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i dont agree in the death penalty at all. Killing someone is wrong PERIOD.


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Got it covered



"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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Chilenita wrote:


I know Chilenita, I was gonna start off my first post here by reminding everyone that this thread is so DARTED but then I forgot. DART! I mean, D'oh!

We should have moderators.



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God wrote:

Lahtina wrote: Leo wrote: "If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call." OMG! The ignorance, the stupidity (eeer, I mean stupidness lol). Has the guy had anyone read this statement back to him? ETA: This is basically what you're supporting with that comment, LGigolo. The death penalty does not deter the criminal mind. The laws (legal and moral)  should suffice. -- Edited by Lahtina at 13:22, 2005-12-02 Pssttt Psssttt...Gues what his response it's a Copy and Paste from teh Internets -- Edited by God at 14:09, 2005-12-02

Psst, psst... who's response?


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Lahtina wrote:

Leo wrote:

"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call."

OMG! The ignorance, the stupidity (eeer, I mean stupidness lol). Has the guy had anyone read this statement back to him?
ETA: This is basically what you're supporting with that comment, LGigolo. The death penalty does not deter the criminal mind. The laws (legal and moral)  should suffice. -- Edited by Lahtina at 13:22, 2005-12-02

Pssttt Psssttt...Gues what his response it's a Copy and Paste from teh Internets

-- Edited by God at 14:09, 2005-12-02

What Do I Know....?????

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innocent people have been executed

i don't believe in the death penalty.


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No one man has the right to take the life of another.

No matter what.



"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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Leo wrote:

"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call."

OMG! The ignorance, the stupidity (eeer, I mean stupidness lol). Has the guy had anyone read this statement back to him?

ETA: This is basically what you're supporting with that comment, LGigolo. The death penalty does not deter the criminal mind. The laws (legal and moral)  should suffice.

-- Edited by Lahtina at 13:22, 2005-12-02



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I would LOVE to see the DEATH PENALTY brought back - It definately descourages crime... specially murders.  However, being humans, there are a lot of room for misjudgement and some innocent people may die as a consequence - those who are unjustly found guilty... It may be very rare, but still possible to sentence innocent suspects to death.

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

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Mahatma Ghandi sagely said: an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Funny that Lady Justice is usually blindfolded.

I often go back and forth on this one. I guess it's easier to just spray the weeds dead when they come up, rather than bother with uprooting them and making sure they never come up again. I think the most needed change is a shift from punishing measures to preventative measures. But is that even possible? 



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La pena de muerte es algo relativamente fácil de tolerar, o aún apoyar... siempre y cuando el condenado o la condenada no sea alguien conocido o, Dios nos libre, íntimo. Ahí se convierte en algo salvaje, insensible, etc etc. How would "your world" react if someone you know, someone you love, was to be sentenced to death? Are we assuming that such a thing "just can´t happen"?

No es de extrañar que los fundamentos de nuestra práctica o tolerancia actual de la death penalty sean de tipo religioso o, al menos, que hayan sido justificados con religión: llega el momento en que sólo la obediencia a un higher power nos permite consentir o aún apoyar things such as leyes de pena de muerte.

Or am I expected to see the one thousand executions go by while, say, Dubya is getting and will most likely get away with having done all the crimes he has?

Finally... here´s some sort of "golden argument" in support of death penalty, from nonetheless but

"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call."



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Yesi wrote:

Hi Buzz, My boyfriend is from Honduras and since they started doing what you mention ojo por ojo, maras are starting to die and because of this there is less violence and crime in Honduras. Mareros die everyday and no one knows who kills them.  I guess is Ojo por Ojo right. Yesi

Do u really thing that Capital Punishment will change a killers mind?? I don't thinks so girl, come look @ Texas they kill more PPL by execution then anywhere else but they still have big time crimes, so this is just a false sense of security if u think just because a country has capital punishment Killers specially Mareros are going 2 stop killing u got 2 be crazy...

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1- if someone sexually assulted a kid, I said trought him in jail and get two or more ppl to the same to him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then let him out so I can kill his sorry a$$


2-if my brother comiited a crime................he has to pay for it.



How is el Salvador trying to clean up thier city, I been watching the news about all the deportees that the US is sending them back to them in most cases criminals and they have adopted a great idea I think any one been deported and looks like a marero he/she goes straight to jail no questions asked.


if all of centro america took this stand we would have better city's and less crime.

many pueblos in Guatemala are takling the law own its own hands and I think thats great.


Just me


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It's a very hard situation whre you can play both sides of the fence for instance....

Let's put the scenario that you have a kid and your kid gets sexually abused ?? In this situation how do you feel about death penalty

Now....the another scenario

Your bother commits a crime and he gets death penalty ...How do you feel about death penalty ?

What Do I Know....?????

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I agree and at the same time i don't. I agree that in the situations like Paul Bernardo, they should have killed him and Karla Hamolka!!!



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Julie wrote:

Difficult to say ! First I think that the justice system in Canada must go under a huge reform before considering it. How can you explain that a bank robber gets 14 years of prison and a child molester, 4 years or so ! Religion aside, do we have the right to take somebody’s else life ? Aren’t we better than that ? It won’t turn the clock backward and does it really bring closure and peace to the families of the victims ? At the same time, why do we have to pay, with our tax money, the bed, food, education, etc….for someone that committed crimes ? But what happened if you get the wrong person and you sentence it to the deaf penalty ? It happened in the past. Sometimes it gets very political, everything to please the public opinion, so can we ensure a fair trial ?   This is very delicate and honestly, I don’t know.   Take a look at the link below. It is mostly focus on the reintroduction of the death penalty in the UK but there is a lot of general info as well.

Hi Julie, I also see your point. A lot of people are just like you, 1/2 way. Don't know. I see all your points, I do. I just think that people who hurt others need to pay and going to jail is not the answer. I say kill them all




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Yesi wrote:

Good morning buzz,
I totally agree with you on this one.  I always have arguments with my friends about this.  I believe that if you take someone's life you do not deserve to live. 
My friends argument is, why do we have to take their life, god will judge him at the end. 
But as a society are we going to wait for GOD to take action. "I think not"

You're Mixing two different things Religion and Law and that can be very messy, seems to me that you're defending your religious point of view instead the legal one, for Instance Islamic extremists Kill people on Allah's name......for them killing is right because their God "asked" to do it, thats the reason why I think mixing religion can be very messy.

-- Edited by God at 09:04, 2005-12-02

What Do I Know....?????


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Hi Buzz,

My boyfriend is from Honduras and since they started doing what you mention ojo por ojo, maras are starting to die and because of this there is less violence and crime in Honduras.

Mareros die everyday and no one knows who kills them.  I guess is Ojo por Ojo right.




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Difficult to say ! First I think that the justice system in Canada must go under a huge reform before considering it. How can you explain that a bank robber gets 14 years of prison and a child molester, 4 years or so !

Religion aside, do we have the right to take somebody’s else life ? Aren’t we better than that ? It won’t turn the clock backward and does it really bring closure and peace to the families of the victims ?

At the same time, why do we have to pay, with our tax money, the bed, food, education, etc….for someone that committed crimes ?

But what happened if you get the wrong person and you sentence it to the deaf penalty ? It happened in the past. Sometimes it gets very political, everything to please the public opinion, so can we ensure a fair trial ?


This is very delicate and honestly, I don’t know.


Take a look at the link below. It is mostly focus on the reintroduction of the death penalty in the UK but there is a lot of general info as well.

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Yesi wrote:

JOKER_ESCO wrote: Yesi wrote: Hi everyone, here goes another serious threat I hope. This morning I was listening to the news and I heard that yesterday they killed the #1000 person becasue of the Pena capital in the US. Para hablar de la pena de muerte es necesario tener un conocimiento claro de de su significado. La pena de muerte se puede definir como"Sanción penal que ordena la privación de la vida al delincuente. Ejecución que tiene muchas variantes, pero en común deben matar a quien se aplique". My question to you guys, do you agree with the Death Panalty? Do you think this should happen in Canada too? Yesi I don't agree with this, if the government doesn’t let u take your own life why do they have the right 2 take your life????? Also not all trials are fair many PPL has gone 4 many years in jail and they are innocent, after many year found innocent and let go free, if u have the capital punishment there is no turning back.. Hi Joker, ok I see your point, but listen if someone killed a family member, will you like to see him in Jail, I mean you know some jails have it better then in the streets right. Food, Bed, games and school.  Is this what you want for someone that killed one of your family members? I know I wouldn't, I will like to see him dead. That is just me Yesi


Ok I get your point but here is my, if is revenge that u want then do it your self I would rather take this fools life my self then see the government taking his life, cause it would take many years before they do it, not only they will take long but the fool has also the right 2 appeal and that will take long, I would kill this fool my self and really make him suffer... This is what I call Ojo Por Ojo Diente Por Diente.....

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Yesi wrote:

Good morning buzz, I totally agree with you on this one.  I always have arguments with my friends about this.  I believe that if you take someone's life you do not deserve to live.  My friends argument is, why do we have to take their life, god will judge him at the end.  But as a society are we going to wait for GOD to take action. "I think not" Yesi

Good moning back at ya and happy friday.....................I also think that a fair trial should be given to that person but if convicted they should get what they've done. OJO por OJO..... I rember when I was a young kid back in guatemala and Ubico was the president one of the best I may add..............he had his own OJO por OJO.............and my country wasn't as bad as today.................he would judge the offender and once in prossion that was it.

We spend way too much money on keeping many criminals in prisson, intead of using all this money for that use it for help the elderly or for out health system for those who need it.


once again just my opinion

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Yesi wrote: Hi everyone, here goes another serious threat I hope. This morning I was listening to the news and I heard that yesterday they killed the #1000 person becasue of the Pena capital in the US. Para hablar de la pena de muerte es necesario tener un conocimiento claro de de su significado. La pena de muerte se puede definir como"Sanción penal que ordena la privación de la vida al delincuente. Ejecución que tiene muchas variantes, pero en común deben matar a quien se aplique". My question to you guys, do you agree with the Death Panalty? Do you think this should happen in Canada too? Yesi I don't agree with this, if the government doesn’t let u take your own life why do they have the right 2 take your life????? Also not all trials are fair many PPL has gone 4 many years in jail and they are innocent, after many year found innocent and let go free, if u have the capital punishment there is no turning back..

Hi Joker, ok I see your point, but listen if someone killed a family member, will you like to see him in Jail, I mean you know some jails have it better then in the streets right. Food, Bed, games and school.  Is this what you want for someone that killed one of your family members? I know I wouldn't, I will like to see him dead.

That is just me




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Good morning buzz,

I totally agree with you on this one.  I always have arguments with my friends about this.  I believe that if you take someone's life you do not deserve to live. 

My friends argument is, why do we have to take their life, god will judge him at the end. 

But as a society are we going to wait for GOD to take action. "I think not"



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Yesi wrote:

Hi everyone, here goes another serious threat I hope. This morning I was listening to the news and I heard that yesterday they killed the #1000 person becasue of the Pena capital in the US. Para hablar de la pena de muerte es necesario tener un conocimiento claro de de su significado. La pena de muerte se puede definir como"Sanción penal que ordena la privación de la vida al delincuente. Ejecución que tiene muchas variantes, pero en común deben matar a quien se aplique". My question to you guys, do you agree with the Death Panalty? Do you think this should happen in Canada too? Yesi

I don't agree with this, if the government doesn’t let u take your own life why do they have the right 2 take your life????? Also not all trials are fair many PPL has gone 4 many years in jail and they are innocent, after many year found innocent and let go free, if u have the capital punishment there is no turning back..

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definitiva mente yo soy creyente q OJO POR OJO, si esa fuera la ley en todos los paises creo no huviese tanta delinquensia................................just my opinion

Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz está en darse constantemente pequeños gustos.


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Hi everyone, here goes another serious threat I hope.

This morning I was listening to the news and I heard that yesterday they killed the #1000 person becasue of the Pena capital in the US.

Para hablar de la pena de muerte es necesario tener un conocimiento claro de de su significado. La pena de muerte se puede definir como"Sanción penal que ordena la privación de la vida al delincuente. Ejecución que tiene muchas variantes, pero en común deben matar a quien se aplique".

My question to you guys, do you agree with the Death Panalty? Do you think this should happen in Canada too?


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