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RE: Marriage Contract

LaDyBuG wrote:


what we shouldn't include ......




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LaDyBuG wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote: I got to the shaving part and my manager walked into the office.... is it worth the read???? NO!

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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McOSIRIS wrote:

I got to the shaving part and my manager walked into the office.... is it worth the read????


"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"


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Posts: 11101

I got to the shaving part and my manager walked into the office....

is it worth the read????

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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Posts: 10514






"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"


God wrote:

I know it's long but it's craaazyyyyyyy

I started reading but it's sooo longggg... but from what I read.. it is crazyyyyy


Foro Master

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Posts: 6639

I know it's long but it's craaazyyyyyyy

What Do I Know....?????

Foro Master

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Posts: 6220

Coles notes please

I can't change my signature :-/

Foro Master

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Posts: 7337

I wonder if anyone actually reads long posts?


Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 6639

Part 2

Good Behavior-
Since there will be no trading, negotiations, or conciliations of any kind you are given chances to earn Good Behavior Days (GBD’s). To receive GBD’s you are to be compliant with everything requested or expected of you, and perform everything with complete and total enthusiasm. In addition GBD’s will be given when you do things from the descriptions below when not expected. If you try to perform something not expected and I tell you no you will receive half GBD’s. Specific GBD indo is listed at the bottom right of each description.
Each GBD can be used to “get out of” doing the things request or expected of you for an entire day with the following exceptions birthdays, anniversary, shaving, and sleepwear. Unless someone is staying with us or we are staying with someone, then it can used for sleepwear also GBD’s can be redeemed anytime after you received them to the end of the next quarter. You must notify me by 12:00 pm of the day you are using a GBD or it can not be used.

Misbehavior & Noncompliant –
Misbehavior is when you complain about what is requested or expected of you, or when you try to negotiate something else instead of what was requested or expected of you. If this happens you will lose 5GBD’s that would have been given. If it continues after the GBD are lost then you are considered noncompliant. However, it is not misbehavior to suggest ways to avoid those specific situations, other than to propose not to do them.
You are to do everything that is requested or expected of you, if you do not you are considered noncompliant. You are also noncompliant if you start something and can not or will not Finish, even if you stat that you are I pain or something hurts. If you are noncompliant then you lose three times amount of GBD’s that would have been given. If you don’t have enough GBD’s to cover the loss, then you will be tied to the bed and I will do whatever I wish too you. This will continue every night until you are ready to be compliance, at which time you will need to apologize and explain how you are ready to be my sex slave again.

Sleep Time & On Demand-
Sleep time is from an hour after we are in bed until an hour before the alarm is set for. You are to set the alarm according, and tell me what for time it is set for. If it happens that we are traveling or we are at an event, and we are not able be home or in bed, then sleep time will be consider 11pm to 7 am. During this time you are not expected to “perform” anything, however at anytime I can cuddle , spoon, hold, or touch you.
There are certain circumstances when you are to perform any and all requests immediately this will. On demand means what I say, when I say, where I say, and how I say. The circumstances are:
Anytime from 20 min after the kids are in bed up to an hour after
we are in bed
Anytime from an hour before the alarm set for to when the alarm
goes off
Anytime we are alone and without the kids
8-11 pm and 6-7 am when traveling

Dressing Up
For special events that we are to dress up for, when we are going to someone else’s house, or just the two of us are going out your clothes must meet my approval. General rules are:
Panties are always optional and need not be worn
Only thigh-highs & garter – no pantyhose
If your are not wearing thigh-highs & garter, then no panties
All skirts no lower then two inches below the knee (unless it’s for Church)
GBD- 1 for each time that was not expected
1 per week only if you had to

Shaving will be done every third day, and includes underarms, legs, and pubic area (navel to anus), all areas are to be completely clean shaven Every Saturday you are to use the Walh clippers with a guard no greater than ½” , and then present yourself to me for a measurement checks.
Above your vaginal slit you can have, 1)A rectangle patch; that must be centered above your vaginal slit, it will have a length no greater that ¾” the length of your vaginal slit, no wider than 1 in., 2) any other shape or design that is centered and above your vaginal slit, with an area of no greater than that of an equilateral triangle with a height of ¾” the length of your vaginal slit, or 3) Completely and totally clean shaven. Regardless of which choice of shave, noncompliance is based on a #2 rate.
GBD ½ per week with #1
1 per week with #2
2 per week with #3

I will select your sleepwear for you, and you will find it under your pillow if there is none then you are to be naked. You are to have your sleepwear on within 20 minutes after the kids are in bed. This pertains to anytime we are alone as a family, whether or not I am home or in the bed with you, and whether or not we are at home. If there is someone else staying with us or we are staying with someone then you are to be naked at the time we go to bed regardless of what was selected. During you menstrual cycle you can wear a top and panties. The top is to b no longer than that to cover your butt checks.
GBD ½ per week

Fellatio, Intercourse, & Other Sex Acts –
Fellatio must last at least, 5 min. and may include climax. Intercourse includes anal and vaginal intercourse. Sex Acts can be oral, anal or vaginal, and include but are not limited too stripping, hand-jobs, fingering, masturbation, dildoing, vibrators, and object insertions. All applications of lube to myself, you, or any object, will be done by you.
GBD – 14 for anal intercourse not expected
7 for anal intercourse expected
3 per fellatio to ejaculation
1 for each not expected
3 per week for expected

Birthdays & Anniversary
On your birthday, Jan 4th you will receive on e GBD that is good only on your birthday. On or before my birthday you will select and purchase a sex toy for yourself, this we be consider my birthday gift from you. On or before our anniversary you will select and purchase new lingerie for yourself. Lingerie may include a cameo & panty set, nice nylons & garter set, corset, baby doll set, , a costume bra & panty set, etc. Lingerie does not include night gowns, or PJ’s. The lingerie that you selected and purchased, will be your sleepwear for that night.

Photos –
You are to pose for 20 photos per quarter on demand, unless you r quota is filled. Outfits, toys, and poses will always be chosen by me. You must be freshly shaven on the day that photos are taken regardless of your shaving schedule. You will also style hair , apply makeup and nail polish as needed. All photos are done in sets no less than five. You have a quota of one set per month.
GBD – 3 if all sets finished a month early
3 per set not expected
1 per quota met

Quarterly Negotiation –
By the first day of each quarter you must choose how to keep track of your GBD’s. You can either be given actual paper GBD’s that you are responsible for returning to be redeemed, or you can choose to have them track on the computer.
By the end of the first day of each quarter you are to choose your “pet name” that you want me to call you by. Your choice must be meet my approval, and noncompliance will be a 20 GBD loss.
This is not a contract, it is a description of rules for you. You can within two weeks prior to the end of the quarter request a change. If you request a change before that time you will loss 10 GBD’s. Negotiations requested in a timely manner will be done after you are in your sleepwear. All properly made requests, will be consider. Changes made will be explained at the beginning of the next quarter.

What Do I Know....?????

Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 6639

Part 1

Contract of Wifely Expectations

For purposes of clarification:
You and any form of it will refer to _____
I and any form of it will refer to

Hygiene & Self Care: Initials:___
You will shave every third day, which includes underarms, chest, legs, and pubic area (navel to anus), and all areas are to be completely clean shaven. Above your vaginal slit you may have a patch of pubic hair in any shape, that must be centered about your vaginal slit, it will measure no greater than 2.0”x1.0”, and will maintain a hair length of less 1/3”.

Clothes & Other Apparel: Initials:___
You will wear only thigh-highs & garters, and only thong panties. The only exception would be during your menstrual cycle, at which time you could wear either or both. Half of all your shoe purchases will be high-heels, 2” or more. You will then wear these high heels more often.
You will give me all non-thong panties and all pantyhose, all tights, all knee-high and/or ankle nylons. You be able to keep 5 pairs of non-thong panties of your choice for use during menstrual cycle.

Sleepwear & Sleeping: Initials:___
When we are at home, and alone as a family, you will be naked within 20 minutes of the kids being in bed, and then sleep naked, unless instructed otherwise. If I am not home when the kids go to bed you are still to be naked before I return home. The only exception will be during your menstrual cycle.
When we are not at home, or not alone as a family, you will try to ensure that we sleep together. If we do sleep together you will sleep naked. I will make exception for sleepwear, but only if you do not ask for them. Ex caption will be given based on how well you follow this contract in its entirety. If we do not sleep together your sleepwear must conform to the standards for exceptions.
When exceptions are given the following is acceptable and is your choice: T-shirt, pajama tops, or gowns as long as the over-all length is not past your knees. Panties (any type) can be worn also. Absolutely no bottoms, shorts, pajama pants, or full gowns can be worn.
When we are in bed together I can cuddle, spoon, hold or touch you in anyway, as long as it is does not excessively disruptive to your sleep.

My Time: Initials:___
When we are at home and alone as a family, from when you are to be naked until 12:00 am, or for three hours, which ever is later, will be My-Time. This time will be , time you will devout solely to me, whereas you will in my service to do anything and everything I want, which may or may not be sexual in manner.
When we are not at home or not alone as a family, My-Time will be modified as follows: you will have your clothes, you will be able to speak openly, and you wont’ have to perform anything sexual before we are in be, however all other rules still apply:

During My-Time you –
1) Argue about anything with me or to me
2) Complain about anything to me, or about me
3) Cry, sob, whine, or pout
4) Sigh, moan, bulk, or otherwise show displeasure or unhappiness
5) Raise your voice at or to me
6) Be condescending to, or about me
7) Ask for anything from me or for me
8) Be distracted from me by other things

During My-Time you-
1) Be subservient, submissive, and totally obedient
2) To do what you are asked, when you are asked, exactly how you are asked
3) Be cheerful and adoring, towards me
4) Be close at all times, unless otherwise told to
5) Perform any and all sexual acts, excluding anal penetration and /or cum, when told to

Noncompliant: Initials:___
It is your responsibility for to this contractual agreement: you will not be reminded of its contents. If I find that you have not followed said agreement, you refuse to follow said agreement, or do so not in good faith, and then you will pose for one set (10 photos) for each infraction. All poses must be done within 15 days from the infractions.
If you refuse to pose for said photos, or said photos are not done within the proper timeframe. Photos will be taken of you in the bathroom, in the bath or shower, dressing or any other location where you maybe naked, or partially clothed. If it is not possible to get a full set of photos, then for ever refusal one set of photos or one move will be distributed on the internet.

Signature: Initials:___
____, in signing this contract you agree to abide by all terms set forth in their entirety. Thusly by singing you are also giving authorization and permission for all sexually explicit photos and /or movies of yourself, to be used within the provisions described in the Noncompliant Paragraph.
Travis Frey, in signing this contract you agree that no photos and/or movies will be made unless within the provisions described in the Noncompliant Paragraph. You also agree that exceptions will granted based on closely______ has followed the above contract. All clothes turned over an in you possession, will be return at the dissolution of this contract.
Lastly by attaching each of your signatures to this contract it is believed, each of persons is signing of their own free-will, and not under coercion or duress, and that each party is doing so in good faith. If it arises that there is situation or circumstance not addressed by this contract, the contract will be redrafted and signatures again affixed. This contract will be reviewed ever six months by both parties, and be revised as agreed by both parties. Until there is a newly redrafted contract with both parties signatures, this contract is continual and ongoing.

Part 2

Good Behavior-
Since there will be no trading, negotiations, or conciliations of any kind you are given chances to earn Good Behavior Days (GBD’s). To receive GBD’s you are to be compliant with everything requested or expected of you, and perform everything with complete and total enthusiasm. In addition GBD’s will be given when you do things from the descriptions below when not expected. If you try to perform something not expected and I tell you no you will receive half GBD’s. Specific GBD indo is listed at the bottom right of each description.
Each GBD can be used to “get out of” doing the things request or expected of you for an entire day with the following exceptions birthdays, anniversary, shaving, and sleepwear. Unless someone is staying with us or we are staying with someone, then it can used for sleepwear also GBD’s can be redeemed anytime after you received them to the end of the next quarter. You must notify me by 12:00 pm of the day you are using a GBD or it can not be used.

Misbehavior & Noncompliant –
Misbehavior is when you complain about what is requested or expected of you, or when you try to negotiate something else instead of what was requested or expected of you. If this happens you will lose 5GBD’s that would have been given. If it continues after the GBD are lost then you are considered noncompliant. However, it is not misbehavior to suggest ways to avoid those specific situations, other than to propose not to do them.
You are to do everything that is requested or expected of you, if you do not you are considered noncompliant. You are also noncompliant if you start something and can not or will not Finish, even if you stat that you are I pain or something hurts. If you are noncompliant then you lose three times amount of GBD’s that would have been given. If you don’t have enough GBD’s to cover the loss, then you will be tied to the bed and I will do whatever I wish too you. This will continue every night until you are ready to be compliance, at which time you will need to apologize and explain how you are ready to be my sex slave again.

Sleep Time & On Demand-
Sleep time is from an hour after we are in bed until an hour before the alarm is set for. You are to set the alarm according, and tell me what for time it is set for. If it happens that we are traveling or we are at an event, and we are not able be home or in bed, then sleep time will be consider 11pm to 7 am. During this time you are not expected to “perform” anything, however at anytime I can cuddle , spoon, hold, or touch you.
There are certain circumstances when you are to perform any and all requests immediately this will. On demand means what I say, when I say, where I say, and how I say. The circumstances are:
Anytime from 20 min after the kids are in bed up to an hour after
we are in bed
Anytime from an hour before the alarm set for to when the alarm
goes off
Anytime we are alone and without the kids
8-11 pm and 6-7 am when traveling

Dressing Up
For special events that we are to dress up for, when we are going to someone else’s house, or just the two of us are going out your clothes must meet my approval. General rules are:
Panties are always optional and need not be worn
Only thigh-highs & garter – no pantyhose
If your are not wearing thigh-highs & garter, then no panties
All skirts no lower then two inches below the knee (unless it’s for Church)
GBD- 1 for each time that was not expected
1 per week only if you had to

Shaving will be done every third day, and includes underarms, legs, and pubic area (navel to anus), all areas are to be completely clean shaven Every Saturday you are to use the Walh clippers with a guard no greater than ½” , and then present yourself to me for a measurement checks.
Above your vaginal slit you can have, 1)A rectangle patch; that must be centered above your vaginal slit, it will have a length no greater that ¾” the length of your vaginal slit, no wider than 1 in., 2) any other shape or design that is centered and above your vaginal slit, with an area of no greater than that of an equilateral triangle with a height of ¾” the length of your vaginal slit, or 3) Completely and totally clean shaven. Regardless of which choice of shave, noncompliance is based on a #2 rate.
GBD ½ per week with #1
1 per week with #2
2 per week with #3

I will select your sleepwear for you, and you will find it under your pillow if there is none then you are to be naked. You are to have your sleepwear on within 20 minutes after the kids are in bed. This pertains to anytime we are alone as a family, whether or not I am home or in the bed with you, and whether or not we are at home. If there is someone else staying with us or we are staying with someone then you are to be naked at the time we go to bed regardless of what was selected. During you menstrual cycle you can wear a top and panties. The top is to b no longer than that to cover your butt checks.
GBD ½ per week

Fellatio, Intercourse, & Other Sex Acts –
Fellatio must last at least, 5 min. and may include climax. Intercourse includes anal and vaginal intercourse. Sex Acts can be oral, anal or vaginal, and include but are not limited too stripping, hand-jobs, fingering, masturbation, dildoing, vibrators, and object insertions. All applications of lube to myself, you, or any object, will be done by you.
GBD – 14 for anal intercourse not expected
7 for anal intercourse expected
3 per fellatio to ejaculation
1 for each not expected
3 per week for expected

Birthdays & Anniversary
On your birthday, Jan 4th you will receive on e GBD that is good only on your birthday. On or before my birthday you will select and purchase a sex toy for yourself, this we be consider my birthday gift from you. On or before our anniversary you will select and purchase new lingerie for yourself. Lingerie may include a cameo & panty set, nice nylons & garter set, corset, baby doll set, , a costume bra & panty set, etc. Lingerie does not include night gowns, or PJ’s. The lingerie that you selected and purchased, will be your sleepwear for that night.

Photos –
You are to pose for 20 photos per quarter on demand, unless you r quota is filled. Outfits, toys, and poses will always be chosen by me. You must be freshly shaven on the day that photos are taken regardless of your shaving schedule. You will also style hair , apply makeup and nail polish as needed. All photos are done in sets no less than five. You have a quota of one set per month.
GBD – 3 if all sets finished a month early
3 per set not expected
1 per quota met

Quarterly Negotiation –
By the first day of each quarter you must choose how to keep track of your GBD’s. You can either be given actual paper GBD’s that you are responsible for returning to be redeemed, or you can choose to have them track on the computer.
By the end of the first day of each quarter you are to choose your “pet name” that you want me to call you by. Your choice must be meet my approval, and noncompliance will be a 20 GBD loss.
This is not a contract, it is a description of rules for you. You can within two weeks prior to the end of the quarter request a change. If you request a change before that time you will loss 10 GBD’s. Negotiations requested in a timely manner will be done after you are in your sleepwear. All properly made requests, will be consider. Changes made will be explained at the beginning of the next quarter.

What Do I Know....?????
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