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torontotrucho wrote:

 Well, that's what they make you believe; truth is the British could no longer stay in India as they were becoming less powerfull.  They had to leave not only India but also several African countries,and other ex- colonies such as Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize ( These countries got their independence automatically, not like the latin american countries that had to figth for their independence).  Remember that also Israel and Irak and several other countries were under the rule of the British who could'nt compete with the U.S. and that was the end of their colonies.  So, no need to take arms is probably just an illusion.

Well I think your knowledge of the Indian independence movement is a lot different than mine. Admittedly the Empire (British)was waning since 1919 , but retaining India as a colony  was crucial strategically and economically -more so than the African or Caribbean colonies. But I'm not about to lecture on that when there are several perfectly good books that could do that for me. ( if you're one of those people who prefer to get their history from movies or TV , Gandhi is pretty good).


Non violent resistance and civil disobedience has proven very effective in the past despite the degree of repression (the American civil rights movement is a good example).


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I guess there's no point on trying to convince each other of anything. You have your own vision of the events, almost exclusively from outside of the country, and I have mine, almost exclusively from within. You say the responsibility is everyone's, including Chileans, and I agree with that, but I don't understand why are you excluding Americans from their responsibility, nor do I want to. I believe in my opinion as you believe in yours, and that's ok.

As "poor" as my analogy could have been according to you, in your reply you mentioned only those who "gave the orders" and those who "pushed the button", but you failed to mention those who "came up with the plan". Oddly enough, these people were the Americans, I don't know why you left them out. Maybe that way it was easier to prove your point?

Also you mentioned that lower ranked soldiers could have said no to the orders...well, if they were civilians... maybe, but it seems that you've neglected the fact that they are soldiers, and in case you weren't aware of it, soldiers are "trained" (i.e. brainwashed) for years to accept, and excecute orders coming from their superiors, strongly believing that they are absolutely the right thing to do. So no, I don't think them, or the ones who gave the orders (Chileans) are the true cause for the coup. They are also responsible, but they are not the cause.

That's my opinion.


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neruda wrote:

 "Actually there are many cases of solders that were killed in Chile for not following orders." Can you refer me to any documention of these eyewitness accounts.   "Richard Nixon and his goverment had direct involvement in the military coup in Chile". Someone gives you a gun a tells you to shoot someone you hate. Do you blame the person who gave you the gun and told you do so or are you responsible? (or both?)

1) Yes I can if you ever actually show your face I would be happy to give you any documentation you would should at some point go to the website full of eyewitness accounts that is on the Chilean Goverments's a special report that you have to should read it.

2) The U.S involvement is not as minimal as you are making it sound and you MUST know that.  There is also plenty of documentation on that......I am not saying they are the only ones to blame but I am saying that without thier help it would NOT have been are giving Pinochet and his band of merry men way too much credit....not that they don't have plenty of blood on their hands.

Question for have said (at least I think I have read it somewhere) that your family was somewhat involved in politics....ever ask them why they came to Canada instead of fighting in Chile.  It's easy for you to sit back and judge what people did....easy to say that they should have died fighting but I wonder if you would have had the courage to do it.




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latinsoulchild wrote:

conche su maaaaaaare po' me meto en esta


Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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El Duro wrote:

miguel wrote:
El Duro wrote: First of all facker I was born here and I didn't come on a boat like u.. and your a big men on a computer why dont u say it to me in my face okay, we get it, your penis is bigger than all of ours. now simmer down.

First of all your no one to tell me to simmer down...... i can speak my mind when ever i want if u have a problem with that then we can solve it

uh, ok.


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miguel wrote:

El Duro wrote: First of all facker I was born here and I didn't come on a boat like u.. and your a big men on a computer why dont u say it to me in my face okay, we get it, your penis is bigger than all of ours. now simmer down.


First of all your no one to tell me to simmer down...... i can speak my mind when ever i want if u have a problem with that then we can solve it

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El Duro wrote:

First of all facker I was born here and I didn't come on a boat like u.. and your a big men on a computer why dont u say it to me in my face

okay, we get it, your penis is bigger than all of ours. now simmer down.


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conche su maaaaaaare po' me meto en esta

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Neruda says:

Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms.

Well, that's what they make you believe; truth is the British could no longer stay in India as they were becoming less powerfull.  They had to leave not only India but also several African countries,and other ex- colonies such as Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize ( These countries got their independence automatically, not like the latin american countries that had to figth for their independence).

 Remember that also Israel and Irak and several other countries were under the rule of the British who could'nt compete with the U.S. and that was the end of their colonies.

 So, no need to take arms is probably just an illusion.


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neruda wrote:

El Duro wrote:   Yo r u chileno? because if u r u have a messed up way of being a chileno... we all know that the USA had they hand in all what has happen in the world....... The Great Simom Bolivar said" watch out for the eagle".. because hey know what the american were planing to do to the world Here we go. I haven't got time to deal with latino's who fell off the proverbial tree. I was born in Chile. My family has lived there for hundreds of years. I am more partial to truth than any sort of "messed-up" notion of nationalism or patriotism. I will not conform to generally accepted platitudes. "we all know that the USA had they hand in all what has happen in the world" Brillant! Did you come up with that one yourself or was it concluded through years of research.   "The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary measures."


First of all facker I was born here and I didn't come on a boat like u.. and your a big men on a computer why dont u say it to me in my face

I'm Also World Famous


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El Duro wrote:

  Yo r u chileno? because if u r u have a messed up way of being a chileno... we all know that the USA had they hand in all what has happen in the world....... The Great Simom Bolivar said" watch out for the eagle".. because hey know what the american were planing to do to the world

Here we go. I haven't got time to deal with latino's who fell off the proverbial tree.

I was born in Chile. My family has lived there for hundreds of years.

I am more partial to truth than any sort of "messed-up" notion of nationalism or patriotism. I will not conform to generally accepted platitudes.

"we all know that the USA had they hand in all what has happen in the world"

Brillant! Did you come up with that one yourself or was it concluded through years of research.


"The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary measures."


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I just finished watching this whole video....

Like LSC....most of what is in it.....I already knew from other similar documentaries....

Like they say in most cases like 9/11

"....follow the money trail...and you'll get your answers.."

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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neruda wrote:

Chilenita wrote:  Actually there are many cases of solders that were killed in Chile for not following orders.  Not that I don't blame them but there were many eye witness accounts of them being shot on the spot for not following orders. There were higher ups that were Chilean no doubt about that but there is also proof of the CIA's involvement in the coup.    I am not putting full blame on them but they had a lot to do with it. "Actually there are many cases of solders that were killed in Chile for not following orders." Can you refer me to any documention of these eyewitness accounts.   "Richard Nixon and his goverment had direct involvement in the military coup in Chile". Someone gives you a gun a tells you to shoot someone you hate. Do you blame the person who gave you the gun and told you do so or are you responsible? (or both?)


Yo r u chileno? because if u are u have a messed up way of showing aprciation for your country... we all know that the USA had they hand in all what has happen in the world....... The Great Simom Bolivar said" watch out for the eagle".. because hey know what the american were planing to do to the world

-- Edited by El Duro at 17:46, 2006-02-15

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Chilenita wrote:

 Actually there are many cases of solders that were killed in Chile for not following orders.  Not that I don't blame them but there were many eye witness accounts of them being shot on the spot for not following orders. There were higher ups that were Chilean no doubt about that but there is also proof of the CIA's involvement in the coup.    I am not putting full blame on them but they had a lot to do with it.

"Actually there are many cases of solders that were killed in Chile for not following orders."

Can you refer me to any documention of these eyewitness accounts.


"Richard Nixon and his goverment had direct involvement in the military coup in Chile".

Someone gives you a gun a tells you to shoot someone you hate. Do you blame the person who gave you the gun and told you do so or are you responsible? (or both?)


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This thread makes me wanna educate myself on the events of what happened in Chile. Much to learn....

As for the "Loose Change" video, I just finished seeing it in its entirety and the only hard facts I saw were ones that I already knew of. Everything else is based on people's accounts and opinion. Nothing really hard there. I know Sept 11 was set-up and the US government had something to do with it. The day they catch Osama and prove in a court of law that he had something to do with it, then my opinion on those events will change. But it is an interesting video somewhat...

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neruda wrote:

Daeveed wrote:      I can compare your argument with what happened when they dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. There was the guy who came up with the plan, the guy who gave the order, and the guy who pushed the button. Who's responsible for the killings?   you have to remember that the ones who did the "dirty job", although they were Chileans, they were nothing but low to mid rank soldiers, who were acting under the orders given to them by their superiors. Under the strict military code, they are not responsible of anything, they were just cheap tools to achieve a greater objective. -- Edited by Daeveed at 16:59, 2006-02-15 A very poor analogy! It appears you believe that hidden somewhere in the moneda, there was a secret room full of CIA agents running the country. Some sort of "star chamber" . The orders to disregard habeas corpus were made by Chileans. The orders to defy Geneva conventions on torture were made by Chileans.  I believe the higher ups (also all Chileans) should shoulder the responsibility (as it seems you are alluding to). But I also don't completely absolve those soldiers who followed the orders. The Chilean regime did not show any indication that it would execute any solders that disobeyed orders (as in the case of Nazi Germany). The soldiers careers may have been ruined but I think that's nothing compared to the torturing or killing of another human being. Being people of conscience they should have risked their careers. Regarding your analogy of the bombing of Hiroshima (which I believe was a war crime) all of those people were responsible - but the degree of responsibility increases with the chain of command. 

Actually there are many cases of solders that were killed in Chile for not following orders.  Not that I don't blame them but there were many eye witness accounts of them being shot on the spot for not following orders.

There were higher ups that were Chilean no doubt about that but there is also proof of the CIA's involvement in the coup.  Richard Nixon and his goverment had direct involvement in the military coup in Chile.  I am not putting full blame on them but they had a lot to do with it.



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Daeveed wrote:

     I can compare your argument with what happened when they dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. There was the guy who came up with the plan, the guy who gave the order, and the guy who pushed the button. Who's responsible for the killings?   you have to remember that the ones who did the "dirty job", although they were Chileans, they were nothing but low to mid rank soldiers, who were acting under the orders given to them by their superiors. Under the strict military code, they are not responsible of anything, they were just cheap tools to achieve a greater objective. -- Edited by Daeveed at 16:59, 2006-02-15

A very poor analogy!

It appears you believe that hidden somewhere in the moneda, there was a secret room full of CIA agents running the country. Some sort of "star chamber" . The orders to disregard habeas corpus were made by Chileans. The orders to defy Geneva conventions on torture were made by Chileans. 

I believe the higher ups (also all Chileans) should shoulder the responsibility (as it seems you are alluding to). But I also don't completely absolve those soldiers who followed the orders. The Chilean regime did not show any indication that it would execute any solders that disobeyed orders (as in the case of Nazi Germany). The soldiers careers may have been ruined but I think that's nothing compared to the torturing or killing of another human being. Being people of conscience they should have risked their careers.

Regarding your analogy of the bombing of Hiroshima (which I believe was a war crime) all of those people were responsible - but the degree of responsibility increases with the chain of command. 



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miguel wrote:

Chilenita wrote: neruda wrote: Chilenita wrote: What do you think Chileans should have done Neruda?  What would your suggestion be??? Should the Chileans that supported Allende started a civil war? Oh pobre chilenos. Are we so helpless? Incapable of pusing justice ourselves? I think a lot can be learned from Gandhi. Pinochet was only able to rule because we let him rule. We accepted his rule. Chileans so the lower classes as a threat. Chileans were all to willing to let soldiers march into the slums and round up the supposed trouble makers. Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms.   Again it was not just Chileans living in the "slums" as you put it!  Most of the Chilean doctors I know here were doctors there......... Neruda, there are many that say (including Gladys Marin) that perhaps left wing Chileans should have been more prepared for what happened.  They say that they should have united and fought against the military.  Would that have's hard to say for sure but I doubt it.  There are many who fought....most of them died trying.  Fighting against the military was certain death.  My father spent years as a political prisoner in Chile.....lost years of his life but when he got the opportunity to escape he did.....he regrets not having stayed in Chile to this day....he always says if it wasn't for my brother he would have died fighting.  I guess what I am trying to say's easy to say they should have done more but it really wasn't possible....they weren't united enough to fight the military.  You should ask yourself what YOU would have done. i think he kindof answered you already "Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms."

yeah yeah I read that after I wrote that long ASS response!!!

Oh and shouldn't you be in line for Aventura tickets?



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Chilenita wrote:

neruda wrote:
Chilenita wrote: What do you think Chileans should have done Neruda?  What would your suggestion be??? Should the Chileans that supported Allende started a civil war? Oh pobre chilenos. Are we so helpless? Incapable of pusing justice ourselves? I think a lot can be learned from Gandhi. Pinochet was only able to rule because we let him rule. We accepted his rule. Chileans so the lower classes as a threat. Chileans were all to willing to let soldiers march into the slums and round up the supposed trouble makers. Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms.  

Again it was not just Chileans living in the "slums" as you put it!  Most of the Chilean doctors I know here were doctors there.........
Neruda, there are many that say (including Gladys Marin) that perhaps left wing Chileans should have been more prepared for what happened.  They say that they should have united and fought against the military.  Would that have's hard to say for sure but I doubt it.  There are many who fought....most of them died trying.  Fighting against the military was certain death.  My father spent years as a political prisoner in Chile.....lost years of his life but when he got the opportunity to escape he did.....he regrets not having stayed in Chile to this day....he always says if it wasn't for my brother he would have died fighting.  I guess what I am trying to say's easy to say they should have done more but it really wasn't possible....they weren't united enough to fight the military.  You should ask yourself what YOU would have done.

i think he kindof answered you already

"Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms."



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neruda wrote:

Chilenita wrote: What do you think Chileans should have done Neruda?  What would your suggestion be??? Should the Chileans that supported Allende started a civil war? Oh pobre chilenos. Are we so helpless? Incapable of pusing justice ourselves? I think a lot can be learned from Gandhi. Pinochet was only able to rule because we let him rule. We accepted his rule. Chileans so the lower classes as a threat. Chileans were all to willing to let soldiers march into the slums and round up the supposed trouble makers. Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms.  

Again it was not just Chileans living in the "slums" as you put it!  Most of the Chilean doctors I know here were doctors there.........

Neruda, there are many that say (including Gladys Marin) that perhaps left wing Chileans should have been more prepared for what happened.  They say that they should have united and fought against the military.  Would that have's hard to say for sure but I doubt it.  There are many who fought....most of them died trying.  Fighting against the military was certain death.  My father spent years as a political prisoner in Chile.....lost years of his life but when he got the opportunity to escape he did.....he regrets not having stayed in Chile to this day....he always says if it wasn't for my brother he would have died fighting.  I guess what I am trying to say's easy to say they should have done more but it really wasn't possible....they weren't united enough to fight the military.  You should ask yourself what YOU would have done.



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Daeveed wrote:

miguel wrote:
chomksy should have stuck to linguistics

Fortunately he didn't
Do you think he's not objective enough?

i am exaggerating.. he's made great contributions to the world.... but the man needs to learn when to _not_ give commentary also :)

back to this documentary... my opinion is that it's good to watch but it can be slotted in the "reverse propaganda" category along with fahrenheit 9/11



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Daeveed wrote:

I have to go home....right when this was getting interesting....I'll try to sign in from home for a bit.

hopefully Neruda will sign on tomorrow.......boooooooooo I gotta run too



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Chilenita wrote:

What do you think Chileans should have done Neruda?  What would your suggestion be??? Should the Chileans that supported Allende started a civil war?

Oh pobre chilenos. Are we so helpless? Incapable of pusing justice ourselves?

I think a lot can be learned from Gandhi.

Pinochet was only able to rule because we let him rule. We accepted his rule. Chileans saw the lower classes as a threat. Chileans were all to willing to let soldiers march into the slums and round up the supposed trouble makers.

Passive disobedience and later civil disobedience, under the leadership of Gandhi, stopped the British rule of India. No need to take up arms.


-- Edited by neruda at 17:04, 2006-02-15


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I have to go home....right when this was getting interesting....I'll try to sign in from home for a bit.

I went to a beautiful place, and back.


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neruda wrote:

It was Chileans who arrested other Chileans. It was Chileans who tortured other Chileans. It was Chileans who took other Chileans in the middle of the night and set them on fire. Chileans refused to believe such atrocities were going on in their country. Or they justified it by believing there was a greater need for security. Chileans did it to themselves Kissinger and his policies have done much to cause instability in foreign countries but they didn't do the killing. Most of the Chileans killed tortured or exiled were from the lower classes. The reasons for the atrocities are rooted in a classism and racism endemic in Chilean society.   

Oh okay so you are talking about the right wing Chileans....actually you are talking about the Chilean military!  Yes it was the CHILEAN military that did this but none of it would have been possible without the help of the American Goverment.  Pinochet is an ASS who can't even put together a sentence....he did not do or plan this on his own.  As for the Chileans killed and tortured while there were many lower class that suffered there were also many many many very well educated upper class Allende supporters that were tortured and sent into exile as well.



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Daeveed wrote:

neruda wrote: It was Chileans who arrested other Chileans. It was Chileans who tortured other Chileans. It was Chileans who took other Chileans in the middle of the night and set them on fire. Chileans refused to believe such atrocities were going on in their country. Or they justified it by believing there was a greater need for security. Chileans did it to themselves Kissinger and his policies have done much to cause instability in foreign countries but they didn't do the killing. Most of the Chileans killed tortured or exiled were from the lower classes. The reasons for the atrocities are rooted in a classism and racism endemic in Chilean society.      I can compare your argument with what happened when they dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. There was the guy who came up with the plan, the guy who gave the order, and the guy who pushed the button. Who's responsible for the killings?



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neruda wrote:

It was Chileans who arrested other Chileans. It was Chileans who tortured other Chileans. It was Chileans who took other Chileans in the middle of the night and set them on fire. Chileans refused to believe such atrocities were going on in their country. Or they justified it by believing there was a greater need for security. Chileans did it to themselves Kissinger and his policies have done much to cause instability in foreign countries but they didn't do the killing. Most of the Chileans killed tortured or exiled were from the lower classes. The reasons for the atrocities are rooted in a classism and racism endemic in Chilean society.   


I can compare your argument with what happened when they dropped the bomb in Hiroshima. There was the guy who came up with the plan, the guy who gave the order, and the guy who pushed the button.

Who's responsible for the killings?


you have to remember that the ones who did the "dirty job", although they were Chileans, they were nothing but low to mid rank soldiers, who were acting under the orders given to them by their superiors. Under the strict military code, they are not responsible of anything, they were just cheap tools to achieve a greater objective. 

-- Edited by Daeveed at 16:59, 2006-02-15

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miguel wrote:

who's she??? and what did she say?? the fox news reporter is basically saying stuff like: yeah that wasn't a commercial plane.. there's no way... etc etc

I was just joking man ("what he said, what she said..."), but thanks for the answer. 

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It was Chileans who arrested other Chileans. It was Chileans who tortured other Chileans. It was Chileans who took other Chileans in the middle of the night and set them on fire. Chileans refused to believe such atrocities were going on in their country. Or they justified it by believing there was a greater need for security. Chileans did it to themselves

Kissinger and his policies have done much to cause instability in foreign countries but they didn't do the killing.

Most of the Chileans killed tortured or exiled were from the lower classes. The reasons for the atrocities are rooted in a classism and racism endemic in Chilean society. 



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miguel wrote:

chomksy should have stuck to linguistics

Fortunately he didn't

Do you think he's not objective enough?


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Daeveed wrote:

miguel wrote:
there's a saying that goes something like this: there's three sides to every truth.. what he said, what she said... and what really happenned. on one extreme, you have the US government and their propaganda machine on the other extreme, you have michael moore, dylan avery (the guy who made Loose Change) and their own propaganda machines.. the truth does not lie on either side. that video is full of clever editing and stuff that is lifted out of context... or information that is quite basically.. bull like the guy at the beginning that gets interviewed saying that the plane that hit world trade center two did not look like a commercial plane meanwhile the guy is a reporter for Fox News (basically a right wing propaganda machine) and it was confirmed that he was at a subway stop in brooklyn... (edited out) ... unreliable witnesses get put in as "fact" you gotta take this stuff with a grain of salt... both sides have their own agendas.

OK, but I have one question....who's she??? and what did she say??

the fox news reporter is basically saying stuff like: yeah that wasn't a commercial plane.. there's no way... etc etc


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miguel wrote:

there's a saying that goes something like this: there's three sides to every truth.. what he said, what she said... and what really happenned. on one extreme, you have the US government and their propaganda machine on the other extreme, you have michael moore, dylan avery (the guy who made Loose Change) and their own propaganda machines.. the truth does not lie on either side. that video is full of clever editing and stuff that is lifted out of context... or information that is quite basically.. bull like the guy at the beginning that gets interviewed saying that the plane that hit world trade center two did not look like a commercial plane meanwhile the guy is a reporter for Fox News (basically a right wing propaganda machine) and it was confirmed that he was at a subway stop in brooklyn... (edited out) ... unreliable witnesses get put in as "fact" you gotta take this stuff with a grain of salt... both sides have their own agendas.


OK, but I have one question....who's she??? and what did she say??

I went to a beautiful place, and back.

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Daeveed wrote:

OK, your first statement is, I think, misleading. The statement "I hold Chileans more responsible" implies (or does not negate) that you are talking about all Chileans. There is no doubt that some Chileans played a huge role in this, as well as some Americans.
I still hold more responsible people like Kissinger than any Chilean involved. Chomsky described the Chilean military coup as a typical book example of how the American government uses well proven methods to create unstability in a developing nation, which was posed as a major threat for global democracy at the time. 

chomksy should have stuck to linguistics


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there's a saying that goes something like this:

there's three sides to every truth.. what he said, what she said... and what really happenned.

on one extreme, you have the US government and their propaganda machine

on the other extreme, you have michael moore, dylan avery (the guy who made Loose Change) and their own propaganda machines..

the truth does not lie on either side.

that video is full of clever editing and stuff that is lifted out of context... or information that is quite basically.. bull

like the guy at the beginning that gets interviewed saying that the plane that hit world trade center two did not look like a commercial plane

meanwhile the guy is a reporter for Fox News (basically a right wing propaganda machine) and it was confirmed that he was at a subway stop in brooklyn... (edited out) ... unreliable witnesses get put in as "fact"

you gotta take this stuff with a grain of salt... both sides have their own agendas.



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neruda wrote:

@Chilenita "The only 911 I worry about is 9/11/73...the day thousands of Chileans lost their lives and dissapeared thanks to the American goverment." I hold chileans more responsible.

What do you think Chileans should have done Neruda?  What would your suggestion be??? Should the Chileans that supported Allende started a civil war?



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OK, your first statement is, I think, misleading. The statement "I hold Chileans more responsible" implies (or does not negate) that you are talking about all Chileans. There is no doubt that some Chileans played a huge role in this, as well as some Americans.

I still hold more responsible people like Kissinger than any Chilean involved. Chomsky described the Chilean military coup as a typical book example of how the American government uses well proven methods to create unstability in a developing nation, which was posed as a major threat for global democracy at the time. 


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God wrote:

DJ PRIETO wrote: Daeveed wrote: so what really happened? Daaveed watch it and trust me you'll see and feel different (no joke)  When ever u have time i suggest you watch the whole thing. and let us know what u think... Do I need a tinfoil hat to watch it ?


Only you Vato............

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DJ PRIETO wrote:

Daeveed wrote:
so what really happened?

Daaveed watch it and trust me you'll see and feel different (no joke) 
When ever u have time i suggest you watch the whole thing.
and let us know what u think...

Do I need a tinfoil hat to watch it ?

What Do I Know....?????


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See the thread titled: "Tomorrow I will raise my empanada in a toast to the arrest of Pinochet"


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I think because Chile goverment was told by the USA what do do......... but pinochet was a crooked bastard

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neruda wrote:

@Chilenita "The only 911 I worry about is 9/11/73...the day thousands of Chileans lost their lives and dissapeared thanks to the American goverment." I hold chileans more responsible.


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"The only 911 I worry about is 9/11/73...the day thousands of Chileans lost their lives and dissapeared thanks to the American goverment."

I hold chileans more responsible.


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El Duro wrote:

Daeveed wrote: Whes somebody other than Prieto watches it, please post the main plot here. Thanks.   I was watching it for a little bit......... but it's an hour long and i dont want to miss a hour of my life to watch american bull****......we as smart people know that the americans are a$$holes and they try to cover up everything...........bastards

I was watching it 2 but is 2 long and I don't want 2 get in trouble here @ work LoL

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Daeveed wrote:

Whes somebody other than Prieto watches it, please post the main plot here. Thanks.


I was watching it for a little bit......... but it's an hour long and i dont want to miss a hour of my life to watch american bull****......we as smart people know that the americans are a$$holes and they try to cover up everything...........bastards

I'm Also World Famous

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neruda wrote:

Lahtina wrote: neruda wrote: JOKER_ESCO wrote: I feel sorry 4 the innocent people who die sept. 11 but is about time the they feel exactly what they have been doing 4 years 2 other PPL in the world. I am not anti American I am just anti U.S. Policies...... I think this is a twisted sense of justice. He didn't say he was for it.

Well, Mr. You'reeitherwithusoragainstus, it's not like he planned it.


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Whes somebody other than Prieto watches it, please post the main plot here.


I went to a beautiful place, and back.



I feel sorry 4 the innocent people who die sept. 11 but is about time the they feel exactly what they have been doing 4 years 2 other PPL in the world. I am not anti American I am just anti U.S. Policies......

same here... I still can't believe people would do such things



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Lahtina wrote:

neruda wrote: JOKER_ESCO wrote: I feel sorry 4 the innocent people who die sept. 11 but is about time the they feel exactly what they have been doing 4 years 2 other PPL in the world. I am not anti American I am just anti U.S. Policies...... I think this is a twisted sense of justice. He didn't say he was for it.


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neruda wrote:

JOKER_ESCO wrote: I feel sorry 4 the innocent people who die sept. 11 but is about time the they feel exactly what they have been doing 4 years 2 other PPL in the world. I am not anti American I am just anti U.S. Policies...... I think this is a twisted sense of justice.

He didn't say he was for it.



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I feel sorry 4 the innocent people who die sept. 11 but is about time the they feel exactly what they have been doing 4 years 2 other PPL in the world. I am not anti American I am just anti U.S. Policies......

I think this is a twisted sense of justice.

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