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Post Info TOPIC: A Young Life is lost

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RE: A Young Life is lost

Elvis Rojas? hmm... did he used to go to Westview?  'Cause I swear that name sounds familiar.. hmm.. either way, may he rest in peace

-- Edited by luna chiquitita at 10:04, 2006-08-30

"meh" - Margo


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they know what is what but they dont know what is what they just strut what the F__K


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I have to agree with all that MJ has said.



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Motown Junkie wrote:

 really beat a dead horse????  What irony that that statement is coming from you. 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 22:58, 2006-08-29



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Motown Junkie wrote:


I’m sorry to hear that about your friend How unfortunate for the families

Motown Funky:

That is rather insensitive timing for your comments don’t you think?

Whether he deserved to die or not, is a different topic on it’s own

I believe that in times like this one should give it’s condolences -if you care to- and discuss trivial facts some other time

I don’t believe that anybody would deserve to die for being careless on a motorcycle
I’m sure we all have some ‘I almost crashed’ stories to share, of our own fault, for either being on our cell phone, distracted a cup too many or whatever the case might have been at the time

I doubt any of us deserved to die under those circumstances either

I’m sure in many cases we just got ‘lucky’ with our carelessness This fellow wasn't that fortunate

-- Edited by CERBERUS at 18:29, 2006-08-28

True......but no where do I say he deserved to die. Nobody deserves to die unless they're a homicidal pedophile or of that sort. I don't question Elvis Rojas as to whether he deserved to die, I question his actions.

you can hide behind literacy and sugar coat the gist of your comment as you wish
In my opinion to say it or to insinuate it, are one the same

Insensitive timing.......I suppose.......but people die. People die every day, anytime, under different circumstances. It's part of the territory. I suppose police officers and the media should keep all trivial "facts" *hush hush* since the timing is just $hitty!!!

Surely you don't mean to compare you or me, posting our opinions/comments in an insignificant internet forum, to the job of the media’s reporting, or the police’s investigative duties? -it’s their job-
i think this member was only looking for a little sympathy and possibly remembrance


I, for one, know that I can drive like an a$$ at times and if something were to happen to me because of those actions, then so be it!! I know that I don't DESERVE to die but stupid actions result in unfortunate consequences.

'stupid actions result in unfortunate consequences'---- Is true. Most get lucky and escape them, some get hurt and some die To make light of it seems unfair. Must we really beat a dead horse?

POPPING A WHEELIE ON THE GOD DAMN HIGHWAY WAS STUPID!!!!!! Mr. Rojas was not stupid, I'm sure, he just made a poor decision which cost him his life.

I was mostly questioning the time and place of your comment
Maybe we should discuss the different degrees of stupidity -e.g. 'popping a wheelie on a highway- on another thread topic
I might even agree with you

Sue me, hate me, join the list! I don’t know you that well. Maybe in a few more posts ;)

The summer prior to me going into college, I lost an incredibly dear friend. He had been driving like an idiot and it cost him his life!! Did he deserve to die? Absolutely not. Was I pissed and said that he was a f@cking idiot for doing what he did? ABSOLUTELY!!!! I still stand by it. I miss him and still mourn his loss but again, his actions cost him his life.

Sorry to hear about your friend

I assume he also was a young person. That is very unfortunate

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 20:27, 2006-08-28

Must we really beat a dead horse????  What irony that that statement is coming from you. 

If you knew me, you would know that I do NOT sugar coat anything.  I speak my mind and if you think I'm sugar coating things or insinuating, then so be it.  I always enjoy people A$$uming!!!   I suggest you don't go cross-eyed reading between the lines, seeing things that aren't there, and putting words in my mouth.

When it comes to death, I do make light of it.  I studied death in all its "glory" and fortunately tend to view things a lot more different than the average person!  I suppose that comes across as cold hearted.  meh 

I guess I'm not one to BUTT this thread 6 months from now and say, "Hey, by the way, I think the way this guy was driving was pretty stupid!!!!" just to avoid being insensitive.

YOU, one who does NOT know me, are the only one arguing with me.  The majority of people here on foro know me or have met me and KNOW that I'm not an insensitive b*tch as you're portraying me to be.  A b*tch, , insensitive,

And to think........I was told my EX-boss' brother passed away from injuries resulting from a car accident and I'm considering driving to Ottawa tomorrow to go to the viewing to show that I'm sorry for his loss.  Man, I'm a b*tch!!!! 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 22:58, 2006-08-29

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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Sorry, wrong thread for : popcorn: ... sorry 

-- Edited by Dogo at 21:52, 2006-08-29

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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Motown Junkie wrote:


I’m sorry to hear that about your friend How unfortunate for the families


Motown Funky:

That is rather insensitive timing for your comments don’t you think?

Whether he deserved to die or not, is a different topic on it’s own

I believe that in times like this one should give it’s condolences -if you care to- and discuss trivial facts some other time

I don’t believe that anybody would deserve to die for being careless on a motorcycle
I’m sure we all have some ‘I almost crashed’ stories to share, of our own fault, for either being on our cell phone, distracted a cup too many or whatever the case might have been at the time

I doubt any of us deserved to die under those circumstances either

I’m sure in many cases we just got ‘lucky’ with our carelessness This fellow wasn't that fortunate

-- Edited by CERBERUS at 18:29, 2006-08-28

True......but no where do I say he deserved to die. Nobody deserves to die unless they're a homicidal pedophile or of that sort. I don't question Elvis Rojas as to whether he deserved to die, I question his actions.

you can hide behind literacy and sugar coat the gist of your comment as you wish
In my opinion to say it or to insinuate it, are one the same

Insensitive timing.......I suppose.......but people die. People die every day, anytime, under different circumstances. It's part of the territory. I suppose police officers and the media should keep all trivial "facts" *hush hush* since the timing is just $hitty!!!

Surely you don't mean to compare you or me, posting our opinions/comments in an insignificant internet forum, to the job of the media’s reporting, or the police’s investigative duties? -it’s their job-
i think this member was only looking for a little sympathy and possibly remembrance


I, for one, know that I can drive like an a$$ at times and if something were to happen to me because of those actions, then so be it!! I know that I don't DESERVE to die but stupid actions result in unfortunate consequences.

'stupid actions result in unfortunate consequences'---- Is true. Most get lucky and escape them, some get hurt and some die To make light of it seems unfair. Must we really beat a dead horse?

POPPING A WHEELIE ON THE GOD DAMN HIGHWAY WAS STUPID!!!!!! Mr. Rojas was not stupid, I'm sure, he just made a poor decision which cost him his life.

I was mostly questioning the time and place of your comment
Maybe we should discuss the different degrees of stupidity -e.g. 'popping a wheelie on a highway- on another thread topic
I might even agree with you

Sue me, hate me, join the list! I don’t know you that well. Maybe in a few more posts ;)

The summer prior to me going into college, I lost an incredibly dear friend. He had been driving like an idiot and it cost him his life!! Did he deserve to die? Absolutely not. Was I pissed and said that he was a f@cking idiot for doing what he did? ABSOLUTELY!!!! I still stand by it. I miss him and still mourn his loss but again, his actions cost him his life.

Sorry to hear about your friend

I assume he also was a young person. That is very unfortunate

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 20:27, 2006-08-28


TOP Guru

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I’m sorry to hear that about your friend How unfortunate for the families


Motown Funky:

That is rather insensitive timing for your comments don’t you think?

Whether he deserved to die or not, is a different topic on it’s own

I believe that in times like this one should give it’s condolences -if you care to- and discuss trivial facts some other time

I don’t believe that anybody would deserve to die for being careless on a motorcycle
I’m sure we all have some ‘I almost crashed’ stories to share, of our own fault, for either being on our cell phone, distracted a cup too many or whatever the case might have been at the time

I doubt any of us deserved to die under those circumstances either

I’m sure in many cases we just got ‘lucky’ with our carelessness This fellow wasn't that fortunate

-- Edited by CERBERUS at 18:29, 2006-08-28

True......but no where do I say he deserved to die.  Nobody deserves to die unless they're a homicidal pedophile or of that sort.  I don't question Elvis Rojas as to whether he deserved to die, I question his actions.

Insensitive timing.......I suppose.......but people die.  People die every day, anytime, under different circumstances.  It's part of the territory.  I suppose police officers and the media should keep all trivial "facts" *hush hush* since the timing is just $hitty!!!

I, for one, know that I can drive like an a$$ at times and if something were to happen to me because of those actions, then so be it!!  I know that I don't DESERVE to die but stupid actions result in unfortunate consequences.

POPPING A WHEELIE ON THE GOD DAMN HIGHWAY WAS STUPID!!!!!!  Mr. Rojas was not stupid, I'm sure, he just made a poor decision which cost him his life.

Sue me, hate me, join the list! 

The summer prior to me going into college, I lost an incredibly dear friend.  He had been driving like an idiot and it cost him his life!!  Did he deserve to die?  Absolutely not.  Was I pissed and said that he was a f@cking idiot for doing what he did?  ABSOLUTELY!!!!  I still stand by it.  I miss him and still mourn his loss but again, his actions cost him his life.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 20:27, 2006-08-28

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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I’m sorry to hear that about your friend How unfortunate for the families


Motown Funky:

That is rather insensitive timing for your comments don’t you think?

Whether he deserved to die or not, is a different topic on it’s own

I believe that in times like this one should give it’s condolences -if you care to- and discuss trivial facts some other time

I don’t believe that anybody would deserve to die for being careless on a motorcycle
I’m sure we all have some ‘I almost crashed’ stories to share, of our own fault, for either being on our cell phone, distracted a cup too many or whatever the case might have been at the time

I doubt any of us deserved to die under those circumstances either

I’m sure in many cases we just got ‘lucky’ with our carelessness This fellow wasn't that fortunate

-- Edited by CERBERUS at 18:29, 2006-08-28


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El Duro wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

Sorry, but this guy's actions were incredibly idiotic!!!  For at least 4 hours, El Pibe & I watched all the commotion and Spadina and Lakeshore looking like a damn parking lot because of one guy's idiotic decisions to pop god damn wheelies on the Gardiner! 

Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

I'm sorry but I have a very low tolerance for those with no regard towards other people's safety.


All I have to say is whatever to this comment, and there is no prove that he was doing a wheelie, i've know him for  almost 10 years and i don't think he was stupid to do this

I suppose you can contradict dozens of witnesses.  I know he's your friend and you'll defend him regardless but just think, God forbid, if something happened to your son because of someone's careless driving.


remenber there was another bike involed

No one is claiming that both were speeding or horsing around.  What does another bike being involved have to do anything?!    The other biker provoked him into driving like an a$$???  Based on "reports" the other driver was his friend who took off to notify the guy's family.  Also, according to witnesses, that same friend was driving slower and was not close to your friend at the time of the accident.  Perhaps this will help:

There were TONS of cars on the highway when the accident happened.  I was watching.  I think several people who don't know each other saying the SAME THING may overrule your "friendship" opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the guy was a great guy and I can't help but wonder if I know of him since his name seems familiar, HOWEVER, I don't feel for the guy, I feel for his family.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 13:17, 2006-08-28

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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Motown Junkie wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

Sorry, but this guy's actions were incredibly idiotic!!!  For at least 4 hours, El Pibe & I watched all the commotion and Spadina and Lakeshore looking like a damn parking lot because of one guy's idiotic decisions to pop god damn wheelies on the Gardiner! 

Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

I'm sorry but I have a very low tolerance for those with no regard towards other people's safety.


All I have to say is whatever to this comment, and there is no prove that he was doing a wheelie, i've know him for  almost 10 years and i don't think he was stupid to do this

I suppose you can contradict dozens of witnesses.  I know he's your friend and you'll defend him regardless but just think, God forbid, if something happened to your son because of someone's careless driving.


remenber there was another bike involed

I'm Also World Famous


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Ohhhhh that's sad...

He was sooo young and funny... 

May he rest in peace 


I hate two-faced ppl.... A little bit of respect won't kill you!!!

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El Duro wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

Sorry, but this guy's actions were incredibly idiotic!!!  For at least 4 hours, El Pibe & I watched all the commotion and Spadina and Lakeshore looking like a damn parking lot because of one guy's idiotic decisions to pop god damn wheelies on the Gardiner! 

Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

I'm sorry but I have a very low tolerance for those with no regard towards other people's safety.


All I have to say is whatever to this comment, and there is no prove that he was doing a wheelie, i've know him for  almost 10 years and i don't think he was stupid to do this

I suppose you can contradict dozens of witnesses.  I know he's your friend and you'll defend him regardless but just think, God forbid, if something happened to your son because of someone's careless driving.

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

Foro Master

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Motown Junkie wrote:

Sorry, but this guy's actions were incredibly idiotic!!!  For at least 4 hours, El Pibe & I watched all the commotion and Spadina and Lakeshore looking like a damn parking lot because of one guy's idiotic decisions to pop god damn wheelies on the Gardiner! 

Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

I'm sorry but I have a very low tolerance for those with no regard towards other people's safety.


All I have to say is whatever to this comment, and there is no prove that he was doing a wheelie, i've know him for  almost 10 years and i don't think he was stupid to do this

I'm Also World Famous

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Sorry, but this guy's actions were incredibly idiotic!!!  For at least 4 hours, El Pibe & I watched all the commotion and Spadina and Lakeshore looking like a damn parking lot because of one guy's idiotic decision to pop god damn wheelies on the Gardiner! 

Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

I'm sorry but I have a very low tolerance for those with no regard towards other people's safety.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 13:45, 2006-08-28

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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I only met him once or twice... when he used to do Park Ave. 

too many people dying this summer.


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El Duro wrote:

Performing Stunts On Highway Apparently Cost Motorcyclist His Life Monday August 28, 2006 Performing stunts appears to have cost a motorcyclist his life in a tragic accident on the Gardiner Expressway.

Toronto Police say 31-year-old Elvis Rojas managed to flip the bike onto himself while popping wheelies on the busy roadway Sunday night. They say he wasn't racing, as was previously believed. Rojas died at the scene.

The Gardiner was closed near Fort York following the accident, creating a back-up that lasted several hours.

Traffic Services investigators are looking for more information in the crash and they're asking anyone who saw anything to call them at 416-808-1900 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS (8477).

The fatal mishap comes only days after police in York Region released a videotape of the final moments in another deadly motorcycle crash in Whitchurch-Stouffville.

A video camera mounted on the motorcycle of one of the victims caught the images from the Feb. 6, 2005 crash, which occurred on Bloomington Rd. east of Kennedy Rd. The camera images show the motorcyclist accelerate, at which point the camera shakes violently and then shuts off.

In those seconds the motorcyclist lost control and hit another car head on - both the bike's rider, 29-year-old Gabor Werkmann, and a passenger in the car, 63-year-old Arnold Hall, were killed. The car's driver suffered serious head injuries.

Two other motorcyclists involved in the crash were found guilty of dangerous driving last week. Krisztian Nemes, 30, and Istvan Mihaly, 37, will be sentenced in November.


I heard about this yesterday. It is sad indeed.  May he rest in peace.


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This is a sad day in the latin community, he did my son's birthday party for almost 10 years in a rows.. not only was he my life insurance rep, he was a family friend and like a brother

U will be sadly missed bro

-- Edited by El Duro at 12:49, 2006-08-28

I'm Also World Famous


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Performing Stunts On Highway Apparently Cost Motorcyclist His Life
Monday August 28, 2006
Performing stunts appears to have cost a motorcyclist his life in a tragic accident on the Gardiner Expressway.

Toronto Police say 31-year-old Elvis Rojas managed to flip the bike onto himself while popping wheelies on the busy roadway Sunday night. They say he wasn't racing, as was previously believed. Rojas died at the scene.

The Gardiner was closed near Fort York following the accident, creating a back-up that lasted several hours.

Traffic Services investigators are looking for more information in the crash and they're asking anyone who saw anything to call them at 416-808-1900 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS (8477).

The fatal mishap comes only days after police in York Region released a videotape of the final moments in another deadly motorcycle crash in Whitchurch-Stouffville.

A video camera mounted on the motorcycle of one of the victims caught the images from the Feb. 6, 2005 crash, which occurred on Bloomington Rd. east of Kennedy Rd. The camera images show the motorcyclist accelerate, at which point the camera shakes violently and then shuts off.

In those seconds the motorcyclist lost control and hit another car head on - both the bike's rider, 29-year-old Gabor Werkmann, and a passenger in the car, 63-year-old Arnold Hall, were killed. The car's driver suffered serious head injuries.

Two other motorcyclists involved in the crash were found guilty of dangerous driving last week. Krisztian Nemes, 30, and Istvan Mihaly, 37, will be sentenced in November.


I'm Also World Famous
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