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RE: RE: Internet Slang

Originally posted by: buzzlightyear680

"LOL most popular one"





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LOL most popular one

Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz estα en darse constantemente pequeρos gustos.


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I feel like a nerd....I know most of them




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  • T — (Counter-Strike) Terrorist
  • TA — "Thanks again"; also English and Australian slang for thanks, pronounced taa, predating the Internet.
  • TBH — "To be honest"; also used within organizational charts to mean "To be hired", equivalent to TBD (to be determined) or to TBA (to be announced)
  • TC — "Take care!"
  • thanx, thx, thz — "Thanks"; this can form combinations such as "kthx" (OK, thanks), "plzkthx" (Please, OK, thanks), and "kthxbye" (OK, thanks, goodbye).
  • teh — A usually deliberate typo of "the" — its popularity stemmed from the often-misspelled original word due to its natural frequency in English sentences. When deliberate, it sometimes serves to emphasise the following adjective, for example, "You are teh fat". It can also function to dismiss a subject, as in: "Teh, I don't care".
  • TFA — "The ****ing article"; a shorter form of "RTFA", mostly used on Slashdot
  • T,FTFY — "There, fixed that for you", used when displaying an edited version of another's post, to correct an error or make a humorous word—or phrase—substitution
  • TIA — "Thanks in advance"
  • TITFO — "Turn It The Fuck Off" — Common in Rainbow Six Series Games
  • TK — Team kill (or killing, killer, depending on context)
  • TLA — "Three letter acronym". TLA is an example of a TLA.
  • TL;DR — "Too long, didn't read"
  • TMAI — "Tell me about it"
  • TMR@IA — "The monkeys are at it again"; usually used to blame the staff of online gaming communities for any screw ups in-game.
  • TMI — "Too much information"
  • TMTOWTDI — "There's more than one way to do it"; usually used as one of the mottos of the Perl programming language.
  • ToS — "Terms of service"; "Tales of Symphonia", a video game for the Gamecube and PS2 (the latter only in Japan), often referring to the official website's forums.
  • ToSF — "Tales of Symphonia Forums", a recently growing center of popularity on the internet.
  • TP — "Town Portal", in Diablo and Diablo_II, a magical scroll for getting back into town; safety. Pronounced "teepee", and may occur as a verb ("Hey, TP me!")
  • TPTB — "The powers that be"
  • troll — A person who deliberately stirs up trouble.
  • tr00 — "True" (used in the black metal community to refer to a supposed "true" hardcore, underground fan of the genre)
  • TT — Emoticon signifying sadness or a crying face (
  • TTBOMK — "To the best of my knowledge"
  • TTFN — "Ta ta for now" (bye, originated with Winnie The Pooh)
  • TTIUWIOP — "This thread is useless without pics"
  • TTT — Third Tier Toilet
  • TTYL — Talk to you later
  • TTYS — Talk to you soon"
  • TY — "Thank you"



  • u — "You"
  • UA — User agreement
  • UFIA — "Unsolicited finger in the anus"
  • ul — Unlucky (gaming term)
  • UL, U/L — "Upload"; sending data to a remote host.
  • ur — "You're" or "your"
  • URT — "Urban Terror"; A mod for Quake III
  • URYYFM — "You are too wise (two Ys) for me"
  • USUX — "You suck"
  • UT — "Unreal Tournament"; usually referring to the GOTY (Game of the Year) edition. Also used: UT2003 for "Unreal Tournament 2003", and UT2004 for "Unreal Tournament 2004".
  • άber - German for "super" or "hyper"; often used in video games to describe someone's talent at the game. As in "I'm an άber player". Also seen written as "Uber", "άb3r" and "άl33R"
  • άbern00b — (from German 'όber', super-/hyper- and a corruption of newb) "Fat newbie"



  • v — "We"
  • VFM — "value for money"
  • VoIP — "Voice over Internet protocol", or phone conversations over broadband connections.
  • VWEG — "Very wicked evil grin". See "G"



  • w — Japanese version of LOL (laugh out loud). Warai(笑い) in Japanese means "laughter".
  • W/ — "With", predates Internet
  • w00t, woot — Leet-speak exclamation of excitement or happiness or applauditory whistle; Used after gaining root control of a computer, can stand for "woohoo" or for "We owned the other team"
  • w012d — "Word" (a generally positive interjection)
  • W8 — "Wait"
  • WAI — "What an idiot"; also, Japanese for "yay" as influenced by the anime culture
  • WAD — "Without a doubt"
  • WADR — With all due respect.
  • waffles — Pun on "ROTFLMAO"; used similarly. In full: "Roffle my waffles"
  • warez — Illegally obtained software.
  • wat — "What"
  • WB, wibs, wibbles, wibbers — "Welcome back"
  • WBAGNFARB — "Would be a good name for a rock band. Inspired by columnist Dave Barry and used broadly by his fans.
  • WCG — "World_Cyber_Games" an international cyber game festival runs by International Cyber Marketing.
  • WC3 — "Warcraft III"
  • WD — "Well done"
  • WDUWTA — "What do you want to talk about?"
  • w/e — "Whatever"
  • WG, WEG — "Wicked (evil) grin"
  • W/O — "Without", predates Internet
  • WoW — "World of Warcraft"
  • WOMBAT — "Waste of money, brains, and time"
  • wot, wut — "What", predates Internet
  • WRT — With respect to, with regard to
  • WRU or wru — A very simplified "Where are you". Example: Wru from?
  • WTF — "What the ****?"; Also "who the ****?", "why the ****?", etc. given the context.
  • Wruu2 — "What are you up to?"
  • WTFPWND — See pwn
  • WTG — "Way to go!", often sarcastic.
  • WTFH — "What the ****ing hell?"
  • WTH — "What the heck?" or "what the hell?"
  • WYSIAYG — "What you see is all you get". Like WYSIWYG, with a derogatory suggestion as to the incompleteness of the software.
  • WYSITWIRL — (pron. "wizzy twirl") "What you see is totally worthless in real life." A derogatory term indicating that a claim of WYSIWYG has little validity.
  • WYSIWYG — (pron. "wizzywig") "What you see is what you get". In the print industry, it means that printed output will look identical to its screen representation. More recently used to refer to the style of making webpages that arose through the use of HTML-generators such as MS FrontPage, Dreamweaver, etc. and implies that the output may appear crude and does not transfer well across all settings.
  • WYGIWYGAINUC-"what you get is what you're given and it's no use complaining"



  • X>* — Definition of something [X] as better than everything
  • . Often [X] stands for a user's handle and
  • for an organization or for another user. Sometimes crackers will use this as a boast and an insult when defacing a Web site, implying their superiority over the victim-organization and/or the Web site's administrators.
  • XD — An emoticon resembling someone laughing when rotated clockwise 90°. Also xD
  • ecks-dee — Another form of "XD" that emphasizes its pronunciation.
  • -x0r — A suffix used by H4X0Rs to emphasize a point.
  • xOMG — OMG^3



  • YAF — "You're a fag!"
  • YGM — "You've got mail"
  • YGO — Stands for Yu-Gi-Oh!, a popular manga, anime, and trading card game.
  • YGP — AOLese "You've got pictures"
  • YGPM — "You've got a private message"
  • YHBT — "You have been trolled"
  • YHL — "You have lost"
  • YHPM — "You have a private message"
  • YIM — Yahoo! Messenger
  • YM — "Your mom!"
  • YMMV — "Your mileage may vary" or "you make me vomit"
  • YMSTICPC — "You Might Say That, I Couldn't Possibly Comment"
  • YNK — "You never know"
  • YOMANK — "You owe me a new keyboard" (after a joke causes explosive expulsion of beverage from one's mouth)
  • yr — "Your" or "you're"
  • YS — "You suck"
  • YSSIA — "Your spelling says it all!"
  • yuo — A usually deliberate typo of "you" — Possible origins include fast and/or careless typers hitting the keys out of sequence. Like "teh", it sometimes adds emphasis to a phrase (often pairing with "teh" in doing so), for example, "Yuo are teh suck"
  • YW — "you're welcome"



  • z00t — Also "zoot"—bastardization of "w00t"
  • 0day — Software or media that is illegally obtained before or on the day of the official release.
  • zig — "Cigarette".
  • ZOMG — Bastardization of "OMG", meaning "oh my God". Derived from the accidental use of the "z" key when the typist intended to use the Shift function. Pronounced "zoe my God", "zee oh em gee", or "zed oh em gee" (the last two varying on the regional pronunciation of the name of the letter Z).

Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz estα en darse constantemente pequeρos gustos.


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  • N1 — "Nice one"
  • N/A — "Not applicable" or "not available"
  • NB — Short for "nabei", commonly used in mmorpgs as a swear word. Closest approximation of meaning — see CB.
  • NBD — "No big deal"
  • NFBSK — "Not for British school kids", originally from message boards at, used sometimes in place of NSFW.
  • newb — Short for "newbie"; meaning someone who is new, usually at a game.
  • NFAHRU? — "Not from around here R U?"
  • NG — "Newsgroup"
  • NG — "No good"
  • Ngaaaah — A cry of frustration or triumph, which one can speak out loud by using the throat and nasal passage to produce a loud and at times annoying sound. Used comonly in some school environments to annoy a teacher as a class unit. This cry can also gain the attention of ones peers
  • Nh — "Nice hand"; used in online card games.
  • NI — "No idea"
  • N1994, N199312 — Leet speak for "nigga/****"
  • NIFOC — Naked in front of Computer
  • NM or N/M — "Never mind" or "not/nothing much".

Also "no message", used on message boards to indicate that all the text is in the post's title, and that it need not be opened itself.

  • NM U: "Nothing much, you?" (generally said after sup)
  • NMFYS — Unknown acronym from comic Badly Drawn Kitties, a webcomic. User-created "solutions" include "Not Mentioned For Your Sanity" and "Not My First Yellow Submarine," see the BDK Comic. (
  • NMNHNLM — Acronym for "no money no honey nobody loves me" originating from HWZ forums
  • NN — "Night night" like "good night" Also: "Nerf Noodle" (someone who doesn't belong on a computer), or "Nazi Newbie" (a know-it-all newbie who corrects everyone)
  • noob — Shorthand/leet spelling of "newbie". Also spelled "n00b", with two zeroes rather than two Os (see leet) or "newb". In some Internet circles, the term "noob" or "n00b" has a negative connotation, generally not associated with "newb" or "newbie", where being a n00b carries a connotation of ignorance and laziness. N00bs may lack the energy or the gumption to RTFM or otherwise attempt to find out about a subject themselves — even given the ready availability of the information — and instead choose to bother others. A newbie, on the other hand, simply comes fresh to a subject, with no particularly negative connotations. Internet Games such as "Call of Duty", "Counter-Strike" and "Medal of Honor" commonly use the term "n00b".
  • n0083127z — "Nooberts" a mutation of n00b, often used to describe someone who not only demonstrates stupidity, but is also has less esteem or less power than the speaker
  • NORE; "No Rematch" (Usually said by the victor)
  • Norp — from pr0n. Used to discreetly speak of pornography without alerting the attention of others (less obvious in meaning than pr0n)
  • NORWICH; "Knickers off ready when I come home" (UK, pre-Internet)
  • NOYB — "None of your business"
  • NP — "No problem"; Neopoints, currency on the free web game Neopets.
  • NPNT — "No picture, no talk" Origin from Hardwarezone — EDMW
  • NPA — "Not paying attention"
  • NR — "No reserve"
  • NR4U — "Not right for you"
  • NS — "Nice shot"; used sincerely in competitive and cooperative online games such as GunBound, or Medal of Honor. Also, "No Shit"; sometimes used as "NSS" for "No Shit, Sherlock"
  • NSFW — "Not safe for work"; indicates that one should avoid using a link from a workplace due to the presence of pornography or of other unsuitable content. Used at Fark and on some message boards. See also SFW.
  • NT — "No text"; used on Internet forums or Usenet to indicate that a post has no content. Also, "nice try"; used by gamers.
  • NTH — "Not totally here"
  • NVM — "Never mind"
  • NWS — "Not work safe"; see NSFW.
  • Nyo — A usually meaningless word/particle attached to the end of sentences, similiar to the word "hiyo" used by Johnny Carson



  • O — "Oh"
  • OAR — On a roll — referring to someone's luck during Internet games. Winning several games in a row (3 or more) would constitute an OAR.
  • OBTW — "Oh, by the way"
  • OS — "Oh, ****!"
  • oh noes!!!!111 — An exaggerated expression of despair, often used for humorous effect.
  • OIC — "Oh, I see"
  • OMG — Exclamation, "Oh my God/goodness!"
  • OMFG — Exclamation, "Oh my ****ing God!"
  • OMGWTFBBQ — "Oh my God, what the ****, bar-be-que."; used in a humorous manner in reference to those who abuse Internet slang.
  • OMGWTFNIPPLES — "Oh my God, what the ****, nipples", used in a humorous manner in reference to those who string together too much Internet slang in one word
  • OMFL — Exclamation, "oh my ****ing lag!"
  • OMW — "On my way"
  • OOC — "Out-of-character"; usually in MMORPG or MUD settings when a player isn't acting out his/her part. It was also used in fanfiction to indicate likewise. Also, "out of curiosity".
  • OOO — "Out of the office"; Used similarly to MIA. "Ken is OOO today." Also,
  • OP — Original poster
  • Op — Operator, a moderator or moderators of a chat room
  • OSIB — "Open skull insert brain"
  • OT — "Off-topic"
  • OTP — "One true pairing", meaning two characters believed to be perfect together, usually not canon. Used in fanfiction.
  • OTOH — "On the other hand"
  • OTW — "On the way"
  • OUACOWA — "Open Up A Can Of Whoop-Ass", meaning an amaizing thing. Coined from the roleplay game Unknown Armies.
  • OU812? — "Oh you ate one too?", reference VanHalen for 'You're stoned too?' druggie slang.
  • OXO — Norwegian/Danish shortening of the word "ogsε", which translates to "too" or "also"
  • own, owned, OWN3D, ownt — (see also pwn) To defeat someone (used commonly when playing Counter-Strike) or to humiliate someone tactically in a debate; to exhibit extreme coolness (for example: "BMWs totally own").
  • ownzer — One who "owns" (see own)
  • OYATM — "One Year Ago This Month" used in Usenet binary groups when posting content that has just recently become old enough to post.



  • P911 Parents are here dont type sumthin stupid!
  • P2P — "Peer-to(2)-Peer". Also "pay-to-play" for games with subscription fees like Everquest, RuneScape, or Dark Age of Camelot.
  • PAW — "Parents are watching" (Also see "POS")
  • PCBD — "Page cannot be displayed"; Internet Explorer error when attempting to visit an invalid link or URL, or when a Web server times out.
  • PCC — Short for par-chiew-cheng. Chinese short for the act of male masturbation.
  • PEBKAC — "Problem exists between keyboard and chair", referring to in human error. See PICNIC and ID10T.
  • PFO — "Please **** off"
  • PIIDB — "Put it in da butt, referring to anal sex."
  • PITA — "Pain in the ass"
  • PICNIC — "Problem in chair, not in computer", referring to in human error. See PEBKAC and ID10T.
  • Piconjo — A shared account on Large numbers of people, under the guise of Piconjo accounts, submit explicit animations of NG animators, in an attempt to "pwn" them. Piconjo speaks in fluent 1337 and claims to have "pen0r power".
  • Pic(s), pix — Used in reference to a picture. Usually posted when someone wants another person to post a picture. This could be used in many different situations, but is most prominent when someone is talking about a woman or girl.
  • PLS, PLZ — "Please" — predates Internet
  • PM — "Private message"
  • PMG — Can sometimes be seen instead of "omg", which means "oh my God"
  • PMIBD — "Pardon me I'm brain dead!"
  • PMS i dont no......something to do with a womans period
  • PMSL — "Pissing myself laughing", synonymous with "LMAO", above and "ROFL", below.
  • PO, PO'd — "Piss off", or "pissed off"
  • POTAS; Person Of The Appropriate Sex, that is, a person of the sex that one finds attractive. A more politically correct term than "person of the opposite sex"
  • POS — "Parents over shoulder"; a warning, by kids, that parents may be watching. Also, "piece of ****". (Also see "PAW")
  • POV — "Point of view"
  • ppl, ppls — "People".
  • pro, pr0 — "Professional"; meaning someone is really good, usually at a game.
  • pron, pr0n — "Porn" (short for pornography); intentional misspelling used to avoid automated filters on certain words.
  • protal, pr0tal — a misspelling of "portal", an automated system used on websites such as Newgrounds to manage submitted content.
  • prv — "Private" similar to PM; usually used for IRC private messaging
  • PTBB; "Pass the barf bag," coined in the discussion list in the '90s.
  • PvE — Player versus environment
  • PvP — Player versus player
  • pwn, pwned (also p0wn or pwnt) — An accidental or intentional mistyping of "own". Sometimes used to speak of illegal activities. See "own" above.
  • P07; Another way to type "pot" as in "weed" or "grass". other ways to say this include: w33d, po7 q07 qot and \/\/33d. More abbreviations exist: see leetspeak



  • qft — "quoted for truth", means something along the lines of "I second that statement!".
  • ql, qool, qoolz — "Cool" (in the American sense)
  • qwn, qwnt, qwned — Deliberate typo of "pwn" (which see), which is a deliberate typo of "own"
  • QQ — "Crying eyes" (of perhaps Hong Kong Origin) meaning "oh poor baby" (false pity)



  • R — "Are"
  • r0x0rz (also rox0rs and other forms) — Leet speak for "rocks".
  • R8 — "Right", "rate"
  • RCT — RollerCoaster Tycoon
  • RD — Red Dwarf
  • RE — rematch; often used in online games
  • re/rehi — "Hello again", used on IRC, especially popular with Europeans. Mentioned in the Jargon File.
  • refl — Deliberate mistype of "ROFL"
  • rents - short for "parents"
  • rgr — "Roger" aka "affirmative" or "10-4", radio talk; "Roger that", meaning "message acknowledged".
  • rifk — Deliberate mistype of "ROFL"
  • RIFY — Read if You Like; often used such that 'if you like __ you will probably like this'
  • RL — "Real life"; often used in online games to refer to life outside of the game (which some would see as fictional!), see IRL.
  • ROFL, ROTFL, ROFLMAO — "Rolling on the floor laughing (my ass off)"; as a reply to something extremely amusing.
  • ROFLMAOPIMP; "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off peeing in my pants"
  • ROFLCOPTER — The superlative of ROFL
  • roffle — Alternate version of "ROFL", based on the latter's supposed verbalisation.
  • roffle out loud — A form of "ROFL" or "LOL", intended to mock those who use many acronyms in speech.
  • ROFFLMFAO — "Rolling on ****ing floor laughing my ****ing ass off" (Pronounced roffle-em-fayo).
  • roj — "Roger" aka "affirmative"
  • ROR — "Raughing out roud", an Engrish variant of LOL.
  • ROLF — "Rolling on the laughing floor", a misspelling of "ROFL".
  • RSN — "Real soon now", sense of sarcasm.
  • ROTFLBTC — "Rolling on the floor laughing, biting the carpet"
  • ROTFLMHO — "Rolling on the floor laughing my head off"; alternative to ROTFLMAO. Some people may leave out the "T" so it will be ROFLMHO
  • ROTFLMAOSTC — "Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off scaring the cats"; another alternative to ROTFLMAO
  • ROFLKMD — "Rolling On the Floor Laughing Kazaa Media Desktop" or "Rolling on the floor laughing kicking my dog"; another alternative to ROFL
  • RTFA — "Read the ****ing article"; applies mostly to Slashdot threads, in response to users who make comments on a story without having read it first.
  • RTFRFC — "Read the ****ing RFC", similar to RTFM, telling someone to read an RFC to find his or her answer.
  • RTFM — "Read the ****ing/friendly/fine manual", the frequent reply to a request for basic help from newbies who have not attempted to find the answer for themselves.
  • RTFMFM — "Read the ****ing manual ****ing moron"; derived from RTFM with slightly more emphasis on the newbie's lack of intelligence.
  • RTFP — "Read the ****ing post"; derived from RTFA and also used on Slashdot.
  • RTFS — "Read the ****ing/fine source", frequently used when documentation for a software program is lacking or absent.
  • RTL — "Report the loss"; usually used in online gaming; used sarcastically when one loses or gets fragged
  • RTSD — "Rush That Shit Down" originating from underground Street Fighter gaming communities. Namely, Possibly also rooted in Ebonics. Used to convey taking advantage of a good thing. (e.g. Filet-O-Fish only $0.99 on Fridays? RTSD!). Originally used to describe a play style where one overwhelms the opponent with many quick and up close attacks.
  • RU — "Are you"
  • rut — "Are you there?"



  • S — "Smile", usually written *S* or <S> to separate it from the surrounding text. See "G".
  • S2R — "Send-to-receive"; indicates that one expects to receive a file (usually an image) before he or she sends his or hers.
  • sif — "As if"
  • sifn't — "As if not", used in reply to "sif".
  • SCNR — "Sorry, could not resist"
  • SH — "Shit happens"
  • SLAGIATT — "Seemed like a good idea at the time" Helpful for comments when refactoring embarrassing software design decisions.
  • SMD — "Suck my dick"
  • SMDVQ — "Suck my dick very quick"
  • SO — "Significant other"; a termed encapsulating a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse.
  • SOB — Son of a bitch
  • Soz — "Sorry", apparently only used in the UK.
  • SFW — "Safe for work"; material (pictures, webpages) that is safe for the office. Used at Fark. See also NSFW. Alternate meaning (which may not be appropriate in the office): "So ****ing what?"
  • SOW — Abbreviation of Spirit of the Wolf, a commonly asked-for spell in EverQuest, which makes a player run faster.
  • Smeg — Meaning the same as "****" or "bugger" (popularized by Red Dwarf, a British TV sitcom).
  • SMF — "Simple Machines Forums"
  • sroucks — Means even when something rocks, it sucks (or something in between), or vice versa. Often used in a sarcastic way, as to let others remain in doubt if it's praising or just the opposite.
  • sry — "Sorry"
  • srsly — "Seriously", usually used as an interjection; to signal a sarcastic response to an inane remark.
  • SSDD — "Same ****, different day."
  • SSIA — "Subject says it all"; used in newsgroup postings and the like.
  • STFU — "Shut the **** up"
  • STFUSN; "Shut The Fuck Up Stupid Noob"
  • STFM — "Search the ****ing manual"
  • STFNG — "Search the ****ing newsgroup"—variant on STFW
  • STFW — "Search the ****ing Web"
  • stooge — "Referring to an idiot, which can be spelled st00g3, and there is a variant called "stoogewagger", which means more of a n00b and a "stooge".
  • SUAGOOML — "Shut up and get out of my life"
  • sugarpic — A digital erotic, nude or suggestive image of one's self, usually sent online to a lover or to a friend
  • sup? — "What is up?"
  • sux, sux0rs, suxxor — Leet speak for "sucks", "suckers"
  • SWAK — "Sealed with a kiss"
  • SWALK — "Sealed with a loving kiss" (pre internet)



Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz estα en darse constantemente pequeρos gustos.


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  • G — "Grin", normally written *G* or <G> to separate it from the surrounding text
  • G2G, GTG — "Got to go", also "good to go"; popularized in MMORPGs and MUDs.
  • G4Y, GFY — "Good for you", or "go **** yourself"; the ambiguity of this acronym calls for care. G4Y can also mean "gay".
  • GAGF — "Go and get ****ed"
  • GAL — "Get a life"
  • gamez — Illegally obtained games (see warez).
  • GCAD — "Get cancer and die"
  • <g,d&r> — "Grins, ducks and runs"; used after a particularly bad joke, seemingly to try to avoid comments about it.
  • GF — "Girlfriend", also means "get ****ed"
  • GFI — "Good ****ing idea"
  • GFY — "Go **** yourself"
  • GG — "Good going" or "good game"; used sincerely in competitive and cooperative online games, or used sarcastically when someone has done something foolish. Also "genuine girl", used on chat sites to indicate that the user is female, rather than simply pretending to be.
  • GGL — Google
  • GGMF — "Great Godzilla Mother****ers!", first quoted in Dealer McDope No. 1 (drawn by Dave Sheridan)
  • GGPO — "Good Game, Peace Out" originating from underground Street Fighter gaming communities. Namely, Possibly also rooted in Ebonics. Used to convey either good games, or losing games. (e.g. drinking + driving = ggpo). Often shortened to just "peaced out" (e.g. He was driving drunk, hit a wall, and got peaced out.)
  • GH — "Good half", used in online round-based games such as Counter-Strike.
  • Ghey — "Gay"
  • GIS — Google Image Search; searching for images through the Google search engine
  • GJ — "Good job", often sarcastic
  • GL — "Good luck"
  • Gl hf — "Good luck, have Fun." Usually used in online gaming.
  • GMTA — "Great minds think alike"
  • gnite, GN8 — "Good night"
  • "gno" — Gonna (Going to do)
  • GR8 — "Great", sometimes spelled gre8t even though it doesn't make the word any shorter.
  • Grats — Abbreviation of "congratulations". Used in MMORPGs when a played reaches a new rank or level
  • GTFO — "Get the **** out"
  • GTG — "Got to go"
  • GTH — "Go to hell"
  • GTP — "Got to Pee"
  • guru — An expert in some technical topic, such as C programming or Unix system administration
  • GW — "Good work", often used sarcastically.



  • H8 — "Hate", or "H1" to "H9" to indicate how much a person hates something.
  • HAI — A purposeful misspelling of "hi"; Japanese for "yes"
  • HAMMRD* — "Hammered, also meaning pwn/pwned/owned. See pwn"
  • HAND — "Have a nice day"
  • Hawt — variation of "hot", used to suggest that someone seems attractive
  • HAX, H4X; "Hacks, term most commonly used in multiplayer games by new players (see n00bs) to accuse someone of hacking, more commonly than not because of their own lack of skill. (see pwned)"
  • HAXOR, H4X0R; "Hacker"
  • HB — "Hurry back"
  • HB — "Herremange Byte" Danish expression for a large amount of data. Also abbreviated to "H", it may appear in various other expressions, like "HP—Herremange Pornofilm" (large amount of pornographic movies), etc.
  • HBD — "Happy birthday"
  • HF — "Have fun"
  • hijack — To start an off-topic discussion; "hijack a thread" on a message board.
  • hmwk — "Homework"
  • HNG — "Horny net geek"
  • H/O — "Hold on"
  • HoBO — Person who plays Games, expecially HoB (
  • HPB — "High ping bastard" or "High ping bait", reference to those with high latency (ping) usually in online games. The opposite of LPB
  • HSS — "Horse **** and splinters"
  • HTH — "Hope this (or that) helps"
  • HTF — "How the ****"; derivative of WTF.
  • hysterical raisins — Phonetic-based variation of the term "historical reasons". Used to dismisses given reasons as absurd, obsolete and/or detrimental to progress
  • HWG Here We Go
  • HWGA Here we go again
  • HWP — "Hug, Wave, Poof"; A way of saying "goodbye"



  • IANAL — "I am not a lawyer"; usually used before a non-lawyer gives legal advice, as a (sometimes humorous) disclaimer.
  • IANARS — "I am not a rocket scientist"
  • IC — "I see", also "in character" in MMORPG or MUD settings.
  • ICYDK / ICYDN / ICUDK — "In case you didn't know"
  • IDK — "I don't know"
  • ID10T — "Idiot"; generally pronounced eye-dee-ten-tee, its meaning is not obvious until viewed in written form. Example: "We've got an ID10T error!"
  • idjit, ijit — "Idiot"
  • IDNHSWTW "I did not have sex with that woman", a reference to president Clinton. Quite obscure
  • IIRC — "If I recall correctly", or "if I remember correctly"
  • IIUC — "If I understand correctly"
  • IGAHP — "I've got a huge penis"
  • IKON — "ikonBoard, also spelled as IKN"
  • I like pie — Used to express apathy or confusion towards the present subject matter, invented by YINever of the GameFAQs message boards
  • ILOTIBINLIRL — "I'm laughing on the Internet, but I'm not laughing in real life"
  • I'LL RATE IT— A term used when something is considered to have a high degree of excellence or brilliance about it; Term used to complement a joke teller on a job well done; A term or saying, that when misused, will annoy one Stephen Whalan.
  • IM — "Instant message", can be used as a noun ("Send an IM") or a verb ("I'll IM him"). Past tense is "IM'd" or "IMed".
  • IMO — "In my opinion"
  • IMAO — "In my arrogant opinion"
  • IMHO — "In my humble opinion", or "in my honest opinion"
  • IMHPO — "In my humble public opinion", used by public accounts (accounts owned by more than one persons).
  • IMHE — "In my humble experience"
  • IMNSHO — "In my not so humble opinion", as opposed to IMHO (In my humble opinion)
  • INMP — "It's not my problem"
  • INTPFPOTM — "I nominate this post for post of the month"; incredibly obscure.
  • IOH — "I'm outta here"
  • IOW — "In other words"
  • IPB — Invision Power Board
  • IRC — Internet Relay Chat
  • IRL — "In real life"; often used in online games to refer to life outside of the game, see RL. Made famous by the movie "The Net" starring Sandra Bullock.
  • IRT — "In reply to"
  • ISTR — "I seem to remember/recall"
  • ITT — "In this thread"; first used on in White Noise.
  • ITYM — "I Think You Mean"; usually prefacing a humorous "correction"
  • IWIAMUAFTP — "I wonder if anyone makes up acronyms for this page"
  • IYDMMA — "If you don't mind me asking"
  • IYKWIM — "If you know what I mean"



  • JAHOYFT — "Just ask him/her out you ****ing tool", used to motivate persons suffering from unnecessary trepidation
  • JAK — "Jazak Allah Khair", Arabic expression for thank you
  • JC, J/C — "Just curious"
  • JJ — "Just joking"
  • JK, J/K — "Just kidding"
  • JOOC — "Just out of curiosity"
  • j00, j00s, j00r — Leet speak for "you" or "your"
  • JW, J/W — "Just wondering"
  • JYFIHP — "Jam your finger in her pussy"



  • K — "OK/Okay"
  • keekles — Usually used while deliberately acting like a newbie.
  • kewl, kool — Alternate forms of "cool".
  • KNF — "Kernel normal form"; kernel source file style guide [1] (
  • KISS — "Keep it simple, stupid" (predates the Internet)
  • KITFO — "Knock it the **** off"
  • KK — "Ok Kool"
  • KTHXBYE — "Okay, thanks, goodbye" — usually used to end a conversation abruptly and rudely
  • KNN — "Fuck your mother" (Chinese)
  • KO — A common misspelling of ok.
  • KOL — "Kiss on lips"
  • KOS — "Kill on Sight"; used to designate enemies in online games whom -- based on their prior actions -- one should kill
  • KREE! — "Attention!"
  • KS — "Kill steal"; used in online games with an experience (EXP) system, when one player defeats an enemy already weakened by another player.



  • L8, L8R — "Late", "later"; as in "see you later", often used together with CU, as in CUL8R.
  • LAFFO — Signifying laughter
  • LAL — Laugh a little, used when LOL is not quite accurate, but only by a select few.
  • Llama — Lame player; Lower League Manager (used on SiGames Message boards)
  • LATN — "Laugh at the newbs"
  • LBR — "Little boy's room"
  • LD — "Link dead"; used in online games when a disconnected user's persona or character remains in the game.
  • LEO - "Law enforcement officer"
  • LEET, L33T, 1337, 31337 — "Elite", used ironically; also another kind of slang where numbers and symbols replace similar-looking characters.
  • Lewt — "Loot" Often used as "Lewt fast 'n' Bewt ass".
  • LIGAFF — "Like I give a flying ****"
  • LIGAS — "Like I give a ****"
  • Linkage — Link
  • LION — "Like it or not..."
  • LIUY — "Look it up yourself"
  • LKY — "Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor of Singapore"
  • LMAO — "Laughing my ass off"
  • LMAOnade — A homophonous extension of LMAO that humorously refers to "lemonade"
  • Chairman LMAO — similar to above, referring to the first Communist ruler of China.
  • LMFAO — "Laughing my ****ing ass off"
  • LMTFA — "Leave me the **** alone"
  • LOFL — "A recursive play on ROFL; LOFL on floor LOFLing"
  • LOL — "Laughing out loud", or "lots of laughs"; as a reply to something amusing. Also "lots of love" (not as common). Alternatively allegedly derived from the Dutch word lol ("fun")
  • lolcity — Something so funny the entire city laughs out loud.
  • lollercaust — An extreme event of hilarity.
  • lollerskates — Pun on the word "rollerskates"; similar usage to LOL.
  • Loxxen — An altered form of LOL, with virtually the same meaning, but slightly enhanced.
  • LPB — "Low ping bastard", reference to those with low latency (ping) usually in online games. The opposite of HPB.
  • LSFW — "Less Suitable for Work"
  • LTID Laugh 'Till I Die
  • LTNS — "Long time no see"
  • lurker — One who reads an email list or a message board but does not participate in the discussion.
  • luser — Punny cross between loser and user, can mean either of the two. Usually denotes users of Microsoft Windows.
  • LYL — "Love ya lots"
  • LYLAS/LYLAB — Love you like a Sister/ Love ya like a Brother
  • LYK, LYKE — "Like"



  • M473z — "Mates" pronounced may-tez, a term referring to a good friend, closer than a m8
  • M8 — "Mate"; as in "buddy" or "pal"
  • MFC — "Merge from current"
  • Micro$oft, M$ — Satirical alternative spellings of "Microsoft", used to poke fun at that company's alleged commercial monopolizing
  • MML — "Make mine Linux", comeback to 'ιlitist' Windows users
  • MMORPG — "Massively multiplayer online role playing game", a game played online with thousands of other people from across the world
  • Mod — "Moderator" (usually referring to a forum) or "modification"
  • Mookies Law — On the SiGames message board it means to post a pic of whatever the subject is about.
  • MOTD — "Message of the day"
  • MYOB — "Mind your own business" - Also the brand name of accounting software MYOB (Australia) ( See also MYOB Support Forum (
  • MLOD — "Mega LOL of doom

Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz estα en darse constantemente pequeρos gustos.


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  • ACK — "acknowledged"; used frequently in discussion boards, tech-speak
  • AFAIC — "as far as I'm concerned", or "as far as I care", or "as far as I can..."
  • AFAICS — "as far as I can see"
  • AFAICT — "as far as I can tell"
  • AFAIK — "as far as I know"
  • AFAIR — "as far as I recall", or "as far as I remember"
  • AFC, AFK — "away from computer/keyboard"
  • AFGE — "another ****ing growth experience"
  • AGP — "Asian Gay Porn"
  • APG — "Anti PiratGruppen" (Danish version of RIAA)
  • AICMFP — "And I claim my five pounds"
  • AIM — "AOL Instant Messenger" Usage: Talk to me on AIM.
  • AIUI — "As I understand it"
  • AKA — "Also known as", predates the Internet.
  • ANON — "Anonymous"
  • AO — Anarchy Online MMORPG
  • AOHell — Derogative term for America Online (AOL).
  • ASAP — "As soon as possible"
  • Aswom — A misspelling of "awesome"
  • ASL — "Age, sex, location"; used to request general information about a fellow user. Also used as an introductory phrase, usually when expecting that information up-front. (Some will consider this request rude)
  • ATM — "At the moment"
  • ATOP — "At time of posting..."
  • ATTN — "Attention"
  • AUP — "Acceptable Use Policy"
  • AYBABTU — "All your base are belong to us"
  • Azn — adjective short of "Asian"



  • B& — "Banned"
  • B2B — "business to business"; ecommerce used by businesses to interact with other businesses. It can also mean "bad to the bone".
  • B4 — "Before"
  • B4N — "Bye for now"
  • B7 — "Banned" - A derivation of B&, minus the shift key.
  • Ban; to deny a particular user access to an internet resource, typically due to TOS violations.
  • BB — "Bye bye"
  • BBIAB — "Be back in a bit"
  • BBIAW — "Be back in a while"
  • BBL — "Be back later"
  • BBQ — "Be back quick", eventually corrupted to "Bar-B-Que" — see "OMGWTFBBQ".
  • BBS — "Be back soon", or "bulletin board system/service"
  • BBT — "Bubble Tea"
  • BBW — "be back whenever"
  • BC, B/C — "Because"
  • Bewt — "Boot" Often used as "Lewt fast 'n' Bewt ass".
  • BIO — "Bio Break, Biological Break, Bathroom Break" (Usually used following the BRB abbreviation)
  • B00lean! — A term adapted for the use of annoyance - when spoken the B00 in b00lean becomes exaggerated to make this annoying term
  • B00t — Opposite of "w00t". Can also describe kicking people from game or chat servers
  • BF — "Boyfriend"
  • BFD — "Big ****ing deal"
  • BFF — "Best friend forever"
  • BFG/BFG9000 — "Big Fucking Gun (9000)" (found in id Software games such as Doom)
  • BFN — "Bye for now"
  • BGS — An institution responsible for the creation of various colloquialisms, such as dede, dedish and ngaaah
  • BJ — blowjob
  • BL — "Bad luck"
  • Blog — Short for "weblog" from "Web log". Often used as a verb, as in "I was blogging today".
  • blogger — "Web logger": someone who writes or posts articles or messages on a blog.
  • BNOL — "Be nice or leave"
  • BOFH — "Bastard operator from hell". A series of funny stories about UNIX system administration written by Simon Travaglia.
  • BOHICA; "Bend over, here it comes again." Originally U.S. Army slang.
  • B0rk, b0rked, to b0rk: broken, to break. A b0rked system refuses to work.
  • BRB — "Be right back"
  • BS — "Bull****". specific: backstab. EVE Online specific: Battleship"
  • BSOD — "Blue screen of death"
  • BTDT — "Been there, done that"
  • BTTT — "back to the top"
  • btw — "by the way"
  • BTW (2) — "Better Than Working", refers to an activity that can be done at work that is better than working. Like reading a blog or a humorous website, etc...
  • bump — to comment for the sole purpose of bringing a thread to the top of the page. Used in forums.
  • BURMA — "Be Undressed Ready My Angel" (dates back to World War II; pre-Internet)
  • BW — "bandwidth" specific: broodwar.
  • B/T, BT — "Between" or the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol.
  • BYOC — "Bring your own computer". Often used in connection with computer gaming events. May also stand for Build Your Own Computer. For example, Quakecon is a BYOC Lan Party in North America.



  • Cec — "sex", used to get around Internet chat filters.
  • Chown (Ch0wn3d) — a deliberate mis-spelling of "own" (see "own" entry below).
  • CID — "Consider it done"
  • CiS — "Chuckle(ing) in Silence", "chuckling very quietly"; as an alternative to "LOL"
  • cig — Short for cigarette or cigar
  • cluebie — A clueless newbie (but sometimes apparently confusingly used to mean "a newbie with a clue, but not close to a guru")
  • CMIIW — "Correct me if I'm wrong"
  • CoD — "Call of Duty"; World War II first person shooter PC Game*
  • CoH — "City of Heroes"; comic-book themed massively multiplayer online PC game
  • coo — "Cool"
  • CPL — "Actually standing for CyberAthlete Professional League, the biggest LAN event, but has become an alternative to call some "leet" (good) for example, "OMG you're CPL"
  • CS — "Counter-Strike"; Widely played First Person Shooter game; Computer Science.
  • CSL — "Can't stop laughing"
  • CT — (Counter-Strike) Counter Terrorist
  • CTD — "Crash To Desktop" - Used to indicate that the speaker's game has crashed.
  • CTF — "Capture the flag". A gaming mode where two teams have a flag each and the objective capturing the other team's flag. Or Capture that ****er!!!!
  • ctm. — "Chuckle to myself"
  • CU — "see you"; used as a goodbye, commonly together with "l8r" (later), as in "cul8r", often abbreviated to merely "cul". See also "cya".
  • CUNT — See You Next Time (C & U are slang for see & you)
  • CUWUL — "Catch up with you later"
  • CWOT — "Complete waste of time"
  • CYA — "See you"; used as a goodbye (see "cu"). Also, "check(ing) your ass", or "cover your ass", as in taking some precautionary measure just for safety's sake, or to avoid blame in a risky (but necessary) action (predates the Internet).
  • cyberbug — someone who spends too much time on the Internet
  • CYFF — "Change your font ****er!"; used when someone has an annoying and hard to read font.
  • CVQ — "chuckling very quietly"; see CiS
  • C&C, CnC — "Command & Conquer"; A popular series of Strategy games, originally by Westwood Studios
  • C&V — "Chapter & verse"; used in newsgroups.
  • C|N>K — "coffee through nose into keyboard"; a Unix-ism meaning, involving the Unix command line pipe (|) and redirect (>) characters.



  • D2 — "Diablo_II"
  • DB4L — "Drinking buddy for life"
  • DC'd, D/C — "Disconnected"
  • DD — "Don't die". Usually used in online real-time strategy games.
  • Dede — "See Dedish - sometimes used in conjunction - dede dedish."
  • Dedish — "Rarely used term - similar in meaning to W00t. Sometimes used in conjunction with dede - dede dedish."
  • dernoe — "(I) don't know"
  • DGT — "Don't go there"
  • DH — "Dear husband". Used by housewives posting on Internet forums.
  • DH — "Dickhead"
  • DIAF — "Die in a Fire"
  • DILLIFC — "Do I look like I ****ing care?"
  • DILLIGAF — "Do I look like I give a ****?"
  • DIRFM — "Does it really ****ing matter?"
  • DIY — "Do it yourself"
  • DKDC — "Don't know, don't care", usually used when a person is apathetic about something.
  • DL, D/L — "Download"; receiving data from a remote host. Usually functions as a noun or verb. Can sometimes mean "down-low", as taken from real-life usage.
  • DLF — "Dropping like flies"; said when many participants have left a chat room suddenly
  • DM — "Deathmatch". A gaming mode with the goal of fragging as many other players as possible during a given time.

  • DMY — "Don't mess yourself"; from an episode of The Simpsons.
  • DnD — "Do not Disturb" or "Dungeons_&_Dragons"
  • DON — "Denial-of-Normal"; Originally used on Slashdot (
  • DOTC — Dancing on the ceiling.
  • DoS — "Denial-of-Service"; a malicious attack on a computer system.
  • DT — "Double Team"; used in GunBound, a game developed by Softnyx.
  • dun — "Don't"; commonly used by Singaporeans.
  • dunno — "(I) don't know"
  • DUT — "Don't you think(?)"
  • DYK — "Did you know(?)"
  • DW, D/W — "Dmuh



  • E — Enlightenment
  • EBBOM — "Engage brain before opening mouth"
  • EDMW — Eat Drink Man Woman Forum Page from Hardware Zone forum in Singapore
  • EG — "Evil grin", normally written *EG* or <EG> to separate it from the surrounding text.
  • ehlp — Deliberate misspelling of "help" (making fun of newbies yelling for help in a MMORPG)
  • EIL — "Explode into laughter"
  • El-OH-EL; Another way to write down "lol" which stands for "laughing out loud" or "laugh out loud". Used humorously to imply that people use "lol" too much
  • EOF — "end of file"—used to imply the end of something
  • EOM — "End of message"
  • EQ — "Everquest", a popular MMORPG
  • EQ2 — "Everquest2", a popular MMORPG
  • ESABATM — "Eat Shit and Bark at the Moon", a riposte to someone allegedly behaving like an 'SOB'
  • ESAD — "Eat **** and die"
  • e-Slang — Term used to include all abbreviations and coined terms used in e-mail, instant messaging, chatrooms, and online gaming (such as MUDS, MUCKS, etc.) (Stacy Crosby, 2004)
  • EULA — End-User License Agreement (a popular topic on many MMORPGs)
  • ETLA — "Extended three letter acronym", see TLA.
  • EZ; Easy. (Not confined to the Internet)



  • FAP — Onomatopoeia for the sound produced by male masturbation. Also used as a verb. See Sexy Losers.
  • Fanboy — a guy with obsession of a operating system or game console.
  • FAQ — Frequently Asked Question, or a list of frequently-asked questions (with answers). Seldom appears written in small letters.
  • FE — "Fϊmate esta", a Spanish expression for "suck my dick"
  • FE — "Fatal error"
  • FF — Final Fantasy; "Friendly Fire" (especially in First Person Shooters).
  • FFA — Free For All (especially in First Person Shooters)
  • FFO — "Far Fucking Out", old hippie term
  • FFlO — "Far Flaming Out", old hippie term
  • FFS — "for ****'s sake!" (sometimes replaced with FS, "****'s sake")
  • FGI — "Fucking Google it"; used in response to a common question
  • FK — "Short for Fuck"
  • FKN — "Short for Fucken" as in FKN Hell (Fucken Hell)
  • flames — see "flamer".
  • flamer — one engaged in flaming. Also ominously close to the term lamer.
  • FLOABT — "for lack of a better term"
  • FO, FOAD — "Fuck off/Fuck off and die"
  • FOAF — "Friend of a friend"; the dubious attribution given to urban legends
  • FOIG — "Find out in game"
  • FOOCL — "Falls out of chair laughing".
  • fooding — the act of acquiring food; often used in conjunction with AFK (EG: "AFK fooding")
  • FP — "First post"; originally used on Slashdot
  • frag — To kill or tear to pieces. Its origin comes the Vietnam War or earlier, from "fragmentation grenade". It had a particular application to "fragging" 2nd lieutenants or hated officers, especially in the jungle.
  • FSOD — "Frozen Screen of Death"; a Phantasy Star Online error.
  • FTF or F2F — "Face to face"; referring to a meeting in the real world, not online. In role-playing terms, it is the offline predecessor to MMORPGs and MUDs.
  • FTLOG — "For the love of God!"
  • FTP — "File transfer protocol"
  • FTTB — "For the time being"
  • FTW — "For the win"; Indicates the end of the game, it is often used to reference the object responsible for victory. Also sometimes shown as 4tw.
  • FU — "Fuck you" (predates Internet)
  • FUBAR — "Fucked up beyond all repair" or "****ed up beyond all recognition" (predates Internet). (Possibly led to the metasyntactic variables foo and bar)
  • FUBAH — "Fucked up beyond all hope"
  • ****tard — "Fucking Retard"
  • FUD — "Fear, uncertainty and doubt"; purposeful spread of misinformation.
  • FUDIE — "Fuck you and die"
  • FWIW — "For what it's worth"
  • FXP — "File exchange protocol"
  • FYAD — "Fuck you and die" (from
  • FYI — "For your information" (predates the Internet)

Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz estα en darse constantemente pequeρos gustos.


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for some of us that don't use this all the time but sometimes wonder what they mean.

  • (>")> / (>'.')> — 'Kirby'
  • ^H — Signifies pressing the backspace key. "What an idio^H^H^H^Hinsightful comment!" (Stems from the use of Ctrl + H as backspace in some Unix shells)
  • ^W — Similarly, this means erasing the last word. "I mean, who really gives a^W^W cares?"
  • > — Greater than (as in "Linux > Windows" or "Windows > Linux"). Use of an asterisk (*) in this context sometimes denotes a wildcard, for example,. "John > *" means "John is greater than all". (Depending on context, the reader may substitute the word "owns" in place of the phrase "is greater than". Another possible interpretation here may state: "John is better than all")
  • ^ ^ or ^__^ or ^^ — an emoticon signifying happiness, especially used by anime fans. "Chuckle marks"
  • >_< or >< — an emoticon signifying frustration or embarassment
  • >_> — an emoticon used to indicate sarcasm or suspicion, sometimes used with <_< to indicate shifty eyes
  • T__T — Crying (often implying crying in a humorous way)
  • >^.^< — cat face or a face that has crinkled up with laughter
  • \,,/. — Throwing the horns
  • x__x — dead, unconscious, etc.
  • ^__~ — wink, reluctant
  • @_@ — symbol for a very tired person trying to stay awake, going crazy, dizzy.
  • $_$ - Money hungry
  •   smiley face (as with many things in computerspeak, the reader should view this emoticon sideways)
  •   winking
  • -__- — disgusted, annoyed, etc.
  • ^o^ — laughing, cheerful, joyous, similar to ^^
  • ^^__^^ — Angel
  • (^_^) — Happy face
  • [*_*] — Scared, in awe
  • ><)))*> — somethings fishy
  • =^__^= — Cat face, blushing
  • -^__^- — Blushing
  • =_= - tired, with bags under eyes
  • <^__^;> — symbol for embarrassment commonly used by anime fans
  • _|_ — an offensive emoticon signifying the middle finger
  • _W_ — "What ever", "I do not care"
  • ‹^› — another form of the middle finger
  • ..i.. — yet another form of the middle finger (often seen in pairs)
  • <3 — "love"; ASCII art for a heart, the less-than symbol and the three resemble a heart tilted on its side.
  • </3 — "hate"; ASCII art for a broken heart, similar to <3.
  • == — agreement; from the C equality operator; means "me too" or "what he said"
  • != — disagreement; from the C inequality operator; means "is not (necessarily) the same as" Sometimes also written as =/= as in mathematical notation.
  • ++ — Used after the manner of the C operator to indicate something "one greater" than itself, for example: "Awesome++"; also used similarly to the "doubleplus" prefix in Newspeak.
  • -- — Opposite of ++, indicating something "one less" than itself.
  • @ — "at". Some users go so far as to replace all "at" sounds in words with @, so "fat" becomes "f@"; "matter" = "m@er" and so forth, although this occurs relatively rarely.
  • * (asterisk) — applied around a word or phrase to indicate emphasis or italics, or just typing in bold face. Singly, in chat, in front of a word or phrase at the beginning of a line means a correction to one's own previous typo. It recently started being used for an action. E.G *Jumps up and down*
  • _ (underscore) — similar to asterisk, but means underlining of a word or phrase. For example, "Do you _really_ think that?"
  • / (forward slash) — indicates italicized text, similar to the underscore for underlined text
  • -0_o- — an emotion expressing confusion, shock, drunkenness or a "high" state
  • 0.o — an emoticon expressing confusion or shock, signifying the user saying "WHAT!?!?"; also designating a drunken or high state
  • Τ_τ — an emotion expressing confusion, shock, drunkenness or a "high" state
  • 9_9 — rolling eyes, used to express annoyance
  •  :O — "Oh" Emoticon
  • \o/ or \^o^/ — the 'yayman', representing the pose that someone with something to celebrate might adopt. In contexts such as forums, where small images replace emoticons, some type of happy emoticon image often replaces the 'o'.
  • \ob — similar to the yayman, the 'b' represents a thumbs-up.
  • /o\ — more or less the opposite of the yayman, here the figure puts his hands on his head: 'Oh no!'
  •  !!!111!!!11!!!11 - To make fun of noobs/newbs/n00bs on the net, or to also make fun of AOL people, put at end of sentence.
  •  !!!!!!!!11!!!11!!!11!!One - See above
  •  !?!? or ?!?! or !? or ?! — showing surprise and confusion; this basically expresses anger, shock/surprise, or confusion, and rarely speechlessness
  • ajkaf;lsdjfjdskl;afj (any random string of lowercase characters, usually from the keys in home position on the keyboard) — hysterical laughter
  • (Y) - female genitalia
  • (.)(.) - breasts
  • (*)(*) - breasts (augmented)
  • 8==> - male genitalia
  • {}==[]:::::::::::::::> - sword
  • >>>-------------> - arrow
  • ¬_¬ - showing suspiscion or distrust



  • 10-4 — "OK, Acknowledgement", as in the CB Radio 10-codes.
  • 12B — "Wannabe"
  • 10q — "Thank you"
  • 10x — "Thanks"
  • 1337 — "Leet", short for elite, used ironically.
  • 20 — "location"; from CB Radio jargon
  • 224 — "today, tomorrow, forever"
  • 2B — "to be"
  • 2B||!2B — "to be or not to be"; from the C programming language logic operations "OR" ("||") and "NOT" ("!").
  • 2m — "tomorrow"
  • 2TM — "to the max"
  • 31337 — "elite", used ironically
  • 3Q or 3U — "thank you" (Japanese pronunciation of "thank you" as sankyū, and of "3" as san.)
  • 4 — "for"
  • 404; "Couldn't find it" (from the HTTP 404 "Error: Resource not found" response code)
  • 4649 — "pleased to meet you", "hi" (from Japanese "yoroshiku", the four numbers can be pronounced yo-ro-shi-ku)
  • 46 — "pleased to meet you" "hi" (short version of 4649)
  • 4ever, 4eva — "forever"
  • 5/5 - "five by five"
  • 69 — from the 69 sex position. Usually found in AIM screen names
  • 666 — The triple sixes often represents Satan, not not Internet-specifically. They can occur in screennames
  • 807, 8075 — "BOT(s)"; a person who demonstrates an extreme lack of knowledge or common sense. Originally deriving from forum or instant message bots, which often respond to pre-programmed keywords and commonly-used phrases humorously, without really making any coherent sense
  • 88, 881 or 886 — "bye bye" (Chinese pronunciation). In some racist chat rooms it means "heil Hitler", because the letter "H" comes eighth in most Roman alphabets
  • 9494 — "that's it", "that's right", "you see?" (Chinese pronunciation)
  • 1AB — Wannabe—A person who wants to act/be another person (One-A-Be; 1-A-B)




Uno de los secretos de una vida feliz estα en darse constantemente pequeρos gustos.
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