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GENIE wrote:

(July 23 - August 22)
Think of gold, royal purple, or something regal for your Lion. This year, true to Saturn's transit through Leo, the elegant fashion trends are just made for a Lion. Have whatever you buy tastefully monogrammed. You can buy a Leo an assortment of chic shampoos and conditioners for their mane, but never present them with hair enhancement products that indicate you've noticed that little bald spot! That leonine pride is threatened if the hair starts falling out. Obviously any other "enhancement" items addressing flaws are not advised for the proud Lion. For Leo, it has to be something romantic or sincerely complimentary that lets them know how special they are to you. It's even better if it is an item they can display so others can see how much you care. You can give a Leo an elegant martini set, for example. Even if they don't drink them, it looks impressive. Buy a spiffy cell phone, or a glittery accessory. After all, a fun-loving, sociable Leo sans cell phone is a lost kitten. Make their present the most beautifully wrapped in the bunch. Include the biggest card, with a long, personal message in it that others will notice and envy - and they will purr.

I'm not getting BALD !

-- Edited by God at 14:22, 2005-12-02

What Do I Know....?????


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(November 22 - December 21)
If you have enough cash in savings, or travel enough yourself to have accumulated frequent flyer miles to transfer, your Sagittarian will be prone to taking any trip, anytime and will enthusiastically thank you for it. He or she may also appreciate paraphernalia that make their trips easier. If the above doesn't apply, bring the world to their home via a gift from an import store. Surely they have a favorite shop and a country they like best. Or, you can always present a gift of fine wine and exotic cheeses, teas or coffees from around the world. The Archer often forgets to take time to eat and will find such a gift hard to resist. As an added bonus, such foodstuffs give them a reason to invite guests in, and they adore that. The Sagittarius with a favorite sports team might enjoy tickets for two to a game. For clothing, buy a big comfy sweater. Even if you don't buy the actual present there, pick up the wrapping paper, card and a little extra something that reminds you of them (don't forget to tell them why it does just that) in the import store.



LOL that's true....


It' beer considered food????

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

Foro Master

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(January 20 - February 18)
Aquarians love the latest fads, no matter what! Chances are, many Aquarians conspired together on the most recent high tech gizmos, including current styles. Yes, the sky's the limit this year. The "in" thing may be techie, though this is difficult to buy for the Aquarian: they probably already have it. How about a fashionable carrying case for their laptop? This is one sign that doesn't care whether it has a fancy label on it. It just has to be different and distinctive. Water Bearers adore gravity-defying ink pens that allow them write in the bathtub, in bed or upside down. You might contemplate giving them something they can learn or build as a hobby. Their eyes will light up if whatever it is has lots of tiny, intricate pieces. Or brighten their life with a fairy garden light or anything magical, mystical or lucky. He or she will always appreciate a donation in their name to their favorite charity. In clothing, go embellished, gypsy or retro - just make the color bright. You have to be careful about faux crocodile, pony or python: your Water Bearer is probably an animal lover, and it really has to look fake as well as be fake. Wrap your gift in magic.

That part is true, i do like tech stuff and the latest fashion!! BUt i do't like the gypsy style for myslef and bright colours!!! The rest is so wrong!!


Foro Master

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Wondering what in the cosmos to get your family and friends this holiday? Don't despair. You can be sure to delight and amaze your loved ones as you use the stars to hone in on the perfect gift.

Many of us are guilty of buying gifts we ourselves adore or buying clothing for other people to make them look like us. The key to successful present buying is to give someone something that they might want and will use.

Take a close look at the sign of the recipient-to-be. Do they love bright colors like Gemini and Aquarius? Or are they a pastel-wearing Libra? A gift says, "I love you from the heart," but Taurus or Cancer may see it as a measure of how much you care in dollar value. Such signs give better gifts than they receive, so avoid giving more than another can afford to give you. Lastly, beware of buying something intimate for just a friend - or buying a "just-a-friend" gift for someone intimate!

'Tis the season to put our handy astrological guide to work and prepare to hear your special someone say, "How did you ever know? It's absolutely perfect!"

(March 21 - April 19)
Give the Ram a gift that overcomes their tendency to avoid following through with one of their visions. For example, if they have expressed an interest in photography or putting their pictures in albums, get them the supplies. If you get them a spiffy new camera, don't forget the film or they'll use it as another reason why they can't take snaps. Buy the album and an introductory scrapbooking kit. Speak to their intellectual side with books. Books on tape or CD allow them to multitask and do something else while they listen. Get the CD player and the batteries, because they won't. Aries loves gifts that say how much the people around them appreciate them. Most think Aries are "Ram-tough," but it is a mask. Inside is a vulnerable little lamb. Even the most assertive personality likes to be thought of as tender and worthy of pampering, and your Aries might appreciate an aromatherapy bath or shower basket, filled with bubbles and oils. Whatever you buy, think about giving lots of little things. It gives them cause to imagine and wonder what's inside each specially wrapped gift. All of the packages take a bit longer to open. Your speedy Ram won't be left sitting there while everyone else is still unwrapping - like they usually are.

(April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is an earth sign and so, like "Ferdinand the Bull" lying comfy in a pasture and sniffing daisies on a summer's day, your Taurean should resonate to something green. Think about gifting them with a flowering plant, especially an exotic orchid or bonsai in a beautiful container. The Bull enjoys gardens, lazing away the hours in a favorite lawn chair, listening to bamboo or clay tinkling wind chimes or watching wildlife visit a bird feeder built like a castle or mansion. Most Taureans are tactile; they like touchy-feely things. That opens the gift-giving universe to cozy items. They will sink softly into pastel-hued throw pillows, for example. (Notice "pillow" is plural: One is not enough!) Whatever you buy, it should feel as if they are always wrapped in your loving arms when you aren't there. Taurus is practical. They see the good common sense in possessing real jewels, not faux. Avoid anything antique or used. It has to be theirs from day one. Can't afford diamonds? Give inexpensive, but genuine gems. How about a kit to make their own jewelry, adding hands-on to the gift? Taureans adore lots of tastefully wrapped, expensive little presents. Last but not least, a Bull appreciates and understands money. Here, you needn't worry about the color, size or style. If it costs, it's just what they've always wanted.

(May 21 - June 20)
Even if you were a millionaire, you couldn't get your Gemini enough gifts in the world to fight off their low boredom threshold. What you buy for them has to entertain, and it will - if only for the moment. Most Gemini like electronics and probably own the latest of everything. They could use a fashionable accessory for something. Rather than risk a duplication of something they already have, what's better than a gift certificate to the hottest tech store in town or most "rad" online site? Gemini love mind games (they have probably played more than a few with you!), so how about a membership to an online crossword puzzle site? Gemini are voracious readers. There's always a magazine subscription, but be sure to address a personal interest. Buy them a book about their favorite subject - other than themselves, of course. Forget self-improvement books. They don't want you to think they need it. With something always on their mind, what could be better than a mini voice recorder to record their thoughts 24/7? Fun clothes are easy picks for Gemini, with the current trends in beading, embellishments and clever tee shirt sayings. Gift wrapping is optional, but do give a card they can remember. Don't be disappointed if they act like they don't care about it. It is special to them.

(June 21 - July 22)
Moonchildren seem easy to buy for because they appear to appreciate anything. Yet, deep in their heart of hearts, they privately contemplate how much you love them - more by your effort to find just the right gift for them than by the price tag (which they research later). They'll appreciate an expensive box of chocolate truffles, to devour before they begin yet another diet. You can't go wrong with a basket of gourmet salami, mustards, crackers and cheese. How about a unique salt shaker and peppermill? After all, a domestic Moonchild can't have too many peppermills. They'll love a present they can share with others, for example, a gift for a favorite pet. They adore elegant or handmade picture frames to display photos of family and friends in. Put a picture of the two of you in it. Or, a photo of their home from the most elegant and flattering angle. It looks like the castle they think it is! Buy them a soft, pastel-hued sweater. Nostalgic Cancer also appreciates antiques. Be sure to get the dealer to tell you something about it so you can share the history with them. Scented candles warm their heart and light up their lives. Deluxe wrapping is optional, but make the card extra-special. Handmade cards will make the Crab smile from ear to ear.

(July 23 - August 22)
Think of gold, royal purple, or something regal for your Lion. This year, true to Saturn's transit through Leo, the elegant fashion trends are just made for a Lion. Have whatever you buy tastefully monogrammed. You can buy a Leo an assortment of chic shampoos and conditioners for their mane, but never present them with hair enhancement products that indicate you've noticed that little bald spot! That leonine pride is threatened if the hair starts falling out. Obviously any other "enhancement" items addressing flaws are not advised for the proud Lion. For Leo, it has to be something romantic or sincerely complimentary that lets them know how special they are to you. It's even better if it is an item they can display so others can see how much you care. You can give a Leo an elegant martini set, for example. Even if they don't drink them, it looks impressive. Buy a spiffy cell phone, or a glittery accessory. After all, a fun-loving, sociable Leo sans cell phone is a lost kitten. Make their present the most beautifully wrapped in the bunch. Include the biggest card, with a long, personal message in it that others will notice and envy - and they will purr.

(August 23 - September 22)
The discriminating and tasteful Virgo appreciates elegant and expansive gifts. However, a Virgo receives but quickly feels that they have to buy you something of equal or better value. Then you have to reciprocate. Then they do. Sounds like a bottomless Pandora's Box, doesn't it? Many moons ago you may have started out with an 8-carat gold gift for your Virgo. By 2005, you are up to 24-carat. Let's be practical! Better cancel jewelry if you - or they - can't afford it. Don't switch gears and try a plain set of potholders either. This takes us to the realm of books, which have more consistent price tags. Virgo likes to learn more than they prefer fiction. (If you know them well enough, you've discovered that they check out their share of sexy, steamy novels too. But don't buy it if you aren't sure they are secret readers, and ensure they aren't opening the gift in public.) Virgo is an earth sign that loves natural things in natural colors. Plants, especially herbs, are favorites. The inner accountant might enjoy a zippy new calculator or software program. Put the gift in a woven basket and don't forget a recycled paper card.

(September 23 - October 22)
If your loving Libra is in a relationship (and chances are, they are), a picnic basket filled with items for an elegant meal-for-two thrills your Libra and their lucky mate. You can bet that a gift certificate for a romantic restaurant will be used and appreciated, as will CD's of the world's sweetest music. A boxed set of their favorite author's books makes a nice gift. How about a keychain or locket with their mate's picture in it? If they just happen to not be in a union at this time, insert a photo of what their perfect partner should look like. Tell them it acts as a daily affirmation or wish manifestation to attract that person to them. They won't leave home without it. Dreamy Libras love flowers in crystal vases that smell as good as they do. Think perfume and cologne too, but find out their favorite first. When it comes to clothes, even the males enjoy tasteful style and flair in pastel colors. Fake embellishments are okay, but preferably on casual clothes. For your Libra, the wrapping paper is optional, but the card speaks volumes about how you feel about them - so make it special.

(October 23 - November 21)
Although the ancients might have caused many to think that a Scorpio appreciates a dark or macabre gift, it certainly isn't the case. However, anything engraved or embroidered with "It's not easy being a sex symbol" could be a hit. For your Scorpion, it's about power, so think anything from "power tools" to a "Power Ranger" action figure. Give them one more of whatever their favorite thing is. Do a little detective work and you'll probably find that he or she sticks with brand names and famous labels from classic department stores or designer catalogs. This year's accent on black or dark chocolate brown is just their style. In the food department, Scorpios prefer fine cheeses, wines and sweets. More personally, how about a sterling silver picture frame to put someone important in? You may hope it is you. You could also give them a gift certificate for a photographer's portrait. Make the wrapping paper special. Be careful what you say in the card. They read between the lines, or at least they think they do. Make sure you aren't sending a wrong message.

(November 22 - December 21)
If you have enough cash in savings, or travel enough yourself to have accumulated frequent flyer miles to transfer, your Sagittarian will be prone to taking any trip, anytime and will enthusiastically thank you for it. He or she may also appreciate paraphernalia that make their trips easier. If the above doesn't apply, bring the world to their home via a gift from an import store. Surely they have a favorite shop and a country they like best. Or, you can always present a gift of fine wine and exotic cheeses, teas or coffees from around the world. The Archer often forgets to take time to eat and will find such a gift hard to resist. As an added bonus, such foodstuffs give them a reason to invite guests in, and they adore that. The Sagittarius with a favorite sports team might enjoy tickets for two to a game. For clothing, buy a big comfy sweater. Even if you don't buy the actual present there, pick up the wrapping paper, card and a little extra something that reminds you of them (don't forget to tell them why it does just that) in the import store.

(December 22 - January 19)
Needless to say, you could find several appealing gifts for your Capricorn in an office supply store. Anything "executive" works. Even if they aren't in management now, they want to be. You can't go wrong buying the latest autobiography of a rich and famous person that they can compare themselves with and aspire to live up to. Opera is a growing rage. Your CD gift will help them become a trendsetter. In clothing, buy a pure wool or cashmere scarf with their monogram. Or give a desk clock or watch with the name of their college on it. Concentrate on traditional brand names and labels. The color is black, which always is in style. Forget embellishments or faux, glitz or glam. Lastly, if you know them well enough, you can buy for the secret side of your Sea Goat: Give them a pampering spa gift certificate or sexy silk underwear. You could choose a stylish retro-looking radio that is perfect for listening to conservative talk radio shows in public - or more liberal ones in secret. Make sure the wrapping for your Cap is in silver and gold. Find a unique card in an antique store. While there, find them a sweet little add-on present that reminds them of their favorite grandparent.

(January 20 - February 18)
Aquarians love the latest fads, no matter what! Chances are, many Aquarians conspired together on the most recent high tech gizmos, including current styles. Yes, the sky's the limit this year. The "in" thing may be techie, though this is difficult to buy for the Aquarian: they probably already have it. How about a fashionable carrying case for their laptop? This is one sign that doesn't care whether it has a fancy label on it. It just has to be different and distinctive. Water Bearers adore gravity-defying ink pens that allow them write in the bathtub, in bed or upside down. You might contemplate giving them something they can learn or build as a hobby. Their eyes will light up if whatever it is has lots of tiny, intricate pieces. Or brighten their life with a fairy garden light or anything magical, mystical or lucky. He or she will always appreciate a donation in their name to their favorite charity. In clothing, go embellished, gypsy or retro - just make the color bright. You have to be careful about faux crocodile, pony or python: your Water Bearer is probably an animal lover, and it really has to look fake as well as be fake. Wrap your gift in magic.

(February 19 - March 20)
Although just a joke (or perhaps not), there are many a Pisces that might be happy recipients of the "Ask Dr. Chuck Therapist Doll." If not this, on a more sympathetic and understanding note, how about a soothing table fountain or a recording of waterfalls? Your amorous Pisces loves candles, especially those in beveled or etched glass. Perhaps it is because the effect is almost hypnotic. A Pisces might enjoy a beautiful vase of peacock feathers. And you can't go wrong with a good luck charm for winning the lottery. On a more practical note, give them anything to write down appointments or to-do lists so they won't forget! When it comes to clothing, your Pisces could probably use a new pair of slippers. Most Fish wear out the sole of at least one shoe a year. When it comes to clothing, he or she should resonate well with this year's more ruffled and very romantic look. The colors black and purple are flattering. An alleged "international man or woman of mystery" can never have enough pairs of dark glasses or wide-brimmed hats. Wrap your Fish's gift in low-cost flourishes, but spare no expense on the card. Put your heart into the warm and personal message inside.

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