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Post Info TOPIC: LHC - Large Hadron Collider


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RE: LHC - Large Hadron Collider

Los cuatro enigmas que debe resolver el Gran Colisionador de HadronesUno de sus principales desafíos es hallar el bosón de Higgs, una partícula inestable calificada de "divina", que permitiría explicar el origen de la masa y por qué algunas partículas están curiosamente desprovistas de ella.Miércoles 10 de Septiembre de 2008 
13:38 Los cuatro enigmas que debe resolver el Gran Colisionador de HadronesUno de sus principales desafíos es hallar el bosón de Higgs, una partícula inestable calificada de "divina", que permitiría explicar el origen de la masa y por qué algunas partículas están curiosamente desprovistas de ella.Miércoles 10 de Septiembre de 2008 
PARÍS.- El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC), que fue inaugurado cerca de Ginebra por la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN), está llamado a responder a cuatro preguntas determinantes que traen de cabeza desde hace décadas al mundo de la física de las partículas:

- Hallar el bosón de Higgs, una partícula inestable calificada de "divina" puesto que muchos investigadores la han estudiado sin haber demostrado su existencia. Lleva el nombre del físico británico Peter Higgs, que la descubrió por deducción en 1964. Confirmar su existencia a través de la experiencia representaría la última pieza del rompecabezas llamado "Modelo Estándar", que resume los conocimientos actuales de la física de las partículas.

El bosón de Higgs permitiría explicar el origen de la masa y por qué algunas partículas están curiosamente desprovistas de ella. En este desafío, la CERN rivaliza con el laboratorio estadounidense Fermilab, basado en Chicago, que utiliza el Tevatron, un acelerador que se desactivará progresivamente a partir de 2010. El Fermilab participa también en el experimento del LHC.

- Explorar la supersimetría, un concepto que permite explicar uno de los hallazgos más sorprendentes de los últimos años, esto es, que la materia visible sólo representa el 4% del universo. La materia negra (23%) y la energía oscura (74%) se reparten el resto. Una explicación sería que la materia negra está compuesta de partículas supersimétricas llamadas neutralinos.

- Estudiar el misterio de la materia y la antimateria. Cuando la energía se transforma en materia, produce un par de partículas así como su reflejo, una anti-partícula de carga eléctrica opuesta. Cuando una partícula y su antipartícula colisionan, se aniquilan mutuamente a través de un pequeño estallido de energía. La lógica haría pensar que la materia y la antimateria existen en el universo a partes iguales, pero la realidad es que la segunda es muy inhabitual.

- Recrear las condiciones que prevalecieron en el universo en las milésimas de segundo que sucedieron inmediatamente al Big Bang. La materia existía entonces bajo la forma de una especie de sopa densa y caliente llamada plasma quarks-gluones. Al enfriarse, los quarks se aglutinaron en protones y neutrones y en otras partículas compuestas. Colisionándolos, el LCH hará pedazos iones pesados que generarán brevemente temperaturas 100.000 veces más elevadas que la que se registra en el centro del sol. Estas colisiones liberarán entonces los quarks. Los investigadores podrán por lo tanto observar cómo éstos forman la materia.

Hügø¹² $ 0.02

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LGigolo wrote:

@GOD (RGNFG): Please extend the deadline till 7 pm... let us watch the whole soccer game, PLEASE! pray.gif


make it 9 pa ver la novela


What Do I Know....?????


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@GOD (RGNFG): Please extend the deadline till 7 pm... let us watch the whole soccer game, PLEASE! pray.gif


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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RazorbladeKiss wrote:

the end is near! Repent ya'll sinners!

I'm gonna need more than till five o'clock

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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Did Nostradamus predict the LHC?

This is what will happen!


-- Edited by La Rebelde at 12:15, 2008-09-10



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RazorbladeKiss wrote:

the end is near! Repent ya'll sinners!

My last wish before I die today at 5 pm is to have you... fulfill my last wish?


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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the end is near! Repent ya'll sinners!

"Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together." -Ovid


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X4v13r wrote:

tomorrow is the big day, I hope everyone is ready for the end of the world pray.gif


5:00 pm local time? ****, we only get to watch 20 minutes of the Ecua game!! omfg.gif  LOL


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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@X: What can you do?? it is going to be on at 5 pm I beleive. If the worl ends, it ends. I beleive in taking one day at a time. I won't stress myself or worry because maybe the LHC will kill us.


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Y eso how's gonna improve my regular life ? is gonna make the gas priced to drop ?

is gonna decrease the dvp traffic ?
my taxes are gonna be less ??
tim hortons employees are gonna stop effing up my morning coffee ?


-- Edited by God at 10:25, 2008-09-10

What Do I Know....?????


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here is a link where u can actually see what is going on LIVE!!!




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WTF people, the world might come to and end today and no1 is saying anything about it? weirdface

is funny how the world looks so normal today and everyone is going on with their lives as if nothing is going on, mean while in the other side of the world they are about to turn the LHC on.

Anyways, here is some info about this thing.

LHC by the numbers

The largest particle accelerator in the world, which will feel its first full proton beams tomorrow, just oozes numerical hyperbole.

As the world's biggest particle accelerator prepares to crank up its proton beams, Nature rounds up the big numbers behind the mother of all atom smashers.

  • 27 kilometres = circumference of the LHC.
  • 50 kilometres per hour = speed limit for physicists on site.
LHCThe LHC: an endless source of superlatives ...CERN
  • 32 minutes = time taken by a law-abiding physicist to circle the ring.
  • ~1 billion kilometres per hour (99.9999991% the speed of light) = maximum proton speed around the ring.
  • One ten-thousandth of a second = time taken by proton to circle the ring.
  • 0.00000000047 grams = total mass of protons circulating in the LHC at any time.
  • 362 megajoules = collective energy of LHC's protons at top speed.
USS Ronald ReaganThe USS Ronald Reagan: certainly hefty, but not quite as energetic as the LHC's protons.US Navy
  • 88,000 tonnes = total weight of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.
  • 361 megajoules = energy of the USS Ronald Regan when cruising at 5.6 knots.
  • US$4.1 billion = cost of building the LHC.
  • US$4.5 billion = cost of the USS Ronald Regan.
  • ~9,000 cubic metres = total volume of the LHC's major vacuum systems.
  • 4,650 cubic metres = interior volume of the Big Ben clock tower at Westminster.
  • 14 years = time taken to build LHC.
  • 13 years = time taken to build Big Ben.
big benThe clock tower at the Palace of Westminster: big, but only half the size of the LHC's tubes.punchstock
  • ~6 million = number of DVDs needed to hold all of the data generated by the LHC.
  • 6.9 kilometres = height of 4 million DVDs stacked on top of each other.
  • 4.8 kilometres = height of Mount Blanc.
  • 0.75 grams = amount of hydrogen needed to fill a party balloon.
  • 0.000000002 grams = amount of hydrogen consumed each day by the LHC.
  • ~1 million years = time needed for the LHC to use one party balloon's worth of hydrogen.
  • 10-13 atmospheres = vacuum of the LHC's beamline.
  • 10-12 atmospheres = atmospheric pressure on the Moon.
  • 8.3 tesla = top field strength of each of the LHC's 1232 superconducting dipole magnets.
  • 1 tesla = strength of a typical scrapyard electromagnet.




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tomorrow is the big day, I hope everyone is ready for the end of the world pray.gif




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Repent, the world will end!!! lol...

"Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together." -Ovid


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Scientists get death threats over Large Hadron Collider

Scientists working on the world's biggest machine are being besieged by phone calls and emails from people who fear the world will end next Wednesday, when the gigantic atom smasher starts up.

The Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, where particles will begin to circulate around its 17 mile circumference tunnel next week, will recreate energies not seen since the universe was very young, when particles smash together at near the speed of light.

Such is the angst that the American Nobel prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has even had death threats, said Prof Brian Cox of Manchester University, adding: "Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat."

The head of public relations, James Gillies, says he gets tearful phone calls, pleading for the £4.5 billion machine to stop.

"They phone me and say: "I am seriously worried. Please tell me that my children are safe," said Gillies.

Emails also arrive every day that beg for reassurance that the world will not end, he explained.


rest of story HERE!!!!





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Hugo wrote:

I just wanted to keep this thread alive :)

The LHC is in the final stages of construction the first beams are due for injection on the 10 of September with the first collisions planned to take place several months later.

so what i hear you say?

Well this little 6 billion dollar experiment which is 27km in size has 2000 Super Magnet Conductors at 1.9 kelvin (-271.1ºC) (-455.98 ºF)

is going to recreate the big bang on our planet!

.. if it works.. it will be the biggest step man has made in science since the age of DOT (well billionths of a second after DOT)

This machine may mean man might have just built its first time machine! not to mention we will have a much greater understanding of time, space and how matter can create itself FROM NOTHING!!...

Science main goal is to find a particle called Higgs which if exists will explain matter itself, some people see it as the particle of God.

The Higgs Boson is a particle which is thought to give matter mass its name derives from Peter Higgs the creator of the Higgs theory.

When in action this machine may create, micro black holes, magnetic monopoles, and supersymmetric particles.

Please relax because there are over 10,000 of the worlds top scientists working on this project, which concluded they have no idea what will happen when this machine is switched on!

haha hmm


I'll just get my anti-gravity boots ready blankstare





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I just wanted to keep this thread alive :)

The LHC is in the final stages of construction the first beams are due for injection on the 10 of September with the first collisions planned to take place several months later.

so what i hear you say?

Well this little 6 billion dollar experiment which is 27km in size has 2000 Super Magnet Conductors at 1.9 kelvin (-271.1ºC) (-455.98 ºF)

is going to recreate the big bang on our planet!

.. if it works.. it will be the biggest step man has made in science since the age of DOT (well billionths of a second after DOT)

This machine may mean man might have just built its first time machine! not to mention we will have a much greater understanding of time, space and how matter can create itself FROM NOTHING!!...

Science main goal is to find a particle called Higgs which if exists will explain matter itself, some people see it as the particle of God.

The Higgs Boson is a particle which is thought to give matter mass its name derives from Peter Higgs the creator of the Higgs theory.

When in action this machine may create, micro black holes, magnetic monopoles, and supersymmetric particles.

Please relax because there are over 10,000 of the worlds top scientists working on this project, which concluded they have no idea what will happen when this machine is switched on!

Hügø¹² $ 0.02


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There's a pretty interesting group in Facebook on this stuff, where even scientists from CERN engage in Q & A sessions and all, just search in groups, type "LHC", and you will see a whole bunch of groups, just join the one with the most ppl, that's the best one, and the one I joined :)

Hügø¹² $ 0.02


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hey guys,

hugo posted the answer to all ur questions.....

in the top 5 things to end the world this LHC is #5 in the list, is crazy that not many people now about it and they are going on with their lifes like nothing is going on.... but like they say "ignorance is bliss".

but in the other hand if it does work they say that they could probably open doors to the pass and i think also the future not sure but i guess is just a matter of times till we find out if it kills us all or helps us in one way or another.

@RazorbladeKiss nothing wrong with trying to be like me.... from what i remember u love nerds aww




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he he he he I've been reading a lot about this, is very interesting! I'm becoming a nerd like Xaviercito LOL

"Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together." -Ovid


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Científicos piden detener prueba del acelerador de partículas

Los investigadores sostienen que la colisión de partículas en el acelerador podría provocar la aparición de pequeños agujeros negros capaces de aspirar el planeta y hacerlo desaparecer.


28/08/2008 - 16:07




Un grupo de científicos ha presentado una denuncia ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en Estrasburgo para que se paralice el previsto arranque del acelerador de partículas LHC del CERN ante el peligro de que genere agujeros negros.

El comienzo del funcionamiento del LHC o Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (en inglés, Large Hadron Collider o LHC) está programado para el próximo 10 de septiembre en el CERN, el Laboratorio Europeo para la Física de Partículas situado en un túnel bajo la frontera francosuiza.

La queja ha sido firmada por varios científicos, entre ellos el profesor de bioquímica alemán y teórico del caos Otto Rössler, y ha sido coordinada por el vienés Markus Goritschnig. Según dijo Goritschnig a la agencia suiza ATS, los demandantes lamentan que no se haya efectuado un examen de riesgos exhaustivo sobre el proyecto del acelerador igual que el que se hace, por ejemplo, con las centrales nucleares.

Afirman que la colisión de partículas en el acelerador podría provocar la aparición de pequeños agujeros negros capaces de aspirar el planeta y hacerlo desaparecer.

"El riesgo es suficientemente alto para que el proyecto sea detenido", argumentan.

El Consejo Europeo para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN, en francés) está examinando la denuncia, según declaró el portavoz James Gillie, quien recordó que la organización mantiene su postura de que no hay motivos de preocupación, pues el LCH no hace nada que no se produzca de forma natural en el Universo.

El próximo 10 de septiembre, millones de protones recorrerán los 27 kilómetros del LHC en un solo sentido, con el objetivo de ver si funciona correctamente, pero no se producirán choques de protones hasta pasados unos meses, cuando alcance su máxima potencia y cuando se iniciará la obtención de datos.

El objetivo del LHC es ayudar a desentrañar misterios como la estructura última de la materia, las propiedades de las fuerzas fundamentales y las leyes que gobiernan la evolución del Universo

El colisionador consiste en un enorme anillo de imanes superenfriados en 27 kilómetros de circunferencia.

La seguridad del acelerador el más potente del mundo ha sido motivo de debate durante años, y el pasado mes de marzo, un grupo de críticos puso una demanda en un tribunal de Hawai (EEUU) aduciendo que existía "un riesgo significativo de que la operación tenga consecuencias que puedan resultar en la destrucción de nuestro planeta".

Hügø¹² $ 0.02


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Dogo wrote:

No se, pero aparentemente it collides atoms at a super high speed, y despues hace no se que, con el no se cuanto... y kaboom! Y todo eso
That's my cientific explanation. if you want more details ask X :)

rofl.gif  YEah, now makes perfect sense! biggrin.gif

Toy mas perdido que un Paki en Jinx! hmm


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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No se, pero aparentemente it collides atoms at a super high speed, y despues hace no se que, con el no se cuanto... y kaboom! Y todo eso
That's my cientific explanation. if you want more details ask X :)

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I JUST read the beginning of the article in WIKIPEDIA but I am still lost.weirdface

Can anyone put it in plain simple language what the LHC is / purpose? hmm

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Read about it a few months ago...
Some "experts" say something (creating a black hole(?)) COULD happen, but chances are low. Others said the chances of something going wrong are insignificant, and others said "no big deal". So, I'm lost shrug.gif

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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RazorbladeKiss wrote:

pense que era una nueva droga lol

lol if it doesn't work the way they predict it might just send u sky high tho blankstare





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pense que era una nueva droga lol

"Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together." -Ovid


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Has any of u heard about the Large Hadron Collider?

well if u havent is time u look it up and read how it might change the world for good or bad.

and if u do know about it what do u think of the project should they go ahead and do it?


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