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Post Info TOPIC: Chinese New Year, Year of the Pig!!


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RE: Chinese New Year, Year of the Pig!!

I'm a snake of fire....

wow!!! I just noticed that if you take the "n" in snake you end up with Sake....

I like Sake...

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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So basically, we should all get married this year if not already done and have children........... LOL

Foro soccer team, on you mark............goooooooo

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.


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Well, look how ferocious I am............a bloody rooster!!!! 

Total bore!!!    According to this, my year is going to be llllllllaaaaaaammmmmeeeee!!!    I'm gonna be broke, working in fields that according to this I AM interested in but in all reality, I can't stand, AND I'm going to be super sick and may have to go for surgery.  Lookin' good, MJ!!!  Lookin' RRRRREEEEAAAALLLL good!!!! 


Whereas stupid El Pibe is a MONKEY and he's going to have a FABULOUS year!!!!

Well la-dee-dah!!!!! 


-- Edited by El Pibe at 11:17, 2007-02-21


Ha ha I can change my signature!!!


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Damn it! I thought someone would give me good news. Boooo! That is all. :sad studious angel... not:

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(

Foro Master

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Dammit!!! I've been writing Year of the Dog on my reports!!

Attention: Span is officially gone.


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HORSE 1990 1978 1966 1954 1942 This is a lucky year for you.Your social position and wealth both improve.You should start a new business, orrenew your investment portfolio. If youhave been sitting on somegood ideas for years, this is thetime to do them.• WORK: You will do well ifyou are an inventor, revolutionist,politician, researcheror healer.• WEALTH: Both regular andspeculative incomes are satisfactory.You will do even better if you ownyour own business.• ROMANCE: Because you are so focusedon business, you may not have much romance.Likewise, you may not have extramartialaffairs.• HEALTH: Your energy level seems togrow with your hard work.

I got a raise this month and getting another one next - iLike the hosre




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SNAKE 1989 19771965 1953 1941The snake is opposite to theboar. You must not gamble or speculate. Youcan consider starting a new business. Youwill travel a lot. Beware of accidents.• WORK:You will do well if you are in abusiness with mobility, such as travel,transportation, import/export, buying andselling. You also favour businesses to dowith entertainment, massage or singing.• WEALTH: Do not gamble or speculate. Beconservative with your investments.• ROMANCE: Although you are very romantic,you should not consider marriagethis year.• HEALTH:You will be prone to accidents ifyou are too mobile, such as driving. Youshould do gentler exercises such as yoga,qigong or Tai Chi.

 You also favour businesses to dowith entertainment, massage or singing:



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SHEEP 1991 19791967 1955 1943The sheep is compatible withthe boar. As such, there are plenty of luckysigns. There will be power. Employees mayget promoted. Business people may expand.Do not forget there are people who are jealousof you. Your romances are strong.• WORK: A successful year for you. Youfavour sectors to do with transportation,travel or logistics. Both financial and realestates will be good for you too. Watch outfor big swings in the market.• WEALTH: Your income is directly proportionalto your hard work and authority.Short term investments are better for you.• ROMANCE: If you are single, considermarriage. If you are married, your marriageshould improve.• HEALTH: Your health is weaker thanyour wealth. There are many small illnesses.Rest well.


Foro Master

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Hey we got 2 monkeys here LoL Lucky year for the Monkey

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Foro Master

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Baah Baah Black sheep

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
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Foro Master

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I am a Monkey
monkey...peeing right
MONKEY 1 9 9 21980 1968 1956 1944This is a lucky year for you.You are due for promotions. If you ownyour business, there are new opportunities.This is both a good year to get married or tohave children. There is a strong movingsign. You will have plenty of new ideas.• WORK:You will do very well if you are ina business to do with talking, such asspeaker, sales agent, entertainment, geomanceror philosopher.• WEALTH: Your wealth is above average.Happy events such as marriage will increaseyour income. A business dealingwith happiness will also do well.• ROMANCE: This is a good year to tie theknot of marriage if you have not done so. Ifyou are married, you will be more loving.Both genders tend to enjoy memories ofpast romances.• HEALTH: You are healthy in general. Bewareof problems with your skin.

I can't change my signature :-/

Foro Master

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MONKEY 1 9 9 21980 1968 1956 1944This is a lucky year for you.You are due for promotions. If you ownyour business, there are new opportunities.This is both a good year to get married or tohave children. There is a strong movingsign. You will have plenty of new ideas.• WORK:You will do very well if you are ina business to do with talking, such asspeaker, sales agent, entertainment, geomanceror philosopher.• WEALTH: Your wealth is above average.Happy events such as marriage will increaseyour income. A business dealingwith happiness will also do well.• ROMANCE: This is a good year to tie theknot of marriage if you have not done so. Ifyou are married, you will be more loving.Both genders tend to enjoy memories ofpast romances.• HEALTH: You are healthy in general. Bewareof problems with your skin.

Proud Member of the S.L.U.T. Campaign!

Foro Master

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SNAKE 1989 19771965 1953 1941The snake is opposite to theboar. You must not gamble or speculate. Youcan consider starting a new business. Youwill travel a lot. Beware of accidents.• WORK:You will do well if you are in abusiness with mobility, such as travel,transportation, import/export, buying andselling. You also favour businesses to dowith entertainment, massage or singing.• WEALTH: Do not gamble or speculate. Beconservative with your investments.• ROMANCE: Although you are very romantic,you should not consider marriagethis year.• HEALTH:You will be prone to accidents ifyou are too mobile, such as driving. Youshould do gentler exercises such as yoga,qigong or Tai Chi.
HORSE 1990 19781966 1954 1942
This is a lucky year for you.Your social position and wealth both improve.You should start a new business, orrenew your investment portfolio. If youhave been sitting on somegood ideas for years, this is thetime to do them.• WORK: You will do well ifyou are an inventor, revolutionist,politician, researcheror healer.• WEALTH: Both regular andspeculative incomes are satisfactory.You will do even better if you ownyour own business.• ROMANCE: Because you are so focusedon business, you may not have much romance.Likewise, you may not have extramartialaffairs.• HEALTH: Your energy level seems togrow with your hard work.

SHEEP 1991 19791967 1955 1943
The sheep is compatible withthe boar. As such, there are plenty of luckysigns. There will be power. Employees mayget promoted. Business people may expand.Do not forget there are people who are jealousof you. Your romances are strong.• WORK: A successful year for you. Youfavour sectors to do with transportation,travel or logistics. Both financial and realestates will be good for you too. Watch outfor big swings in the market.• WEALTH: Your income is directly proportionalto your hard work and authority.Short term investments are better for you.• ROMANCE: If you are single, considermarriage. If you are married, your marriageshould improve.• HEALTH: Your health is weaker thanyour wealth. There are many small illnesses.Rest well.
MONKEY 1 9 9 21980 1968 1956 1944
This is a lucky year for you.You are due for promotions. If you ownyour business, there are new opportunities.This is both a good year to get married or tohave children. There is a strong movingsign. You will have plenty of new ideas.• WORK:You will do very well if you are ina business to do with talking, such asspeaker, sales agent, entertainment, geomanceror philosopher.• WEALTH: Your wealth is above average.Happy events such as marriage will increaseyour income. A business dealingwith happiness will also do well.• ROMANCE: This is a good year to tie theknot of marriage if you have not done so. Ifyou are married, you will be more loving.Both genders tend to enjoy memories ofpast romances.• HEALTH: You are healthy in general. Bewareof problems with your skin.
ROOSTER 1993 19811969 1957 1945
You have very dominantlucky signs helping you. You have a powerfullearning star. Your studies or planningare good. However, you may feel lonely andbecome more spiritual. Since your logicalmind and your intuitive mind both exist,you may have trouble making decisions attimes.• WORK: You favour being in the field ofanalysis, such as computers, engineering,law or research. You also favour being in thecreative field, such as arts, painting, poetryor design. You will receive plenty of help.• WEALTH: Your wealth is not as significantas your work. It is proportional toyour mobility level.• ROMANCE: Your romances are prettyflat.• HEALTH: Beware of accidents and surgeries.They may leave a mark on you. Paymore attention to your hormone system.
DOG 1994 1982 19701958 1946 1934
Last year, you suffered fromconflicting with the year. This year, youare going to enjoy your new-found opportunities.This year favours the male dogperson. Try to pioneer, explore new fields.• WORK: You will do well if you are in abusiness to do with happy events, such asbanquet halls, marriage advisor, entertainmentor explorer.• WEALTH: You favour short-term investments.They will be volatile. Overall, youwill make more money than you did lastyear.• ROMANCE: You tend to be lonely, butstable.• HEALTH: There will be many small illnesses.Exercise and rest well.

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Foro Master

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Posts: 7300

What is your Horoscope in Chinese Calendar????

I am a Dragon...

PIG 1995 1983 19711959 1947 1935This is a year when the pigperson is in their own year. You will bemore prone to accidents and health problems.However, there is a lucky sign whichwould help you through most troubles.Meanwhile, you will be very adventurous,thus contracting many unnecessary troubles.You should think twice about whatyou want to do. If in doubt, get a friend tohelp you.• WORK: You will have chances to trysomething new. You should stay mobile.You will favour trading, travel, import/exportbusinesses. You do not favour the financialmarket or gambling.• WEALTH: Income through hard work willbe better than speculative. You will makemore money through businesses of publicrelations, human resources, marketing andentertainment businesses.• ROMANCE: Your relations will bevolatile. However, you seem to be able to getout of trouble every time.• HEALTH: Even though the pig persongets tired easily, you still have a lot of energyat work. Be careful of a bleeding sign.
MOUSE 1996 19841972 1960 1948 1936
There is a “sun” star shiningon you. This will favour the male rat personmore. However, most mice people will havea clear mind. Romances are abundant. It isa good year to get married or to bear a childif you have not done so. There is an illnesssign. You should take more care of yourhealth.• WORK: You will do well in those businessesdealing with people, such as buyingand selling, sales agency and entertainment.• WEALTH: Your income is stable, but notin gambling.• ROMANCE: Your interpersonal relationsare good. If you are single, enjoy your romances.If you are married, beware of extramaritalaffairs.• HEALTH: You are prone to light illnesses.Watch your eating habits.
OX 1997 1985 19731961 1949 1937
There may be illness ordeaths among your close family members.You have a bleeding sign too. However, yourpeople relations are good. Your business isalso good. This is a good year to travel, or toget married if you are single.• WORK: A promotion year if you work forother people. You can start a new businessas well. You favour businesses dealing withpeople.• WEALTH: The more mobile, the betteryou do financially. You will make even moremoney if you are a surgeon or if you are inthe burial business.• ROMANCE: You are attractive and maybe envied by your friends. Beware of a possibleintruder into your relationships.• HEALTH: You are accident-prone. Takeyour time and drive with care.

TIGER 1998 1986 19741962 1950 1938
This is a good year for the tigress.You are compatible with the boar butalso in some conflict. You would encountera lot of controversies. Even though you mayenjoy high positions, beware of what yousay and do. Your social recognition is good.• WORK: If your work involves talking, youwill do very well. Such businesses includesinging, speaking, acting, dentistry, geomancer,philosopher, preacher, teacher andsales agents.• WEALTH: Your income may not be stable.Do not gamble or speculate. Money earnedvia your hard work and wisdom tend to lastlonger.• ROMANCE: Most relations are good, especiallyif you are female. The male tigers'romance is not as favourable. This is a goodyear to get married if you have not done so.• HEALTH: Beware of problems with youskin and mouth. Overall, you are well.

RABBIT 1999 19871975 1963 1951 1939
Rabbits and Boars are verycompatible. This is a lucky year for you.Your income will improve. However, yourromances may be volatile. You will havehelp whenever you are stuck with something.• WORK: You should be in a position controllingmoney. Your power and wealth arein proportionate scale, especially if you arein a position controlling money.• WEALTH: You do not favour speculativeincome. Your investments are better longterm.• ROMANCE: Plenty of romances. If youare still single, consider marriage. If you aremarried, beware of extramarital affairs.This is also a good year for the female rabbitto get pregnant.• HEALTH: Beware of problems with thereproductive organs. However, most illnessesshould be minor.

DRAGON 1988 19761964 1952 1940This is a very happy year forthe dragon person. Yet there are also strongsigns of controversies. While the single onesmay get married, the married ones mayquarrel. You should watch out for the stateof your mind.• WORK: A year of promotion or starting anew business. You will do well especially ifyou are in a business to do with happiness,such as banquets, hotels, marriages, politicsor research.• WEALTH: Big swings in your investments.Your regular income is safer. Youroverall wealth is better than the previousyear.• ROMANCE: You are romantic. Your relationshipsare volatile. They require goodcommunication and understanding.• HEALTH: You tend to be absent-mindedand feel empty. Fill your mind with morework.

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