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I need to ask Marky Mark about this...

you know....

"...the guy with the slanted eyes!"


"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."


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Salsera de Corazon wrote:

It could only make sense that you be born in the year of the  “RABBIT”! LOL

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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RABBIT (1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915)

Rabbits and Dogs are connecting. This will allow you to be dominant romantically. There are lots of lucky signs. You will study well, be ready for promotions and have many new opportunities. Feel free to travel or expand your outlook. Your work is greatly helped by your friends. There are many new connections and sources for business. You will be a very good advisor to other people. You will do well, too, in the public service sector. There are many ways to make money. However, you need to spend money, too, especially to reward your friends and contacts. There will also be plenty of romances. If you are still single, consider marriage. If you are married, beware of extra-marital affairs. Overall, you are healthy. But you may be hit by some sudden illnesses. Keep up your exercises.


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  •  Hang the Chinese character "Fu"-which means "prosperity" or "happiness" -upsidedown in your house.

  • Wear red clothing. Red scares away bad luck.

  • Sweep dust from the house out the back door.

  • Avoid ghost stories, references to death, and the number four - they'll bring you bad luck the rest of the year.  

Good to know if you believe in that sort of stuff.



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$25.00 in red envelopes this "doggy" year....

Not bad for a westerner celebrating Chinese new years...

Thank u chinitas.....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

Foro Master

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Do u gamble?

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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__________________ "......My Web Page................. "


DOG (1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922, 1910)

This is your year. Take better care of your health. Rest and exercise well. Drive carefully. However, there is a lucky sign that will help you through most troubles. At work, you get on well with your superior and elderly people. You do well with design or artwork. Do not change jobs or start a new business. As for wealth, the better known you are, the more money you can make. Do not gamble or speculate. Your romantic relationships may be somewhat volatile. Beware of a third party coming between you and your loved one. Regarding health, you tend to tire easily. Watch out for problems involving your liver and gallbladder.

Yeahhhh is my year..... hopefully everything goes as planned...


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Posts: 7612

rick wrote:

what the f*** I m  a RAT !!

So not a good year for you ... umm, I don't like rats but you seem cool

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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what the f*** I m  a RAT !!


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SNAKE (1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917)

There are some very dominant money stars with you this year. Luck and relationships are promising. Your power will increase. Promotion and expansion are there, although you will have to jump some hurdles in most cases. If you work for other people, you will be promoted. If you are in a position of authority, you could make very good decisions. Most of your endeavours will run smoothly, especially those involving entertainment. There will be many sources of income. The cost will be hard work and keeping very busy. As for romance, if you are haven't married, consider doing so. If you are already married, don't get involved in extra-marital relations. Beware of overwork. Stay in shape by resting and exercising well

I'm Also World Famous

Foro Master

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Posts: 7612

This is mine

RABBIT (1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915)

Rabbits and Dogs are connecting. This will allow you to be dominant romantically. There are lots of lucky signs. You will study well, be ready for promotions and have many new opportunities. Feel free to travel or expand your outlook. Your work is greatly helped by your friends. There are many new connections and sources for business. You will be a very good advisor to other people. You will do well, too, in the public service sector. There are many ways to make money. However, you need to spend money, too, especially to reward your friends and contacts. There will also be plenty of romances. If you are still single, consider marriage. If you are married, beware of extra-marital affairs. Overall, you are healthy. But you may be hit by some sudden illnesses. Keep up your exercises.

*** Ummm, connecting LOL!!! I would LOVE a promotion, and to TRAVEL I wish .... Awww, well thankz in advance to my friendz YOU'RE ALL THE BEST!! .... Umm, my purpose is to save money y aqui me dice to spend y not on myself but on my friends LMAO!!! ... Plenty of romances :weirface: adonde ... MARRIAGE?????????? noooo si estoy vacunada contra el matrimonio jijijiji ... Well, it seems like a good year si el Jefito del Cielo lo quiere haci ... ***

-- Edited by DulceGalletita at 14:13, 2006-01-29

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

Foro Master

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Posts: 7612


Look under your sign for what this Year of Fire Dog has in store. If you are a Rat, take heart, but if you're a Sheep, keep your head down.

DOG (1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922, 1910)

This is your year. Take better care of your health. Rest and exercise well. Drive carefully. However, there is a lucky sign that will help you through most troubles. At work, you get on well with your superior and elderly people. You do well with design or artwork. Do not change jobs or start a new business. As for wealth, the better known you are, the more money you can make. Do not gamble or speculate. Your romantic relationships may be somewhat volatile. Beware of a third party coming between you and your loved one. Regarding health, you tend to tire easily. Watch out for problems involving your liver and gallbladder.

BOAR (1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, 1911)

This is a lucky year for you, especially if you are male and if you are a lawyer, actor, singer, geomancer or communicator or are in public relations. You get along well with people but, deep down, you are lonely. This is a good year for you to talk. Be careful: your wealth may attract controversies or legal conflicts. At work, you have authority, especially when you are in the business of talking or giving speeches. Your charity work will bring you good luck. Male Boar people will do better than their female counterparts when it comes to wealth. The more service-oriented you are, the better you will do. As for romance, you feel lonely a lot of the time. Avoid a misunderstanding with your loved one. Female Boar people should be on guard against deceit. Regarding health, you may get sick easily, such as colds and flu. Rest and exercise will help.

RAT (1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912)

There is a lucky star shining on you. Still, you are prone to bleeding or you may have to undergo surgeries. Avoid them if you can. You have plenty of parties to attend, yet you feel lonely. Stay away from burial places. Some elderly family members have health problems. At work, your lucky sign is unmistakable. If you work for other people, promotions are likely. If you still go to school, you are clever enough to do well. If you work for yourself, enjoy your social events, which may bring many opportunities. You will make money from many referrals. You will do even better if you travel more. In terms of relationships, you are likely to stir controversies. Try to listen more, rather than talk. As for health, take precautions against accidents. Pay attention to your kidneys and bladder. Do some Tai Chi.

OX (1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925, 1913)

Your business is fine, especially if you have power, but your income is weaker than your business - and so are your relationships. You favour decision-making, management and helping others. Female Ox people will do better than their male counterparts. Jealous colleagues could be a problem for either sex. This is a promotion year if you work for other people and an expansion year if you work for yourself. This is a good year to write exams or start something new. Your income will be good, especially if you are in the entertainment sector or your work involves consumer items for women. As for romance, there are lots of arguments, controversies and gossip. You may feel lonely. Health can be a problem. You are accident-prone. Take particular care of your heart and lungs.

TIGER (1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926, 1914)

This is a good year for you to make major decisions, as you will be sharp. Both your logical and intuitive minds are powerful. Although you are lucky, you may not be able to avoid people who are jealous of you. There will be gossip and controversies. You are in a very powerful position at work. You will do particularly well if you are a builder, accountant or public servant. But your money sign is only so-so. Stay away from gambling or speculating. You will have plenty of romances and good relationships with people in general. Like Ox, you are accident-prone. Handle sharp objects carefully and drive responsibly.

RABBIT (1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915)

Rabbits and Dogs are connecting. This will allow you to be dominant romantically. There are lots of lucky signs. You will study well, be ready for promotions and have many new opportunities. Feel free to travel or expand your outlook. Your work is greatly helped by your friends. There are many new connections and sources for business. You will be a very good advisor to other people. You will do well, too, in the public service sector. There are many ways to make money. However, you need to spend money, too, especially to reward your friends and contacts. There will also be plenty of romances. If you are still single, consider marriage. If you are married, beware of extra-marital affairs. Overall, you are healthy. But you may be hit by some sudden illnesses. Keep up your exercises.

DRAGON (1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928, 1916)

Dragon and Dog are opposite. Do not expect anything to be quiet and smooth. Stay away from gambling and speculating. Beware of lawsuits. Money seems to come and go easily. Frequent travelling should be good for you. Both Rat and Horse people should be of help to you. Regarding work, the more mobile you are, the better your business. Trading, buying and selling should be good for you. Do not expand your business. Be conservative and continue to do whatever you do best. Money could come - and go - easily. You can fulfill the prophecy by giving to a good charity or refurnishing your home. Do not gamble. Your relationships could become very unstable, especially if you are female. Take it easy and rein in your expectations. Regarding health, there is a bleeding sign, so have a checkup at the beginning of the year. Drive carefully. Control your weight and take care of your kidneys.

SNAKE (1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917)

There are some very dominant money stars with you this year. Luck and relationships are promising. Your power will increase. Promotion and expansion are there, although you will have to jump some hurdles in most cases. If you work for other people, you will be promoted. If you are in a position of authority, you could make very good decisions. Most of your endeavours will run smoothly, especially those involving entertainment. There will be many sources of income. The cost will be hard work and keeping very busy. As for romance, if you are haven't married, consider doing so. If you are already married, don't get involved in extra-marital relations. Beware of overwork. Stay in shape by resting and exercising well.

HORSE (1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918)

Money and power will be much improved this year. Your helpers will bring a lot of luck. There is a bleeding sign - take your time when dealing with sharp or dangerous objects. Be humble, so as to minimize jealousy. This is a very promising year no matter what your work or status. There will be promotions for the working class, many new opportunities for the self-employed and an easy ride for students. There will be many opportunities to make money, especially if you are in the financial sector. Consider marriage if you are still single. If you are married, you should enjoy each other more than before. Regarding health, take it easy when driving.

SHEEP (1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931, 1919)

There will be lots of arguments and accidents. Keep a low profile at work. Try to listen to other people's ideas. Don't argue with your boss. Live with uncertainties this year. You may feel lonely at times. In business, you favour entertainment and the arts. But don't start a new enterprise this year. Your regular income will not be a problem. Your speculative income will be very weak. You earn your share by hard work. There will not be too many romances. Learn something spiritual. As for health, you will be prone to accidents, even small ones. Take your time when handling anything. Modify your way of living.

MONKEY (1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920)

You have been granted a very dominant "learning star." Your studies will be good. Your analytical skills will greatly improve. There is a strong moving and travelling sign. You could start a new job or a new business. You will favour mobile work. If you work for others, you will go through many changes. If you are self-employed, you will travel a lot and make inroads into many new areas. Your wealth will improve if you travel far distances. However, money seems to come and go, so don't risk too much. Romance will be sparse, as you tend to move around a lot. Never lose sight of your loved one. Be careful about what you eat, as you may get food poisoning. Avoid your bleeding sign by driving carefully and staying away from dangerous, sharp objects.

ROOSTER (1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933, 1921)

You may encounter a few jealous people who gossip and are argumentative. Simply ignore them and focus on your work, which will be quite hectic. You have many responsibilities, which may weaken your health. Luckily, you also have people willing to help you. Business diversification should be good for you. Multi-tasking and multiple businesses are in the cards. Your workload is heavy. You favour financial, real estate and entertainment businesses. You tend to spend some money before you can make it. Your income will depend on the help of your friends. Your relationships are not very strong this year. You may even feel lonely. You tend to argue too much with your loved one. There is a sickness sign in you this year. Rest well and exercise more.

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*
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