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Post Info TOPIC: Extreme Poverty

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RE: Extreme Poverty

que tristeza...

"There's an evil monkey in my closet"-Criss Griffin

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McOSIRIS wrote:

can Daeveed share the wealth with the less McFortunates????

Daeveed will.

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Daeveed wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote: Daeveed wrote: The problem of the countries in need are the countries that are not in need.   THAT SHOULD BE LIKE A NATIONAL QUOTE......NO JOKE! LIKE A SLOGAN.....A JINGLE EVEN FOR THOSE ETHIOPIA COMMERCIALS.... LOOK INTO.....YOU CAN MAKE $$$ OFF OF IT AND HELP THE POOR Screw the poor, Daeveed's blowing it on drugs!!!


can Daeveed share the wealth with the less McFortunates????

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LaDyBuG wrote:

Daeveed wrote: The problem of the countries in need are the countries that are not in need.   THAT SHOULD BE LIKE A NATIONAL QUOTE......NO JOKE! LIKE A SLOGAN.....A JINGLE EVEN FOR THOSE ETHIOPIA COMMERCIALS.... LOOK INTO.....YOU CAN MAKE $$$ OFF OF IT AND HELP THE POOR

Screw the poor, Daeveed's blowing it on drugs!!!

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Daeveed wrote:

The problem of the countries in need are the countries that are not in need.





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Interesting post, Lahtina. I think poverty, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, or the "be-haver" in this case. Like I said in my previous post, we were "poor" by developed countries standards when I was growing up. For a few years we didn't have a TV, but we had a guitar and books, and we went outside to play every single day of our lives. We had food, shelter and our health, so I can tell you with absolute certainty that we may have considered ourselves poor in the materialistic sense, but our lives were plenty fulfilled. Maybe my siblings and I didn't see, and resented it, back then, but in retrospect, I realize that we had a happier and healthier childhood than most north american kids.

I guess the closest model to the utopic society that you just described above would be Cuba, where they have everything, in terms of basic necessities, education, health, etc. The problem is the visual influence of the consumerist society. This I also lived when we went through the Sandinista years in Nicaragua, and we watched television and we wanted to have everything we saw there. People, by nature, always want what they don't have. If you have curly hair, you want straight hair kinda thing.

I think the way to end poverty is to allow and enlighten people on what it means to be either poor or rich, and that it's all relative. A high porcentage of the population is poor by north american standards, but are they really poor? And who's poorer, us in our golden prisons or them in their stuff-less happiness? And how do we get rid of poverty? We give them money? No. I'm with the conservatives in this. People who are used to extending their hands to receive and get and get, will never learn to fend for themselves. It's education. It's realization of realistic goals within people's situations, not wanting to have three tv's when there's no electricity and running water in your house, and it's teaching people to get out of the hole on their own. That's how poverty will end. Oh, and exploitation. If that ends, poverty will end. Easy, huh?

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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I'm feeling a bit fatalistic this morning (eerrrrr, afternoon for the rest of you). So here are some thoughts on poverty I discussed with a friend.

Poverty is no food, no shelter, and hardly any clothes(if you live in a society that requires clothes).

If you have a television, you are not poor.
If you have internet, you are not poor.

If you are fat, you are not poor.

There are millions of people in this world who don't have a radio, much less a TV, no running water, no telephone, no electricity and yet they don't consider themselves poor. Their health is not in danger, in fact, they are probably healthier than the fat American welfare leaching slob on the couch who claims to live in poverty.

Native Americans had none of these things when Columbus/ Eric the Red/ etc... came over. If you were to go back and ask one of them if they lived in poverty, they would have no idea what you are talking about.

Lack of healthcare doesn't mean one is poor either. People have died from diseases for thousands of years, and for thousands of years didn't consider this a sign of poverty.

So what is poor? I think it's a state of mind.

So how can we end poverty? Drop technology and superstructure government. Go back to a tribal society. Build your own homes. Grow and hunt for your own food. Make you own clothes. Live off the land. People will die. The population will probably even shrink. The average lifespan will shorten, but I guarantee less people will die from heart attacks and suicide, and the word "poverty" will all but disappear in time.

Unfortunately, this is impossible to implement, and will never happen. Very few people will go along with the idea because they don't want to give up their crappy lifestyle of materialism that drives them to heart attacks and suicide. The human race will coninue to weaken to the point that we're completely dependant on hospitals to maintain life, and we work like slaves to keep the status quo. Even if through a nuclear war the human race was set back 6,000 years, it won't last because through hunger for power, someone will start the cycle again.

Like an obese sweaty chain smoking heart patient, our luxuries and conviniences has made the human race fat, weak, and addicted to the very thing that is killing us, advanced civilization. Hope we like the taste of soylent green in a thousand or so years.

The human race is doomed.



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I was reading an article in Dose,. about poverty in urban site of the cities,. homeless and so on,... The problem is not the money is the bad administration of it,. the goverments want to get benefits for themselves and no for the population,. in developing countries is very sad how poverty killes ppl,.. and in another side of the world ppl just can't get enough money,. they want more and more,. egoism ,.. The only thing that we can do is try to help to who we can ,. as Genie said,. Poverty is part of our society and it won't desapear but we can do something to make life better for the ppl that we can help,.


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TV Buff wrote:

I'm gonna play Devil's advocate here, mainly because I was poor as a child and my mother WAS probably living on a dollar or two a day back when we were little. I've got to tell you that it'll all relative. The definition of basic necessities when you're poor are quite different from 1) Basic necessities in a a developed nation and 2) in general, because your basic necessities are food, shelter and clothing. So it's all relative. You have to remember that people usually don't need what they never had. If you never had three televisions, two cars, playstation 2, cable, a dishwasher, and things of that nature, you'll never miss them. If you've grown up happily, in a stable home environment, and never suffered from hunger, even without all the luxuries, you will never, ever miss that. In fact, I think our society, meaning canadian, should do with a little less "necessities" and get back to the basics, because the consumerism is really getting out of hand.

Couldn't agree more. Canadians tend to have a lot of perks and spoils that I think are just plain ridiculous and I could totally do without.



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 CHe where are you?

 Wait a minute.... HE would be killed again for wanting to do something for the poor.

 Oh, at least JEsus is coming back again...

Well, I hope they don't cruzify him again when they see Him on top of a burro ( not on a Lamborgini) and speaking no english.

Well, I guess we are better off if We do help somebody with a few bucks once in a while, it's just more reallistic , rigth?


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Daeveed wrote:

God wrote: I think the major problem of the countries in Need is not money, even if they dump all the money it wont solve their issues, the problem has very deep roots that go beyond money. The problem of the countries in need are the countries that are not in need.

Damn right.

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God wrote:

I think the major problem of the countries in Need is not money, even if they dump all the money it wont solve their issues, the problem has very deep roots that go beyond money.

The problem of the countries in need are the countries that are not in need.

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It truly is sad especially when its in your family.

One of my half brothers hes 9yrs old lives in poverty well he did untill about 2 years ago my family tries to help but then again its my dads side of the family. So what i have done is set up a bank account in el salvador for him and its cool cuz i can go to scotiabank here and deposit money for him on a monthly basis. I now know that hes in school cuz i pay for it and that he and his mother have the nessecities that he needs and so does she plus i send extra when i can for him to have that to go to the beach or for his own fun. His mother calls me every two weeks to tell me how there doing and never asks for any money shes happy with what she gets and at least i know my brother isnt starving! Its sad but its true happens all over. I had a friend in elementry school who would sleep over often and come over all the time and i didnt know why she always wanted to be with me! and it was cuz they were homeless they lived in a shelter and it was sad so my mother helped her and her mother by lettting her stay with us and getting her a job here at the company and next thing u know shes on her feet and there doing ok, she is forever greatful.

So i mean poverty will always be around but theres nothing that can be done about it as sad as it is

the rich dont want to give to the poor!

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I'm gonna play Devil's advocate here, mainly because I was poor as a child and my mother WAS probably living on a dollar or two a day back when we were little. I've got to tell you that it'll all relative. The definition of basic necessities when you're poor are quite different from 1) Basic necessities in a a developed nation and 2) in general, because your basic necessities are food, shelter and clothing. So it's all relative. You have to remember that people usually don't need what they never had. If you never had three televisions, two cars, playstation 2, cable, a dishwasher, and things of that nature, you'll never miss them. If you've grown up happily, in a stable home environment, and never suffered from hunger, even without all the luxuries, you will never, ever miss that. In fact, I think our society, meaning canadian, should do with a little less "necessities" and get back to the basics, because the consumerism is really getting out of hand.

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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I think the major problem of the countries in Need is not money, even if they dump all the money it wont solve their issues, the problem has very deep roots that go beyond money.

Money alone won't solve the poverty and hunger, all efforts to tackle poverty have failed in the past and will definitely do so in the future, In my humble opinion a big step is to tackle the corruption head on and also rewrite trade rules.

The cancellation of the debt it won't help, those countries like africa, they need PEACE without they're not able to create/develop infrastructure. EDUCATION is the best weapon to fight poverty, if the population is well informed they are capable to challenge the goverment and force them to show some responsability and make them accountable for the poverty reduction, economy, health system,etc,etc.

What Do I Know....?????

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*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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It amazes me that people that look at these staggering numbers still do nothing about it (and yes, I'm guilty of doing nothing as well).  But how can celebrities and entertainers get paid MILLIONS of dollars a year so they can purchase all their bling and stupid cars and there are people DYING and struggling to stay alive. 

Did you all know that Ryan Seacrest (stupid American Idol host) has signed a multi-million dollar deal to stand on the stupid red carpet and ask celebrities what they are wearing?


for shame....


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Jaime Cruz wrote:

It's sad especially when you think of how much money the U.S alone is pissing away at war.But it's not just the United States. Many wealthy nations waste money that could be going to help less fortunate countries. Not sure if any of you guys heard this before, but the Royal Family has a combined wealth to rebuild 43 poverty stricken countries.
I haven't heard of them rebuilding or wanting to rebuild 1.

Because they dont have Oil.

What Do I Know....?????

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It's sad especially when you think of how much money the U.S alone is pissing away at war.
But it's not just the United States. Many wealthy nations waste money that could be going to help less fortunate countries. Not sure if any of you guys heard this before, but the Royal Family has a combined wealth to rebuild 43 poverty stricken countries.

I haven't heard of them rebuilding or wanting to rebuild 1.


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Thats so sad.  And to think that we here, in first world countries, complain about never having enough money.


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Daeveed wrote:

Since it's early morning, and most of you might be's an eye opener.

How many people in the world live in extreme poverty?

According to NetAid, over a billion people, or roughly one in six, live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is defined as living on less than US$1 a day.
The World Bank goes on to define moderate poverty as basic subsistence living, on $1 to $2 a day. All told, nearly half the world's population lives in poverty -- that's 2.8 billion people living on less than two dollars a day.
Some other facts to keep in mind:

Each year over 8 million people die because they are simply too poor to stay alive.
More than 800 million people go hungry every day.
The gross domestic product of the poorest 48 nations is less than the wealth of the world's three richest people.
Thirty-thousand children die every day due to hunger and treatable illnesses.
6 million children die every year before their fifth birthday, as a result of malnutrition. You can find detailed poverty assessments of specific geographical regions on the World Bank's PovertyNet. And if you're interested in learning how the World Bank comes up with its poverty statistics, take a look at PovcalNet.
The goal of the Millennium Campaign is to reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day by 2015. And the aim of the One Campaign is to direct an additional 1 percent of the United States budget towards eradicating global poverty.

[sarcasm] Don't worry man, Super Duper Bono is taking care of Biz [/sarcasm]

What Do I Know....?????

Foro Master

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Since it's early morning, and most of you might be's an eye opener.

How many people in the world live in extreme poverty?

According to NetAid, over a billion people, or roughly one in six, live in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is defined as living on less than US$1 a day.

The World Bank goes on to define moderate poverty as basic subsistence living, on $1 to $2 a day. All told, nearly half the world's population lives in poverty -- that's 2.8 billion people living on less than two dollars a day.

Some other facts to keep in mind:

  • Each year over 8 million people die because they are simply too poor to stay alive.
  • More than 800 million people go hungry every day.
  • The gross domestic product of the poorest 48 nations is less than the wealth of the world's three richest people.
  • Thirty-thousand children die every day due to hunger and treatable illnesses.
  • 6 million children die every year before their fifth birthday, as a result of malnutrition.
You can find detailed poverty assessments of specific geographical regions on the World Bank's PovertyNet. And if you're interested in learning how the World Bank comes up with its poverty statistics, take a look at PovcalNet.

The goal of the Millennium Campaign is to reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day by 2015. And the aim of the One Campaign is to direct an additional 1 percent of the United States budget towards eradicating global poverty.

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