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RE: All Inclusive

LAB_ wrote:

El Duro wrote: Chilenita wrote: El Duro wrote:   I was making a statement About something I saw long time ago, and i really dont care when he's from, he should learn to speak to people, with more respect-- Edited by El Duro at 09:55, 2006-03-21 Well your statement was never true not now and not a long time ago.  I hear what you are saying about respect but I guess someone from Cuba would find your statement disrespectful. No bad vibes people it's spring for **** sakes Duro read the report it's interesting. @princessa   I googled it just now and your right, they have been hold it down for many many years, my apolygies to anyone who was insulted. @princess it not the goverment fault it the united states fault for what is going on in cuba Duro, I stand corrected. Sorry, cuz I know I got rusty and big mouth and all that... but dude... keeping VIH-AIDS as low as it is in Cuba has taken a lot of work even from people I know. Doctors have allowed to be injected with potential vaccines.... it's a large effort, although largerly underfunded if you compare to the world health care industry giants. He/she who likes Castro, will find reasons to love him. He/she who hates him, will find reasons for just that. No wonder the guy has been around for, what, 48 years as El Presidente. It's much more complex than that, believe me. And I am no Castro lover, but I can't say the guy is the demon he's been presented as. But, still, it is easier to get some things and services (care for a heart transplant? what about a high tech school for the deaf? Or no children sleeping in the streets?) that waaay too many people in the world would give an arm for. And if that's no reason to love Fidel, at least is a way to make ourselves aware that in this world there are too, too many innocents die because of the greed of a bunch of motherfu%ers.-- Edited by LAB_ at 12:23, 2006-03-21

Castro and Cuba......the never ending debate.

It's a country with wonderful, educated and loving people that much nobody can deny


-- Edited by Chilenita at 12:33, 2006-03-21



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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 Dos cervezas por favor..



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El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:
El Duro wrote:   I was making a statement About something I saw long time ago, and i really dont care when he's from, he should learn to speak to people, with more respect-- Edited by El Duro at 09:55, 2006-03-21 Well your statement was never true not now and not a long time ago.  I hear what you are saying about respect but I guess someone from Cuba would find your statement disrespectful. No bad vibes people it's spring for **** sakes Duro read the report it's interesting. @princessa

I googled it just now and your right, they have been hold it down for many many years, my apolygies to anyone who was insulted.
it not the goverment fault it the united states fault for what is going on in cuba

Duro, I stand corrected.

Sorry, cuz I know I got rusty and big mouth and all that... but dude... keeping VIH-AIDS as low as it is in Cuba has taken a lot of work even from people I know. Doctors have allowed to be injected with potential vaccines.... it's a large effort, although largerly underfunded if you compare to the world health care industry giants.

He/she who likes Castro, will find reasons to love him. He/she who hates him, will find reasons for just that. No wonder the guy has been around for, what, 48 years as El Presidente.

It's much more complex than that, believe me. And I am no Castro lover, but I can't say the guy is the demon he's been presented as.

But, still, it is easier to get some things and services (care for a heart transplant? what about a high tech school for the deaf? Or no children sleeping in the streets?) that waaay too many people in the world would give an arm for. And if that's no reason to love Fidel, at least is a way to make ourselves aware that in this world there are too, too many innocents die because of the greed of a bunch of motherfu%ers.

-- Edited by LAB_ at 12:23, 2006-03-21



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No confundas el que en los países de primer mundo no pueden intervenir, con que no quieran.

En Pakistán o Nigeria, tambien ex-colonias ingleses donde ha intervenido la CIA de lleno, cual es la razón?

En Cuba, por qué no tienen éxito sus intervenciones? Y en Irán?

Los ejemplos abundan.

Pero como ya han dicho otros, es más fácil charlar de esto en persona... aunque sospecho que no van a cambiar mucho las opiniones de los tertulianos.

Cómplicado esto de la polítca. En fin.



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  BUeno, en Rusia todo cambio'.  Putin tuvo que tomar las riendas porque el pais estaba siendo manejado por las mafias.  Recuerdo que el occidente les prometio' a los rusos mejorar su calidad de vida, claro que para eso toma tiempo.  Pero, si Putin no estuviera en el poder, Rusia hubiera caido mas abajo, sin liderazgo, siendo manejado a saber por quien.

 El caso que E.U no pone un dictador en Canada, Suiza o la India se debe a que esos paises no son del tercer mundo (excepto la India que sin embargo fue colonia inglesa y de ahi el respeto hacia ese pais).  Los paises del primer mundo se apoyan entre si, ellos tienen pactos.

Recuerda la guerra de las Malvinas, todos los paises europeos, y E.U Y Canada apoyaron a Inglaterra.  Francia dejo' de vender misiles exocet a Argentina.  Incluso Pinochet dio' inteligencia a Inglaterra, solo Rusia ofrecio' apoyo en armas a Argentina quien la declino'.  Como consecuencia Argentina perdio' esa guerra y despues vino un desestabilizacion economica de la cual no se ha repuesto hasta hoy.




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torontotrucho wrote:

 Ya leiste mi comentario BIstor?
 Yo comparto algo de lo que tu dices; pero no comparto cuando dices que la gente no ha hecho nada al respecto.  Solamente, gracias.

Si, lo leí, y no discuto que haya habido intervención de los EE UU.

Lo que digo es que mientras EE UU intenta inmiscuirse en los asuntos internos de todos los países del mundo, en algunos tiene más éxito que en otros. Y por algo tiene que ser. Lo único que hace EE UU es dar apoyo a una corriente ideológica que ya existe en un país.

Te imaginas EE UU instalando un dictador en Canadá? En Suiza? En la India? En Rusia? Yo no.

Es demasiado cómodo decir que los problemas de la región son culpa de EE UU. Pero si lo quereis creer así, me parece bien. No son mis países.



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 Ya leiste mi comentario BIstor?

 Yo comparto algo de lo que tu dices; pero no comparto cuando dices que la gente no ha hecho nada al respecto.  Solamente, gracias.



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bistor wrote:

Y así siguen, llorando mientras siguen comiendose su propia caca. We were doing so well until you said this.

pero ni siento que te deba explicación alguna acerca de mi familia, - Ditto.

Que te vaya bonito See you at the next gathering!!!

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.


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TV Buff wrote:

bistor wrote:
La historia está demasiado llena de ejemplos de pueblos que se han rebelado con el propósito de crear una sociedad más justa, para creer que la idea es una entelequia. Lo cómodo es echarle la culpa al yanqui malo. Sinceramente, es un discurso que aburre a cristo. La educación gratuita en norteamerica, la UE, y otros muchos países es producto del convencimiento de sociedades enteras de que el que las masas tengan un nivel de bienestar mínimo es bueno para todos, ricos y pobres. Si en otros países no se ha llegado a esta conclusión, es culpa de ellos: de las clases pudientes, por no ver que el tener un segmento amplio de la población por debajo del umbral de la pobreza es un elemento serio de desestabilización, y por las clases populares por no exigir el derecho a una existencia digna.
Tu discurso me suena a concepto de niño rico. No crees que para que los pueblos se convenzan es necesario primero aprender, aprender de su historia, de su situación, de las posibilidades que el cambio traería? Pero sin educación y emancipación esto no es posible. Es un círculo vicioso. Alli es donde el liderazgo es tan importante y en nuestras sociedades (well, not yours, obviously) carecemos de líderes-- o nos los matan, que no es lo mismo pero es igual. Es muy cómodo echarle la culpa a un pueblo, cuando todos sabemos- y los que no, lo deberíamos saber- que las desgracias vienen de arriba. En que cabeza te cabe que las clases pudientes le van a permitir al pueblo tomar las riendas de su propio destino? Es cuestión de conveniencia. Y cuando pasa, entonces resulta Cuba, que viene siendo una amenaza para el status quo. A nuestros pueblos no les conviene tener una Latinoamérica llena de Cubas. Pero claro, es mas fácil echarle el muerto al pueblo, no? que tomar responsabilidad por nuestras propias acciones-- con nuestras me refiero al gobierno y a la oligarquía, but that kinda hits a little too close to home for you, doesn't it?

Por otra parte, a mi, tu discurso me suena a charla de revolucionaria de salón, criada en en país de primer mundo (capitalista, dicho sea de paso) y soñando con ideas políticas más caducas que el charlestón. Ideas que, por cierto, se llevan más bien poco en este país. Y nos va muy bien, gracias.

Parece ser, que revoluciones que han instaurado democracias liberales se han dado por todo el mundo durante más de dos siglos, desde la revolución norteamericana hasta la revolución de los claveles, pasando por la democratización de Japón y el Glasnost. Pero aún así, sigue habiendo personas que le echan la culpa a factores externos, igual que hacían hace 40 años. Y así siguen, llorando mientras siguen comiendose su propia caca. ¿Qué se le va a hacer? Pero decir que "el círculo vicioso", como le llamas tú, no se puede romper, es pura y llanamente una falacia. Sobran ejemplos de países donde se ha roto.

Otra cosa muy distinta es que en algunos países, no haya voluntad de hacerlo.

De mis supuestos orígenes oligarcas, me río bastante, pero ni siento que te deba explicación alguna acerca de mi familia, ni tengo interés en que esta conversación degenere en argumentos ad hominem, que es hacia donde parece que estás procurando llevarla.

Que te vaya bonito



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bistor wrote:

TV Buff wrote: bistor wrote: "Cuando las miserias morales asolan a un país, culpa es de todos los que por falta de cultura y de ideal no han sabido amarlo como patria: de todos los que vivieron de ella sin trabajar para ella." -- José Ingenieros, El Hombre Mediocre This would be a very good quote if it wasn't a whole lotta romantic bull crap. Como puede un pueblo carecer de cultura y de ideal cuando esta no se le provee? Considerando que los medios de producción y la facilidad de educación estan en manos de un porcentaje mínimo de la población y que en vez de amar a la patria el noventa y pico por ciento del resto tienen que preocuparse diariamente por sobrevivir, no te parece ridículo esperar que que tengan cultura e ideales? En una economia de subsistencia no hay espacio ni tiempo para nada mas. A menos que sea en los sueños de los poetas. La historia está demasiado llena de ejemplos de pueblos que se han rebelado con el propósito de crear una sociedad más justa, para creer que la idea es una entelequia. Lo cómodo es echarle la culpa al yanqui malo. Sinceramente, es un discurso que aburre a cristo. La educación gratuita en norteamerica, la UE, y otros muchos países es producto del convencimiento de sociedades enteras de que el que las masas tengan un nivel de bienestar mínimo es bueno para todos, ricos y pobres. Si en otros países no se ha llegado a esta conclusión, es culpa de ellos: de las clases pudientes, por no ver que el tener un segmento amplio de la población por debajo del umbral de la pobreza es un elemento serio de desestabilización, y de las clases populares por no exigir el derecho a una existencia digna. -- Edited by bistor at 10:29, 2006-03-21

 Jacobo Arbenz, presidente electo de Guatemala fue exiliado por la Fuerza Armada Guatemalteca quien fue' apoyada por la CIA.  Aviones de E.U sobrevolaron la capital para infundir miedo en la poblacion.

 Allende, presidente Electo de Chile fue asesinado por la Fuerza Armada de Chile quien recivio' apoyo y aprovacion de la CIA para sacarlo del poder.

 EL presidente Torrijos de Panama', quien queria la autonomia panameña sobre el canal, fue asesinado mientras volaba en helicoptero, se sabe que la CIA estuvo implicada en ello.

 El presidente electo de El Salvador Jose' Napoleon Duarte fue sacado del pais a patadas, mientras la junta de gobierno que lo hizo fue reconocida despues como gobierno legitimo por E.U, quien no les exigio' retornarle el poder al presidente democraticamente electo.

Ademas; cuando la poblacion quizo cambiar las cosas, el gobierno de E.U daba $1.5 millones diarios en "ayuda " militar a las fuerzas armadas.  Es facil decir que la gente no hace nada para cambiar los gobiernos; pero como se puede luchar contra tanto apoyo multi-millonario del gobierno de E.U??

 Incluso El "CHE" fue asesinado cuando la CIA inicio' una caceria junto a las fuerzas armadas bolivianas. 

He ahi unos pocos ejemplos de la intervencion de E.U en latino america, yo creo que no se puede decir que la gente no ha hecho nada por cambiar la situacion.  Eso se puede decir desde la comodidad de un apartamento en norte america.  Solo Dios sabe cuanta gente ha muerto tratando de cambiar las cosas.  No es justo decir que ellos no hicieron nada para tratar de mejorar la calidad de vida de las mayorias.

 Que tiene que ver esto con esa vacacion'?, jajaja.

-- Edited by torontotrucho at 11:21, 2006-03-21


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McOSIRIS wrote:

The guy has never been outside Canada

hhiiiiiyyaaaaaaaa Red Necks from the Mullet farm traveling aboard......

Let me guess ...he is learning to say

"Dos cervezas por favor"

Those gueritos are funny !

What Do I Know....?????


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TV Buff wrote:

Tu discurso me suena a concepto de niño rico.

primero que nada te voy a acusar con mi papi....

y segundo....le voy a decir a mi chofer que te pegue....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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TV Buff wrote:

Tu discurso me suena a concepto de niño rico.

I would like to say que como niño rico, me siento ofendido por este comentario!

graSias (© Lahtina)

what? you found Manuel Noreaga? In the Phillipines?
He has a mansion?
Ok, we on it, on it, right now!


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Chilenita wrote:

Let's beat up MC...strip him down and make him dance naked

you sure wanna see some girls fainting eh???

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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Let's beat up MC...strip him down and make him dance naked



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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TV Buff wrote:

bistor wrote: La historia está demasiado llena de ejemplos de pueblos que se han rebelado con el propósito de crear una sociedad más justa, para creer que la idea es una entelequia. Lo cómodo es echarle la culpa al yanqui malo. Sinceramente, es un discurso que aburre a cristo. La educación gratuita en norteamerica, la UE, y otros muchos países es producto del convencimiento de sociedades enteras de que el que las masas tengan un nivel de bienestar mínimo es bueno para todos, ricos y pobres. Si en otros países no se ha llegado a esta conclusión, es culpa de ellos: de las clases pudientes, por no ver que el tener un segmento amplio de la población por debajo del umbral de la pobreza es un elemento serio de desestabilización, y por las clases populares por no exigir el derecho a una existencia digna. Tu discurso me suena a concepto de niño rico. No crees que para que los pueblos se convenzan es necesario primero aprender, aprender de su historia, de su situación, de las posibilidades que el cambio traería? Pero sin educación y emancipación esto no es posible. Es un círculo vicioso. Alli es donde el liderazgo es tan importante y en nuestras sociedades (well, not yours, obviously) carecemos de líderes-- o nos los matan, que no es lo mismo pero es igual. Es muy cómodo echarle la culpa a un pueblo, cuando todos sabemos- y los que no, lo deberíamos saber- que las desgracias vienen de arriba. En que cabeza te cabe que las clases pudientes le van a permitir al pueblo tomar las riendas de su propio destino? Es cuestión de conveniencia. Y cuando pasa, entonces resulta Cuba, que viene siendo una amenaza para el status quo. A nuestros pueblos no les conviene tener una Latinoamérica llena de Cubas. Pero claro, es mas fácil echarle el muerto al pueblo, no? que tomar responsabilidad por nuestras propias acciones-- con nuestras me refiero al gobierno y a la oligarquía, but that kinda hits a little too close to home for you, doesn't it?

Great post! Buffy seriously we should discuss in person some time...if not this will be a never ending thread ......



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McOSIRIS wrote:

HOLY $HIT!!!!!!!    PPL PPL..... PLEASE!!!!!!
All I wanted to do was bring a smile to you face this morning....I didn't wanna cause any kind of controversy... now i feel like going to my my corner and cry....

Attention: Span is officially gone.

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bistor wrote:

La historia está demasiado llena de ejemplos de pueblos que se han rebelado con el propósito de crear una sociedad más justa, para creer que la idea es una entelequia. Lo cómodo es echarle la culpa al yanqui malo. Sinceramente, es un discurso que aburre a cristo. La educación gratuita en norteamerica, la UE, y otros muchos países es producto del convencimiento de sociedades enteras de que el que las masas tengan un nivel de bienestar mínimo es bueno para todos, ricos y pobres. Si en otros países no se ha llegado a esta conclusión, es culpa de ellos: de las clases pudientes, por no ver que el tener un segmento amplio de la población por debajo del umbral de la pobreza es un elemento serio de desestabilización, y por las clases populares por no exigir el derecho a una existencia digna.

Tu discurso me suena a concepto de niño rico. No crees que para que los pueblos se convenzan es necesario primero aprender, aprender de su historia, de su situación, de las posibilidades que el cambio traería? Pero sin educación y emancipación esto no es posible. Es un círculo vicioso. Alli es donde el liderazgo es tan importante y en nuestras sociedades (well, not yours, obviously) carecemos de líderes-- o nos los matan, que no es lo mismo pero es igual. Es muy cómodo echarle la culpa a un pueblo, cuando todos sabemos- y los que no, lo deberíamos saber- que las desgracias vienen de arriba. En que cabeza te cabe que las clases pudientes le van a permitir al pueblo tomar las riendas de su propio destino? Es cuestión de conveniencia. Y cuando pasa, entonces resulta Cuba, que viene siendo una amenaza para el status quo. A nuestros pueblos no les conviene tener una Latinoamérica llena de Cubas. Pero claro, es mas fácil echarle el muerto al pueblo, no? que tomar responsabilidad por nuestras propias acciones-- con nuestras me refiero al gobierno y a la oligarquía, but that kinda hits a little too close to home for you, doesn't it?

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.


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HOLY $HIT!!!!!!!    PPL PPL..... PLEASE!!!!!!

All I wanted to do was bring a smile to you face this morning....I didn't wanna cause any kind of controversy... now i feel like going to my my corner and cry....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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I googled it just now and your right, they have been hold it down for many many years, my apolygies to anyone who was insulted.


I'm Also World Famous


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TV Buff wrote:

bistor wrote: Cute. I find it more plausible to be caused by a government running the show on the basis of XIX century ideology that has been proven a failure around the world. I suppose it could be US imperialism too though. Ideologies change with the times to adjust themselves to current realities. If it's proven a failure then it must have its flaws. The main flaw is having a big brother who won't let it grow. Part of the flaw is human nature. And yet, Cuba's still standing? Hmm, makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Well I think this type of thing should be discussed in person....too much to write......



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TV Buff wrote:

bistor wrote:
"Cuando las miserias morales asolan a un país, culpa es de todos los que por falta de cultura y de ideal no han sabido amarlo como patria: de todos los que vivieron de ella sin trabajar para ella." -- José Ingenieros, El Hombre Mediocre
This would be a very good quote if it wasn't a whole lotta romantic bull crap. Como puede un pueblo carecer de cultura y de ideal cuando esta no se le provee? Considerando que los medios de producción y la facilidad de educación estan en manos de un porcentaje mínimo de la población y que en vez de amar a la patria el noventa y pico por ciento del resto tienen que preocuparse diariamente por sobrevivir, no te parece ridículo esperar que que tengan cultura e ideales? En una economia de subsistencia no hay espacio ni tiempo para nada mas. A menos que sea en los sueños de los poetas.

La historia está demasiado llena de ejemplos de pueblos que se han rebelado con el propósito de crear una sociedad más justa, para creer que la idea es una entelequia. Lo cómodo es echarle la culpa al yanqui malo. Sinceramente, es un discurso que aburre a cristo.

La educación gratuita en norteamerica, la UE, y otros muchos países es producto del convencimiento de sociedades enteras de que el que las masas tengan un nivel de bienestar mínimo es bueno para todos, ricos y pobres.

Si en otros países no se ha llegado a esta conclusión, es culpa de ellos: de las clases pudientes, por no ver que el tener un segmento amplio de la población por debajo del umbral de la pobreza es un elemento serio de desestabilización, y de las clases populares por no exigir el derecho a una existencia digna.

-- Edited by bistor at 10:29, 2006-03-21



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El Duro wrote:

   Look @the last statement on what i said

Okay whatever.  I have never been known to hold anything back.  Let me just say that within the latin community there are many refugees...people have come here for all kinds of reasons including your family as I am almost positive you are not native make yourself look stupid when you refer to someone as a "stupid refugee" you sound like a dumb gringo and I doubt you are stupid or gringo



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bistor wrote:

Cute. I find it more plausible to be caused by a government running the show on the basis of XIX century ideology that has been proven a failure around the world. I suppose it could be US imperialism too though.

Ideologies change with the times to adjust themselves to current realities. If it's proven a failure then it must have its flaws. The main flaw is having a big brother who won't let it grow. Part of the flaw is human nature. And yet, Cuba's still standing? Hmm, makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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McOSIRIS wrote:

Marky Mark wrote:
McOSIRIS wrote: the guy said.... "I assume the hookers in Cuba carry condoms, don't they"????? faking gringos....hahahahahahaha PLOP! MC, SEE WHAT YOUR HORNY BOSS HAS DONE TO THE FORO?? BAD PENIS!! BAD PENIS!!!!!!
I would tell him what you guys think about his stupidity....but I don't he would appreciate that I'm posting about this....

Give me his number, I'll do an anonymous phone call at the office and freak him out!!!

Attention: Span is officially gone.


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Marky Mark wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote: the guy said.... "I assume the hookers in Cuba carry condoms, don't they"????? faking gringos....hahahahahahaha PLOP! MC, SEE WHAT YOUR HORNY BOSS HAS DONE TO THE FORO?? BAD PENIS!! BAD PENIS!!!!!!

I would tell him what you guys think about his stupidity....but I don't he would appreciate that I'm posting about this....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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bistor wrote:

"Cuando las miserias morales asolan a un país, culpa es de todos los que por falta de cultura y de ideal no han sabido amarlo como patria: de todos los que vivieron de ella sin trabajar para ella." -- José Ingenieros, El Hombre Mediocre

This would be a very good quote if it wasn't a whole lotta romantic bull crap. Como puede un pueblo carecer de cultura y de ideal cuando esta no se le provee? Considerando que los medios de producción y la facilidad de educación estan en manos de un porcentaje mínimo de la población y que en vez de amar a la patria el noventa y pico por ciento del resto tienen que preocuparse diariamente por sobrevivir, no te parece ridículo esperar que que tengan cultura e ideales? En una economia de subsistencia no hay espacio ni tiempo para nada mas. A menos que sea en los sueños de los poetas.

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

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Chilenita wrote:

PRINCESSA wrote: bistor wrote: PRINCESSA wrote: Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. VERY TRUE !!!!!!! Pity the country is falling apart though. Unfortunatly if's not the peoples fault. I think that if they had their independance fully & it was falling apart as you say, then they can be to blame, but now I think they are also victims of their communist governance. Oh brother I won't start cuz I'll just never shut up. I will say that the goverment is to blame for the high education and great healthcare.

I was referring to the fact that they are very educated but unfortunatly can't succeed, get better in their ways of living due to the gov't. I think it's great that they are educated, reason why when I go I enjoy the ppl., their company & you can talk to them about anything. It's intresting.

"Ecuador my life, football my passion, the cup my goal" I'M NOT SPOILED, I'M A PRINCESSA !!


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TV Buff wrote:

bistor wrote:
The cuban revolution brought many good things. It also brought food rations and a crumbling infrastructure though.
The Cuban revolution didn't bring food rations and a crumbling infrastructure. American imperialism did.


I find it more plausible to be caused by a government running the show on the basis of XIX century ideology that has been proven a failure around the world.

I suppose it could be US imperialism too though.



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Marky Mark wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote: the guy said.... "I assume the hookers in Cuba carry condoms, don't they"????? faking gringos....hahahahahahaha PLOP! MC, SEE WHAT YOUR HORNY BOSS HAS DONE TO THE FORO?? BAD PENIS!! BAD PENIS!!!!!!



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Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote: LAB_ wrote: What do you mean 'a long time ago'? When was it that Cuba had what you call 'one of the highest rates of aids? El Duro, if you spent at least half the time browsing the web and documenting your assertions as you seem to spend either putting together your avatars or your posts, you would have found a very easy to use, World Health Organization document that deals with just the subect you've shown so much ignorance in talking about. Have fun. ignorance.... eh listen u refugee, post u would see that i said someone told me about it you dumba$$ Okay Duro now I agree with Lab .... That is one of...if not the STUPIDEST things I have seen on this foro.....


Look @the last statement on what i said

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McOSIRIS wrote:

the guy said.... "I assume the hookers in Cuba carry condoms, don't they"?????
faking gringos....hahahahahahaha


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TV Buff wrote:

bistor wrote: The cuban revolution brought many good things. It also brought food rations and a crumbling infrastructure though. The Cuban revolution didn't bring food rations and a crumbling infrastructure. American imperialism did.

Yep what she said....geezzz I need a faster computer......



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"Cuando las miserias morales asolan a un país, culpa es de todos los que por falta de cultura y de ideal no han sabido amarlo como patria: de todos los que vivieron de ella sin trabajar para ella." -- José Ingenieros, El Hombre Mediocre



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El Duro wrote:

LAB_ wrote: What do you mean 'a long time ago'? When was it that Cuba had what you call 'one of the highest rates of aids? El Duro, if you spent at least half the time browsing the web and documenting your assertions as you seem to spend either putting together your avatars or your posts, you would have found a very easy to use, World Health Organization document that deals with just the subect you've shown so much ignorance in talking about. Have fun. ignorance.... eh listen u refugee, post u would see that i said someone told me about it you dumba$$

Okay Duro now I agree with Lab ....

That is one of...if not the STUPIDEST things I have seen on this foro.....



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bistor wrote:

The cuban revolution brought many good things. It also brought food rations and a crumbling infrastructure though.

The Cuban revolution didn't bring food rations and a crumbling infrastructure. American imperialism did.

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All this thread needs now is Neruda to step in and then the foro will be at peace again.

yes i was being sarcastic.

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Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:   I was making a statement About something I saw long time ago, and i really dont care when he's from, he should learn to speak to people, with more respect-- Edited by El Duro at 09:55, 2006-03-21 Well your statement was never true not now and not a long time ago.  I hear what you are saying about respect but I guess someone from Cuba would find your statement disrespectful. No bad vibes people it's spring for **** sakes Duro read the report it's interesting. @princessa


I googled it just now and your right, they have been hold it down for many many years, my apolygies to anyone who was insulted.


it not the goverment fault it the united states fault for what is going on in cuba

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El Duro wrote:

LAB_ wrote:
What do you mean 'a long time ago'? When was it that Cuba had what you call 'one of the highest rates of aids? El Duro, if you spent at least half the time browsing the web and documenting your assertions as you seem to spend either putting together your avatars or your posts, you would have found a very easy to use, World Health Organization document that deals with just the subect you've shown so much ignorance in talking about. Have fun.
ignorance.... eh listen u refugee, again i was quating something i saw, and i know about the doctors in cuba there one of the best in the world,but i never look up on the aids in cuba, and if u read the first post u would see that i said someone told me about it you dumba$$

So if you didnt know for sure then you shouldnt have stated it as fact dude. I dont think we're trying to pick on you but he does have a point. and REFUGEE???? I guess you're Iroquois???

what? you found Manuel Noreaga? In the Phillipines?
He has a mansion?
Ok, we on it, on it, right now!


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Chilenita wrote:

bistor wrote: PRINCESSA wrote: Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. VERY TRUE !!!!!!! Pity the country is falling apart though. Unfortunatly if's not the peoples fault. I think that if they had their independance fully & it was falling apart as you say, then they can be to blame, but now I think they are also victims of their communist governance.

Oh brother
I won't start cuz I'll just never shut up.
I will say that the goverment is to blame for the high education and great healthcare.

For sure. The cuban revolution brought many good things.

It also brought food rations and a crumbling infrastructure though.


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LAB_ wrote:

What do you mean 'a long time ago'? When was it that Cuba had what you call 'one of the highest rates of aids? El Duro, if you spent at least half the time browsing the web and documenting your assertions as you seem to spend either putting together your avatars or your posts, you would have found a very easy to use, World Health Organization document that deals with just the subect you've shown so much ignorance in talking about. Have fun.

ignorance.... eh listen u refugee, again i was quating something i saw, and i know about the doctors in cuba there one of the best in the world,but i never look up on the aids in cuba, and if u read the first post u would see that i said someone told me about it you dumba$$

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bistor wrote:
PRINCESSA wrote: Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. VERY TRUE !!!!!!! Pity the country is falling apart though.

Unfortunatly if's not the peoples fault.
I think that if they had their independance fully & it was falling apart as you say, then they can be to blame, but now I think they are also victims of their communist governance.

Of course it's their fault... cubans put Fidel in power, and cubans have kept him in power for decades. If they don't like him they could do the same to him as they did to Batista.

I will never tire of saying that every people has the government they deserve. Can you picture a dictatorship in Canada? I can't.



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bistor wrote: PRINCESSA wrote: Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. VERY TRUE !!!!!!! Pity the country is falling apart though. Unfortunatly if's not the peoples fault. I think that if they had their independance fully & it was falling apart as you say, then they can be to blame, but now I think they are also victims of their communist governance.

Oh brother

I won't start cuz I'll just never shut up.

I will say that the goverment is to blame for the high education and great healthcare.



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bistor wrote:

PRINCESSA wrote: Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. VERY TRUE !!!!!!! Pity the country is falling apart though.

Unfortunatly if's not the peoples fault.

I think that if they had their independance fully & it was falling apart as you say, then they can be to blame, but now I think they are also victims of their communist governance.

"Ecuador my life, football my passion, the cup my goal" I'M NOT SPOILED, I'M A PRINCESSA !!

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bistor wrote:

PRINCESSA wrote: Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. VERY TRUE !!!!!!! Pity the country is falling apart though.

Oh, Bistro, pray that Chile doesn't read this. You've just called her wrath upon you. I feel for you, brotha!


If I were you, I'd leave the premises very, very quietly. Just

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El Duro wrote:

  I was making a statement About something I saw long time ago, and i really dont care when he's from, he should learn to speak to people, with more respect-- Edited by El Duro at 09:55, 2006-03-21

Well your statement was never true not now and not a long time ago.  I hear what you are saying about respect but I guess someone from Cuba would find your statement disrespectful.

No bad vibes people it's spring for **** sakes

Duro read the report it's interesting.




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TV Buff wrote:

 @ McShitDisturber: See what happens when you start a new thread? Go back to your directing and leave the thread posting to the experts!

hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!  I feel like Jerry Springer... 

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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Chilenita wrote:
Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated.
VERY TRUE !!!!!!!

Pity the country is falling apart though.


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Chilenita wrote:

TV Buff wrote:
Chilenita wrote: Cubans are VERY VERY highly educated. Yeah, but can they draw good? Do they have good DJs? Huh? Huh?
they can draw the goodest and they have lots of D.J's and even better none of them are named Preito

I thought it was Paleto????

what? you found Manuel Noreaga? In the Phillipines?
He has a mansion?
Ok, we on it, on it, right now!
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