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Post Info TOPIC: Shady things going on in "community" Radio


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RE: Shady things going on in "community" Radio

Personalmente no creo que el problema esta en los que soportan o no la estacion,.. la radio es parte de la Parroquia San Lorenzo, y siempre la comunidad a soportado la parroquia en sus actividades ,.tanto para mejorar el centro comunitario, la iglesia y desde la creaciòn de la estacion de radio Voces Latinas como soportarla en todos los aspectos de su crecimiento. No estoy deacuerdo que el padre Astudillo se declare a si mismo miembro vitalicio, aunque por ser el fundador y mentor de la radio siempre va ha estar envuelto en las actividades de la misma y su voto va ha tener la mayor importancia. La estacion radial es parte del cenro comunitario y este por ser una corporacion tiene que tomar en cuenta la palabra no solo de los directivos sino de los miembros activos.La parroquia ha sido mantenida y soportada por la comunidad de la misma,. es verdad que la comunidad Hispana no se ayuda o quiere sobresalir pisando al resto,.. pero en la parroquia San Lorenzo hay pesonas que desean ayudar al desarrollo de la misma,.. y no parece justo que el esduerzo de esa comunidad se tome como ventaja para beneficiar a unos cuantos,..



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dammm i gotta show some support for the radio y el padre couse i know him and my family does personaly and hes a kool guy with a daughter so ya

and about the radio ya it just started dont think it will be 2 weeks later and they will have everything going

lets show sum support to our latinos of toronto  i know theres haters around the states also but since we have less latinos we have to unite couse the states have a big missunderstanding for latinos in toronto ,and i was talking to some djs and promoters and they feel toronto will be a hot spot just like new york or miami were latino north lol


but ya lets support each other ,support our talent,our events and much more

this is torontos year 2 show the world that were catching up to the rest of the states

and plus with this hot weather we could call this miami north

TH Foro New Blood >



ok Pancho Villa if you have issues with the way things are at the station get your own station!



PANCHO wrote:

quote: Originally posted by: TV Buff"Okay, I wasn't going to post on this topic 'cause this radio station and this church are not my expertise, but it's way too tempting (although let me clear up that I think church and media should NEVER mix), but this priest (even though he's not catholic, but anglican) is one of the few people who I always see being extremely active, getting things done and the least he can do is make sure he leads these ventures and takes them wherever he wants to take them. Would any of you build something from the ground up, with all the struggles and obstacles one goes through, only to pass it on to someone else once it's established? No, it just doesn't make sense. What if the people you pass it on to f*ck it up it as soon as they get it. This guy, like I said, is very proactive and he's always doing things for the community. The radio station seems to be doing great and now this newspaper might do great as well. So if we can't do something ourselves, take the initiative and build something from scratch, like he did, let's shut the f*ck up and stop criticizing, que para eso si servimos. " Buff, Like I said, make ur own conclusions. Let me just enlighten you on a few things u may have not thaught of before u suggested I "shut the F'uck up and stop criticizing." B4 I begin, let me just say that I earn my living by working on ads that have more than likely made U buy some sh!t u didn't even need nor wanted. Hence i truelly understand the power of commercial media as well as understand and appreciate the need for COMMUNITY RADIO. Of course the priest seems to you as very active, He's a publicity whore. If there's a camera there so will he. As for your comment on "starting something from scratch, as he did" well I can't, nor can U or anybody else in the GTA. That would be because the CRTC granted the San Lorenzo Community Group/Centre (NOt the priest alone) a COMMUNITY RADIO licence in an area where the Hispanic population iwas underserviced. Now that Voces Latina is in operation in Toronto Hisapnics are no longer underserviced as far as the CRTC is concerned hence they will not grant a radio licence to anybody wanting to operate in this area. There's various models of COMMUNITY stations, but never have I heard of some one person taking the helm of one for life! How COMMUNITY is that. Don't get me wrong, Having a spanish language station is great. Having a spanish language station censored and administered by an attention hungry priest is not.

Guys, the priest is only the "face" for the community like our prime minister of Canada for this nation, he is supposed to represent the Latin community, when I heard about this "dictatorship" is what first can to mind, and moraly as a preist shouldn't place himself in that role.

If the radio station is Community, it should be just that.


Foro Master

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RE: Shady things going on in "community" Radio

See, this is exactly why the Latin community does not prosper.  We have even been compared to los cangrejos.  When they're in a hole and one is trying to get to the top, 3 others are pulling him back down.  This is what Latinos do.  Siempre tienen que criticar todo. And everytime somebody is doing something right and is being recognized there is always the people that gotta hate and find stupid reasons to justify why someone has gotten to the top instead of applauding and maybe following that example, or better yet, lending a hand and being supportive. Some are worse than others, some do it more diplomatically than others, but it's still critica and hate no matter how u paint it.  It's pretty sad if u think about it.


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Originally posted by: TV Buff

" Okay, Panchito, for starters let me just tell you that I'm a very conscientious shopper... advertising doesn't really work much on me... And believe you me: I do know the power of commercial media... trust me on that one.Okay, so what is it that you're having a problem with: that some religious man started a community radio station? That he made himself president for life? That's he's not sharing the power with others? That he's in the public eye more than any other religious person in T.O.? That this radio station is being "censored and administered by an attention-hungry priest?" Like I said before, I don't know him personally, nor have I ever visited the church. But I'm aware of all the different events/fundraisers/activities he's organized. I've read enough articles on all the things he's organized, all the containers that go to Central America, all the events he organizes here in Toronto. As a member of the Hispanic community i'm just thrilled that SOMEBODY IS DOING SOMETHING! I'm sick and tired of people jumping to point fingers when something is being done that they don't agree with, but they're incapable of moving one tiny finger to do something themselves. It's so much easier to criticize and push for somebody's failure from the comfort of your computer. It's a lot harder to move a whole community that's just eager to find someone to lead them to progress and to start the ball rolling. I don't care if he's a tyrant with his own radio station (which I would be if I'd started it myself). I don't care if he's an attention-hungry priest. That only shows that he's modern and he's making good use of the media (like most people in the public eye will do, as you reach more potential advocates for your cause when you know how to manipulate the media). Sometimes the means justifies the end, and the fact that he's media hungry does not in any way diminish or enhance the good intentions he may have towards our community."

MUy bien dicho TV buff.


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Originally posted by: PANCHO


Okay, Panchito, for starters let me just tell you that I'm a very conscientious shopper... advertising doesn't really work much on me... And believe you me: I do know the power of commercial media... trust me on that one.
Okay, so what is it that you're having a problem with: that some religious man started a community radio station? That he made himself president for life? That's he's not sharing the power with others? That he's in the public eye more than any other religious person in T.O.? That this radio station is being "censored and administered by an attention-hungry priest?"

Like I said before, I don't know him personally, nor have I ever visited the church. But I'm aware of all the different events/fundraisers/activities he's organized. I've read enough articles on all the things he's organized, all the containers that go to Central America, all the events he organizes here in Toronto.

As a member of the Hispanic community i'm just thrilled that SOMEBODY IS DOING SOMETHING! I'm sick and tired of people jumping to point fingers when something is being done that they don't agree with, but they're incapable of moving one tiny finger to do something themselves. It's so much easier to criticize and push for somebody's failure from the comfort of your computer. It's a lot harder to move a whole community that's just eager to find someone to lead them to progress and to start the ball rolling. I don't care if he's a tyrant with his own radio station (which I would be if I'd started it myself). I don't care if he's an attention-hungry priest. That only shows that he's modern and he's making good use of the media (like most people in the public eye will do, as you reach more potential advocates for your cause when you know how to manipulate the media). Sometimes the means justifies the end, and the fact that he's media hungry does not in any way diminish or enhance the good intentions he may have towards our community.

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.

Foro Master

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Originally posted by: PANCHO



          If any of u hear the station theres more commericals on there then music?!?!?!? or anything else and hes very controlling!! for the Reggeaton hour he has to approve it all and same with other music whats that about!?!?!

       Thanks Pancho!!

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Originally posted by: TV Buff
"Okay, I wasn't going to post on this topic 'cause this radio station and this church are not my expertise, but it's way too tempting (although let me clear up that I think church and media should NEVER mix), but this priest (even though he's not catholic, but anglican) is one of the few people who I always see being extremely active, getting things done and the least he can do is make sure he leads these ventures and takes them wherever he wants to take them. Would any of you build something from the ground up, with all the struggles and obstacles one goes through, only to pass it on to someone else once it's established? No, it just doesn't make sense. What if the people you pass it on to f*ck it up it as soon as they get it. This guy, like I said, is very proactive and he's always doing things for the community. The radio station seems to be doing great and now this newspaper might do great as well. So if we can't do something ourselves, take the initiative and build something from scratch, like he did, let's shut the f*ck up and stop criticizing, que para eso si servimos. "


Like I said, make ur own conclusions. Let me just enlighten you on a few things u may have not thaught of before u suggested I "shut the F'uck up and stop criticizing."

B4 I begin, let me just say that I earn my living by working on ads that have more than likely made U buy some sh!t u didn't even need nor wanted. Hence i truelly understand the power of commercial media as well as understand and appreciate the need for COMMUNITY RADIO.

Of course the priest seems to you as very active, He's a publicity whore. If there's a camera there so will he. As for your comment on "starting something from scratch, as he did" well I can't, nor can U or anybody else in the GTA. That would be because the CRTC granted the San Lorenzo Community Group/Centre (NOt the priest alone) a COMMUNITY RADIO licence in an area where the Hispanic population iwas underserviced. Now that Voces Latina is in operation in Toronto Hisapnics are no longer underserviced as far as the CRTC is concerned hence they will not grant a radio licence to anybody wanting to operate in this area.

There's various models of COMMUNITY stations, but never have I heard of some one person taking the helm of one for life! How COMMUNITY is that.

Don't get me wrong, Having a spanish language station is great. Having a spanish language station censored and administered by an attention hungry priest is not.


TOP Guru

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Hopefully this matter is resolved pronto with a positive outcome

.103. ..:: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself ::..

Foro Master

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I sooooo agree with Buff ... I mean this man did something for our community, we have finally a spanish radio station ... If you can do what he did I say go for it, but why criticize or put down! Anyways, I enjoy the station and think as the days go by it gets better ...

*~* Umm, yeah, sure, if you say so! *~*


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Originally posted by: TV Buff

"Okay, I wasn't going to post on this topic 'cause this radio station and this church are not my expertise, but it's way too tempting (although let me clear up that I think church and media should NEVER mix), but this priest (even though he's not catholic, but anglican) is one of the few people who I always see being extremely active, getting things done and the least he can do is make sure he leads these ventures and takes them wherever he wants to take them. Would any of you build something from the ground up, with all the struggles and obstacles one goes through, only to pass it on to someone else once it's established? No, it just doesn't make sense. What if the people you pass it on to f*ck it up it as soon as they get it. This guy, like I said, is very proactive and he's always doing things for the community. The radio station seems to be doing great and now this newspaper might do great as well. So if we can't do something ourselves, take the initiative and build something from scratch, like he did, let's shut the f*ck up and stop criticizing, que para eso si servimos. "

WOW good one



TOP Guru

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Posts: 4399

Okay, I wasn't going to post on this topic 'cause this radio station and this church are not my expertise, but it's way too tempting (although let me clear up that I think church and media should NEVER mix), but this priest (even though he's not catholic, but anglican) is one of the few people who I always see being extremely active, getting things done and the least he can do is make sure he leads these ventures and takes them wherever he wants to take them.

Would any of you build something from the ground up, with all the struggles and obstacles one goes through, only to pass it on to someone else once it's established? No, it just doesn't make sense. What if the people you pass it on to f*ck it up it as soon as they get it. This guy, like I said, is very proactive and he's always doing things for the community. The radio station seems to be doing great and now this newspaper might do great as well. So if we can't do something ourselves, take the initiative and build something from scratch, like he did, let's shut the f*ck up and stop criticizing, que para eso si servimos.

Dios nos conceda SERENIDAD para aceptar las cosas que no podemos cambiar, VALOR para cambiar las que podemos, y SABIDURIA para conocer la diferencia.


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Originally posted by: Caliche

"Thanks alot for summing it up. Life Time director eh? ... "

He's not a catholic priest, he's anglican. Maybe Astudillo should've named himself 'Presidente Fundador' .... same as Elvira did with the Canadian Hispanic Council, she's also a life time president.

-- Edited by Admin at 10:54, 2005-06-03



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  My opinion here is.

 LEts wait and see what really happens there.  I think Astudillo is the engine that made this radio station possible, and therefore deserves to be there as a leader; otherwise, others may go and destroy little by little what took years to build.  I don't know about that "gringa" but it doesn't sound good what you have said abour her(not how you say it but the ways She behaves according to you, I can not say anything until I know more about her.

  Anglican priest are allowed to marry, so is He is romantically involved with a woman is his personal life.

 The station needs to have "comerciales" in order to pay for the maintenance and other expenses of that radio station.  Well, at least this radio station is better than the other one, and We have to remember that is a really new enterprise founded in order to have more access to new ideas.  NEvertheless, people are people, no one is perfect.  All I say is that is better to support this radio station than trying to damage what has been built with the work of several voluntiers.  




Originally posted by: Caliche

"Ok that was too long, so to basically sum it up, they are doing what?  Churches should never be involved in politics or Radio Stations."

to sum it up for you the article says the priest made him self LIFE TIME director of the station meaning he can never be fired. They also tried to account for to years of finances by voice/orally to the general assembly not even presenting any  one present with written statements of the radios finances. Also the president of the board, a canadian woman who does not a word of spanish, and happens to be romaticaly involved with the priest, forbade the use of video cameras or recording devices at the general assembly. Making it impossible to record the aleged criminal activities that took place.

Hope that helps u caliche


TOP Guru

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Ok that was too long, so to basically sum it up, they are doing what?  Churches should never be involved in politics or Radio Stations.

.103. ..:: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself ::..

Regular Plus

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Dearest foroholics:

I got an email this week about some shady **** going down at Voces Latina Radio...the new "community" Radio...Read below and make ur own conclusions. I for one never liked the idea of a church running a community station. To top it all of I just picked up a copy of their newspaper, Primera Plana, and have come to my own conclusion that San Lorenzo is looking more and more like an advertising agency. This is wrong.

Please read through, ( I have the feeling that is gonna bann my IP after this...oh well)

Queridos compañeros/as: como para que no digamos que no sabemos, que no sentimos, que no pudimos ir, porque el sol no se tapa, nadie ha podido taparlo con un dedo. El asalto a nuestro derecho comunitario  por parte la organización que comanda el "padre" Astutillo (desde ayer miembro Vitalicio, si lleyó bien VITALICIO), no tiene medida ni razón.  El ansia desenfrenada de poder del "padre"  lo ha transtornado definitivamente a Hernán (Cortez) Astudillo, que ahora impuso (a través del voto un directorio ilegitimo desde el vamos) una posicion vitalicia, asi como la del papa o la de Pinochet con su título de senador vitalicio.
Es demasiado triste y lamentable esta situación, para profundifar en este caso, Pancho arce, con enorme ironía e ingenio describió en esta nota parte de la barbaridad jurídica ocurrida en el seno de la iglesia del conquistador Cortez. A leer y enterarse, ah y despues a actuar no?

Teatro de lo absurdo

Pancho arce


Al retirarse temprano algunos de la Asamblea General de la Comunidad San Lorenzo, nos iban diciendo a modo de disculpa: ³No hay nada que se pueda hacer, todo esta amarrado². Reflexiono y veo que si hubo algo que se pudo hacer y se hizo: nos tomamos la molestia de ir, pedimos la palabra, cuando nos la negaron, la dejamos escuchar por encima de las amonestaciones de los directores y generamos inquietudes en los demás que de otra manera hubiesen aceptado todo sin apenas entenderlo. Y ahora me siento a escribir este reporteŠ si hay mucho que podemos y debemos hacer para poder aspirar a una comunidad grande, fuerte, unida, influyente en el medio en que estamos. Los que violan y roban siempre les ordenan a sus victimas a callarse, a no llamar la atención de nadie para poder consumar su crimen. Si nada hacemos la gente honrada, los corruptos e hipócritas que son más ambiciosos, se irán haciendo de más poder en perjuicio de la mayoría  hasta cuando realmente será muy difícil cambiar los sistemas injustos porque ya estarán bien consolidados.


Ayer, alrededor de las 2:15 de la tarde, se instaló la Asamblea General de la Comunidad San Lorenzo, Presidida porŠ. Una señora que era la única persona que no hablaba ni una ŒJ¹ de español, pero eso si, con un manifiesto desprecio por la comunidad allí representada, y con unos aires dictatoriales que le hacían sombra a los mas tenebrosos dictadores de nuestra más obscura historia. En un momento en que el reclamo de algunos contra el hecho de que los estatutos del Centro, desconocidos hasta entonces para la mayoría, estuviesen solo en ingles, se puso de pie y ofreció una tibia disculpa a un grupo de asambleístas por habérsele pasado por alto el detallito de que la comunidad hispana habla español (???). Varias veces mas volvió a erguirse para a grandes voces, en ingles, hacer callar a algunos de los presentes que trataban de expresar opiniones contrarias a las ya previamente establecidas por ellos. Preguntamos a varios de los presentes que como era posible que una señora tan evidentemente ajena a la comunidad, quien ni siquiera se molesta en intentar hablar nuestro idioma, presida una organización hispana, y nadie pudo explicarnos mas allá de que era amiga intima del cura Hernán Astudillo.


Que pena que también aquí los hispanos se consideren tan subdesarrollados que tienen que tener una gringuita para que los domestique; y eso que Astudillo habla bastante de los méritos de los hispanos, pero claro, los méritos de sus feligreses radica en que lo obedezcan mas no en la capacidad para dirigir.


            La asamblea se inicio en medio de reclamos de algunas personas a las que no se les autorizaba a participar pese a que han sido colaboradores voluntarios de la Comunidad San Lorenzo por ya bastante tiempo.  Denunciaron indignados que jamás se les dio a conocer que habían requisitos de inscripción y solicitaron infructuosamente que se pida a la Asamblea, la cual en medios democráticos es la que tiene la facultad de hacer enmiendas al procedimiento, que les permita participar. La gringa no encontró razón para tan siquiera poner la propuesta a consideración de la Asamblea y ordenó que se prosiga. También se produjo cierta agitación, cuando la señora SusanaŠ quien dirigía la sesión, prohibió el uso de cámaras y grabadoras, que algunos asistentes portaban con el fin de documentar el evento y las discusiones.


            A lo largo de la sesión se insistió en el logro de la Comunidad San Lorenzo de haberle dado ³voz a los sin voz², pero insistieron mas en que un gran numero de asistentes a los que solos el os permitió quedarse como observadores, ³no tenían derecho de hablar². También cuando el abogado Juan Carranza, miembro prominente del directorio expreso dudas sobre el acierto de darle a Hernán Astudillo el titulo de director permanente, como el directorio proponía, la presidenta, en su buen ingles, así como otras señoras del directorio, le aventaron su disgusto por que hablaba mucho.


            Como segundo punto del orden del día, se pidió a la Asamblea considerar y aprobar las minutas del acta anterior que databa de Noviembre del 2003, con la única complicación de que nadie sabia nada de las benditas minutas hasta ese momento en que indicaron que era parte de un paquete que les fue entregado al inicio de la sesión. Un miembro cuestiono el punto que hacia referencia a la aprobación de los estatutos (aquellos en ingles), señalando que la Asamblea nunca discutió, peor comprendió y menos aprobó los estatutos. Solo un miembro, aparte de la señora que hablaba ingles (la presidenta), dijo acordarse clarito que en la anterior asamblea de hace ano y medio se aprobaron los estatutos aunque no pudo referirse a ningún detalle del mismo. Los asistentes, incluyendo a casi todos los miembros del directorio, no parecían entender de que estatutos se hablaba.


            Entre las observadores a quienes se les impidió hablar se encontraban algunos que daban cuenta de que Hernán Astudillo los había expulsado de la radio; entre esos Rene Melo, Julio Cerén, David Palmer; y otros como Enzo Moreno (radiodifusor comunitario de larga trayectoria) a quienes se los había cerrado las puertas desde el principio.  Contaron que el programa de la comunidad uruguaya había sido clausurado por el cura Astudillo con el pretexto primero de que no presentaron el guión con cuatro días de anticipación para que el lo aprobara, y luego ³porque expresaban ideas políticas². Señalaban que el mismo Astudillo repite discursos políticos en sus misas y que no existe un colectivo para evaluar los contenidos mas que el mismo.


            Pero en todo este irregular proceso que decía ser democrático, en el que Astudillo se mando un discursito con graves fallas dialécticas, casi patológicas en su vicio egolátrico, y cuajado de lagrimas Œcocodrilezcas¹, el Teatro de lo Absurdo, la Tragicomedia que puso en escena semi oscuras marionetas y envejecidos monaguillos, el clímax se alcanzo cuando el directorio planteo la designación del fraile Astudillo a director permanente, mientras este disimulaba su orgasmo conventual, traicionado por los músculos maxilares y frotándose las manos por debajo de la mesa. Las ocho señoras del directorio hacían muequitas en desaprobación de Juan Carranza cuando este, haciéndose eco de las opiniones de muchos que expresaban la naturaleza fascista de semejante pretensión, señalaba que tal designación parecía innecesaria y no del todo apropiada en una organización democrática, en una comunidad diversa, y que incluso en el seno del directorio había generado reacciones opuestas. Un asambleísta de participación notoria por lo contradictorio, que oponía criterios apasionadamente para terminar votando en su propia contra, salto de su asiento y en furibundo y destemplado griterío, declaro que Carranza era un conspirador y que el cura Astudillo era un Santo de virginales dotes. En este punto, las señoras del sequito del flamante ŒSanto¹, enardecidas por la algarabía y el olor a incienso que del inefable Hernán emanaba, quisieron tirárselo a los hombros pero se cohibieron. Este, enterrado en sus barbas de mártir del oscurantismo ya ni agradeció ni perdono a nadie sino que continuo manoseándose por debajo de la mesa.


            Entonces, ya todos calmados, vino el informe de las finanzas. El auditor, un caballero que parecía honrado aunque muy ingenuo, esgrimía un fardo de papeles y se disponía a presentar su informe estrictamente oralmente. Casi dos anos de cuentas, de viajes, de colectas, de donaciones, de Œgarage sales¹, de festivales, de almuerzos y meriendas, compra de equipos, de VENTA DE PUBLICIDAD RADIAL; para que estos mismos asambleístas que acababan de designar a un miembro vitalicio a pesar de argumentada oposición, de aprobar unas minutas y por extensión unos estatutos que jamás habían ni leído ni entendido, aprueben cientos de cifras sin un papel en la mano,,, ciegamenteŠ ¡OH MY GOD!


            Yo propongo que la comunidad no deje que las irregularidades tomen asiento y se consoliden, que no nos resignemos a lo sospechoso. Nada tengo contra las personas sino contra lo malo que hacenŠ nunca he escatimado alabanzas a lo bueno como tampoco he callado mis observaciones aunque sea a mis amigos, para la enmienda de errores y para el bien legitimo de la comunidadŠ yo no aspiro a nada mas que a ello; nadie me ha tachado nada. Yo propongo que los comunicadores sociales salgan de confesionarios y de sacristías y cumplan con su misión de informar y principalmente orientar a la gente. Que mantengamos un ojo atento a las cuentas de Hernán Astudillo y sus comadres; no malentendamos la buena voluntad y bondad con la indiferencia o la cobardía. En lo que a mi respecta, es mejor enojar a un cura que una comunidad.



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