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RE: Grammy's

oh yes, then yes i used to write for that website.



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Chale Tanga wrote:

angelita wrote:

For realz?? You used to write for them?? What kind of articles would you write??

Hold on... what place do you think that I used to write for? confused

 That Urban Magazine or whatever you call them. LatinUrban???

Ah who cares, just tell me girl. WHO??

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?

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angelita wrote:


For realz?? You used to write for them?? What kind of articles would you write??


Hold on... what place do you think that I used to write for? confused



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Chale Tanga wrote:

TV Buff wrote:
Speaking of JayZ and all things hip hop, do you still write for that hip hoppish website?

 No. Me way too cool fa dem tings now toocool.gif

 For realz?? You used to write for them?? What kind of articles would you write??

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?

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TV Buff wrote:
Speaking of JayZ and all things hip hop, do you still write for that hip hoppish website?


 No. Me way too cool fa dem tings now toocool.gif


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Chale Tanga wrote:

TV Buff wrote:
I actually youtubed the video, chu no, for "research purposes". It was an awkward moment, alright. Solange wanted to KILL Rihanna, JayZ looked SOOO uncomfortable and RiRi just seemed to be enjoying the moment. I give it to Beyonce, though. She acted very classy.
JayZ must be very very rich... 'cause gorgeous he ain't.

you can tell that Jay Z gets in $hit from Beyonce about RiRi... poor guy was like, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT TOUCH ME!!! B IS GONNA WHIP ME LIKE WE WAS IN A PLANTATION!! cry.gif

Speaking of JayZ and all things hip hop, do you still write for that hip hoppish website?


I love this one too!!!

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TV Buff wrote:
I actually youtubed the video, chu no, for "research purposes". It was an awkward moment, alright. Solange wanted to KILL Rihanna, JayZ looked SOOO uncomfortable and RiRi just seemed to be enjoying the moment. I give it to Beyonce, though. She acted very classy.
JayZ must be very very rich... 'cause gorgeous he ain't.


you can tell that Jay Z gets in $hit from Beyonce about RiRi... poor guy was like, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT TOUCH ME!!! B IS GONNA WHIP ME LIKE WE WAS IN A PLANTATION!! cry.gif


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Chale Tanga wrote:

TV Buff wrote:
I've read about this, but I haven't seen the video. These rumours have been going on for a while, eh? Another Angelina/Jennifer drama is brewing.

 Most likey.  But honestly Beyonce is just way too crazy, she's gone coocoo for coco puffs.  Jigga man would look awesome with RiRi... she's so cute, and NORMAL looking. 

I actually youtubed the video, chu no, for "research purposes". It was an awkward moment, alright. Solange wanted to KILL Rihanna, JayZ looked SOOO uncomfortable and RiRi just seemed to be enjoying the moment.  I give it to Beyonce, though. She acted very classy.
JayZ must be very very rich... 'cause gorgeous he ain't.


I love this one too!!!

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TV Buff wrote:
I've read about this, but I haven't seen the video. These rumours have been going on for a while, eh? Another Angelina/Jennifer drama is brewing.


 Most likey.  But honestly Beyonce is just way too crazy, she's gone coocoo for coco puffs.  Jigga man would look awesome with RiRi... she's so cute, and NORMAL looking. 


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I Love Amy....despite her issues she's very talented...Honestly she is perfect material for reality show....biggrin

This guy Kayne I can't stand him very arrogant and always with his spoiled little **** attitude,plus I don't thik he is talented ...

Tina Turner, despite her age she's still kick, ass her voice is way better than Beyonce.

What Do I Know....?????


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Did the Canadian girl, Feist, end up winning whatever she was nominated for? Haven't heard much of her, but she has one really nice song (not the one from the Ipod commercial) A cover of "inside and out"

-- Edited by Dogo at 07:50, 2008-02-13

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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Chilenita wrote:

I cried during Kanye's tribute to his momcry

Amy Winehouse was another big winner and she deserves it.

Beyonce although I can't stand her did well with Tina Turner.  Good performance.

Alicia Keys with Sinatra was nice too.

Herbie Hancock took home the most important award..Record of the year.

Little richard and Jerry Lee Lewis dad liked that.

Fergie's calvin Klien dress was by far the best.

That's all

Yup, i was so happy and proud of Amy.  She may be a druggie or whatever, but she is an amazing artist.  I have always thought so. 

I loved Kid Rock's performance with Keely Smith (Jazz Legend)

And i loved the rendition of Rhapsody in Blue.  smile


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Chilenita wrote:

GENIE wrote:

I loved Kanyes Jacket! lollol

Ok did anyone notice how when Rhianna won she went and grabbed Jayz and Beyonce sister solange (god knows why she was a presenter all she has done is have a baby as a minor) gave her sister a look like thats ur man! cuz Rhianna didnt even "notice" that Beyonce was there oh drama!!

I didn't notice the dramz!!!

I thought the green dress Alicia Keys wore didn't suit her.  She doesn't have enough boobies to fill it out.hmm

Amy's dancing was seriously WHACK! 

I didn't see Juanes cry

I've read about this, but I haven't seen the video. These rumours have been going on for a while, eh?  Another Angelina/Jennifer drama is brewing.


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The green dress did need boobies but she did fill it with booty as my other half stated!

I loved her outfit when she sang No One the shiny black tights and sparkly top were so sexy and nice!

Yes he was there!! lookin so Sexy!!

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GENIE wrote:

I loved Kanyes Jacket! lollol

Ok did anyone notice how when Rhianna won she went and grabbed Jayz and Beyonce sister solange (god knows why she was a presenter all she has done is have a baby as a minor) gave her sister a look like thats ur man! cuz Rhianna didnt even "notice" that Beyonce was there oh drama!!

Loved Alicia her hair not so much but her dresses were beautiful i loved them!

I loved Ringo Star!

And Amy Winehouse was good but her dancing and moving wtf?!?!

also did u notice how hot Juanes looked or was that just me drooling??

Loved Tina Turner thought she was awsome

Kanye did make me cry.

When Vince Gill said Kanye have u had that happen when a Ringo handed him the Grammy! loved that and then Usher bugging Kanye.

I didn't notice the dramz!!!

I thought the green dress Alicia Keys wore didn't suit her.  She doesn't have enough boobies to fill it out.hmm

Amy's dancing was seriously WHACK! 

I didn't see Juanes cry



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Foro Master

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I loved Kanyes Jacket! lollol

Ok did anyone notice how when Rhianna won she went and grabbed Jayz and Beyonce sister solange (god knows why she was a presenter all she has done is have a baby as a minor) gave her sister a look like thats ur man! cuz Rhianna didnt even "notice" that Beyonce was there oh drama!!

Loved Alicia her hair not so much but her dresses were beautiful i loved them!

I loved Ringo Star!

And Amy Winehouse was good but her dancing and moving wtf?!?!

also did u notice how hot Juanes looked or was that just me drooling??

Loved Tina Turner thought she was awsome

Kanye did make me cry.

When Vince Gill said Kanye have u had that happen when a Ringo handed him the Grammy! loved that and then Usher bugging Kanye.

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@ Chile - talking @ nails - Fergies.....I mean could u not say FAKE & OBVIOUS. bleh.gif

I was surprised Fergie wore such a nice dress because honestly I think she is one of the tackiest women EVER!!!!  She looks like a tranny half the time.  She looked good last night but I guess she needed a bit of tacky too - lol.  Eww she also has that nasty eyebrow ring *puke*



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@ Chile - talking @ nails - Fergies.....I mean could u not say FAKE & OBVIOUS. bleh.gif

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA


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Buffy i totally disagree with your take on kanye....imagine you were going to perform at the grammys and your mom had just passed a coupld months prior...wouldn't you do a tribute?

PRINNY...Guliana that is a dress I totally agree.  I think I liked her more than any star that was there!  DID YOU SEE HER SHOES...TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with Nelly Furtado...her stylist should be shot!  I don't agree with Rianna...I thought her dress was ugly and so were her tacky nailsbleh



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OMG I've always been a HUGE fan of Luis Guerra, i think when he gets tooo religiuos, he can over do it, but overall his music is amazing - he deserves all the awards. winner.gif

I like Sanz too, but he's kinda the same in all his Cd's, get's boring.

I gotta say I was surprised that Sanz won to Miguel Bose - I mean I hate him & he's been just there, but his latest cd was huge (ok in Ecaudor) & I thought he had a great chance.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA

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Oh ya how can I forget the Umbrella girl Rihanna, LUV her dress, soooo sexy!

Her performance was good in my opinion, just the opning was kinda lame. She didn't need those guys, she's just perfect on her own.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA

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In related news, I read that some Paparazzi asked Brit Brit if she would be attending the Grammys and she told him to go make love or something.  And I'm paraphrasing here.

As for latinos winning Grammys:

Alejandro Sanz y Juan Luis Guerra se alzan con los primeros Grammy

Posted: 2008-02-11

Main Photo
El cantautor dominicano Juan Luis Guerra sostiene su premio al Mejor Album Tropical Latino. EFE
El cantante español Alejandro Sanz y el dominicano Juan Luis Guerra han conseguido el Grammy al Mejor Disco Pop Latino y al Mejor Disco Tropical Latino por "El tren de los momentos" y "La llave de mi corazón", respectivamente.

Según anunciaron fuentes de la Academia de los Grammy, Sanz se impuso a Miguel Bosé, Jorge Drexler, Luis Miguel y Jennifer Peña, mientras que Guerra logró el galardón al que también aspiraban Cubanismo, Isaac Delgado, El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico y Spanish Harlem Orchestra.

"La llave de mi corazón" ya cosechó seis Grammy Latino en noviembre, y su autor, Guerra, agradeció hoy este nuevo premio "a Dios", su "salvador" y "a toda la República Dominicana".

El Mejor Disco Latino de Música Rock o Alternativa se lo llevaron los puertorriqueños Black: Guayaba, con "No hay espacio".

"Ésta sí que es una sorpresa y estamos súper felices de recibir este premio", dijo el vocalista de Black:Guayaba, Gustavo González, que se impuso a Jarabe de Palo, Panda, Zoé y Rabanes.

Por su parte, los boricuas Calle 13, con su "Residente o visitante", se alzó con el galardón al Mejor Disco Urbano Latino, al que optaban también Tego Calderón, Daddy Yanky, Akwid y Fulanito.

Pepe Aguilar, gracias a "100% Mexicano", consiguió el premio al Mejor Disco Mexicano o México-Americano.

Además, el premio al Mejor Disco Tejano fue a parar a manos de Little Joe & La Familia, por su "Before The Next Teardrop Falls"; el de Mejor Disco Norteño, para "Detalles y emociones", de Los Tigres del Norte, y el de Mejor Disco de una Banda para El Chapo, por "Te va a gustar.

El compositor argentino Gustavo Santaolalla y el español Javier Navarrete no lograron el premio a la Mejor Banda Sonora para Cine, Televisión o Medio Visual, por su trabajos en "Babel" y "El laberinto del fauno".

El galardón se lo llevó Michael Giacchino por "Ratatouille".

Además, el Mejor Álbum de Jazz Latino se lo llevó Paquito D'Rivera Quintet, por "Funk Tango".



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Holy sh it, Prinni, you're ruthless!

I saw the first half. Kanye's performance didn't feel right. I thought he was exploiting his mom's death a tad. I loved Alicia Keys. I'm a big fan. She's always so good and she's so laid back and soothing. I loooooved The Foo Fighters.
A lot of women performing, eh? Fergie was good. Tina rocked the house. Rihanna, not so much, but she looked cute. I didn't get to see the last half, so I missed Amy Winehouse and Feist... heard she was really nervous, though. Oh, and that haircut DOES NOT suit Nelly AT ALL. Even I, being the mess I am with my own hair, can tell that. What was she thinking??? The dress was nice, though.


I love this one too!!!

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Some black guy, no clue his name, but had a nice stylish hat, sunglasses, and shinny goldie shoes, it was hot!

who? Musiq Soul Child?   I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurvs him heart.gif

I didnt watch them, but i've seen the pictures of the best/worst dressed... gotta agree with you, Fergie looked awesome!!! Nelly Fertado (the bird song girl) holy crap... YUCK!  Jigga man looked awesome, and  Beyonce's  style of hair looked like she ran out of time and just took her hair out of a pony tail and ran off to the grammys. 



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Now I disagree with Chilenita on the Amy girl.

I'll give her credit, gots great voice, very unique, but defenilty didn't deserve all 5 awrds she sweapt. I think her compitition was way better.

I like her Rehab song, but not enough to make her an grammy winner, but she is diffrent & I also recognize that side for her.

I TOTALLY DISAGREE with the Cole lady (not sure her name) about amy NOT diserving her awards cus she's all Fu_cked up now, but the grammy's is not about personal life, it's about quality in the artist & she does have it, just not for 5 grammys, in my opinion of wat music I like.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA

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I saw them! w00t.gif

My highlightes:



KANYE WEST ( liked it, but he's waaaayyyyyy to dramatic for my like, so kinda ruined it a bit in my opinion)


Jay - Z - aww.gif like always simple but yet soooo good!!! Hot!

Some black guy, no clue his name, but had a nice stylish hat, sunglasses, and shinny goldie shoes, it was hot!

LUVED she looked stunning.

Carrie - OMG she's just BEAUTIFUL ALLLLL Around!!! LUV HER, Wanna go to her concert hopefully, she's coming to TO, not sure when thou. pray.gif

Julianna the red carpet presenter - luved her turquois dress = HOT dress


The Fly like a bird girl - watever her name is. She looked like an Egyptian Mummy! Totally didn't suit that look.

The Black girl with short curly hair & a Big bird dress, just that in blue. :eww: & the SHOES....OMG I was girl I got better shoes. LOL

Alisha Keys - Poor girl, If I was her I would fire my hairstylist & designer. The dess was nice, she's got the height & body, just that she LACK the most important part to compliment her dress the BOOOBS!!!!! I was OMG horrible. I felt bad for her, cus she sooo beautiful & there is sooo much u can do with her.

Feist - OMG poor girl, that's all i gotta say @ her. LOL

Beyonce - never been big on her, like her red carpet silver dress, but wat didn't do for me was the boob part, kinda ugly in my like. Plus i think she's gain some weight & u could notice it.

Anyhow if I can think of more I'll come later.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA


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I cried during Kanye's tribute to his momcry

Amy Winehouse was another big winner and she deserves it.

Beyonce although I can't stand her did well with Tina Turner.  Good performance.

Alicia Keys with Sinatra was nice too.

Herbie Hancock took home the most important award..Record of the year.

Little richard and Jerry Lee Lewis dad liked that.

Fergie's calvin Klien dress was by far the best.

That's all



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not but i read the news paper that it said that the big winner this year was kanye west..... good like his music.




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Surprised no one has mentioned watching them.

I actually had no clue they were on.

Did anyone see them?

Any highlites?!?!?

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