chale Tanga wrote:

LGigolo wrote: Let’s start the Toronto Chapter of LK’s – right here in El Foro.. Que dicen… Amor de Rey?                                   AMOR DEL REY!It can become the new Latino version of Scientology

I thought you are a REINA, biatch!... LOL


(having fun reading Joker’s exchange of opinions with Sweetness! KEEP IT UP!!)

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Chale Tanga wrote:

LGigolo wrote: Let’s start the Toronto Chapter of LK’s – right here in El Foro.. Que dicen… Amor de Rey?                                   AMOR DEL REY!It can become the new Latino version of Scientology


................... amor de rey

I'm Also World Famous

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LGigolo wrote:

Let’s start the Toronto Chapter of LK’s – right here in El Foro.. Que dicen… Amor de Rey?                                  


It can become the new Latino version of Scientology



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Let’s start the Toronto Chapter of LK’s – right here in El Foro..

Que dicen… Amor de Rey?


















Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Sweetness wrote:

JOKER_ESCO wrote:  I am sorry but U don't even know what u are talking about, life is not easy as it seens here in toronto otherwise why we are having more shootings?? 2 understand why this things happen before u judge ask some, who has live this life n then judge, is not easy 2 grow up now days, we are influence by many things, but specially if u are poor n your parents have 2 work hard just 2 feed u, the real problem here are the goverments only when something is really mess up then they pay attention 2 the problem mean wile they don't give a ****kkk, if u have had a good life n have good economic situation just thank god, not every1 lucky as u are... I'm sorry, but you need to learn how to read better, because I never said that they WERE formed out of pure boredom.  I said it SEEMS to ME that they are formed out of boredom.  I'm sorry but there are so many programs out there that are offered by the government that kids can be put into so that they have something to do.  Yes there have been more shootings, but many of these punks were over 18.  Sweetie if you think that I've had it good you are sadly mistaken, because I have had a rough life in my own way.  I'll tell you what a big part of it was.  I had an abusive, racist father who made my life hell everyday of my life until I was 13 when my mom kicked him out.  I could have taken the bad path.  I could have ran away, could have gotten pregnant at a young age, could have even joined a gang to get that feeling of acceptance and respect from them, something that I feel my father never showed me.  I never did any of those things.  All I did was deal with it then and there, and never used that as an excuse to turn to the gang life or anything else that was wrong or was going to get me into trouble.  Also my parents worked real hard to put food on the table for my sibblings and I, and they nearly died just to get to this f*cken country so that they could make a better life for us.  So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about buddy, because you don't even know me. You don't know what I've been through, or what my family has been through for that matter.  Just for the record I was not judging ANYONE! I was only stating my opinion, so why don't you use your brain and talk with your mouth instead of talking out of your ass.   


LoL u are so sad girl LoL learn how 2 respect other opinions without insulting them. Stop doing this $hit, every time u post something n PPL don't agree with u, u come back with a freaking attitude, get some help girl cause I thing u need it.

"  It seems to me that gangs here in Canada are formed out of pure boredom," << that was from your post, so WTF u call that?? I think is call judging.

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 I am sorry but U don't even know what u are talking about, life is not easy as it seens here in toronto otherwise why we are having more shootings?? 2 understand why this things happen before u judge ask some, who has live this life n then judge, is not easy 2 grow up now days, we are influence by many things, but specially if u are poor n your parents have 2 work hard just 2 feed u, the real problem here are the goverments only when something is really mess up then they pay attention 2 the problem mean wile they don't give a ****kkk, if u have had a good life n have good economic situation just thank god, not every1 lucky as u are...

I'm sorry, but you need to learn how to read better, because I never said that they WERE formed out of pure boredom.  I said it SEEMS to ME that they are formed out of boredom.  I'm sorry but there are so many programs out there that are offered by the government that kids can be put into so that they have something to do.  Yes there have been more shootings, but many of these punks were over 18. 

Sweetie if you think that I've had it good you are sadly mistaken, because I have had a rough life in my own way.  I'll tell you what a big part of it was.  I had an abusive, racist father who made my life hell everyday of my life until I was 13 when my mom kicked him out.  I could have taken the bad path.  I could have ran away, could have gotten pregnant at a young age, could have even joined a gang to get that feeling of acceptance and respect from them, something that I feel my father never showed me.  I never did any of those things.  All I did was deal with it then and there, and never used that as an excuse to turn to the gang life or anything else that was wrong or was going to get me into trouble. 

Also my parents worked real hard to put food on the table for my sibblings and I, and they nearly died just to get to this f*cken country so that they could make a better life for us.  So don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about buddy, because you don't even know me. You don't know what I've been through, or what my family has been through for that matter.  Just for the record I was not judging ANYONE! I was only stating my opinion, so why don't you use your brain and talk with your mouth instead of talking out of your ass.   


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Sweetness wrote:

torontotrucho wrote:   I understand what you say; but still, it's just a waste of time.  I understand that sometimes young people have no other choice, usually in the States where many are living without papers. That could be a matter of survival, I understand that.  But I think that in Canada young people don't need to belong to gangs.  I also know one ex-gang member here.  He regrets having wasted his time and now is living a regular life. I agree with you 100%  It seems to me that gangs here in Canada are formed out of pure boredom, and also trying to impress friends.  That's why it's the parents job to raise their kids right, and instil a sense of responsibility, and tolerance in their children. My mom puts my younger brother in city sport teams like basketball, and football to keep him busy, and so that he's not running around getting into trouble.  Not that he would be, but sometimes friends can be a bad influence especially at his age.

I am sorry but U don't even know what u are talking about, life is not easy as it seens here in toronto otherwise why we are having more shootings?? 2 understand why this things happen before u judge ask some, who has live this life n then judge, is not easy 2 grow up now days, we are influence by many things, but specially if u are poor n your parents have 2 work hard just 2 feed u, the real problem here are the goverments only when something is really mess up then they pay attention 2 the problem mean wile they don't give a ****kkk, if u have had a good life n have good economic situation just thank god, not every1 lucky as u are...

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torontotrucho wrote:

  I understand what you say; but still, it's just a waste of time.  I understand that sometimes young people have no other choice, usually in the States where many are living without papers. That could be a matter of survival, I understand that.  But I think that in Canada young people don't need to belong to gangs.  I also know one ex-gang member here.  He regrets having wasted his time and now is living a regular life.

I agree with you 100%  It seems to me that gangs here in Canada are formed out of pure boredom, and also trying to impress friends.  That's why it's the parents job to raise their kids right, and instil a sense of responsibility, and tolerance in their children. My mom puts my younger brother in city sport teams like basketball, and football to keep him busy, and so that he's not running around getting into trouble.  Not that he would be, but sometimes friends can be a bad influence especially at his age.



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Sweetness wrote:

torontotrucho wrote: The only good thing to unite latinos is education; higher education if possible.  Gang staff is kind of retarded, it tends to take the easy path.  Real life is about work and more work, and skills, education,etc.   I hear what you're saying, but most of these kids come from broken homes, and that's why they turn to the gang life.  That's why they're loyal to their gangs.  I think it's sad.  I think you're right, but try explaining that to a gang member.

 I understand what you say; but still, it's just a waste of time.  I understand that sometimes young people have no other choice, usually in the States where many are living without papers. That could be a matter of survival, I understand that.

 But I think that in Canada young people don't need to belong to gangs. 

I also know one ex-gang member here.  He regrets having wasted his time and now is living a regular life.



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torontotrucho wrote:

The only good thing to unite latinos is education; higher education if possible.  Gang staff is kind of retarded, it tends to take the easy path.  Real life is about work and more work, and skills, education,etc.  

I hear what you're saying, but most of these kids come from broken homes, and that's why they turn to the gang life.  That's why they're loyal to their gangs.  I think it's sad.  I think you're right, but try explaining that to a gang member.



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The only good thing to unite latinos is education; higher education if possible.

 Gang staff is kind of retarded, it tends to take the easy path.  Real life is about work and more work, and skills, education,etc.



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El Don wrote:

im fatos locos forever ese

lol booooo to that whole chicano talk


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im fatos locos forever ese


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OMG, I actually watched this awhile back

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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They're just a gang... not as ruthless as MS-13 or Mara 18, but a gang nonetheless.

Two-bit punks... at least the ones in Spain are.


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Chale Tanga wrote:

NeNa wrote: Danny416 wrote: well apparently we have latin kings here in our city too... really ???   how do u know that... r u a member ????? Jes he is.  He's actually known amongst the Latin community as King Dan/King Pin/King RegatoniDanny's THEE big dawg!

lol ur jokes hun!!!!

na gangs for me...i just seen some graffiti the other day near my house that said LK thats all


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NeNa wrote:

Danny416 wrote: well apparently we have latin kings here in our city too... really ???   how do u know that... r u a member ?????

Jes he is.  He's actually known amongst the Latin community as King Dan/King Pin/King Regatoni

Danny's THEE big dawg!



Danny416 wrote:

well apparently we have latin kings here in our city too...

really ???


how do u know that... r u a member ?????


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well apparently we have latin kings here in our city too...



El Duro wrote:

they repeat this again, i saw this a while back and yea king tone is in jail for drug trafficking,but he say's he is innoceent and the cops planted all the drung in his car that is why he had the ankle braclet

 I saw part of this show.. didn't bother watching it....

the cops planted everything.. .yeahhh right..... 


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Chale Tanga wrote:

Danny416 wrote: Well my second cuzins  in Spain and in Queens NY "claim" to be LK members, they say the  same thing ..that their purpose is to to unite the latin community....but then again all 4 of them r little thugs still and mehhhhh lately they been up to no good mmmmmm my fav! I like them young and tough

lol they r jokers tho!!..they posted the same images on their migente sites ...dammm dammm dammmm..i gotta go there and fix them up


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Danny416 wrote:

Well my second cuzins  in Spain and in Queens NY "claim" to be LK members, they say the  same thing ..that their purpose is to to unite the latin community....but then again all 4 of them r little thugs still and mehhhhh lately they been up to no good

mmmmmm my fav! I like them young and tough

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