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Post Info TOPIC: The banana-the atheist nightmare

Foro Master

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RE: The banana-the atheist nightmare


What Do I Know....?????

Foro Master

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What Do I Know....?????


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Foro Master

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I went to a beautiful place, and back.

Foro Master

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Jesus Loves You! biggrin

What Do I Know....?????


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i won't touch this topic



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No estoy de acuerdo con tu explicación de que el ojo, por ejemplo, ocurrido por casualidad. No hay ni un solo experto que dice eso. La mayoria de tu argumento se basa en el accidente de la selección natural, y nadie dice eso.  

I don't think it is thoughtful to explain what experts tell us improperly, and then criticise these false explanations.

Puse mi granito de arena.

Buena suerte.



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i like these topics but won't engage in a debate about it, I can go on forever :) i know what i believe in and don't try to convince anyone of anything anymore...

Hügø¹² $ 0.02


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I wasn't trying to find an explanation of the whole Universe, I wouldn't be that fool. I just thought it would be interesting to put things from the same perspective than the Atheist, Philosophers and other skeptics do, who always assume that the ones that believe are just a bunch of fool and naive people getting existencial opium suppositories.  I agree with you the science explanations, but to me is not the human science.  it's a supreme being science that's all. If the theological explanations doesn't satisfy your thirst for truth, then don't worry and relax, cause you will be a bunch of ashes anyway.  Aqui paro, porque no quiero empezar a sonar como un fanatico fundamentalistano


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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The problem with your Coca Cola can theory is that cans are inanimate objects, and inanimate objects don't reproduce themselves, and therefore they cannot evolve and they cannot have a common ancestor, and therefore they MUST be designed. 

The whole concept of evolution is that it is based on self-replicating life forms, and so Coke cans and bridges and filing cabinets are horrible analogies to living things, that can be classified into nested hierarchies and shown to be connected by unique character combinations. 

By using a supernatural designer, you cannot explain things like nested hierarchies and unique character combinations, other than to say, well he's God and God can do anything He wants, which I'm sorry to say is a very lazy answer. 



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The theory of evolution of the Coca Cola can.
Billions of years ago, a big bang produced a large rock. As the rock cooled, sweet brown liquid formed on its surface. As time passed, aluminum formed itself into a can, a lid, and a tab. Millions of years later, red and white paint fell from the sky, and formed itself into the words "Coca Cola 12 fluid ounces."
Of course, my theory is an insult to your intellect, because you know that if the Coca Cola can is made, there must be a maker. If it is designed, there must be a designer. The alternative, that it happened by chance or accident, is to move into an intellectual free zone.

The banana-the atheist's nightmare.
Note that the banana: 

  1. Is shaped for human hand
  2. Has non-slip surface
  3. Has outward indicators of inward content:
    Green-too early,
    Yellow-just right,
    Black-too late.
  4. Has a tab for removal of wrapper
  5. Is perforated on wrapper
  6. Bio-degradable wrapper
  7. Is shaped for human mouth
  8. Has a point at top for ease of entry
  9. Is pleasing to taste buds 
  10. Is curved towards the face to make eating process easy To say that the banana happened by accident is even more unintelligent than to say that no one designed the Coca Cola can.


The person who thinks the Coca Cola can had no designer is:
     ___ A. Intelligent
     ___ B. A fool
     ___ C. Has an ulterior motive for denying the obvious

 Did you know that the eye has 40,000,000 nerve endings, the focusing muscles move an estimated 100,000 times a day, and the retina contains 137,000,000 light sensitive cells?

Charles Darwin said,

, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree." (For full quote see the footnote at the end of the page.)

If man cannot begin to make a human eye, how could anyone in his right mind think that eyes formed by mere chance? In fact, man cannot make anything from nothing. We don't know how to do it. We can re-create, reform, develop . . . but we cannot create even one grain of sand from nothing. Yet, the eye is only a small part of the most sophisticated part of creation-the human body.

George Gallup, the famous statistician, said,

"I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone; the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen, is a statistical monstrosity."

Albert Einstein said, "Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe;a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest powers must feel humble."   
A. Do you know of any building that didn't have a builder?

___ YES  ___ NO

B. Do you know of any painting that didn't have a painter?

___ YES  ___ NO

C. Do you know of any car that didn't have a maker?

___ YES  ___ NO

If you answered "YES" for any of the above, give details:

Could I convince you that I dropped 50 oranges onto the ground and they randomly fell into 10 columns and 5 rows?  The logical conclusion is that someone with an intelligent mind put them there. The odds that ten oranges would fall by accident into a straight line are mind-boggling, let alone five rows of ten.

A. From the atom to the universe, is there order?

___ YES  ___ NO

B. Did it happen by accident?

___ YES  ___ NO

C. Or, must there have been an intelligent mind?

___ YES  ___ NO

D. What are the chances of 50 oranges falling by chance
into ten rows of five oranges? ______________________ 

If you answered "YES" for any of the above, give details:

The declaration "There is no God" is what is known as an absolute statement. For an absolute statement to be true, I must have absolute knowledge. 

Here is another absolute statement: "There is no gold in China."

What do I need to have for that statement to be true?
A. No knowledge of China.

___ YES  ___ NO

B. Partial knowledge of China.

___ YES  ___ NO

C. Absolute knowledge of China.

___ YES  ___ NO

"C" is the correct answer. For the statement to be true, I must know that there is no gold in China, or the statement is incorrect. To say "There is no God," and to be correct in the statement, I must be omniscient.

I must know how many hairs are upon every head, every thought of every human heart, every detail of history, every atom within every rock...nothing is hidden from my eyes...I know the intimate details of the secret love-life of the fleas on the back of the black cat of Napolean's great-grandmother. To make the absolute statement  "There is no God." I must have absolute knowledge that there isn't one.

 Let's say that this circle represents all the knowledge in the entire universe, and let's assume that you have an incredible 1% of all that knowledge. Is it possible, that in the knowledge you haven't yet come across, there is ample evidence to proved that God does indeed exist?

If you are reasonable, you will have to say, "Having the limited knowledge that I have at present, I believe that there is no God." In other words, you don't know if God exists, so you are not an "atheist," you are what is commonly known as an "agnostic." You are like a man who looks at a building, and doesn't know if there was a builder.

The man who sees a building and doesn't know if there was a builder is:
     ___ A. Intelligent
     ___ B. A fool
     ___ C. Has an ulterior motive for denying the obvious

Perhaps you have questions that hold you back from faith. First, almost every question you have about suffering humanity etc., can be adequately answered.

 Second, we have faith in plenty of things we don't understand. Did you understand the mechanics of television before you turned it on? Probably not. You took a step of faith, turned it on, and after it worked, understanding how it worked wasn't that important. We accept that there are unseen television waves right in front of our eyes. We can't see them because they are invisible. For them to manifest, we need a receiver, then we can enjoy the experience of television.

-- Edited by Mastropiero at 10:45, 2009-01-29


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata

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