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Post Info TOPIC: Mr. Capone-E


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RE: Mr. Capone-E


Must you resort to name calling ALLLL the time?   

Daeveed has made some really good points and you each have different views on things...FINE....but this is simple to a "friendly battle" of who is more versatile and knowledgeable when it comes to ALL music......

I know for a fact Daeveed will win, not because he is a musician, but because he truly listens and educates himself on all genres....he's opening to learning even if he doesn't enjoy it......what I'm afraid of is you not acknowledging your limited knowledge of ALL music genres (not education).....nothing wrong with that of course......

If you're versatile as you say (which I'm sure you are).....HE IS MORE....that's all.....

But I think COLO can school all of you.....LOL


NOW, back on topic......I agree with you when you say that Reggaeton appeals to more Hispanics than Chicano Rap......but not ALL Hispanics.....I mean....YOU that's not the case......

I also agree with all the points you made on Chicano rap being made, promoted and bought by mostly a Chicano's all in the marketing as well as people prefer more commercial stuff (POPULAR MUSIC) than hard core rapping about a Ghetto and rough life they can't relate to, unless you're a die hard fan, which happens in any Toronto for example it's so multi-national when it comes to Latinos from all over that I can't imagine Chicano rap appealing to ALL Argentinos per say.....just like Alejandro Sanz would NOT appeal to all Chicano Rappers.....some maybe....


As a lover of music .....if a song or an artist appeals to me....I will enjoy and support them and their could be ANY GENRE!!!   The one genre I admit I just cannot "understand" and I don't get, even after HEAVY METAL......and believe me I have I'm still willing to give it a try.....maybe someone can teach me how to appreciate se....

It's all about being open minded and mature about things.....


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Danny416 wrote:

i have my perspective of music concepts different then yours....

it dont mean nothing....

you got that right.


(with spelling mistakes though)

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Daeveed wrote:

Danny416 wrote:

Oh my bad ^^lol!!

i forgot you are a "musician" right...

your saying you know more then me

get real you beethoven wannabe... you may know the whole structure behind the does that make me less of a listener then you? ....the audience makes part of the music as well....artists drop albums...we buy them cause we enjoy their music...

im not into rock classical or any of that...dont like it...what r u gonna do?...

oh ya some selective spanish rock tracks...

dont confuse taste with versatile.

next plz............

It's frustrating to see that you can't read. Maybe you were listening to reggaeton during your English classes.

I never said you were less of a listener than I was, and yes, I know more than you do with regards to music. I studied music for years, and yes, I am a musician; I play gigs, and I get paid for that. I listen to A LOT more music than you do, therefore, my perspective with regards to music is wider than yours.3

Yes, you can probably school me in Reggaeton History, and miscellaneous related knowledge, but that's as far as you're gonna get.

For your information, the audience does not make part of the music, it makes part of the music business, which is a completely different thing.

Let me put it this way. Without audiences, there would still be music, but there would be no music business as we know it, so get it right.

So please read carefully, if you need help understanding the big words, or long phrases, you can always ask me.


hey there!

i can care less if you studied more music then me...or if u perform live at highschool prom night gigs

point is..i dont care.......

i have my perspective of music concepts different then yours....

it dont mean nothing....

so dont think you can teach my anything ..hahah

especially from a clown like you

im out


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Danny416 wrote:

Oh my bad ^^lol!!

i forgot you are a "musician" right...

your saying you know more then me

get real you beethoven wannabe... you may know the whole structure behind the does that make me less of a listener then you? ....the audience makes part of the music as well....artists drop albums...we buy them cause we enjoy their music...

im not into rock classical or any of that...dont like it...what r u gonna do?...

oh ya some selective spanish rock tracks...

dont confuse taste with versatile.

next plz............

It's frustrating to see that you can't read. Maybe you were listening to reggaeton during your English classes.

I never said you were less of a listener than I was, and yes, I know more than you do with regards to music. I studied music for years, and yes, I am a musician; I play gigs, and I get paid for that. I listen to A LOT more music than you do, therefore, my perspective with regards to music is wider than yours.3

Yes, you can probably school me in Reggaeton History, and miscellaneous related knowledge, but that's as far as you're gonna get.

For your information, the audience does not make part of the music, it makes part of the music business, which is a completely different thing.

Let me put it this way. Without audiences, there would still be music, but there would be no music business as we know it, so get it right.

So please read carefully, if you need help understanding the big words, or long phrases, you can always ask me.


I went to a beautiful place, and back.

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Oh my bad ^^lol!!

i forgot you are a "musician" right...

your saying you know more then me

get real you beethoven wannabe... you may know the whole structure behind the does that make me less of a listener then you? ....the audience makes part of the music as well....artists drop albums...we buy them cause we enjoy their music...

im not into rock classical or any of that...dont like it...what r u gonna do?...

oh ya some selective spanish rock tracks...

dont confuse taste with versatile.

next plz............


Foro Master

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Danny416 wrote:

LOL!! no ****!!! i listen to old school hiphop ..some old school r&b..some old school dance..freestyle me you dont know me ..i was once a hard core hiphop fan back in the good ol days. I even bumped chileno rap also into musica andina ...segundo rosero..julio jaramillo .......... hahahah there you go hows that for versatile for you?

Tha'ts actually not versatile at all. You listen to reggaeton, hiphop, and a little of Musica Andina. Where is your knowledge of Rock, Classical, Jazz, other World music, Concrete Music, Avant-Garde Music, etc...?? you listen to very very little.


 wasent at one point refering to australia..dont really give a **** about it...i was refering to the western end of the world...N S AND Central america..

Could you specify where in your post you said you were ONLY talking about North America?


LOL!!!! Ya i do luv it..latin hiphop reggaeton..thats my bread and butter..musicaly and lyricaly ..latin hiphop from the east coast WILL FORVEVER SMOKE the **** that comes out out west...check out some of the rappers i mentioned up there^^^^ compare them to MR.SHADOW OR LIL ROB HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH get real! plz

Again...let's try to repeat one more time for you. What you say is YOUR opinion only, and it's not more true, or relevant than anybody else's opinion. Especially since you are so biased towards reggaeton. It's like asking the Pope who's better, God or Allah. Get it now picboy?


hahaha well your getting things twisted...i know much much about my music not a bandwagoon jumper..ive been into this **** since i was 12 ..

I'm not saying you don't know about YOUR music. I'm saying you have no musica education in general. Please learn how to read carefully before replying.


and you happen to just me some moron who assumes to much...u probably thought i didnt know ****!! 

You actually don't know. You think you know...because of your ego, but you actually don't. You have no idea of composition, harmony, tonal rules, metrics, etc... You might know all the lyrics, and the artists' lives, but that's not music at all. Tell me Danny, do you have musical education?


I went to a beautiful place, and back.

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Danny416 wrote:

i gave it a chance...and ive come to the conclussion that that **** only appeals to the mentality of mexicans in living in the west coast...

its made from chicanos...heard mostly by chicanos...and their music is mostly bought by chicanos...

reasons why that **** never gets played out in the east coast stays out west..or south west..

Now u got reggaeton <<<<< coming from the east coast..

real ties...and it appeals to every latino.....

reasons why its spreading  throughout the states..latin america etc...



Not every Latino Bro .. it doesn't appeal to me, u should say it appeals to some latinos not all

-- Edited by El Duro at 17:06, 2006-09-29

I'm Also World Famous

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Daeveed wrote:



I am latino, and reggaeton doesn't appeal to me, and I know a LOT of other people who don't like reggaeton.

off course  alot of people hate it....i was refering to sales and popularity within the united states and latin america..your telling me that chicano rap has the same amount of audience and popularity as compared to reggaeton? lol get real there!

I'm not trying to bash you here man, but I think your reality is a bit distorted, maybe because you are so much into the reggaeton scene, which is not a bad thing necessarily.

what r u refering to? i go on reggaeton sites foums etc..and i see whats poping in sales, album reviews, concerts going on all over the me ...i aint the only one into it...tell me which chicano rapper has toured all over latin america and the states ...hahaha none thank you

I have friends living in Australia, who the only thing they listen to is west coast chicano rap, and their friends listen to it as well. But none of them like reggaeton.

i wasent at one point refering to australia..dont really give a **** about it...i was refering to the western end of the world...N S AND Central america..

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's much more music than reggaeton out there,

LOL!! no ****!!! i listen to old school hiphop ..some old school r&b..some old school dance..freestyle me you dont know me ..i was once a hard core hiphop fan back in the good ol days. I even bumped chileno rap also into musica andina ...segundo rosero..julio jaramillo .......... hahahah there you go hows that for versatile for you?


 and every style appeals to a different type of people, indistinct of their race.

more people prefer reggaeton then chicano rap.... in the US..ill bet you anything in the world on that...Sales prove it...popularity..tell me one chicano rapper that gave a sold out concert at madison square garden? as to the oppose of the megaton they have in LA every year now?


If you like (or love) reggaeton, that's cool, but I think that is not ground whatsoever to say other music is ****

LOL!!!! Ya i do luv it..latin hiphop reggaeton..thats my bread and butter..musicaly and lyricaly ..latin hiphop from the east coast WILL FORVEVER SMOKE the **** that comes out out west...check out some of the rappers i mentioned up there^^^^ compare them to MR.SHADOW OR LIL ROB HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH get real! plz

. Especially since you have no musical education.

 hahaha well your getting things twisted...i know much much about my music not a bandwagoon jumper..ive been into this **** since i was 12 ..

and you happen to just me some moron who assumes to much...u probably thought i didnt know ****!!

ill play your game for a bit..ill assume your a moron by just looking at your funny pic


-- Edited by Danny416 at 17:00, 2006-09-29



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latinsolvero wrote:

I just wanted to stop by and ask you all a fw questions.. I love salsa, bachata...etc. But I wanted to know your open on rap music in particular Mr. Capone-E. If your not to familar with him let me tell you a little something about him. raised in Los Angeles, Me. capone-E has made a name for himself in the streets for style of ganster "lowrider" rap music. He recently released " Don't get It twisted" and has hit it big with "Don't get it Twisted" the single. what I was wondering is if thier are any Boricuanos out thier that liosten to this style of music, if so, what do you think, if not, take listen to his music: My boss and I at Fontana are big fans!!!

His entire MY SPACE Top Friends List are HIM and all about him!!!!   LOL

Great Promo for sure.....but c'mon.....

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"

Foro Master

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Danny416 wrote:

Now u got reggaeton <<<<< coming from the east coast..

real ties...and it appeals to every latino.....

reasons why its spreading  throughout the states..latin america etc...

Well, i have to disagree here.

I am latino, and reggaeton doesn't appeal to me, and I know a LOT of other people who don't like reggaeton.

I'm not trying to bash you here man, but I think your reality is a bit distorted, maybe because you are so much into the reggaeton scene, which is not a bad thing necessarily.

I have friends living in Australia, who the only thing they listen to is west coast chicano rap, and their friends listen to it as well. But none of them like reggaeton.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's much more music than reggaeton out there, and every style appeals to a different type of people, indistinct of their race.

If you like (or love) reggaeton, that's cool, but I think that is not ground whatsoever to say other music is ****. Especially since you have no musical education.


I went to a beautiful place, and back.

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i gave it a chance...and ive come to the conclussion that that **** only appeals to the mentality of mexicans in living in the west coast...

its made from chicanos...heard mostly by chicanos...and their music is mostly bought by chicanos...

reasons why that **** never gets played out in the east coast stays out west..or south west..

Now u got reggaeton <<<<< coming from the east coast..

real ties...and it appeals to every latino.....

reasons why its spreading  throughout the states..latin america etc...



Foro Master

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Posts: 7736

Danny416 wrote:

Hes wack..

the whole mexican chicano rap BS... is straight garbage..its only big in the westcoast and south west states...

its music made most of all for mexican gangbangers ...or should i say all that chicano mentality...    

that ****s been around how long now? will never be big....

i dont see any other latinos except mexicans bumping that ****...or theres the exception off all you wannabe vatos in toronto who act and dress like ur from east LA .BIGGG TIME PATHETIC

Name me one chicano rapper that can step up to




polaco y lito

mexicano 777

tres coronas

willie sante

chyno nyno

Calle 13

mc ceja

the list goes on.....

the best latino rappers r puertoricans or east coast artists ...hands down

According to you.....

Plus, in your post you implied that if some music is not "big", then it's crap, and I think that's not true. In fact, I think most of the time is the exact opposite.'s your opinion.


I had forgotten about Tempo, I like what he does.

I went to a beautiful place, and back.

TOP Guru

Status: Offline
Posts: 3085

Hes wack..

the whole mexican chicano rap BS... is straight garbage..its only big in the westcoast and south west states...

its music made most of all for mexican gangbangers ...or should i say all that chicano mentality...    

that ****s been around how long now? will never be big....

i dont see any other latinos except mexicans bumping that ****...or theres the exception off all you wannabe vatos in toronto who act and dress like ur from east LA .BIGGG TIME PATHETIC

Name me one chicano rapper that can step up to




polaco y lito

mexicano 777

tres coronas

willie sante

chyno nyno

Calle 13

mc ceja

the list goes on.....

the best latino rappers r puertoricans or east coast artists ...hands down



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Posts: 4

I just wanted to stop by and ask you all a fw questions.. I love salsa, bachata...etc. But I wanted to know your open on rap music in particular Mr. Capone-E. If your not to familar with him let me tell you a little something about him. raised in Los Angeles, Me. capone-E has made a name for himself in the streets for style of ganster "lowrider" rap music. He recently released " Don't get It twisted" and has hit it big with "Don't get it Twisted" the single. what I was wondering is if thier are any Boricuanos out thier that liosten to this style of music, if so, what do you think, if not, take listen to his music:

My boss and I at Fontana are big fans!!!

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