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Post Info TOPIC: Pinochet dies at the age of 91

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RE: Pinochet dies at the age of 91

Saddly Pinocho died leaving behind millions of $$$$ for his family( he was supposed to be uncorrupted and yet manage to steal so much).  The Chilean Justice system should try very hard to confiscate these monies and distribute it among Pinocho's victims; otherwise his family will keep victorious for many years to come.

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Dogo wrote:

THis guy killed thousands of people... Most people would probably not be able to help feel a slight sense of joy, for the death of this ONE guy that wiped out THOUSANDS of your compatriotas (who could've been fam members)
I don't think it would put you "at that lower level" I think it would probably, actually, just make you a bit more human ANd what the hell is it with Chile coming and going in a flash?

-- Edited by Dogo at 21:58, 2006-12-13

My uncle died on 1973 while his brother (my other uncle) worked for the intelligence police (CNI) you can see I was in the middle of a very dense environment. At this point I couldn’t care less if Pinochet is dead or alive…he’s not gonna give me back my uncle and he’s not gonna fix my other uncle’s psychological scars…

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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Chilenita wrote:

WOW I waited sooooo many years for this to happen (thirty to be exact) and when I finally heard the news I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be.  I thought I would be nothing but happy but that was not the case at all.  I feel frustration....he died of old age, his family was able to give him a funeral and they will have somewhere to go and leave a flower whenever they feel like it.  He took that away from so many Chileans! There are so many Chileans that never saw justice and now they never will.  Along with this monster died alot of information.  WHERE ARE THE DEAD?  WHAT DID THEY DO TO THEM?  WHERE ARE THE BODIES?  There are still Chileans around that may have some of those answers!!!! 

I went out Sunday night to the Chilean Consulate and drank Champagne not so much for the death the the bastard but more in memory of all those who he helped kill. 




I was at the consulate that night as well. I was the one with the loud-ass air horn....I feel the same way but finding some degree of comfort/pleasure in knowing Bachelet denied him a state funeral publicly announcing she would not attend his military funeral. The biggest highlight for me has been General Prat's grandson spitting on pinochet during the public viewing.

For those that know, let me recap a bit of history that explains why the above mentioned spitting is so uplifting:

Days after the coup pinochet kicked General Prat out of the army and country for being a trator and supporter of Presidente Allende. While living in Argentina, pinochet ordered Prat's death. General Prat and his wife were killed by a car bomb. General Prat had children, who eventually had children of their own. During pinochet's viewing, Francisco Cuadrado Prats stood in line for hours for his turn to be infront of the bastard's body and got a little venganza of his own by spitting on his grand father's murderer.

La venganza (chilean newspaper)
Por otra parte, se conoció en las últimas horas, que el hombre que escupió el féretro del dictador Augusto Pinochet durante el velatorio fue el artista plástico Francisco Cuadrado Prats, nieto del general Carlos Prats, asesinado en Buenos Aires en 1974 por órdenes de la dictadura chilena.

"Fui a ver qué pasaba, me quedé e hice lo que hice; era algo que quería hacer", relató a un diario chileno el artista que es hijo de la actual embajadora de Chile en Grecia, Sofía Prats Cuthbelt.

Según testigos, el incidente ocurrió en la madrugada del martes luego que Cuadrado Prats hiciera una fila de varias horas entre los simpatizantes de Pinochet para poder estar frente al cadáver.




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Julie wrote:

Dogo wrote:

ANd what the hell is it with Chile coming and going in a flash?

My point exactly ! Please refer to your favorite thread .........



The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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Dogo wrote:

ANd what the hell is it with Chile coming and going in a flash?

My point exactly ! Please refer to your favorite thread .........

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McOSIRIS wrote:

I understand the guy killed a lot of people, but I don't think he would've celebrated every person he killed with Champagne and hugs... so, for me  to celebrate somebody's death would put me at that lower level, similar to those pple that took away other ppls lives...

Mr. Pinochet, go to your corner and think about what you've done...

THis guy killed thousands of people... Most people would probably not be able to help feel a slight sense of joy, for the death of this ONE guy that wiped out THOUSANDS of your compatriotas (who could've been fam members)
I don't think it would put you "at that lower level" I think it would probably, actually, just make you a bit more human


ANd what the hell is it with Chile coming and going in a flash?

-- Edited by Dogo at 21:58, 2006-12-13

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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WOW I waited sooooo many years for this to happen (thirty to be exact) and when I finally heard the news I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be.  I thought I would be nothing but happy but that was not the case at all.  I feel frustration....he died of old age, his family was able to give him a funeral and they will have somewhere to go and leave a flower whenever they feel like it.  He took that away from so many Chileans! There are so many Chileans that never saw justice and now they never will.  Along with this monster died alot of information.  WHERE ARE THE DEAD?  WHAT DID THEY DO TO THEM?  WHERE ARE THE BODIES?  There are still Chileans around that may have some of those answers!!!! 

I went out Sunday night to the Chilean Consulate and drank Champagne not so much for the death the the bastard but more in memory of all those who he helped kill. 







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I couldn't stop laughing..friend of mine had that in her msn..Personal Message.




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You Chilenos might enjoy reading this...


On escaping the gallows


In Final Act Pinochet

Cheats Chilean Justice


Por: Pastor Valle-Garay

Senior Scholar, Universidad de York


Toronto, Canadá. Chilean justice moved ever too slowly. Death was too generous to the murderer. It walked in hand in hand with the ultimate irony: one of the most sadist violators of human rights would die on December 10, the International Day of Human Rights.


It was about time but it was not just. When all is said and done, ex dictator and retired General Augusto Pinochet had cheated Chilean justice. Down came the curtain in the final act. Out went Pinochet at 91. He finally kicked the bucket in Santiago’s Military Hospital. Dead of cardiac failure. In medical parlance “descompesacion aguda.” Acute unbalance.  Some epitaph! Everyone knew all along that the bastard was unbalanced. Still, the death certificate leaves behind a black hole. The cause of death is reduced to its simplest, easiest form. Much too gentle. Much too easy. Pinochet deserved the gallows.


In 1973 Pinochet overthrew the legitimate government of Marxist President Salvador Allende in a bloody, violent coup engineered by the US Central Intelligence Agency. According to statistics from the Chilean government Pinochet, who ruled with an iron fist until 1990, was responsible for the assassination of 3,197 people, for the disappearance of thousands more, and for jailing and sending into exile tens of thousands of Chileans.   


Pinochet’s bloody coup initiated a reign of terror unparalleled in Chilean history. His henchmen’s raids rounded up suspected dissidents and filled with prisoners Santiago’s National Stadium. The sports complex became a jail, a centre of torture, rape and of summary executions. Soon after, the dictator set up the Caravan of Death which specialized in throwing political prisoners to the ocean from military helicopters, torturing them to death and burying them in unmarked, common graves still being discovered in the Atacama desert, in the coastal city of La Serena, in the southern town of Cauquenes and in so many other places that is safe to say that Pinochet transformed all of Chile into his private cemetery.


Then Pinochet proceeded to internationalize terrorism. His death squads crossed borders. In complicity with fellow right-wing Latin American dictators, Pinochet created Operation Condor. It had a singular purpose: the extermination of leftist sympathizers in Chile and abroad. In 1976 Orlando Letelier, former Minister of Foreign Affairs in President Allende’s government became Operation Condor’s most prominent victim. Pinochet’s assassins blew up Letelier's vehicle in Washington D.C. as he travelled to work killing him and his US assistant Ronni Moffitt. 


“Not a leaf moves in this country if I’m not moving it,” the General used to brag. He was dead right. To the end. In spite of numerous criminal indictments, Pinochet did escape Chile’s justice. Among other legal subterfuges Pinochet claimed political immunity, senility, dementia and heart disease. He spent his final days in two luxurious mansions, fringe benefits of the systematic, multimillion dollar theft of the nation’s funds secretly deposited in Washington bank accounts. Now it does not matter. Pinochet is dead and he died when he felt like dying. It should have never happened this way but … better late than never.


And now, what? In Allende’s last speech, broadcast while Pinochet’s Air Force dive-bombed the Presidential Palace in a brutal attack that would ultimately cause the President’s death in 1973, Allende spoke with supreme conviction. He reassured the nation that “free Chileans would walk again along the tree-lined boulevards.”  It happened. Now it would be only fair to hang Pinochet from the tallest tree in the boulevard. It would be a grim but deserving reminder of the genocide committed against the nation.  


Pinochet would not be the first to deserve the treatment. It was accorded to Benito Mussolini at the end of World War II. Of course, Chileans won’t lower themselves to the executioner’s level. They are much too civilized. However, just in case, Pinochet was dubious about his final resting place. After being gifted with such an uneventful death he anticipated the worst. In a statement to the press his son Marco Antonio, also indicted in the multimillion frauds to the nation, indicated that the tyrant’s last wish was to be cremated in order to avoid the desecration of his tomb “by the people who always hated me.”


¡Phenomenal presence of mind for a supposedly feeble nonagenarian! It makes me wonder if Pinochet’s hunch originated after reading the poem written by the exquisite Marxist poet and Catholic priest Ernesto Cardenal. The poem was dedicated to Anastasio Somoza, the brutal ex dictator and ex General of Nicaragua who, like Pinochet, died in infamy. It speaks of the ceremony in which Somoza unveiled a statue of himself mounted on top of a horse. Originally it was a solid copper statue commissioned by Benito Mussolini. The Italian dictator, in full military uniform, sat astride a horse. Years after Il Duce’s death it was found discarded in an Italian warehouse. Somehow Somoza heard about it, bought it for a million dollars, replaced Mussolini’s head with his own, had it shipped to Nicaragua and erected it in front of Managua’s National Baseball Stadium.    


Ernesto titled his poem “Somoza Unveils Somoza’s Statue in the Somoza Stadium.” It reads: “It’s not that I think the people raised this statue to me/because I know better than you do that I ordered it myself./Nor that I have any illusions about passing with it into posterity/because I know the people one day will tear it down./ Nor that I wish to erect to myself in life/the monument you’ll not erect to me in death:/I put up this statue just because I know you’ll hate it.”


Timely, visionary advice from Ernesto. Accurate assumption by Pinochet. Upon the triumph of the Sandinista revolution in 1979, Somoza fled … to Miami. Where else? As predicted Nicaraguans tore down the dictator’s hated statue and dragged it through the streets of Managua. Eventually a piece of the iron horse's ass was left at the main gate of the Sandinista Ministry of Culture, a tribute of sorts to Ernesto, who had been persecuted by Somoza and appointed Minister of Culture by the Sandinista Government. Poetic justice, no?   


As for Pinochet, I believe his suspicions were well founded. If he feared his bones would have the same fate as the other dictator’s statue, better to burn them. As for Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, her government should not honour with a state funeral the remains of a brutal tyrant who dishonoured Chile for so long. The military will do what the military always does: close ranks on one of their own no matter how shameful the colleague conducted himself. As far as everyone else is concerned, let the bastard burn. In secret. Without ceremony. The sooner the better. Avoid the risk of his ashes further contaminating the putrid environment Pinochet leaves behind. Harsh words? Not really. In fact quite mild compared to the suffering of millions of Chileans under Pinochet’s reign of terror.



I love this one too!!!


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I am glad he past away because now, families of the victims my be able to turn the page and start or go on with their life. I know it hasn't changed anything for them because "justice" would never be done for their loved ones but @ least now that Pinochet is gone, they might start focusing on the living and stop living in the past.

But what happened in Chile must never be forgotten by the world and mostly by the pple of Chile and hopefully it will never happen again.

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FANTITO wrote:

 I've heard that even the White House has tried to distance herself from Pinochet and has expressed they are with the people who suffered from his iron fist ways.

Collin Powell said in the pass something like this: helping Pinochet was something they regretted.

BUt it was too late, they helped him against Allende, and therefore are as guilty as Pinochet himself.

too many americans had to wait for 911-2001 to happen to even hear about anything remotely familiar and, even less, so much the responsibility of the White House hawks as 911-1973.

go figure. they should teach that in school down there. "america topples governments around the world 101".

Or something.


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 I've heard that even the White House has tried to distance herself from Pinochet and has expressed they are with the people who suffered from his iron fist ways.

Collin Powell said in the pass something like this: helping Pinochet was something they regretted.

BUt it was too late, they helped him against Allende, and therefore are as guilty as Pinochet himself.

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Pinochet's death celebrates not the victory of justice but of a life's final capitulation to nature. Justice is a human abstract, important only to those of us who believe and live by it. We see no real joy in Pinochet passing for it has robbed victims and their families a chance for real justice.  Gone is the opportunity to test the impartiality and independence of Chile's judicial system. Moreover, a lesson for present and future dictators has been lost.


If Pinochet truly was a soldier and a hero to some, why did he not have the mettle to face his accusers and defend his actions? Sadly, he did not have what we look for in our leaders – the courage of their convictions. Many a brave soldier has gone to their grave fighting for what they believe in. Pitiful Pinochet lacked such valor.  He does not deserve an official funeral with full military honours.


I am thankful only in the possibility that my identity may now and forever be severed from the despot.

-- Edited by neruda at 19:41, 2006-12-11


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LAB_ wrote:

As for whether to celebrate his death... you see, there is WAY too much weed to be smoked in the world for me to waste a single second in any public resemblance of any kind of emotion about this beast's death.



I went to a beautiful place, and back.


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as if pinochet was still a dictator when he died.

when he died, the bastard was nothing but the ancient version of the madman that ruled Chile -and had Chileans murdered by the throngs- being pushed around by his blood suckers so he wouldn't have to come face to face with justice his handlers could keep his/their money safe. And his/their a$$ out of jail.

He was a bastard, and so goes with his handlers.

As for whether to celebrate his death... you see, there is WAY too much weed to be smoked in the world for me to waste a single second in any public resemblance of any kind of emotion about this beast's death. Other than the relief of seeing his kind leave this world for good, however late that may have been. As said before, the sob's time was well due.


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God wrote:

Who is the Next Dicator to pass away ????

-- Edited by God at 10:09, 2006-12-11




J/K... I know where you're going with this.


I love this one too!!!

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what do you call a potato and the end of your penis??














anyways, all the people he killed during his time as dictator will have their way with him in the afterlife...i'm sure all the thousands of them are waiting.

And once they are all done, then  he'll serve the rest of his time in hell.   Thats justice if u ask me.


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Who is the Next Dicator to pass away ????

-- Edited by God at 10:09, 2006-12-11

What Do I Know....?????


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I understand the guy killed a lot of people, but I don't think he would've celebrated every person he killed with Champagne and hugs... so, for me  to celebrate somebody's death would put me at that lower level, similar to those pple that took away other ppls lives...

Mr. Pinochet, go to your corner and think about what you've done...

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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you know what ! i know there people who hate pinochet but why party just couse he died?

 may god forgive him but no one should party its not our decision its god decision now of what there gonna do with him

look at fidel castros example people partied in miami cuz they thought he died

lol its just a waste of news time


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   sorry.. es lo que siento , no es muy católico de mi parte..pero peor lo que hizo este... hombre?? animal?? ni un animal actuaria como él..


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McOSIRIS wrote:

SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) - Former dictator Augusto Pinochet, who polarized Chile during his violent 1973-1990 military rule and spent his old age fighting human rights, fraud and corruption charges, died on Sunday. He was 91.

Pinochet, who was diabetic and had been in frail health for years, had been in hospital for a week, recovering from an angioplasty procedure after a heart attack.


f u c k him.

it is well past his due time, by the way, the big, bloody son of a whore.

Oh and may he rest in peace.

B i t c h.



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SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) - Former dictator Augusto Pinochet, who polarized Chile during his violent 1973-1990 military rule and spent his old age fighting human rights, fraud and corruption charges, died on Sunday. He was 91.

Pinochet, who was diabetic and had been in frail health for years, had been in hospital for a week, recovering from an angioplasty procedure after a heart attack.


Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...
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