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Originally posted by: LGigolo

"Here is the Ecuadorian version of this thread - I assume SOME of it may apply to other countries tambien: YOU KNOW YOU'RE 100% ECUADORIAN WHEN: Your dad wakes up every Sunday to listen to Julio Jaramillo. Half of your family looks Asian. Instead of saying "chile" you say "ahi (aji)", or instead of saying corn you say choclo. Your father thinks ecuador's National Anthem should be "Guayaquil de mis amores." When you to an ecuadorian party, instead of drinking coka or pepsi, you drink "Tropical or Shumir." You have at least one family member that's a lawyer, a doctor, a jeweler, or an engineer. You're either referred to as a "Mono" or a "Serrano" You refer to everyone as hugito, pepito, toņito. You refer to your siblings as "ņaņa" , "ņaņo" When ever you have a party your dad always takes out his collection of Julio Jaramillo records. Your mom makes the best Fritadas. Your dad has at least one ecuadorian flag in your house. Your dad threatens to whip you with the "latigo", or the "correa" You never eat your rice unless it's "cocolon" You have at least one family member that says "vos" to everyone. You get mad and you say "chucha" or "verga" You think the greatest soccer player is Hurtado or Aguinaga Instead of spagetti you refer to it as "tallarin" In the Ecua parties....there's always someone who ends up crying! A hangover is referred to as "chuchaki" Your dad invites his friends to play "naipes" all night. Every Ash Wednesday your mom invites all the "tias" for a "Cangrejada" or a "ceviche de camaron" You attend "Casa Ecuador" every year. When you go to an Ecuadorian restaurant you order either "Lomo Salteado", "Seco de chivo", or "Caldo de bola" You have at least one alcoholic in the family. Your grandfather is always the first one to fall asleep at the parties. You have one family member that can speak "Quechua" You have at least one curandero in the family. Your favorite soccer team is either "Barcelona" or "Emelec" When your aunt curses at your cousins she calls them "ocioso" "vago de mierda" You refer to the bus as "el boos" You have an ecuadorian sticker in your car. You call your friends "Pana" Your girlfriend/boyfriend is called "Pelado" or "Pelada" A fellow ecuadorian is called "Paisano" When you like something you say it's "Bacan" When you say yes to something you say "Simon""

OMG this is too funny ... Then I am ECUADORIAN!!!! Bueno no escucho a Julio jaramillo pero si le digo ņaņo a mi hermano jijiji .... Hay una tropical que rico .... Y si tengo un abogado, un doctor, un engineer, and jeweler, me falta un policia LOL pero estan en Ecuador ... LOL had cocolon last night yes yes ... Se te olvido el Yaguarlocro yummy yummy jajaja ... My grandfather speaks Quechua I remember me enseņo "Es mata mecue" (not sure if it's spelled like that) and me decia que lo repitiera de niņa imaginense and it means "come mierda" .... This is too funny!!!

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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Soy guanaco 100% hasta mis caites, mi matata con mi tecomate

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Originally posted by: LGigolo

"Guanaca hasta la tanga?!! "

todito papito... de pies a cabeza!



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Originally posted by: Chale_Tanga

"Guanaca al 110% pues!!!!!!!!!!LOL!! "

Guanaca hasta la tanga?!!

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Guanaca al 110% pues!!!!!!!!!!



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Originally posted by: TV Buff

"Back home, ņaņa means m!erda... I hate the sound of that word (no offense to Ecuadorians)... "

@ LGigolo ,.. I m 100% ecuadorian and that is so true,..  lol,..

@TV Buff,.. Para los ecuatorianos ņoņa means mierda ,.. and maybe that s what r u trying to say,.. but as LGigolo said is true,.. some words have different meanings dependiendo del lugar de origen,.. like chucha para nosotros es mala palabra,.. pero para los colombianos es la axila,.. y asi sucesivamente,...


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  1. Si agitas el vaso de tu trago como si fuera atol de elote.
  2. Si tiras la colilla del cigarro al suelo.
  3. Si pedis descuento en todos lados.
  4. Si viajas con 15 cajas de carton mal amarradas con pitas, lazos y "teip"
  5. Si tu unica valija lleva amarrada una cinta plastica colorada en la agarradera para que no se confunda.
  6. Si aplaudis cuando aterrizas en Comalapa.
  7. Si al esperar a los pasajeros que llegan al aeropuerto les gritas detras del vidrio y luego te instalas justo en medio camino bloqueando la salida.
  8. Si en cada viaje te despedis con lagrimas y mocos de toda la familia...y de la muchacha.
  9. Si en tu viaje llevas como parte indispensable tamales, queso morolique, de capita, pupusas, semita, quesadillas, crema, el Diario de Hoy y/o La Prensa Grafica de toda la semana y Pollo Campero( esto adentro de las cajas mal amarradas con pitas).
  10. Si a la hora de viajar por avion te clavas la gran vergera.
  11. Si en cada viaje te llevas al menos un mantel o un juego de individuales tipicos o artesanias de La Palma.
  12. Si te quieren sacar de los cines por platicar a gritos durante lo mas emocionante de la pelicula.
  13. Si contas y comentas la pelicula en voz alta, haciendo enfasis en lo que sigue despues.
  14. Si se va la luz en el cine y sos el primero en chiflar "LA VIEJA" y gritar .........Devuelvan la peseta!!!!
  15. Si te robas las toallas del hotel, los ceniceros de los restaurantes y guardas los jabones y champus de los hoteles, los saleritos, las toallitas y los trastos de la comida del avion.
  16. Si en cuanto escuchas una balacera, te vas a asomar en vez de agacharte (jua,jua,jua!!!!!!)
  17. Si en las bodas o fiestas rosas te llevas los adornos de las mesas o los de las bancas de la iglesia,antes de pasar entregando el regalo a una seņora que esta parada en la puerta de la iglesia con una enorme bolsa plastica negra.
  18. Si comes sardinas ovaladas todas la Semana Santa.
  19. Si en la entrada de la casa hay un Corazon de Jesus, pero mejor si tambien lo tenes en calcomania o iman pegado en el carro.
  20. Si ordenas gillettes para rasurarte aunque esa marca ya no existe.
  21. Si mandas a reparar tu betamax cuando lo que tenes es un VHS.
  22. Si tomas gaseosa, fresco o cerveza en bolsa plastica.
  23. Si antes de comer en la casa, ya comiste 3 veces en la calle.
  24. Si te lustras de pie en la calle y pedis un masaje en la barberia.
  25. Si llamas a la mesera haciendo: chsst,chsst!!!!!
  26. Si en las fiestas, las mujeres estan sentadas y los hombres platicando de pie lejos de ellas.
  27. Si seņalas con los labios (Esa,veh,veh!!!)
  28. Si sos campesino no te quitas el sombrero ni para dormir.
  29. Si entre mas bulla hay, mas alegre te parece el evento.
  30. Si colgando del espejo retrovisor del carro llevas el primer zapatito de tu hijo.
  31. Si tu radio se escucha en todo el vecindario.
  32. Si crees que una buena tactica comercial es poner bocinas enfrente del almacen a todo volumen.
  33. Si usas Yinas "Balco" de gancho o calcetines en la playa, o si te baņas en el mar sin quitarte la camiseta o con calzoncillo debajo de la calzoneta.
  34. Si tomas fresco entre las comidas.
  35. Si no sabes como ponerte la mano en el pecho al cantar el Himno Nacional (porque en el colegio te ensenaron de una manera y los de ARENA quisieron poner de moda el formato pretoriano).
  36. Si (mujeres) enrrollas el pisto en un panuelo o en un kleenex y te lo metes en el brassier.
  37. Si les pones a tus hijos nombres como: Marvin, Melvin, Hamilton Beach, William(en vez de ponerle Guillermo), Michael (en vez de Miguel), Giovanni (en vez de Juan) y asi ...........
  38. Si chuponeas el pan dulce en el cafe.
  39. Si usas una toalla para protegerte del sereno.
  40. Si no caminas descalzo por miedo a que te de catarro o se te suban las mazamorras.
  41. Si a todas las visitas les ofreces algo de comer (??????)
  42. Si ya bolo te da por cantar rancheras a todo pulmon.
  43. Si tenes un palito de chile cerca del lavamanos o del comedor.
  44. Si cuando vas a comprar algo decis: "Me regala...(tal cosa)", y la otra persona te contesta.. "regalado ya murio, papito".
  45. Si perseguis con la vista a los culitos hasta que doblan la esquina....??????
  46. Si podes aatender a 20 personas hablando a la vez en una discusion.
  47. Si le das de golpes a una planta en Viernes santo para que crezca.
  48. Si en cada papalina que te trabas compones El Salvador y crees que sos el unico que puede ser un buen presidente.
  49. Si te sabes al menos 10 chistes de Calderon Sol, 5 de Paquito Flores y te acordas de los de Molina y de Duarte.
  50. Si se te salieron las lagrimas junto a la chava de Teleprensa el 31 de Diciembre de 1991, cuando anunciaba que habiamos coseguido la Paz.
  51. Si tenes algun o varios familiares en Estados Unidos.
  52. Si los Viernes y o los Sabados a mediodia andas desesperado buscando quien te hace gallo con las conchas y las heladas...
  53. Si crees en el "Mal de Ojo"
  54. Si al salir en una camara de television, mandas saludos a tu mama, papa, tios , primos, amigos,etc.......

    Y LA ULTIMA Y VERDADERA...........

  55. Si al hablar cambias la "S" o la "Z" por la "J", por ejemplo: Yo Conojco (en lugar de Yo Conozco


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Originally posted by: TV Buff

"Back home, ņaņa means m!erda... I hate the sound of that word (no offense to Ecuadorians)... "

LOL another word that has different meanings en diferentes paises!  De que pais eres, Buffy?

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Originally posted by: buzzlightyear680
"2. Family orders the invitations 3 months in advance and mails them out a day before...then calls "No entiendo porque no te ha llegado."  - You can send them the most beautiful invitations, and they'll still call you the day of the event to ask "where is it? At what time?"
3. An average of 12 people attend per invitation. - So true, and half of them will be kids under 4!!!
6.All the centerpieces are gone...and the reception has just started.  - And so are the gifts you're supposed to give them at the end, and they not only take one, but 3 or four...
8. The men dress pachuco or cowboy style...and the bride's maids dress in pink.  - So true!!!
10. People are taking food plates home..."para maņana."  - Or what we used to say, "Me puede dar un plato para mi abuelita?"
11.People are taking huge pieces of cake home...and telling others alla hay mas."  - Too funny...
12. One of the relatives is drunk and hugging everyone telling them..."te quiero mucho."  - How about when there's more than one of them... and then they start dancing?
14. There are seven bridesmaids. And seven sets of "padrinos" - And all the bridesmaids have kids... 

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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Originally posted by: LGigolo

"You refer to your siblings as "ņaņa" , "ņaņo"

Back home, ņaņa means m!erda... I hate the sound of that word (no offense to Ecuadorians)...

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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this is way toooooo funny!!!!

anyone have a Salvadrean version to this????



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1. Nobody has invitations...only maps.


2. Family orders the invitations 3 months in advance and mails them

out a

day before...then calls "No entiendo porque no te ha llegado."



3. An average of 12 people attend per invitation.


4. Hispanics never RSVP


5.No one goes to church for the wedding, but everyone goes to the



6.All the centerpieces are gone...and the reception has just started.


7.Everyone's kids are running around crazy and all you want to do is


a bottle at them.


8. The men dress pachuco or cowboy style...and the bride's maids

dress in pink.


9. La comida has rice and beans and macaroni salad.


10. People are taking food plates home..."para maņana."


11.People are taking huge pieces of cake home...and telling others


hay mas."


12. One of the relatives is drunk and hugging everyone telling


quiero mucho."


13. The dollar dance lasts over an hour with the same tune...and that's


with relatives.


14. There are seven bridesmaids. And seven sets of "padrinos"


15. Everyone wants to be a "madrina" for your wedding.


16. The cake was made by "la seņora que hace pasteles" instead of the



17. Everyone is asking where the menudo is going to be.


18. The wedding ends at midnight "en el salon" but ends at 6:00 a.m. at


bride's house.

19. Main course is either "Barbacoa" "pollo con mole" or "birria."


20. The fork, napkin and tortilla come together in a bag


Send this to all of those who have a sense of humor and are proud


be Hispanic

Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz está en darse constantemente pequeņos gustos.


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Originally posted by: TV Buff

"I always do that.How about You are Latino if... you have a birthday party for your kid, and have to buy 4 cases of 24's, cook for 50 people and the party goes on until 4:00 in the morning... ever been to one of those?"

LOL - works everytime!

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Here is the Ecuadorian version of this thread - I assume SOME of it may apply to other countries tambien:


  • Your dad wakes up every Sunday to listen to Julio Jaramillo.

  • Half of your family looks Asian.

  • Instead of saying "chile" you say "ahi (aji)", or instead of saying corn you say choclo.

  • Your father thinks ecuador's National Anthem should be "Guayaquil de mis amores."

  • When you to an ecuadorian party, instead of drinking coka or pepsi, you drink "Tropical or Shumir."

  • You have at least one family member that's a lawyer, a doctor, a jeweler, or an engineer.

  • You're either referred to as a "Mono" or a "Serrano"

  • You refer to everyone as hugito, pepito, toņito.

  • You refer to your siblings as "ņaņa" , "ņaņo"

  • When ever you have a party your dad always takes out his collection of Julio Jaramillo records.

  • Your mom makes the best Fritadas.

  • Your dad has at least one ecuadorian flag in your house.

  • Your dad threatens to whip you with the "latigo", or the "correa"

  • You never eat your rice unless it's "cocolon"

  • You have at least one family member that says "vos" to everyone.

  • You get mad and you say "chucha" or "verga"

  • You think the greatest soccer player is Hurtado or Aguinaga

  • Instead of spagetti you refer to it as "tallarin"

  • In the Ecua parties....there's always someone who ends up crying!

  • A hangover is referred to as "chuchaki"

  • Your dad invites his friends to play "naipes" all night.

  • Every Ash Wednesday your mom invites all the "tias" for a "Cangrejada" or a "ceviche de camaron"

  • You attend "Casa Ecuador" every year.

  • When you go to an Ecuadorian restaurant you order either "Lomo Salteado", "Seco de chivo", or "Caldo de bola"

  • You have at least one alcoholic in the family.

  • Your grandfather is always the first one to fall asleep at the parties.

  • You have one family member that can speak "Quechua"

  • You have at least one curandero in the family.

  • Your favorite soccer team is either "Barcelona" or "Emelec"

  • When your aunt curses at your cousins she calls them "ocioso" "vago de mierda"

  • You refer to the bus as "el boos"

  • You have an ecuadorian sticker in your car.

  • You call your friends "Pana"

  • Your girlfriend/boyfriend is called "Pelado" or "Pelada"

  • A fellow ecuadorian is called "Paisano"

  • When you like something you say it's "Bacan"

  • When you say yes to something you say "Simon"

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Originally posted by: TV Buff

"I always do that.How about You are Latino if... you have a birthday party for your kid, and have to buy 4 cases of 24's, cook for 50 people and the party goes on until 4:00 in the morning... ever been to one of those?"

ALL the damn time!! lol!!

how bout this one:

You konw youre latino when all your mom has to do is give you 'that' look and you know that youre in big ish cuando llegemos a la casa!!!!
I used to hate that look


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Originally posted by: LGigolo

"I am one of those who IS on time more often than not too... usually among the first, if not the first to arrive to whatever invitation.  When inviting mis amigos latinos, I always try to keep in mind de invitarles que vengan at least one hour antes de la hora que quiero que lleguen!"

I always do that.
How about You are Latino if... you have a birthday party for your kid, and have to buy 4 cases of 24's, cook for 50 people and the party goes on until 4:00 in the morning... ever been to one of those?

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Originally posted by: JOKER_ESCO

"Latinos are nerver on time jajaj no matter what we are always late..."

        depends i was late to the wedding but early to the lawyers office to file for divorce!!! lmao this is a true story guys!!!

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Originally posted by: TV Buff

"People look at me funny, 'cause I'm always on time. They're like, "WTF is she doing here? It's only 5:00!!!" And the invitation said 4:00. "

I am one of those who IS on time more often than not too... usually among the first, if not the first to arrive to whatever invitation.  When inviting mis amigos latinos, I always try to keep in mind de invitarles que vengan at least one hour antes de la hora que quiero que lleguen!

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Originally posted by: TV Buff

" We should add some more from our personal vaults and memory banks... I can't think of any right now, but you guys should have some... How can you tell you're a latino? Come on, guys, let's keep this one going...-- Edited by TV Buff at 10:35, 2005-04-14"

            OK I DONT KNOW if its a salvadorena thing or just all over in general but my mom always use to tell me and my bros

       ya les voy a poner sal en la espalda aver quien se muerde primero!!! lmao she did ones and my brother still has the bite mark!! yeah im a b!tch when u piss me off lmao!!

       Or the classic she did was she would say " quitate el sincho para darte un par de nalgadas" but she used to use my belt so i stop wearing belts lmao pissed her off



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Originally posted by: JOKER_ESCO

"Latinos are nerver on time jajaj no matter what we are always late..."

People look at me funny, 'cause I'm always on time. They're like, "WTF is she doing here? It's only 5:00!!!" And the invitation said 4:00.

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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Originally posted by: TV Buff

" We should add some more from our personal vaults and memory banks... I can't think of any right now, but you guys should have some... How can you tell you're a latino? Come on, guys, let's keep this one going...-- Edited by TV Buff at 10:35, 2005-04-14"

Latinos are nerver on time jajaj no matter what we are always late...

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When I went to El Sal last year, I had to get on a MINI SCHOOL BUS with like 30 people crammed inside, including the driver, his assistant and todos los chunches that people had to carry with them!! It was insane!!


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Originally posted by: LGigolo

"or how about en nuestros paises, en los pick up trucks (camionetas) que meten como a 20 people + their belongings to ride de un lado a otro!"

We should add some more from our personal vaults and memory banks... I can't think of any right now, but you guys should have some...

How can you tell you're a latino? Come on, guys, let's keep this one going...

-- Edited by TV Buff at 10:35, 2005-04-14

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.


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or how about en nuestros paises, en los pick up trucks (camionetas) que meten como a 20 people + their belongings to ride de un lado a otro!

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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y aun asi, we would ALWAYS make room for 1 more!


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I remember wen I was teen and only one of my friends had a car, hasta en el baul metiamos gente para ir al party jajajjajaja

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8) If you can dance merengue, cumbia, or salsa without music.
this one is so me haha....

10) If you are in a five passenger car with seven people in it and a person is shouting "subanse, todavia caben mas!"
and this one is sooooooo true LOL!!!


100% Latino here!



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This is too funny, I had read something similar to this before but this one is just the best.  Some of this points are so true LOL.

I am definatelly LATINA LOL



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Originally posted by: JOKER_ESCO

" 9) If you use "manteca" instead of olive oil and can't figure out why your nalgas is getting bigger.

This is flippen priceless!!! Had me laughing on the floor so hard!!!


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1) If you have ever been hit by a "Chancla. "

2) If you grew up scared by something called "El Cucuy"

3) If others tell you to stop screaming when you are really just

4) If you light a candle to Virgin Mary on the night before your big test.

5) If you use your head to point something out.

6) If you constantly refer to cereal as "con fleys".

7) If your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you for dinner, even if it's a one bedroom apartment.

8) If you can dance merengue, cumbia, or salsa without music.

9) If you use "manteca" instead of olive oil and can't figure out why your nalgas is getting bigger.

10) If you are in a five passenger car with seven people in it and a person is shouting "subanse, todavia caben mas!"

11) If whenever you feel under the weather, you compulsively dab on some "Vic's vapor rub" all over your pecho and inside your nostrils.

12) Your mom packs your "lonche" every day even though you've just turned thirty-two.

13) If you call the North Americans "gringos", including Canadians, and call all Asian people "chinos" or "chinitos"and you call the corner store "the chinito's store".


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