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Anonymous wrote:

GENIE wrote: GENIE wrote:   Well of course you do!!  When do you ever agree with anyone? WHEN THEY HAVE A VALID POINT AS U DONT!  According to you I don't have a valid point, but that's just your dumb opinion.  I'm sure that many people will agree with me.   Really?  Then let me ask you this, If anony's insulting people or being rude to people bothers you so much, then why do you do it?9-10 TIMES I HAVE DONE IT WHEN I AM GETTING ATTACKED  Don't try to act all inocent now.  You have done plenty of attacking yourself, LIKE AT DIMPLE FOR EXAMPLE YOU AND THAT LESBIAN FRIEND OF YOURS LOVE TO BASH HER EVERYTIME THAT SHE POSTED ONE OF HER EVENTS UP IN EVENTOS, but of course it's okay for you to do it, because your genie and no one is more than you right...please b*tch! AND SINCE THIS IT THE WAY THE EXPRESS THEMSELVES THEN ONE HAS TO STOOP DOWN TO THERE LEVEL SOMETIMES U WILL SEE CUZ IM ABOUT TO STOOP DOWN TO UR LEVEL!   JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA THIS IS TOO FUNNY.  STOOP DOWN TO MY LEVEL.  DON'T YOU MEAN RISE TO MY LEVEL, BECAUSE YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO UNDER ME.  SORRY BUT IF YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME YOU ARE WRONG, BECAUSE TIME AND TIME AGAIN YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELF TO BE ONE TRASHY GIRL.  LIKE I SAID BEFORE STOP WITH THAT LITTLE ACT CUS NO ONE BUYS IT BUT YOURSELF. What I don't get is that you have a problem with anony's doing this when you do the same thing all the time!!!  So it's ok for miss Genie to do it, but if an anony does it they're being rude and insultingHERES THE DIFFERENCE I DON’T HIDE BEHIND ANONNY I USE A NAME THAT I USE IN EVERYDAY  BRAVO! BRAVO! YOU USE YOUR NAME IN EVERYDAY LIFE!  GOOD FOR YOU!  WHO CARES?  NOT ME THAT'S FOR SURE! LIFE U WANNA FIND ME ASK FOR GENIE!  WHY WOULD I WANT TO FIND YOUR DUMB ASS. PLAIN AND SIMPLE U SEE TO ME UR A REGISTERED MEMBER HIDING BEHIND ANONY!.  WRONG!  YOU WISH I WAS A REGISTERED MEMBER.  MAYBE THAT WILL BRING SOME FLAVA INTO THAT SECTION, BECAUSE I ASSUME THAT IT'S ONLY FOR GEEKS LIKE YOU!  So how are you better then those anony's?  BETTER WHO SAID I WAS BETTER THAT I DON’T HIDE BEHIND AN ANONY NO ONE SAID THAT YOU WERE BETTER, BUT YOU GO ON LIKE YOUR SH*T DON'T STINK, AND YOU'RE MISS PERFECT THAT DOESN'T TALK TRASH. YEP MAKES ME MORE OUT THERE TO GET ATTACKED ON AND EVEN INSULTED MAKES ME BETTER THAT I USE MY MEMBER NAME! GREAT! DO YOU WANT A MEDAL OR SOMETHING, OR NO DO YOU WANT US TO HAVE A PARTY BECAUSE YOU USE YOUR FORO NAME.  LIKE I SAID WHO GIVES A SH*T!  YOU USE YOUR FORO NAME AND WHAT?  YOU'RE STILL AS ANONYMOUS AS I AM, BECAUSE MAYBE THE REGISTERED MEMBERS KNOW YOU BUT THE REST OF US DON'T.  SO ALL US ANONY'S SEE IS A NAME AND THAT'S IT.HERE AND IN EVERY DAY LIFE U WANNA FIND ME JUST ASK PPL WILL TELL U WHO I AM!  LIKE I SAID BEFORE I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE AND I DON'T CARE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE.   If I remember correctly back when there was a thread started about Joanna Martinez being a man or a woman weren't you the one making a rude remark towards her?  YUP!  Didn't you say something like "Those who know you know how fake you can be", and then you turn around and act like you're her bestfriend or something  oh brother..NO NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS TO AN ANONNY NONE OF UR BSNS AND IM NOT HER BEST FRIEND  LMAO!  YOU'RE REALLY STUPID AREN'T YOU.  NO ONE SAID THAT YOU WERE HER BEST FRIEND.  I SAID THAT U TURNED AROUND AND ACTED LIKE YOU WERE HER BESTFRIEND.  READ! READ! READ! AND I DID INSULT HER AND THAT’S DONE U PAY WAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION!!  MAYBE I DO, BUT YOU JUST PROVED MY POINT THAT YOU ATTACK PEOPLE ASWELL, AND THEN YOU GO ON LIKE YOU'RE A SAINT.  SO JOKES ON YOU! .please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!!YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER REMOVED THE ONE U HAD IN YOUR MOUTH TO BEGIN WITH!!  UM...YEAH...OKAY THERE BUDDY.  TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT.  I actually like it this way. And maybe the admin is working on it were u can see the eventos but not post cuz u guys start dissing djs and promoters and just all plain stupid stuff.  Yeah like everything you say is so intelligent and interesting YOU’D HAVE TO BE AN INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTING PERSON TO UNDERSTAND…….SO FRANKLY MY DEAR I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!.   Please don't act like you don't talk sh*t, because all of us know that you have said enough trash about anony's and even registered members in the eventos section and general sectionGREAT ITS NICE TO KNOW I HAVE A FAN!! .  So please stop with your little act, because no one is buying it, but yourself. Whatever girl you keep on living in your fantasy world.sorry girl but i mean if we all took the time to register and stuff so should they  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  AHHHH...HMM...Sorry that was a good one.  Ohhhh... sorry if it took you 5 min or less to register.  Must have been real hard for you apparently. also if there just passing by they can veiw futuro eventos on the top of the website if there so interested in events!! If this is the case then why not just take the whole eventos section off and let everyone look in futuro eventos.  That way you'll stop your b*tching already, and everyone will be happy. look at some of them the promoters post and there go the anonny hating and talking crap and most of us dont post cuz we all know were gonna get attacked as well u seen it happen to u so im sorry but for me the site is better this way  Sorry, but when did you become the queen of this forumOH NO SWEETY NOT QUEEN TOP GURU PLEASE GET THE TERMINALOGY CORRECT THANKS!. OHHHH SORRY ABOUT THAT! TOP MIERDA IS WHAT YOU ARE!  Last time I checked this was a PUBLIC forum, and we all had the right to express ourselves in any way, shape, or form.GREAT IM GLAD U KNOW WHAT A FORUM IS! BUT IF I CAME ON HERE AND SAID OH U KNOW THAT THIS “ANONY” IS PREGGO DO U THINK I HAVE THAT RIGHT TO AIR UR BSNS ON HERE?? WHEN DID U GET THE RIGHT TO AIR PPLS PERSONAL BSNS ON HERE?? NEVER EXACTLY   I NEVER COME ON HERE TO AIR PEOPLES BUSINESS.  YOU'RE TALKING TO THE WRONG ANONY, CUS THAT'S NOT MY THING.  IF I DO COME HERE, IT'S TO STATE MY OPINION ON THINGS.  JUST LIKE I'M DOING RIGHT NOW.  SO WHAT NOW ONLY GENIE OVER HERE HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS HERSELF IN ANY WAY THAT SHE WANTS AND THE REST OF US HAVE TO WATCH WHAT WE SAY.  THAT'S A BUNCH OF BULL. I mean this is the purpose of a forum, to express yourself, to put your ideas and thoughts out there.IDEAS AND THOUGHTS EXPRESS UR SELF WOW UR NOT THAT DUMB  I'M NOT DUMB AT ALL, BUT YOU SURE ARE. BUT YET WHEN U TAKE IT A PERSONAL LEVEL IS THAT STILL OK??? THEN ADMIN HAS TO COME IN AND CLEAN UP ALL UR SHIAT TALKING!   MY SHIAT TALKING?!  MY SHIAT TALKING?! HA!  WHAT ABOUT YOURS?  I THINK THAT YOU DO MORE SHIAT TALKING THEN THE REST OF US DO. Some are good and some are bad, but that's because we are all DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT points of views.  That's why threads are started, to get  DIFFERENT VIEWS from DIFFERENT PEOPLE.RIGHT AND SOMETIMES ITS NOT DIFFERENT ITS PLAIN STUPID!!  SEE THIS IS HOW YOU COME OFF AS SOME SNOBY B*TCH, CUS YOU COME IN HERE AND SAY THAT WHAT EVERY ANONY SAYS IS STUPID, WHEN IN FACT EVERYTHING THAT YOU SAY AND ARE SAYING IS JUST AS STUPID OR EVEN MORE!! SORRY BUT THIS I HAVE HEARD TIME AND TIME AGAIN AND STILL ITS LIKE BLAH BLAH BLAH  THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I HEAR COMING FROM YOUR COMMENTS.   Yes some anony's go overboared, but what can you do?  If you don't like it  TOOOOOO BAD! NOT REALLY THEY JUST GET DELETED LOL  YEAH JUST LIKE YOU SHOULD GET DELETED TOO.  LOL   You're a big woman ( so you say)  then just deal with it.  It's not like you can go everywhere and to everyone and tell them "don't say this" and "don't say that". As long as they're not hurting anyone physically, then let them say their piece.  I know words can be hurtful at times, but you know what sometimes people are being realistic and up front, not fake like many registered members are.  "Sticks and Stones" if you know what I mean. If you don't like what they say, then move on to the next thread, or in your words NEXT!!!  It's quite simple you know. AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I PLAN TO DO SO NEXT!! CUZ IM DONE WITH U UNLESS U WANT TO BE A BIG WOMAN OR MAN AND REPLY UNDER UR FORO NAME!!  WHAT FORO NAME?  MY FORO NAME IS ANONYMOUS.  IF YOU WERE A MAN THEN YOU WOULD HAVE THE BALLS TO SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND ADMIT THAT YOU ARE WRONG, AND THAT YOU TALK NUFF SHIAT IN HERE.  THAT'S WHAT A REAL WOMAN/MAN WOULD DO. GREAT FOR A LAUGH OR TWO!! THANKS MADE MY MORNING!!! GREAT I'M GLAD YOU TOOK IT THAT WAY!  AFTER ALL THAT SH*T TALKING.  YOU SEE THIS IS WHY YOU NEED THE ANONY'S TO KEEP THIS PLACE SPICY, OTHERWISE ALL YOU WOULD READ IS THE SAME SH*T OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.  KINDA LIKE IF ALL THE REGISTERED MEMBERS WERE THE SAME PERSON.  DONE!! NEXT!!!   


"Live the life that you love, so you can love the life that you live" S.L.U.T *Support YOUR talent!*


GENIE wrote:

GENIE wrote:   Well of course you do!!  When do you ever agree with anyone? WHEN THEY HAVE A VALID POINT AS U DONT!  According to you I don't have a valid point, but that's just your dumb opinion.  I'm sure that many people will agree with me.   Really?  Then let me ask you this, If anony's insulting people or being rude to people bothers you so much, then why do you do it?9-10 TIMES I HAVE DONE IT WHEN I AM GETTING ATTACKED  Don't try to act all inocent now.  You have done plenty of attacking yourself, LIKE AT DIMPLE FOR EXAMPLE YOU AND THAT LESBIAN FRIEND OF YOURS LOVE TO BASH HER EVERYTIME THAT SHE POSTED ONE OF HER EVENTS UP IN EVENTOS, but of course it's okay for you to do it, because your genie and no one is more than you right...please b*tch! AND SINCE THIS IT THE WAY THE EXPRESS THEMSELVES THEN ONE HAS TO STOOP DOWN TO THERE LEVEL SOMETIMES U WILL SEE CUZ IM ABOUT TO STOOP DOWN TO UR LEVEL!   JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA THIS IS TOO FUNNY.  STOOP DOWN TO MY LEVEL.  DON'T YOU MEAN RISE TO MY LEVEL, BECAUSE YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO UNDER ME.  SORRY BUT IF YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME YOU ARE WRONG, BECAUSE TIME AND TIME AGAIN YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELF TO BE ONE TRASHY GIRL.  LIKE I SAID BEFORE STOP WITH THAT LITTLE ACT CUS NO ONE BUYS IT BUT YOURSELF. What I don't get is that you have a problem with anony's doing this when you do the same thing all the time!!!  So it's ok for miss Genie to do it, but if an anony does it they're being rude and insultingHERES THE DIFFERENCE I DON’T HIDE BEHIND ANONNY I USE A NAME THAT I USE IN EVERYDAY  BRAVO! BRAVO! YOU USE YOUR NAME IN EVERYDAY LIFE!  GOOD FOR YOU!  WHO CARES?  NOT ME THAT'S FOR SURE! LIFE U WANNA FIND ME ASK FOR GENIE!  WHY WOULD I WANT TO FIND YOUR DUMB ASS. PLAIN AND SIMPLE U SEE TO ME UR A REGISTERED MEMBER HIDING BEHIND ANONY!.  WRONG!  YOU WISH I WAS A REGISTERED MEMBER.  MAYBE THAT WILL BRING SOME FLAVA INTO THAT SECTION, BECAUSE I ASSUME THAT IT'S ONLY FOR GEEKS LIKE YOU!  So how are you better then those anony's?  BETTER WHO SAID I WAS BETTER THAT I DON’T HIDE BEHIND AN ANONY NO ONE SAID THAT YOU WERE BETTER, BUT YOU GO ON LIKE YOUR SH*T DON'T STINK, AND YOU'RE MISS PERFECT THAT DOESN'T TALK TRASH. YEP MAKES ME MORE OUT THERE TO GET ATTACKED ON AND EVEN INSULTED MAKES ME BETTER THAT I USE MY MEMBER NAME! GREAT! DO YOU WANT A MEDAL OR SOMETHING, OR NO DO YOU WANT US TO HAVE A PARTY BECAUSE YOU USE YOUR FORO NAME.  LIKE I SAID WHO GIVES A SH*T!  YOU USE YOUR FORO NAME AND WHAT?  YOU'RE STILL AS ANONYMOUS AS I AM, BECAUSE MAYBE THE REGISTERED MEMBERS KNOW YOU BUT THE REST OF US DON'T.  SO ALL US ANONY'S SEE IS A NAME AND THAT'S IT.HERE AND IN EVERY DAY LIFE U WANNA FIND ME JUST ASK PPL WILL TELL U WHO I AM!  LIKE I SAID BEFORE I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE AND I DON'T CARE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE.   If I remember correctly back when there was a thread started about Joanna Martinez being a man or a woman weren't you the one making a rude remark towards her?  YUP!  Didn't you say something like "Those who know you know how fake you can be", and then you turn around and act like you're her bestfriend or something  oh brother..NO NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS TO AN ANONNY NONE OF UR BSNS AND IM NOT HER BEST FRIEND  LMAO!  YOU'RE REALLY STUPID AREN'T YOU.  NO ONE SAID THAT YOU WERE HER BEST FRIEND.  I SAID THAT U TURNED AROUND AND ACTED LIKE YOU WERE HER BESTFRIEND.  READ! READ! READ! AND I DID INSULT HER AND THAT’S DONE U PAY WAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION!!  MAYBE I DO, BUT YOU JUST PROVED MY POINT THAT YOU ATTACK PEOPLE ASWELL, AND THEN YOU GO ON LIKE YOU'RE A SAINT.  SO JOKES ON YOU! .please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!!YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER REMOVED THE ONE U HAD IN YOUR MOUTH TO BEGIN WITH!!  UM...YEAH...OKAY THERE BUDDY.  TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT.  I actually like it this way. And maybe the admin is working on it were u can see the eventos but not post cuz u guys start dissing djs and promoters and just all plain stupid stuff.  Yeah like everything you say is so intelligent and interesting YOU’D HAVE TO BE AN INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTING PERSON TO UNDERSTAND…….SO FRANKLY MY DEAR I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!.   Please don't act like you don't talk sh*t, because all of us know that you have said enough trash about anony's and even registered members in the eventos section and general sectionGREAT ITS NICE TO KNOW I HAVE A FAN!! .  So please stop with your little act, because no one is buying it, but yourself. Whatever girl you keep on living in your fantasy world.sorry girl but i mean if we all took the time to register and stuff so should they  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  AHHHH...HMM...Sorry that was a good one.  Ohhhh... sorry if it took you 5 min or less to register.  Must have been real hard for you apparently. also if there just passing by they can veiw futuro eventos on the top of the website if there so interested in events!! If this is the case then why not just take the whole eventos section off and let everyone look in futuro eventos.  That way you'll stop your b*tching already, and everyone will be happy. look at some of them the promoters post and there go the anonny hating and talking crap and most of us dont post cuz we all know were gonna get attacked as well u seen it happen to u so im sorry but for me the site is better this way  Sorry, but when did you become the queen of this forumOH NO SWEETY NOT QUEEN TOP GURU PLEASE GET THE TERMINALOGY CORRECT THANKS!. OHHHH SORRY ABOUT THAT! TOP MIERDA IS WHAT YOU ARE!  Last time I checked this was a PUBLIC forum, and we all had the right to express ourselves in any way, shape, or form.GREAT IM GLAD U KNOW WHAT A FORUM IS! BUT IF I CAME ON HERE AND SAID OH U KNOW THAT THIS “ANONY” IS PREGGO DO U THINK I HAVE THAT RIGHT TO AIR UR BSNS ON HERE?? WHEN DID U GET THE RIGHT TO AIR PPLS PERSONAL BSNS ON HERE?? NEVER EXACTLY   I NEVER COME ON HERE TO AIR PEOPLES BUSINESS.  YOU'RE TALKING TO THE WRONG ANONY, CUS THAT'S NOT MY THING.  IF I DO COME HERE, IT'S TO STATE MY OPINION ON THINGS.  JUST LIKE I'M DOING RIGHT NOW.  SO WHAT NOW ONLY GENIE OVER HERE HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS HERSELF IN ANY WAY THAT SHE WANTS AND THE REST OF US HAVE TO WATCH WHAT WE SAY.  THAT'S A BUNCH OF BULL. I mean this is the purpose of a forum, to express yourself, to put your ideas and thoughts out there.IDEAS AND THOUGHTS EXPRESS UR SELF WOW UR NOT THAT DUMB  I'M NOT DUMB AT ALL, BUT YOU SURE ARE. BUT YET WHEN U TAKE IT A PERSONAL LEVEL IS THAT STILL OK??? THEN ADMIN HAS TO COME IN AND CLEAN UP ALL UR SHIAT TALKING!   MY SHIAT TALKING?!  MY SHIAT TALKING?! HA!  WHAT ABOUT YOURS?  I THINK THAT YOU DO MORE SHIAT TALKING THEN THE REST OF US DO. Some are good and some are bad, but that's because we are all DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT points of views.  That's why threads are started, to get  DIFFERENT VIEWS from DIFFERENT PEOPLE.RIGHT AND SOMETIMES ITS NOT DIFFERENT ITS PLAIN STUPID!!  SEE THIS IS HOW YOU COME OFF AS SOME SNOBY B*TCH, CUS YOU COME IN HERE AND SAY THAT WHAT EVERY ANONY SAYS IS STUPID, WHEN IN FACT EVERYTHING THAT YOU SAY AND ARE SAYING IS JUST AS STUPID OR EVEN MORE!! SORRY BUT THIS I HAVE HEARD TIME AND TIME AGAIN AND STILL ITS LIKE BLAH BLAH BLAH  THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I HEAR COMING FROM YOUR COMMENTS.   Yes some anony's go overboared, but what can you do?  If you don't like it  TOOOOOO BAD! NOT REALLY THEY JUST GET DELETED LOL  YEAH JUST LIKE YOU SHOULD GET DELETED TOO.  LOL   You're a big woman ( so you say)  then just deal with it.  It's not like you can go everywhere and to everyone and tell them "don't say this" and "don't say that". As long as they're not hurting anyone physically, then let them say their piece.  I know words can be hurtful at times, but you know what sometimes people are being realistic and up front, not fake like many registered members are.  "Sticks and Stones" if you know what I mean. If you don't like what they say, then move on to the next thread, or in your words NEXT!!!  It's quite simple you know. AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I PLAN TO DO SO NEXT!! CUZ IM DONE WITH U UNLESS U WANT TO BE A BIG WOMAN OR MAN AND REPLY UNDER UR FORO NAME!!  WHAT FORO NAME?  MY FORO NAME IS ANONYMOUS.  IF YOU WERE A MAN THEN YOU WOULD HAVE THE BALLS TO SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND ADMIT THAT YOU ARE WRONG, AND THAT YOU TALK NUFF SHIAT IN HERE.  THAT'S WHAT A REAL WOMAN/MAN WOULD DO. GREAT FOR A LAUGH OR TWO!! THANKS MADE MY MORNING!!! GREAT I'M GLAD YOU TOOK IT THAT WAY!  AFTER ALL THAT SH*T TALKING.  YOU SEE THIS IS WHY YOU NEED THE ANONY'S TO KEEP THIS PLACE SPICY, OTHERWISE ALL YOU WOULD READ IS THE SAME SH*T OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.  KINDA LIKE IF ALL THE REGISTERED MEMBERS WERE THE SAME PERSON.  DONE!! NEXT!!!   



Daeveed wrote:

Anonymous wrote: please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!!   Yes some anony's go overboared,   Well, you proved your own point there bud...

Yes, but did I say that NO anony's  go overboard?  Sorry did I stutter?  NO B*TCH!  If I say something it's because I'm straight up.  I don't beat around the bush like many people do, and if I'm blunt then OHHHH WELLLLL!!!  DEAL WITH IT!!!  I think you need to get yourself a d*ck too so that you will stop your b*tching.  Why don't you call your boy super mario I think that he will be able to help you out in that area. 



Anonymous wrote:

 keep him.  

yep keep him/her they are interesting at least


Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 7736

The Fan wrote:

Going back to the topic, i think that TH is forcing people to sing in to be able to used the members to sell advertising to companies, i mean so far they only have 549 mermbers knowing that the internet is global and the forum have been runing for a year or more - that is pretty low, even for the locals hispanos, it is stimated that we have 300,000 or more living in ontario. so i think if they force you to sing in just to read even if you never post - it help them to tell companies that they have lots of visitors or HITS, something that every web page always claim to have to help them increase or justify the price of their advertisment. i mean TLN clain to have 3 millons suscribers, they never tell you how many are hispanic, or how many actually watch the channel - just to know that they are not even 1 millon hispanics in canada and most of us have satelites so most of them must be italians or suscribe to TLN because is part of a packege but never watch it. but when they sell you ads they never explain you that - they always said your message will se seen by 3 millons peoples. that is the SELLING POINT.

Actually this makes a lot of sense to me...


...nothing wrong with it i think.


Good one The Fan!!

I went to a beautiful place, and back.


Status: Offline
Posts: 10551

So you have been posting as anonymous for all these months?  That Joanna thing happened a LONG time ago!!!!  Are you a member that is posting anonymous?  You seem to follow GENIE around a lot to know all this info?????



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved

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Posts: 108

Going back to the topic, i think that TH is forcing people to sing in to be able to used the members to sell advertising to companies, i mean so far they only have 549 mermbers knowing that the internet is global and the forum have been runing for a year or more - that is pretty low, even for the locals hispanos, it is stimated that we have 300,000 or more living in ontario.

so i think if they force you to sing in just to read even if you never post - it help them to tell companies that they have lots of visitors or HITS, something that every web page always claim to have to help them increase or justify the price of their advertisment.

i mean TLN clain to have 3 millons suscribers, they never tell you how many are hispanic, or how many actually watch the channel - just to know that they are not even 1 millon hispanics in canada and most of us have satelites so most of them must be italians or suscribe to TLN because is part of a packege but never watch it. but when they sell you ads they never explain you that - they always said your message will se seen by 3 millons peoples. that is the SELLING POINT.


Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 9383

Daeveed wrote:

Sorry, too long to read, but regardless....Genie is right (I've learned).

         Thank u but read it its actually funny!!

@Dulce = girl something never change in el foro! its all fun and funny when a member goes under anony to bash me cuz they got not balls to do it otherwise

Proud Member of the S.L.U.T. Campaign!


kick this guy out,


he's causing sh#$ and we don't need that around here partner.

but hold up, Anonymous seems to be adding more the foro than anyone else.


keep him.



Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 7612

@ Genie: Ay, girl! When I entered the Foro people hatin' on you and then I go away and come back and still the same thing LOL ... Missed reading your answers though ... Nice to read you again, how have you been?

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 7736

Sorry, too long to read, but regardless....Genie is right

(I've learned).

I went to a beautiful place, and back.

Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 9383

GENIE wrote:   Sorry but i totally disagree!!!  Well of course you do!!  When do you ever agree with anyone? WHEN THEY HAVE A VALID POINT AS U DONT! Havent u noticed that the amount of posting in Members is increased compared to the amount here in general?!?!  Does it sound like I care?  NOPE!!BUT YET U TOOK THE TIME TO LOOK RIGHT???  Look plain and simple some annony go beyond the point of funny to plain insulting.  Really?  Then let me ask you this, If anony's insulting people or being rude to people bothers you so much, then why do you do it?9-10 TIMES I HAVE DONE IT WHEN I AM GETTING ATTACKED AND SINCE THIS IT THE WAY THE EXPRESS THEMSELVES THEN ONE HAS TO STOOP DOWN TO THERE LEVEL SOMETIMES U WILL SEE CUZ IM ABOUT TO STOOP DOWN TO UR LEVEL!  What I don't get is that you have a problem with anony's doing this when you do the same thing all the time!!!  So it's ok for miss Genie to do it, but if an anony does it they're being rude and insultingHERES THE DIFFERENCE I DON’T HIDE BEHIND ANONNY I USE A NAME THAT I USE IN EVERYDAY LIFE U WANNA FIND ME ASK FOR GENIE! PLAIN AND SIMPLE U SEE TO ME UR A REGISTERED MEMBER HIDING BEHIND ANONY!.  So how are you better then those anony's?  BETTER WHO SAID I WAS BETTER THAT I DON’T HIDE BEHIND AN ANONY YEP MAKES ME MORE OUT THERE TO GET ATTACKED ON AND EVEN INSULTED MAKES ME BETTER THAT I USE MY MEMBER NAME! HERE AND IN EVERY DAY LIFE U WANNA FIND ME JUST ASK PPL WILL TELL U WHO I AM! If I remember correctly back when there was a thread started about Joanna Martinez being a man or a woman weren't you the one making a rude remark towards her?  YUP!  Didn't you say something like "Those who know you know how fake you can be", and then you turn around and act like you're her bestfriend or something  oh brother..NO NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS TO AN ANONNY NONE OF UR BSNS AND IM NOT HER BEST FRIEND AND I DID INSULT HER AND THAT’S DONE U PAY WAY TOO MUCH ATTENTION!! .please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!!YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER REMOVED THE ONE U HAD IN YOUR MOUTH TO BEGIN WITH!!  I actually like it this way. And maybe the admin is working on it were u can see the eventos but not post cuz u guys start dissing djs and promoters and just all plain stupid stuff.  Yeah like everything you say is so intelligent and interesting YOU’D HAVE TO BE AN INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTING PERSON TO UNDERSTAND…….SO FRANKLY MY DEAR I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!.   Please don't act like you don't talk sh*t, because all of us know that you have said enough trash about anony's and even registered members in the eventos section and general sectionGREAT ITS NICE TO KNOW I HAVE A FAN!! .  So please stop with your little act, because no one is buying it, but yourself. Whatever girl you keep on living in your fantasy world.HAHAHAHAHAAH THANKS DIDN’T KNOW I NEED UR APPORVAL GLAD I GOT IT!! @Chale - sorry girl but i mean if we all took the time to register and stuff so should they  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  AHHHH...HMM...Sorry that was a good one.  Ohhhh... sorry if it took you 5 min or less to register.  Must have been real hard for you apparently. also if there just passing by they can veiw futuro eventos on the top of the website if there so interested in events!! If this is the case then why not just take the whole eventos section off and let everyone look in futuro eventos.  That way you'll stop your b*tching already, and everyone will be happy. look at some of them the promoters post and there go the anonny hating and talking crap and most of us dont post cuz we all know were gonna get attacked as well u seen it happen to u so im sorry but for me the site is better this way  Sorry, but when did you become the queen of this forumOH NO SWEETY NOT QUEEN TOP GURU PLEASE GET THE TERMINALOGY CORRECT THANKS!.  Last time I checked this was a PUBLIC forum, and we all had the right to express ourselves in any way, shape, or form.GREAT IM GLAD U KNOW WHAT A FORUM IS! BUT IF I CAME ON HERE AND SAID OH U KNOW THAT THIS “ANONY” IS PREGGO DO U THINK I HAVE THAT RIGHT TO AIR UR BSNS ON HERE?? WHEN DID U GET THE RIGHT TO AIR PPLS PERSONAL BSNS ON HERE?? NEVER EXACTLY  I mean this is the purpose of a forum, to express yourself, to put your ideas and thoughts out there.IDEAS AND THOUGHTS EXPRESS UR SELF WOW UR NOT THAT DUMB BUT YET WHEN U TAKE IT A PERSONAL LEVEL IS THAT STILL OK??? THEN ADMIN HAS TO COME IN AND CLEAN UP ALL UR SHIAT TALKING!  Some are good and some are bad, but that's because we are all DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT points of views.  That's why threads are started, to get  DIFFERENT VIEWS from DIFFERENT PEOPLE.RIGHT AND SOMETIMES ITS NOT DIFFERENT ITS PLAIN STUPID!! SORRY BUT THIS I HAVE HEARD TIME AND TIME AGAIN AND STILL ITS LIKE BLAH BLAH BLAH   Yes some anony's go overboared, but what can you do?  If you don't like it  TOOOOOO BAD! NOT REALLY THEY JUST GET DELETED LOL   You're a big woman ( so you say)  then just deal with it.  It's not like you can go everywhere and to everyone and tell them "don't say this" and "don't say that". As long as they're not hurting anyone physically, then let them say their piece.  I know words can be hurtful at times, but you know what sometimes people are being realistic and up front, not fake like many registered members are.  "Sticks and Stones" if you know what I mean. If you don't like what they say, then move on to the next thread, or in your words NEXT!!!  It's quite simple you know. AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I PLAN TO DO SO NEXT!! CUZ IM DONE WITH U UNLESS U WANT TO BE A BIG WOMAN OR MAN AND REPLY UNDER UR FORO NAME!!



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Anonymous wrote:

please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!! 

 Yes some anony's go overboared,


Well, you proved your own point there bud...

I went to a beautiful place, and back.


Anonymous wrote:

GENIE wrote:   Sorry but i totally disagree!!!  Well of course you do!!  When do you ever agree with anyone? Havent u noticed that the amount of posting in Members is increased compared to the amount here in general?!?!  Does it sound like I care?  NOPE!!   Look plain and simple some annony go beyond the point of funny to plain insulting.  Really?  Then let me ask you this, If anony's insulting people or being rude to people bothers you so much, then why do you do it?  What I don't get is that you have a problem with anony's doing this when you do the same thing all the time!!!  So it's ok for miss Genie to do it, but if an anony does it they're being rude and insulting.  So how are you better then those anony's?  If I remember correctly back when there was a thread started about Joanna Martinez being a man or a woman weren't you the one making a rude remark towards her?  YUP!  Didn't you say something like "Those who know you know how fake you can be", and then you turn around and act like you're her bestfriend or something  oh brother...please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!!  I actually like it this way. And maybe the admin is working on it were u can see the eventos but not post cuz u guys start dissing djs and promoters and just all plain stupid stuff.  Yeah like everything you say is so intelligent and interesting.   Please don't act like you don't talk sh*t, because all of us know that you have said enough trash about anony's and even registered members in the eventos section and general section.  So please stop with your little act, because no one is buying it, but yourself. Whatever girl you keep on living in your fantasy world. @Chale - sorry girl but i mean if we all took the time to register and stuff so should they  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  AHHHH...HMM...Sorry that was a good one.  Ohhhh... sorry if it took you 5 min or less to register.  Must have been real hard for you apparently. also if there just passing by they can veiw futuro eventos on the top of the website if there so interested in events!! If this is the case then why not just take the whole eventos section off and let everyone look in futuro eventos.  That way you'll stop your b*tching already, and everyone will be happy. look at some of them the promoters post and there go the anonny hating and talking crap and most of us dont post cuz we all know were gonna get attacked as well u seen it happen to u so im sorry but for me the site is better this way  Sorry, but when did you become the queen of this forum.  Last time I checked this was a PUBLIC forum, and we all had the right to express ourselves in any way, shape, or form.  I mean this is the purpose of a forum, to express yourself, to put your ideas and thoughts out there.  Some are good and some are bad, but that's because we are all DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT points of views.  That's why threads are started, to get  DIFFERENT VIEWS from DIFFERENT PEOPLE.   Yes some anony's go overboared, but what can you do?  If you don't like it  TOOOOOO BAD!  You're a big woman ( so you say)  then just deal with it.  It's not like you can go everywhere and to everyone and tell them "don't say this" and "don't say that". As long as they're not hurting anyone physically, then let them say their piece.  I know words can be hurtful at times, but you know what sometimes people are being realistic and up front, not fake like many registered members are.  "Sticks and Stones" if you know what I mean. If you don't like what they say, then move on to the next thread, or in your words NEXT!!!  It's quite simple you know.       BRING IT!!!! LMAO   




GENIE wrote:

  Sorry but i totally disagree!!!  Well of course you do!!  When do you ever agree with anyone? Havent u noticed that the amount of posting in Members is increased compared to the amount here in general?!?!  Does it sound like I care?  NOPE!!   Look plain and simple some annony go beyond the point of funny to plain insulting.  Really?  Then let me ask you this, If anony's insulting people or being rude to people bothers you so much, then why do you do it?  What I don't get is that you have a problem with anony's doing this when you do the same thing all the time!!!  So it's ok for miss Genie to do it, but if an anony does it they're being rude and insulting.  So how are you better then those anony's?  If I remember correctly back when there was a thread started about Joanna Martinez being a man or a woman weren't you the one making a rude remark towards her?  YUP!  Didn't you say something like "Those who know you know how fake you can be", and then you turn around and act like you're her bestfriend or something  oh brother...please can someone give this Genie chick a d*ck to suck on, so that she can shut the f*ck up already!!  I actually like it this way. And maybe the admin is working on it were u can see the eventos but not post cuz u guys start dissing djs and promoters and just all plain stupid stuff.  Yeah like everything you say is so intelligent and interesting.   Please don't act like you don't talk sh*t, because all of us know that you have said enough trash about anony's and even registered members in the eventos section and general section.  So please stop with your little act, because no one is buying it, but yourself. Whatever girl you keep on living in your fantasy world. @Chale - sorry girl but i mean if we all took the time to register and stuff so should they  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  AHHHH...HMM...Sorry that was a good one.  Ohhhh... sorry if it took you 5 min or less to register.  Must have been real hard for you apparently. also if there just passing by they can veiw futuro eventos on the top of the website if there so interested in events!! If this is the case then why not just take the whole eventos section off and let everyone look in futuro eventos.  That way you'll stop your b*tching already, and everyone will be happy. look at some of them the promoters post and there go the anonny hating and talking crap and most of us dont post cuz we all know were gonna get attacked as well u seen it happen to u so im sorry but for me the site is better this way  Sorry, but when did you become the queen of this forum.  Last time I checked this was a PUBLIC forum, and we all had the right to express ourselves in any way, shape, or form.  I mean this is the purpose of a forum, to express yourself, to put your ideas and thoughts out there.  Some are good and some are bad, but that's because we are all DIFFERENT people with DIFFERENT points of views.  That's why threads are started, to get  DIFFERENT VIEWS from DIFFERENT PEOPLE.   Yes some anony's go overboared, but what can you do?  If you don't like it  TOOOOOO BAD!  You're a big woman ( so you say)  then just deal with it.  It's not like you can go everywhere and to everyone and tell them "don't say this" and "don't say that". As long as they're not hurting anyone physically, then let them say their piece.  I know words can be hurtful at times, but you know what sometimes people are being realistic and up front, not fake like many registered members are.  "Sticks and Stones" if you know what I mean. If you don't like what they say, then move on to the next thread, or in your words NEXT!!!  It's quite simple you know.      



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Ahhh, I forgot ... When you register you stay anonymous anyways right ... I mean just pick any nik and register all your info is confidential ...

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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I agree with Chale too! Girl, I missed ya!!! Hellooooooooo para todossss .... I fell like a new member, y veo Chale que eres Top Guru ummmmm lol ... Guys & gals just register eveyone here is nice and friendly and noone bites!! Well, they didn't when I registered jijiji just kidding ... take care all

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*

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Anonymous wrote:

This is so unfair!  Just because some stupid anony's make some dumba$$ coments the rest of us have to pay the price.  This is suppose to be a public forum, and we have the right to choose if we want to register or not.  We shouldn't have to be forced to do something that we may not want to do.  To the admin why did you change the forum?  CHANGE IT BACK !!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  LMAO    You guys are nothing but a bunch of babies.  "Admin please change this thread" or " Admin please remove this thread because I find it ofensive, and please shut your mouth when it comes to us the registered members ofending the anony's."  Have some sense of humor some anony's just say some things to have a laugh.  You guys like arguing with some of us whether you want to admit it or not.  We are the ones who give this forum some sabor.  If it wasn't for us this forum would be boring.  Now it's going to be boring for sure.  Since the registered tend to repeat themselves and copy each other in their comments.  How about being original for a change. 

Sorry but i totally disagree!!! Havent u noticed that the amount of posting in Members is increased compared to the amount here in general?!?! Look plain and simple some annony go beyond the point of funny to plain insulting. I actually like it this way. And maybe the admin is working on it were u can see the eventos but not post cuz u guys start dissing djs and promoters and just all plain stupid stuff.

@Chale - sorry girl but i mean if we all took the time to register and stuff so should they also if there just passing by they can veiw futuro eventos on the top of the website if there so interested in events!! look at some of them the promoters post and there go the anonny hating and talking crap and most of us dont post cuz we all know were gonna get attacked as well u seen it happen to u so im sorry but for me the site is better this way and like Bainaman said most sites make u pay for there use at least TH hasnt!


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Anonymous wrote:

I LIKE YOU!! Daveed...but i guess it dont matta cuz I am anonymous after all....


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Anonymous wrote:

 We are the ones who give this forum some sabor.  If it wasn't for us this forum would be boring.  Now it's going to be boring for sure. 


I went to a beautiful place, and back.


Anonymous wrote:

This is so unfair!  Just because some stupid anony's make some dumba$$ coments the rest of us have to pay the price.  This is suppose to be a public forum, and we have the right to choose if we want to register or not.  We shouldn't have to be forced to do something that we may not want to do.  To the admin why did you change the forum?  CHANGE IT BACK !!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  LMAO    You guys are nothing but a bunch of babies.  "Admin please change this thread" or " Admin please remove this thread because I find it ofensive, and please shut your mouth when it comes to us the registered members ofending the anony's."  Have some sense of humor some anony's just say some things to have a laugh.  You guys like arguing with some of us whether you want to admit it or not.  We are the ones who give this forum some sabor.  If it wasn't for us this forum would be boring.  Now it's going to be boring for sure.  Since the registered tend to repeat themselves and copy each other in their comments.  How about being original for a change. 

I agree............



This is so unfair!  Just because some stupid anony's make some dumba$$ coments the rest of us have to pay the price.  This is suppose to be a public forum, and we have the right to choose if we want to register or not.  We shouldn't have to be forced to do something that we may not want to do. 

To the admin why did you change the forum?  CHANGE IT BACK !!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  LMAO    You guys are nothing but a bunch of babies.  "Admin please change this thread" or " Admin please remove this thread because I find it ofensive, and please shut your mouth when it comes to us the registered members ofending the anony's."  Have some sense of humor some anony's just say some things to have a laugh.  You guys like arguing with some of us whether you want to admit it or not.  We are the ones who give this forum some sabor.  If it wasn't for us this forum would be boring.  Now it's going to be boring for sure.  Since the registered tend to repeat themselves and copy each other in their comments.  How about being original for a change. 


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Most of the events have banners or something writen up about them on the TH home page....for all to see. Why are people going off like it's THEIR right to go on the 'eventos' section...or any other section for that matter....and not TH's right to do as THEY please with THEIR website. Like I said many other have to PAY for the PRIVILLAGE to use THEIR site.......

"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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Anonymous wrote:

 why should i register if i usually don't post on the website i mostly use it to be informed of events so i really dont feel the need to have an account.   I guess thats the end of the Forum for me

Exactly... I agree with you.

Some people are just passing by... need or time to register.. or they might not even want to.  Seems very unfair to want to FORCE people to register.  The way I see this, is that people will get their event information elsewhere, they wont see the need to come back to TH for current events... theres other websites out there for that. 






Anonymous wrote:


are u fukken stupid ur Duhhing me here for not registering i dont know if u noticed but u rnt registered either!



@ Bainaman


I agree with you but why should i register if i usually don't post on the website i mostly use it to be informed of events so i really dont feel the need to have an account.


I guess thats the end of the Forum for me



I LIKE YOU!! Daveed...but i guess it dont matta cuz I am anonymous after all....


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Bainaman wrote:

Daeveed wrote: Anonymous wrote:  This is a some serious marketing gimmick..good one.. u don't like it? They just don't like you Duh-Veed!!!  

hmmm i wonder why....

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Daeveed wrote:

Anonymous wrote:  This is a some serious marketing gimmick..good one.. u don't like it?

They just don't like you Duh-Veed!!!


"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."

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Anonymous wrote:

Duh..the point of websites is for them to make money.....

thanks tips! i didn't know that! especially because i never saw the  .COM!!!

I went to a beautiful place, and back.


Duh..the point of websites is for them to make money.....


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Anonymous wrote:

 This is a some serious marketing gimmick..good one..

u don't like it?

I went to a beautiful place, and back.


 This is a some serious marketing gimmick..good one..


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Bainaman wrote:

In many websites......You have to PAY in order to be able to fully access their entire site...including their forums and events section. Be greatfull that TH hasn't gotten to this point yet....but I'm sure it's coming somewhere down the line. Just register....FOR FREE....and you'll be able to see what events are happening ....not to mention all the dumb things Daeveed has to say in the members section   


Las ardillas se paran en dos patas cuando comen nueces, y mantienen el balance con la cola....como los Kangaroos, y me gustan los gorros Kangol.

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Anonymous wrote:


In many websites......You have to PAY in order to be able to fully access their entire site...including their forums and events section. Be greatfull that TH hasn't gotten to this point yet....but I'm sure it's coming somewhere down the line. Just register....FOR FREE....and you'll be able to see what events are happening ....not to mention all the dumb things Daeveed has to say in the members section 


"Most of us fall short much more by omission than by commission."


Anonymous wrote:






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