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Ok I won't get into any disputes with any1, but I disagree with you all.

I'm Ecuadorian & if Correa allowed/sheltered Farc or any guerilla/terrorist group in our land then it was well deserved they got attacked. I feel bad for my country & our ppl & how this may affect our economy, etc But I don't agree with his arguments.

None the less Colombia apologized in public & it's a matter of time to let things settle calm.

I think we got bigger issue to deal with.

Well same here I am not going to get into a back and forth over this because it's one of those situations where you either agree or disagree with what has taken place. The only thing I will say is I disagree that Ecuador has got "bigger" issues to deal with at the moment. This is being called the biggest political crisis in South America in this generation.

@MASTRO....this has nothing to do with what you call my romantic political views. I am not even getting into discussing the Farc or where I stand on that issue. I am talking about Uribe crossing borders wtihout permission. I am saying that is beyond stupid.

As far Bush now saying he will go after Chavez for supporting terrorists....what a joke. He should stick to hunting the terrorist they helped create which is Osama Bin Laden...oh wait in order for them to do that they would first have to get the fu ck out of Iraq. Americans should stay the fu ck out of this situation PERIOD. They are the last people that should be speaking about terrorism.



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Ok I won't get into any disputes with any1, but I disagree with you all.

I'm Ecuadorian & if Correa allowed/sheltered Farc or any guerilla/terrorist group in our land then it was well deserved they got attacked. I feel bad for my country & our ppl & how this may affect our economy, etc But I don't agree with his arguments.

None the less Colombia apologized in public & it's a matter of time to let things settle calm.

I think we got bigger issue to deal with.

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Mastro....I think it's a tad silly to think this is done.hmm.gif

Most people agree that Uribe made the wrong move. No matter who he was trying to kill it was the wrong move. Of course his buddy Bush will back him up but I have heard comments coming from other south american presidents ....they all agree he crossed the line. Let him fight the FARC all he wants in HIS OWN COUNTRY.



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i dont think he ment that.....

he didnt word it properly i think hes just trying to say that whatever issues colombia has...let them deal with it....



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i dont care if la farc killed half of the population of colombia ....no1 has right to kill back , whats the point of having a jail system?

Tan playaso don guebon


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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yayaya! like i said to all my friends

just wait in the next 24 hours cuz theres gonna be big things coming up

i dont want war but it doesnt matter if la farc are in ecuador or not...colombia has no right to come in to another country and attack (theres no reason 4 it)

TH Foro New Blood >



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Finally its over. After OEA reviewed the case, Colombia was not condemned, a diplomatic apology was enough and a commission will be designated to study the incident and to proof that FARC are sheltered in Ecuador. I wise decision by both parts. As per mr. Guerilla will be taken to the International Justice court for supporting genocide groups (a lot of documentation to support the case will be provided).
totto your support is welcome!

y Colorin colombiano, este cuento se ha terminado.

-- Edited by Mastropiero at 16:53, 2008-03-05


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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A los que quieren comparar esta situacion con Irak, la verdad es que no fue el ejercito colombiano el que invadio Ecuador, (busquen INVASION en su diccionario) sino que fueron la FARC las que invadieron la soberania de Ecuador ante los ojos de su ejercito y establecieron un campamento permanente en su territorio. La accion de Colombia que si bien no fue apropiada, tiene su causa, causa que debe ser considerada al querer formar una opinion racional y digna de respeto.

Ademas el presidente de colombia sabia muy bien las consecuencias de esta accion, pero ante dar una gran baja al enemigo publico colombiano numero 1 (la FARC) el decidio asumir las consecuencias. y mientras que Venezuela salto movilizando el 90% de su ejercito, y Ecuador hasia lo mismo con cerca de 13,000 soldados, Colombia no movio sus fuerzas, dato que es tomado como que su intencion de Uribe nunca fue de atacar a ecuador, solo a los intrusos que estaban en Ecuador.

y si algunos de ustedes toma la historia para justificar acciones actuales, como que texas y california son territorios mexicanos por que estos lugares le pertenecieron a mexico en su momento. Se han olvidado de La Gran Colombia que existio entre 1819 y 1831 y abarco todo el territorio ecuatoriano, colombiano, venezolano y panmeno que hoy conocemos y el GRAN FRACASO DE SIMON BOLIVAR, fue la division de estos territorios, asi que para los BOLIVARIANOS, la accion del presidente colombiano tecnicamente no fue una invasion ya que segun SIMON BOLIVAR el territorio ecuatoriano era de colombia. LOL (mis respetos a los ecuatorianos, pero es solo una comparacion)

En mi opnion personal creo yo que si hay alguien que esta acctuando como los imperialista (USA), es venezuela ya que no se violo su territorio pero ellos saltaron y amenazaron con guerra, (si USA se creen los policias del mundo , venezuela se cree los policia de suramerica?)y al cerrar su frontera con colombia, Chavez esta perjudicandoel el abastecimineto de alimentos para los venezolanos.

Y para los que dicen que la farc apoya a los pobres, en este campamento de confiscaron 39,000 dolares (en cash), dime con esa cantidad eres pobre o burges?.



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im back and im more pissed then ever....with all respect ....colombia thinks there they innocent guys fighting for peace? yaaaaa rightt you guys look worse then la farc

killing people while there sleeping?evileye

i dont care if la farc killed half of the population of colombia....no1 has right to kill back , whats the point of having a jail system?confused

TH Foro New Blood >



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Sorry that was me ^ using my roomate laptop


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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Colombia no ha negado que irrumpio 1.8 km mas alla de la frontera Ecuatoriana y que resulto con el abaimiento de Raul Reyes #2 de las FARC y Julian Conrado.EL primero en enterarse fue Correa despues de la llamada de Uribe, que le dijo : "Yo respondo".

Uribe cometio un error necesario, lo siento mucho que halla tenido que involucrar a los Ecuas, pero no pasa de una ofensa, en cambio es un paso gigante en la lucha contra las FARC. Porque en lugar de tanto alegato, no me dicen que era lo que debio haber hecho el escuadron que los estaba persiguiendo al verlos cruzar la linealimitrofe y tener tan cerca a uno de los intocables por mas de 30 anos y mas sanguinarios seres que ha pareado la humanidad ah????. Mi pregunta es: Donde estaba el ejercito Ecuatoriano, porque prefiero pensar que es negligencia y descuido de la frontera y no complicidad porque para nadie es un misterio que Ecuador es uno de los refugios.

ECUADOR MERECE UNA DISCULPA POR PARTE DE COLOMBIA. Que ya la ha habido, que mas deberian hacer?....Militarizar la frontera?? Seria Fantastico. Les serviria para mitigar un poco ese problema que tienen ahi y que probablemente muchos de ustedes ignoran, o donde esta la tan mentada union latinoamericana? CORTAR RELACIONES?? Para que....igual nadie nos va a mover y queramos o no compartimos el mapa geografico y en cambio es una LOSE- LOSE situation. Donde el pobre campesino y comerciante de ambas partes es el afectado. Entonces que??
Solo pido un poco de sensibilizacion con el problema de Colombia.

Por otro lado no puedo mi repudio e indignacion hacia aquel maldito irresponsable/delincuente/guerrillero que se hace llamar presidente de un pais y de un pueblo...que alguna vez le aplaudi por sus criticas hacia USA y algunas buenas ideologias hacia la gente pobre. No se si sea rencor envidia hacia Uribe o que pero me parece totalmente inaceptable que publicamente halla guardado minuto de silencio "por la muerte de uno de los heroes de la revolucion y amigo", un idiota que arrastra con su ego la estabilidad de la region y de los pueblos, si para el aguien que es responsable por:

·Currently more than 750 hostages kidnapped in the Colombia 
· Four hundred (400) people kidnapped in 2007
· Over six thousand(6,772) people kidnapped in the last decade.
· Destruction of entire villages with bomb cylinders, in indiscriminate attacks
against civilian population. 
· It is the main producer and exporter of Cocaine and Heroine in the world.
· More than ten thousand (10,000) deaths among civilian population for their
terrorist attacks.

Es un acto de heroismo, que tal este!......Prefiero que me etiqueten de Titere, vendido o lo que ustedes quieran y me dejo de llamar Suramericano por pena e indignacion. Lo mas ironico es que es el mismo que en su demagogia habla de la union Latinoamericana, cual?

Donde creen ustedes que esconderian todos los secuestrados, porque en Colombia no estan???Alguna idea??

@Chilenita, creo que tienes una miopia politica alimentada por el viejo modelo romantico e ingenuo comunista. Pueden ser impresiones mias. AL igual que tu denigro la politica imperialista americana, pero es llover sobre mojado. Desde cuando Colombia es el eje del dominio Americano??que diferencia puede hacer con la situacion de Iraq o Iran. Porque en lugar de estar apuntando hacia el debily sus errores, no comienzas por apuntarte a ti misma, que el pais que menos ha hecho es el TUYO.....El CANADA de quisieras ver cambio en el orden mundial esta en manos de Canada, China, Rusia, India y la comunidad Europea, exigele y espera de ellos....o eres tan ingenua de pensar que pelagatos como Colombia, Ecuador,Venezuela Chile, El Salvador o Mexico van a cambiarlo....seguro que no!



-- Edited by Godines at 00:54, 2008-03-05


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i've been reading this , i just been busy..

What Uribe did was a big mistake. he had no right to go and invade are borders to pick up Raul Reyes, he should have asked, but I guess that the way he works, doest he know he is the only puppet of the americans left in south america.. I think all off latin america is going to join Ecuador and Venzuela in this.. but the last thing we all need is war in these countries, we in latin america have been thru to much crap, we are just getting back on your feet and a war will just turn us back to time

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Danny_C wrote:

now castro is in it

Ecuador fue atacado con bombas guiadas por satélites de EE.UU., dice Fidel Castro

El ex presidente cubano Fidel Castro acusa a Estados Unidos de "cometer un monstruoso crimen" en Ecuador, en un artículo divulgado hoy por medios oficiales, en el que asegura que "bombas yanquis, guiadas por satélites yanquis" mataron allí a 21 guerrilleros colombianos el sábado.

"Bombas mortíferas fueron lanzadas en la madrugada contra un grupo de hombres y mujeres que, casi sin excepción, dormían. Eso se deduce de todos los partes oficiales emitidos desde el primer instante. Las acusaciones concretas contra ese grupo de seres humanos no justifican la acción", asegura el líder cubano.

"A sangre fría -prosigue- nadie absolutamente tiene derecho a matar. Si aceptamos ese método imperial de guerra y barbarie, bombas yanquis dirigidas por satélites pueden caer sobre cualquier grupo de hombres y mujeres latinoamericanos, en el territorio de cualquier país, haya o no guerra".

"No somos enemigos de Colombia", advierte el ex mandatario, y señala que tanto él como el actual presidente de Cuba, su hermano Raúl Castro, se han atenido "a una política declarada de principios y de paz, proclamada desde hace años en nuestras relaciones con los demás Estados de América Latina".

"Hoy que todo está en riesgo -continúa la nota editorial-, no nos convierte en beligerantes. Somos decididos partidarios de la unidad entre los pueblos de lo que Martí llamó Nuestra América".

"Guardar silencio nos haría cómplices. Hoy a nuestro amigo, el economista y presidente del Ecuador Rafael Correa, quieren sentarlo en el banquillo de los acusados", dice Castro, que recuerda en detalle en el artículo una larga conversación entre ambos en febrero de 2006.

"Parecía entonces que mi imaginación era capaz de abarcar sueños y riesgos de todo tipo -agrega-, menos algo parecido a lo que ocurrió la madrugada del sábado 1º de marzo de 2008".

Castro anota que "Correa tiene en sus manos los pocos sobrevivientes y el resto de los cadáveres. Los dos que faltan demuestran que el territorio de Ecuador fue ocupado por tropas que cruzaron la frontera. Puede exclamar ahora como Emilio Zola: ¡Yo acuso!".

Es el segundo artículo consecutivo del ex presidente cubano dedicado a la crisis que ha llevado a Ecuador y Venezuela a romper relaciones con Colombia y desplazar tropas a las fronteras.

En la nota del lunes advertía de que "se escuchan con fuerza" en Suramérica "las trompetas de la guerra, como consecuencia de los planes genocidas del imperio yanqui".

"¡Nada es nuevo! ¡Estaba previsto!", agregaba ese primer artículo de sus "Reflexiones" dedicado a esta crisis.

He is 100% right!!!!!!!



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Just imagine for one second if it was the US for example and Mexico had done the same thing. Can you imagine??????? Can you even imagine what the outcome would have been.

This is beyond disturbing. No matter what your personal view on Farc is this is wrong. Hunt for Farc in your own backyards or at the VERY least have permission to do so. You can't just waltz into Ecuador and do whatever you wish. What the fu ck is that???



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F ack this shi t is going way too far, i hope they solve this without anymore killing and endangering anymore innocent life's.




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now castro is in it

Ecuador fue atacado con bombas guiadas por satélites de EE.UU., dice Fidel Castro

El ex presidente cubano Fidel Castro acusa a Estados Unidos de "cometer un monstruoso crimen" en Ecuador, en un artículo divulgado hoy por medios oficiales, en el que asegura que "bombas yanquis, guiadas por satélites yanquis" mataron allí a 21 guerrilleros colombianos el sábado.

"Bombas mortíferas fueron lanzadas en la madrugada contra un grupo de hombres y mujeres que, casi sin excepción, dormían. Eso se deduce de todos los partes oficiales emitidos desde el primer instante. Las acusaciones concretas contra ese grupo de seres humanos no justifican la acción", asegura el líder cubano.

"A sangre fría -prosigue- nadie absolutamente tiene derecho a matar. Si aceptamos ese método imperial de guerra y barbarie, bombas yanquis dirigidas por satélites pueden caer sobre cualquier grupo de hombres y mujeres latinoamericanos, en el territorio de cualquier país, haya o no guerra".

"No somos enemigos de Colombia", advierte el ex mandatario, y señala que tanto él como el actual presidente de Cuba, su hermano Raúl Castro, se han atenido "a una política declarada de principios y de paz, proclamada desde hace años en nuestras relaciones con los demás Estados de América Latina".

"Hoy que todo está en riesgo -continúa la nota editorial-, no nos convierte en beligerantes. Somos decididos partidarios de la unidad entre los pueblos de lo que Martí llamó Nuestra América".

"Guardar silencio nos haría cómplices. Hoy a nuestro amigo, el economista y presidente del Ecuador Rafael Correa, quieren sentarlo en el banquillo de los acusados", dice Castro, que recuerda en detalle en el artículo una larga conversación entre ambos en febrero de 2006.

"Parecía entonces que mi imaginación era capaz de abarcar sueños y riesgos de todo tipo -agrega-, menos algo parecido a lo que ocurrió la madrugada del sábado 1º de marzo de 2008".

Castro anota que "Correa tiene en sus manos los pocos sobrevivientes y el resto de los cadáveres. Los dos que faltan demuestran que el territorio de Ecuador fue ocupado por tropas que cruzaron la frontera. Puede exclamar ahora como Emilio Zola: ¡Yo acuso!".

Es el segundo artículo consecutivo del ex presidente cubano dedicado a la crisis que ha llevado a Ecuador y Venezuela a romper relaciones con Colombia y desplazar tropas a las fronteras.

En la nota del lunes advertía de que "se escuchan con fuerza" en Suramérica "las trompetas de la guerra, como consecuencia de los planes genocidas del imperio yanqui".

"¡Nada es nuevo! ¡Estaba previsto!", agregaba ese primer artículo de sus "Reflexiones" dedicado a esta crisis.



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Danny_C wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

I thought this subject would get way more feedback.hmm.gif

Anyway...I think Uribe has crossed the line BIG TIME!!! You can't just decide to go into another country like that. Big mistake...huge mistake. I know he is buddy buddy with Bush but following Bushs "lets just go in wherever we like" attitude is soooooooooo wrong.

ecuador already broke its dimplomatic relationships with colombia ..heard it this mourning...
venezuela even more..chavez is letting uribe have it like no tomorrow

There is a bottom line here and that is that there is no justification for such a STUPID move. You don't just cross borders and invade countries. Uribe is acting like a stupid American. A VERY stupid puppet and I hope most of South America sticks together in letting him know this is not acceptable. NOT in Latin America. NOT anymore!!!!!!



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Chilenita wrote:

I thought this subject would get way more feedback.hmm.gif

Anyway...I think Uribe has crossed the line BIG TIME!!! You can't just decide to go into another country like that. Big mistake...huge mistake. I know he is buddy buddy with Bush but following Bushs "lets just go in wherever we like" attitude is soooooooooo wrong.

ecuador already broke its dimplomatic relationships with colombia ..heard it this mourning...
venezuela even more..chavez is letting uribe have it like no tomorrow



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I thought this subject would get way more feedback.hmm.gif

Anyway...I think Uribe has crossed the line BIG TIME!!! You can't just decide to go into another country like that. Big mistake...huge mistake. I know he is buddy buddy with Bush but following Bushs "lets just go in wherever we like" attitude is soooooooooo wrong.



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on a side plus, the ration of guys in columbia will lessen thus more available sexy colombianas biggrin.gif no? anyone? 8crickets chirping*


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man this sucks we don't need a war in south america no.gif




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Chavez warns of war with Colombia
By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer
Sun Mar 2, 5:21 PM ET
Warning that Colombia could spark a war, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez sent tanks and thousands of troops to the countries' border Sunday and ordered his government's embassy in Bogota closed.

The leftist leader warned Colombia's U.S.-allied government that Venezuela will not permit acts like Saturday's killing of top rebel leader Raul Reyes and 16 other Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia guerrillas at a camp across the border in Ecuador.

"Mr. Defense Minister, move 10 battalions to the border with Colombia for me, immediately tank battalions, deploy the air force," Chavez said during his weekly TV and radio program. "We don't want war, but we aren't going to permit the U.S. empire, which is the master (of Colombia) ... to come to divide us."

He ordered the Venezuelan Embassy in Bogota closed and said all embassy personnel would be withdrawn. It pushes already tense relations between the South American neighbors to their lowest point yet, with potentially far-reach effects on billions of dollars in cross-border trade.

Though Chavez didn't say how many troops he was sending, a Venezuelan battalion traditionally has some 600 soldiers meaning some 6,000 could be headed to the border.

Chavez called the Colombian government "a terrorist state" as he sided with the leftist rebels it has battled for decades, saying its military "invaded Ecuador, flagrantly violated Ecuador's sovereignty."

Neither Colombia's foreign minister nor the country's military leadership would comment on Chavez's latest move when pressed by reporters for comment Sunday as they left a funeral service in Bogota for a Colombian soldier killed in Saturday's raid.

Speaking in Texas, U.S. National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said officials were monitoring the situation.

"This is an odd reaction by Venezuela to Colombia's efforts against the FARC, a terrorist organization that continues to hold Colombians, Americans and others hostage," Johndroe said.

Chavez said he had just spoken to Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa and that Ecuador was also sending troops to its border with Colombia. Chavez said his Ecuadorean ally told him that Uribe had lied and that the rebels were killed while asleep "in their pajamas."

"This is something very serious. This could be the start of a war in South America," Chavez said. He warned Colombian President Alvaro Uribe: "If it occurs to you to do this in Venezuela, President Uribe, I'll send some Sukhois" Russian warplanes recently bought by Venezuela.

He called Uribe "a criminal" accusing him of being a "lapdog" of Washington saying "Dracula's fangs (are) are covered in blood."

The slaying of Reyes and 16 other guerrillas, Chavez said, "wasn't any combat. It was a cowardly murder, all of it coldly calculated."

"We pay tribute to a true revolutionary, who was Raul Reyes," Chavez said, recalling that he had met rebel in Brazil in 1995 and calling him a "good revolutionary."

"The Colombian government has become the Israel of Latin America," an agitated Chavez said, mentioning another country that he has criticized for its military strikes. "We aren't going to permit Colombia to become the Israel of these lands. ... Uribe, we aren't going to permit you."

"Someday Colombia will be freed from the hand of the (U.S.) empire," Chavez said. "We have to liberate Colombia," he added, saying Colombia's people will eventually do away with its government.

Chavez maintains warm relations with the Colombia's largest guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, and has sought to play a role as mediator in the conflict despite his growing conflict with Colombia's government.

Colombia and Venezuela have been locked in a diplomatic crisis since November, when Uribe ended Chavez's official role negotiating a proposed hostages-for-prisoners swap.

Nevertheless, the FARC freed four hostages to Venezuelan officials last week, and they were reunited with their families in Caracas. It was the second unilateral release by the FARC this year.

Chavez has recently angered Uribe by urging world leaders to classify the leftist rebels as "insurgents" rather than "terrorists."

The FARC has proposed trading some 40 remaining high-value captives, including former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three U.S. defense contractors, for hundreds of imprisoned guerrillas.

In Ecuador, army Gen. Fabian Narvaez told The Associated Press that soldiers had found the bodies of 15 rebels and that soldiers planned to hand the bodies over to Ecuadorean officials, who will conduct forensic exams.

He said three Ecuadorean battalions have been stationed in the area in the country's northeastern jungle since Saturday, just a few miles from Colombian territory.

****...things r getting heated up hmm i wouldnt wanna see a big war in south america.....

theres already many colombianos in ecuador ....many that come to escape the wars to live a better life ....others that rob and commit general crime regardless nothing major major yet no offence to colombians cuz i luv u guys alot...pero no quisiera ver a Ecuador as a battle ground for rebels and troops to start waring with eachother ...i have known that it has already happened before...pero not to the point were civilians are getting cought into it ...and then as result soo many casualties

-- Edited by Danny_C at 17:10, 2008-03-03

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