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Post Info TOPIC: Spirituality - Birth-Death-Rebirth


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RE: Spirituality - Birth-Death-Rebirth

 I read somewhere that only those with a higher level of concience can remember their past lives.  Obviously I don't remember any, eventhough I had  a series of dreams about cemeteries on different time frames, including one in early colonized north america, all of them were not about fear it was all so normal in those dreams.  One  guy told me not too worry since that meant I had already been there.  The Baghabad Gita explains how one will return the next life, I remember seing depictions of people eating meat and I guess they implied one would return as an flesh eating animal; those with excessive sexual appetite as dogs; those eating too much as pigs; etc,etc.

 Jews also believe in re-encarnation especially the Kabbala followers ( i believe).

 At the present I'm eskeptical about re-encarnation, eventhough is a beautiful idea, that's 108 chances to be purer in orther to reach God, not like some Christian who tell us We'll go to heaven or hell rigth after death.

Who knows, but I guess the idea is the same...what goes around comes around.

What about those 21 grams ( the average weigth of a bodiless soul)? Interesting eh?



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past lives

luna chiquitita wrote:

Has anyone heard of Past Life Regression?  The CBC has a three-part investigative report coming up next week discussing this topic.

Essentially, it is taking a journey to your past lifes through hypnosis and unlocking secrets to your current life behaviours and experiences.  As Lahtina mentioned above, they say that we are bound by our past life mistakes and experiences and they influence who we are today.  They say that doing past life regression helps you understand and free yourself of any karma you may be carrying around.  I'm usually very skeptical when it comes to things like these but I'm also very curious about them.  I'll be tuning into the CBC next week.

Yes, I watched the entire series but it was a bit disappointing. I need more evidence! Ok, not evidence, just more 'coincidences' that could make it sound more convincing. The experience of the man on the show I posted about was very interesting, especially because he saw the death records of the boy he "might" have been.

I first got interested in all the reincarnation deal because of Shakira. Her song, No Creo was the culprit.

No creo en Venus ni Marte
No creo en Carlos Marx
No creo en Jean Paul Sartre
No creo en Brian Weiss

I was thinking to myself: I know who Marx and Sartre are, but who is Brian Weiss? At the time I was working at a bookstore, a couple of days after this, we were unpacking a new shipment, when I opened one of the boxes, whose books happen to be on top but Brian Weiss's? Holy sh*t, I thought. I read the blurb. I found out that he's a psychiatrist who used hypnotherapy to treat patients. One of the many cases he treated was that of a woman who suffered from recurring nightmares and panic attacks. While under hypnosis he asked her to go back to different periods of her life and describe what she remebered. If I remember correctly, she was recalling memories from the womb but still there was nothing which the doctor thought could be the cause of her anxiety attacks. He then asked her to go back to when her fears first started and she began describing what could only be another life (as per the doc). As "a man of science" naturally, he was extremely skeptical and it took him awhile and several more cases to be convinced enough to consult the matter with his collegues. Since then he's published quite a few books based on some of the cases he's treated. Interesting and easy reads in any case.

I was so interested in this that I checked out the Ontario Hypnosis Center. You can have your own hypnosis regression for like 500 bucks. So yeah, I'm interested but not 500 bucks interested. It's not that much, in any case but, I dunno... I wouldn't be prepared to spend it on that. Maybe my past lives, if any, are not even worth remembering.


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RE: Spirituality - Birth-Death-Rebirth

Lahtina wrote:

Question... do any of you feel that you're less religious now but more spiritual? I was just reading about early Indian Society and its religions. One that caught my attention was Brahmanism. They developed ideas about the nature of the cosmos. They focused not on a creator who made the universe out of nothing, but rather on endlessly repeating cycles.

They believed in the transmigration of souls by a continual process of rebirh and karma. Good deeds led to better future lives, evil deeds to worse future lives - even to reincarnation as an animal. Reward and punishment worked automatically; there was no all-knowing god who judged people and could be petitioned to forgive a sin and each individual was responsible for his or her own destiny in a just and impartial world.

Would this be a more comforting thought than the Christian/Catholic conception of God? 

Last night I was watching some Ghost Encounters show or something like that. Anyway, there was a man there relating a reoccuring dream he had a as a kid: drowning. After much yadda, yadda, coincidences - deja vus - ohmygods -yadda. It turns out that he "could" have been an 8 year old boy that drowned the same year that he was born. Regarding the past lives issue, I've read that there is some sort of healing period for the soul after you die, if you go back in right away, you could bring back a lot of things from the life you just left into your new life.

Aaaaaanyway... I'm very skeptical about all the dogmas of the religion I was born into: Catholicism but these ideas really make me go hmmmm... could it be?

Crickets? Hey, what if crickets were people who had no opinion in a previous life and now they're making up for it?

I do find myself more spiritual than religious.  Like you, I dont agree with a lot of doctrines of the Catholic religion.  Lately though, at least once a week, I will go to church, not during mass, but during the hours when no one is there.   I stay there for a while and just pray and reflect on things.  And i do find this gives me some sort of solace and comfort.

As for reincarnation, I have read up on Hinduism quite a bit, and to me it seems more like a doctrine of the religion to encourage people to be overall good human beings.  Kind of like the christian belief of heaven and hell.  But funny thing, when im going thru rough times, i will sit there and think "maybe I was really bad in my previous life and that's why im paying for it now".

I agree with Quixote's thoughts on Karma. 


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On reincarnation - In theory this sounds good but I have a hard time believing this.

On karma - I think the notion of karma is more of a philosophy.   People who respect others will likely be well regarded, recognized and rewarded.  People who disrespect others will not only be looked down upon but they tend to be reckless and will ultimately invite tragedy.

On energy - I think there could be something to this idea.  Spurred by personal experiences, it would seem to me that there may be something in the form of energy or chemicals that causes various reactions between living things on this planet.



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When it comes to this topic, i'll say that i'm more in the spiritual side, however i do believe in some religious stuff... in the sense that i read the bible and i have found that some things r good to apply to our lifes, i don't infuse them into others cuz that's really a personal choice... I believe ur true religion lies within urself... sure when i go to church i hear what the pastor says and everything but at the end of the day it will be my choice to include that message in my life and it would be my way rite?

When it comes to karma.... it is a powerful mystery... very very powerful, i've lived... i've give it and i've it returned in various ways... I believe that u can only change if u "do good to those r cruel to u", which is actually part of a bible verse...

Reincarnation... i believe what ppl says about energy to some point is that energy that keeps u moving day by day and it is that energy that u give to ppl around u... ppl can feel when u r faking being happy or sad or if u r been urself and all that..., but what about "de lla vu" feeling... when for a second ur life stops cuz u have the feeling u already lived that particular scene? but some how u can't make a connection, u spend the next few minutes or even hours trying to remember or even understanding how it is possible to have two exactly the same moments in ur life when u day by day grow older... yet u still have the same age u do the exact the same movement ur eyes moves exactly the same and ur breathing is exactly the same as that lost memory that crossed ur mind for that tiny second???.... Since perfection is a high achievement why would the spiritual word be perfect, why would ur soul loose all good or bad that is left on it when u die... purification is never achieved in a 100%. Therefore, i believe that the small percentage of ur past life left on ur soul would mix with ur present....

Growing up, i don't remember where but i'm sure it was on some ghostly TV show, that i  heard that each day at least one soul would leave its body and a new body would recieve a new soul... meaning that someone would die and a new life was starting its cycle.... could it be true?? i don't know but it made me think back then and it still does it today.......

Luv ya mucho (¯`·._.·[¤Kª®¥¤]·._.·´¯) *~Live as though heaven is on earth. Love as though you've never been hurt before. Dance as though no one is watching you. Sing as though no one can hear you~*

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Quixote wrote:

I have always had one major concern with the idea of reincarnation.

If the number of 'available souls' is finite - how are 'new souls' for the ever expanding human and animal population generated?  Are they soulless?

If the number of 'available souls' is infinite - where do the 'dormant' souls remain?  In the closet?

If reincarnation exists, maybe there is a balance. A balance between the number of people and animals and insects. When a species is wiped out, there will be something to take it's place.

I believe what MC posted to some extent. We do have an energy, is it our soul? I don't know. Is it what new agers call an aura? Possibly. Early Christian paintings have halos over Jesus, his saints and angels. Could this halo be an aura?

But to answer the question, I am definitely more spiritual than religious. Religion is man made and very flawed. I know what I believe and even that is still evolving.

So I will be in an eternal ETA mode on this topic.

Attention: Span is officially gone.

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Quixote wrote:

I have always had one major concern with the idea of reincarnation.

If the number of 'available souls' is finite - how are 'new souls' for the ever expanding human and animal population generated?  Are they soulless?

If the number of 'available souls' is infinite - where do the 'dormant' souls remain?  In the closet?


"meh" - Margo


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Quixote wrote:

I have always had one major concern with the idea of reincarnation.If the number of 'available souls' is finite - how are 'new souls' for the ever expanding human and animal population generated?  Are they soulless?If the number of 'available souls' is infinite - where do the 'dormant' souls remain?  In the closet?

I don't believe the fact that we carry souls around or that there are a certain amount of souls....but I believe that we're driven by energy....the same energy that you can measure with temperature, brainwaves, electrocardiograms etc...

depends in how you modify this energy within yourself is how your surrounding is gonna respond to you...

Once your body decides that it is time to rest this "energy" returns to the source. It can be in the way of a sound, a lightning or you can give life to another body....

The whole world responds to the laws of physics, so I don't see why we have to be an exception... energy is renewable and reusable...

This is a very personal theory of mine and over the years I've had certain "encounters" with this energy that makes me believe on it everyday even more...

-- Edited by McOSIRIS at 16:57, 2006-09-22

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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I have always had one major concern with the idea of reincarnation.

If the number of 'available souls' is finite - how are 'new souls' for the ever expanding human and animal population generated?  Are they soulless?

If the number of 'available souls' is infinite - where do the 'dormant' souls remain?  In the closet?


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I'm poor No Rogers on Demand so I guess I'll have to wait 3 weeks to see them all.  Well... this "centre" apparently offers Past Life Regression sessions  It's the same lady that is consulted in the CBC program.


"meh" - Margo


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luna chiquitita wrote:

yup.. that sounds like what they are doing... they are taking the cases of a couple of people and going to see if the actual places exist.  it seems really interesting.  It's next Wednesday so make sure you tune in!

I've actually seen the three documentaries and yes... they are very interesting and yes...they give you that WTF effect...

if you have Rogers on demand you can see them all at once

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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McOSIRIS wrote:

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I've seen those documentaries.... aren't they called Past Lives Investigators, or something like that??? when they unlock past lives in some patients and they they flew them over to the place when they lived before????

yup.. that sounds like what they are doing... they are taking the cases of a couple of people and going to see if the actual places exist.  it seems really interesting.  It's next Wednesday so make sure you tune in!

"meh" - Margo

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Lahtina wrote:

Question... do any of you feel that you're less religious now but more spiritual? I was just reading about early Indian Society and its religions. One that caught my attention was Brahmanism. They developed ideas about the nature of the cosmos. They focused not on a creator who made the universe out of nothing, but rather on endlessly repeating cycles.

They believed in the transmigration of souls by a continual process of rebirh and karma. Good deeds led to better future lives, evil deeds to worse future lives - even to reincarnation as an animal. Reward and punishment worked automatically; there was no all-knowing god who judged people and could be petitioned to forgive a sin and each individual was responsible for his or her own destiny in a just and impartial world.

Would this be a more comforting thought than the Christian/Catholic conception of God? 

Last night I was watching some Ghost Encounters show or something like that. Anyway, there was a man there relating a reoccuring dream he had a as a kid: drowning. After much yadda, yadda, coincidences - deja vus - ohmygods -yadda. It turns out that he "could" have been an 8 year old boy that drowned the same year that he was born. Regarding the past lives issue, I've read that there is some sort of healing period for the soul after you die, if you go back in right away, you could bring back a lot of things from the life you just left into your new life.

Aaaaaanyway... I'm very skeptical about all the dogmas of the religion I was born into: Catholicism but these ideas really make me go hmmmm... could it be?

Crickets? Hey, what if crickets were people who had no opinion in a previous life and now they're making up for it?

Te voy a llevar a catemaco !

What Do I Know....?????


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luna chiquitita wrote:

Has anyone heard of Past Life Regression?  The CBC has a three-part investigative report coming up next week discussing this topic.

Essentially, it is taking a journey to your past lifes through hypnosis and unlocking secrets to your current life behaviours and experiences.  As Lahtina mentioned above, they say that we are bound by our past life mistakes and experiences and they influence who we are today.  They say that doing past life regression helps you understand and free yourself of any karma you may be carrying around.  I'm usually very skeptical when it comes to things like these but I'm also very curious about them.  I'll be tuning into the CBC next week.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I've seen those documentaries.... aren't they called Past Lives Investigators, or something like that??? when they unlock past lives in some patients and they they flew them over to the place when they lived before????

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

TOP Guru

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Has anyone heard of Past Life Regression?  The CBC has a three-part investigative report coming up next week discussing this topic.

Essentially, it is taking a journey to your past lifes through hypnosis and unlocking secrets to your current life behaviours and experiences.  As Lahtina mentioned above, they say that we are bound by our past life mistakes and experiences and they influence who we are today.  They say that doing past life regression helps you understand and free yourself of any karma you may be carrying around.  I'm usually very skeptical when it comes to things like these but I'm also very curious about them.  I'll be tuning into the CBC next week.

"meh" - Margo


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(If Daeveed's post is still the one above this)

It is egotistical, actually. But not only that, it's just plain snory - I mean just going around and around and around, you get tired at one point. Well, there was a solution offered for this, it was called moksha, release from the wheel of life. Brahmanic mystics claimed that life in the world was actually an illusion and that the only way to escape the wheel of life was to realize that the ultimate reality was unchanging. And ok, yeah, whatever. Yeeeeeah, I'm gonna have to stick with existencialism again.

-- Edited by Lahtina at 14:14, 2006-09-22



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I like this topic, but I'll re-read it when I get home... I'm too busy with the B-days and the crickets threads...



Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

Foro Master

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Nope. Nothing.

Sorry to apply the skeptic-factor here, but that it utter nonsense to me.

Maybe it could be a more comforting thought and whatever, but the fact of the matter to me is that all these things about doing good so you can be better off after, or karma and stuff...are just different ways of trying to make you be a good person, when in fact, one should do good just because, and not in order to benefit from it in any sort of way. That's egotistical.


I went to a beautiful place, and back.


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Question... do any of you feel that you're less religious now but more spiritual? I was just reading about early Indian Society and its religions. One that caught my attention was Brahmanism. They developed ideas about the nature of the cosmos. They focused not on a creator who made the universe out of nothing, but rather on endlessly repeating cycles.

They believed in the transmigration of souls by a continual process of rebirh and karma. Good deeds led to better future lives, evil deeds to worse future lives - even to reincarnation as an animal. Reward and punishment worked automatically; there was no all-knowing god who judged people and could be petitioned to forgive a sin and each individual was responsible for his or her own destiny in a just and impartial world.

Would this be a more comforting thought than the Christian/Catholic conception of God? 

Last night I was watching some Ghost Encounters show or something like that. Anyway, there was a man there relating a reoccuring dream he had a as a kid: drowning. After much yadda, yadda, coincidences - deja vus - ohmygods -yadda. It turns out that he "could" have been an 8 year old boy that drowned the same year that he was born. Regarding the past lives issue, I've read that there is some sort of healing period for the soul after you die, if you go back in right away, you could bring back a lot of things from the life you just left into your new life.

Aaaaaanyway... I'm very skeptical about all the dogmas of the religion I was born into: Catholicism but these ideas really make me go hmmmm... could it be?

Crickets? Hey, what if crickets were people who had no opinion in a previous life and now they're making up for it?

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