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Post Info TOPIC: No more FARC- Colombians @ Dundas Square

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RE: No more FARC- Colombians @ Dundas Square

Just saw the article on TH regarding the march.  Very nice. :)smile


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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Mastropiero wrote:

And this little clip from T.O. the online one I have for now:

On behalf of the No MAS FARC -Toronto, thanks to all the people that attended, Es uno de esos momentos en los que uno se siente super del ****s de ser Colombiano!!


hey thats cool!biggrin i have seen all sorts of political-protests from different ethnic communites downtown....pero nunca de un pais latino hasta hoy dia....thumbsup.gif   colombia corto la soga!.....

all the best!




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Colombiana4Life wrote:

So i just got back from this, not much was happening.  I saw most of the ppl inside of Eaton Centre, beside Sears.  I got there like at 12:15, since this was the time i was able to leave for lunch.  I wonder if i missed anything.hmm

Querida, te perdiste de todo entonces lololol

We were waiting about 200-300 people and ended up showing close to 2000!! It was amazing!!! Yo soy de los principales criticos de que los Colombianos en T.O. eran muy apaticos..y me taparon la boca de la mejor manera: con hechos, la gente estuvo muy activa! cuando pongamos mas videos/fotos te mando el link. 

IF there is any doubt of people around the world of what people think about FARC, the images speaks for themselves:


 And this little clip from T.O. the only one I have for now:

On behalf of the No MAS FARC -Toronto, thanks to all the people that attended, Es uno de esos momentos en los que uno se siente super del puthas de ser Colombiano!!


-- Edited by Mastropiero at 01:28, 2008-02-05


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata

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Revelan horribles abusos de las FARC a menores

El vocero de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), Luis Edgar Devia Silva, conocido como Raúl Reyes, mantiene a su disposición grupos de niñas desde los nueve años de edad, secuestradas por orden suya en barrios pobres de ciudades y pueblos con el objeto de esclavizarlas para satisfacer su afanes sexuales, según testimonios de decenas de las propias menores que han escapado del poder de la guerrilla.

Los desgarradores testimonios fueron revelados a El Nuevo Herald por fuentes militares, así como del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, que atiende a la mayoría de las víctimas de estos abusos y los han documentado en sus archivos. Todas las fuentes pidieron mantenerse anónimas por temor a las represalias del grupo guerrillero.

Sonia, una niña que fue secuestrada en el departamento de Caquetá a los 12 años para ser llevada el servicio de Devia, por ejemplo, contó a autoridades militares y de familia que en 16 oportunidades intentó escapar. Pero siempre fue recapturada y encadenada a un árbol, donde permanecía a disposición de Devia, miembro del secretariado de las FARC.

Por último, a los 16 años, Sonia consiguió huir de manera definitiva y hoy permanece bajo protección especial de un programa estatal de redención infantil.

Otras niñas que han escapado de las FARC o han sido capturadas por las autoridades, también han aportado información sobre grupos de menores confinadas a servir los apetitos sexuales de Devia u otros jefes de esa organización.

De acuerdo con los testimonios de decenas de niños fugados de las FARC o arrestados, quienes contraen sida son eliminados para impedir que propaguen la enfermedad.

Las niñas que resultan embarazadas a pesar de los dispositivos y medicamentos que deben utilizar por órdenes superiores, son obligadas a abortar. Si el embarazo avanza, las jóvenes son apartadas hasta que dan a luz y tres meses después del parto vuelven a las filas y los bebés son regalados.

Un estudio de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), sobre niños prisioneros combatientes, presentado en una rueda de prensa el pasado viernes en Bogotá, confirma al menos parcialmente los mencionados testimonios.

De acuerdo con la consultora internacional Natalia Springer, que lideró la investigación, encontró casos de niñas reclutadas por la guerrilla según las cuales inicialmente fueron atadas a árboles para ser agredidas carnalmente.

El estudio reveló además que por lo menos 20 por ciento del pie de fuerza de los ejércitos ilegales de Colombia, principalmente de las FARC, son niños.

El estudio también estableció que no menos del 35 por ciento de los guerrilleros adultos de hoy fueron incorporados a la guerra cuando eran niños.

De hecho, Víctor Julio Suárez Rojas, el sanguinario Mono Jojoy, jefe militar de las FARC, sostiene que entró a la organización a la edad de 12 años y, por eso, basado en su propia historia, justifica el secuestro de menores para convertirlos en prisioneros combatientes.

Desde mediados del 2007, de acuerdo con Springer, en Colombia está disparado el secuestro de niños humildes para convertirlos en carne de cañón en la primera línea de combate de las FARC.

Las principales conclusiones de la investigación de la OIM fueron presentadas en rueda de prensa en Bogotá en la que además intervinieron la Procuraduría General, la Fiscalía, la Defensoría del Pueblo y el Comando General de las fuerzas militares.

El Procurador, Edgardo Maya, precisó en la rueda de prensa que en 250 municipios de 18 departamentos de Colombia los ejércitos guerrilleros y paramilitares continúan reclutando niños.

El último cálculo sobre niños combatientes en Colombia lo hicieron UNICEF y el Instituto de Bienestar Familiar: ambas instituciones indicaron que había entre 10 y 13,000.


Foro Master

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So i just got back from this, not much was happening.  I saw most of the ppl inside of Eaton Centre, beside Sears.  I got there like at 12:15, since this was the time i was able to leave for lunch.  I wonder if i missed anything.hmm


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TH Foro New Blood >


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Do apologize .It was not my intention to upset any body.
I was talking in General, just got a bit  upset when saw people trying to portrait the ones who oppose FARC as an elite, oppressive minority.
Nothing further from the truth.
Most Colombians I know have a lot of respect for their president. Let's face it the guy is a gentleman and has class.I do not think he is a puppet. He is doing the best with what he has.Once Colombia stops that war and people do not have to leave their country in fear for their lives I think they will be a very prosperous nation.
Just want them to prosper and live in peace.
FARC or any guerrilla group do not stand a chance against the army of the country.It is all a waist of energy, time and human lives that could be spent moving de country forward.
Hopefully very soon it all will be part of the past.
May love and understanding prevail over hate on this world.



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confundida wrote:

this thread is too educational for me!!!




Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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this thread is too educational for me!!!



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Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

cajadebola wrote:

Esta gente que defiende a las FARC escuchan los testimonios de comunistas y resentidos frustrados que no ven la realidad.

-- Edited by cajadebola at 11:57, 2008-01-28

What are you reading?  Who is defending FARC?  What the hell are you talking about?


Someone is blind but that someone is you.hmm

Chile, I can't blame you for some of your perceptions, because you are not the only one, there is a lot of young people specially  in Europe that are supporting them. At least I can see that you care about the political affairs outside your world and you are not indiferent to them.

ohmygod.gif Sweet Jesus I DON'T SUPPORT THEM!!!!  I didn't say I did. weirdface



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

cajadebola wrote:

Esta gente que defiende a las FARC escuchan los testimonios de comunistas y resentidos frustrados que no ven la realidad.

-- Edited by cajadebola at 11:57, 2008-01-28

What are you reading?  Who is defending FARC?  What the hell are you talking about?


Someone is blind but that someone is you.hmm

Chile, I can't blame you for some of your perceptions, because you are not the only one, there is a lot of young people specially  in Europe that are supporting them. At least I can see that you care about the political affairs outside your world and you are not indiferent to them.

The main reason of the march, just to let the people know what the actual Colombian people think, no the government, no the guerilla, no the church....just the citizens, that's why the slogan is "Colombia is me". There is a lot of misinformation, and people just believe what they read (what other source you have anyway)..We are not going to make them surrender, but we want the world to know the truth coming from who really matters: People!  

I'm glad to here from people in this FOro that despite are not Colombians are joining us...that's were you see the truth Latin spirit...not only when it comes to Futbol
Monday  Feb 4th   11:30 Dundas Sq  just in case anyone else want to join us

Colo4 are you coming? it's going to be fun too!

your an intelligent fellow bro cause  unlike others that when  we say the oppsite off what they think they get upset, that is why people like u is rare.. u listen too both side off what people have to say.. now I as a half colombian don't agree with uribe and my familia in colombia is against uribe, but they are also against la Farc. u seeI think ( i might be  wrong) but colombia has suffered more then any country in south america cause it has always be at war with something or someone, u see once the american touch something they ruin it and that is what they did in the 80's and 90's.. They tought by killing Pablo this was going to end, but it hasn't..

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Chilenita wrote:

cajadebola wrote:

Esta gente que defiende a las FARC escuchan los testimonios de comunistas y resentidos frustrados que no ven la realidad.

-- Edited by cajadebola at 11:57, 2008-01-28

What are you reading?  Who is defending FARC?  What the hell are you talking about?


Someone is blind but that someone is you.hmm

Chile, I can't blame you for some of your perceptions, because you are not the only one, there is a lot of young people specially  in Europe that are supporting them. At least I can see that you care about the political affairs outside your world and you are not indiferent to them.

The main reason of the march, just to let the people know what the actual Colombian people think, no the government, no the guerilla, no the church....just the citizens, that's why the slogan is "Colombia is me". There is a lot of misinformation, and people just believe what they read (what other source you have anyway)..We are not going to make them surrender, but we want the world to know the truth coming from who really matters: People!  

I'm glad to here from people in this FOro that despite are not Colombians are joining us...that's were you see the truth Latin spirit...not only when it comes to Futbol
Monday  Feb 4th   11:30 Dundas Sq  just in case anyone else want to join us

Colo4 are you coming? it's going to be fun too!


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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cajadebola wrote:

Esta gente que defiende a las FARC escuchan los testimonios de comunistas y resentidos frustrados que no ven la realidad.

-- Edited by cajadebola at 11:57, 2008-01-28

What are you reading?  Who is defending FARC?  What the hell are you talking about?


Someone is blind but that someone is you.hmm



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Para que vean que no hablamos m.......
No se a que uribistas contra el pueblo se refieren si el pueblo esta en una abrumadora mayoria a favor de su presidente.
Los unicos que no escuchan el clamor de la tremenda mayoria de los colombianos de todos los origenes y clases son las FARC Y LOS ANTIPROGRESO que les gustaria ver a Colombia gobernada por cualquier dictador u opresor por tal de que sea antiamericano. 

Gracias a dios el 80 % de la gente en Colombia  no es tan idiota como muchos por aca.
A quien piensan que van a engañar?
Este es otro articulo de la prensa internacional que lo compueba.

El 80 por ciento de los colombianos tiene una imagen favorable de Uribe

Bogotá, 23 ene (EFE).- El presidente de Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, tiene una imagen positiva entre el 80 por ciento de sus compatriotas, lo que supone el mayor índice de popularidad desde que asumió el cargo en 2002 y seis puntos más que en noviembre del año pasado, según una encuesta divulgada hoy por Caracol Radio.

La percepción negativa del presidente apenas llega al 14 por ciento, y los colombianos aprueban su gestión en temas como las relaciones internacionales, la corrupción, las guerrillas y el narcotráfico, mientras que menos de la mitad avala su política en el manejo del costo de vida y el desempleo.

La encuesta, realizada por Invamer Gallup, se hizo una semana después de que las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) liberación a Clara Rojas y Consuelo González de Perdomo, a quienes tuvieron secuestradas alrededor de seis años, y en un período de tensión diplomática con Venezuela.

En este sentido, los resultados del estudio indican que la población tiene una imagen desfavorable de dos de los involucrados en la liberación de las rehenes: el presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez y la senadora opositora Piedad Córdoba, que recibieron una desaprobación del 76 y el 66 por ciento respectivamente.

Esta encuesta se hizo entre el 17 y el 19 de enero por vía telefónica a mil personas en Bogotá, Medellín, Cali y Barranquilla, las cuatro mayores ciudades del país.

En cuanto a la tensión con Venezuela, hoy se publicó otra encuesta, esta vez de Yanhaas, difundida por la emisora RCN, en la que el 80,53 por ciento de los colombianos avala la forma en que Uribe ha manejado la crisis diplomática y los ataques verbales de Chávez.

Esta encuesta se hizo a 600 personas en las mismas ciudades más la de Bucaramanga.

Otro sondeo divulgado hoy en México por la firma Consulta Mitofsky mostró a Uribe como el presidente más popular de América, con una aprobación del 78 por ciento, seguido por Chávez con el 61 por ciento. EFE

-- Edited by cajadebola at 12:11, 2008-01-28



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Dude, thanks for the interest, help us spreading the word and  come if you want to the march(There is going to be a lot of young people) and bring more
We want to show that we are not indifferent to this problem. Indifference is complicity, Y AQUI HAY MUCHA INDIFERENCIA

-- Edited by Mastropiero at 10:48, 2008-01-28


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata

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Esta gente que defiende a las FARC escuchan los testimonios de comunistas y resentidos frustrados que no ven la realidad.

Alvaro Uribe tiene el 80% de apoyo en su gestion ya en su segundo mandato.
Fue reelegido por los Colombianos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Es decir 80 de cada 100 colombianos lo apoyan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A uds todo el que no sea Comunista lo acusan de peon de los EEUU!
viva Colombia libre, democratica, prospera y en paz.
No soy Colombiano pero los Adoro.
Abajo los terroristas violadores y secuestradores de niños!!!!

-- Edited by cajadebola at 11:57, 2008-01-28


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Las FARC han perdido la mitad de su fuerza

El Nuevo Herald

Las guerrillas de las FARC han perdido en combate, deserciones masivas y arrestos a cerca de la mitad del pie de fuerza de 17,000 hombres que tenían hace seis años y ''afrontan desabastecimiento, falta de comunicaciones y pérdida de comando y control'', reveló el ministro colombiano de Defensa, Juan Manuel Santos.

Simultáneamente, las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), están tratando de reponer lo perdido reclutando por la fuerza a niños y jóvenes indígenas del sur y oriente de Colombia para incorporarlos a la guerra como carne de cañón, lo que ha ocasionado un éxodo hacia Brasil, en donde durante las últimas dos semanas delegados del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) han detectado el ingreso de al menos 400 aborígenes amazónicos de este país.

Las FARC ''han perdido importantes cabecillas. Sólo el año pasado cerca de 2,500 combatientes dejaron esa agrupación'' y ''hoy sus jefes no duermen tranquilos dos noches en un mismo sitio'', sostuvo el ministro Santos en entrevista al diario El País, de Cali, publicada ayer.

Santos sostiene que las FARC ya no tienen los 17,000 hombres que analistas le calculaban en el 2002. ''La inteligencia militar calcula que en las filas debe haber entre 6,000 y 8,000 hombres alzados'' en armas, dijo.

Según el ministro, las FARC ''están en un proceso de resquebrajamiento'' y ``han perdido importantes cabecillas. Sólo el año pasado cerca de 2,500 combatientes dejaron esa agrupación''.

En el 2007 Santos dijo que fueron ``abatidos en combate 2,067 miembros de las FARC y del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y [otras] bandas y 3,366 fueron capturados. Estamos en el punto de quiebre de la lucha contra la subversión. Pero la definición de éxito no es cuántos muertos, sino cuánto territorio recuperamos para el Estado''.

Por su parte, fuentes militares, organizaciones sociales y comunidades indígenas amazónicas dijeron a El Nuevo Herald que las FARC provocaron un éxodo de indígenas hacia Brasil que huyen de una cruzada de secuestros de niños y jóvenes en el oriente y sur de este país, emprendida para compensar una oleada de deserciones de guerrilleros que se están entregando a las autoridades.

En las últimas semanas al menos 400 indígenas colombianos han entrado a Brasil huyendo del reclutamiento forzoso de las FARC, informó la Federación de las Organizaciones Indígenas del Río Negro (FOIRN), de ese país.

FOIRN precisa que los refugiados pertenecen a ''10 etnias diferentes'' de Colombia, y cita el ''reclutamiento forzoso'' de las FARC como única causa del éxodo.

Capitanes elegidos democráticamente de dos asentamientos indígenas colombianos del departamento amazónico de Vaupés la semana pasada dijeron telefónicamente a El Nuevo Herald que familias enteras han pasado a Brasil para tratar de poner a sus hijos a salvo.

Otros grupos, agregaron, se han movilizado hacia la ciudad Mitú, capital de Vaupés, o a asentamientos indígenas a los que todavía no ha llegado la guerrilla.

Las FARC se han llevado por la fuerza un número no establecido de niños y jóvenes de colegios indígenas de Vaupés , dijeron los capitanes que pidieron anonimato.

Las deserciones en las filas de las FARC han sido causadas por presiones de tropas regulares en el sur y el oriente de Colombia que intentan llegar hasta los cabecillas principales de la organización en las profundidades de la selva para capturarlos o darlos de baja.

Fuentes del ACNUR citadas por la agencia EFE en Río de Janeiro, indicaron el pasado 3 de enero que la mayoría de los indígenas que han entraron a Brasil lo hicieron a través de los poblados amazónicos fronterizos de Tabatinga y Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, de acuerdo con un estudio que contrató el organismo internacional.



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A few words regarding the background of the march

Dundas Sq. 11:30 am Monday February 4th (Anyone that simphatyze with the cause is more than welcome to assist...

BTW.  Does anyone know where can I rent or buy cheap megaphones???

No tendrá fronteras la marcha contra las Farc del próximo 4 de febrero

Rosa, Carlos, Cristina, Pierre, Óscar y Álvaro iniciaron con la idea.

Hoy, la idea tiene comprometidos a organizadores en 27 ciudades en Colombia y más de 100 en el resto del mundo y se espera que sean cientos de miles los que salgan a la calle ese día.

Y justamente lo que ha llamado la atención de la iniciativa es que ha partido de un puñado de jóvenes, ciudadanos comunes y corrientes, alejados de intereses gremiales o políticos y con algo en común: están cansados de vivir en un país azotado por la violencia.

"Al principio la vimos como la bola de nieve que crecía con los días, pero esto ahora es una verdadera avalancha. La gente ha respondido porque está cansada de la violencia de las Farc", dice Carlos Andrés Santiago, quien lidera la marcha en Bucaramanga.

Si algo tienen claro los seis jóvenes que promueven la marcha del 4 de febrero contra las Farc, es que no ha sido fácil. No solo porque un sencillo foro propuesto en la web de Facebook, en el que se pretendía conseguir un millón de personas que protestaran por las acciones del grupo guerrillero se desbordó en una propuesta mundial, sino porque a ellos, personalmente, les ha cambiado la vida.

Pero también tienen claro que el proyecto ha valido la pena, pese a que ha costado sudor, lágrimas, miedo y poco sueño, según sus promotores.

Los jóvenes que iniciaron el proyecto desde la web en Facebook nunca se habían visto en la vida. Y de un momento a otro, comenzaron a atender a medios del mundo que querían saber de su propuesta.

Pedían permisos en sus trabajos, porque la marcha les exigía tiempo completo. Incluso, a algunos de ellos sus jefes los amenazaron con despedirlos, pero al final aceptaron esta labor a regañadientes.

"A todos nos toca trabajar entre 18 y 20 horas al día", dice Óscar Morales. Confiesa, además, que durante las primeras semanas sintieron miedo por enfrentar a las Farc. "Nos daba temor salir por ahí", dice.

Pero también acepta que ha sido mucha la ayuda que han recibido. Por ejemplo, para conocerse todos en Bogotá, los pasajes se los regaló una agencia de viajes; amigos y familiares les regalan para el transporte, les bajaron el precio para la impresión de las camisetas que usarán ese día. Las vallas, al final, las patrocinó la empresa privada.

Aunque se sienten asombrados, reconocen que la ayuda de colombianos en otros países ha sido fundamental.

Venciendo dificultades

La mayoría de los organizadores son estudiantes que llevan pocos meses o años en esos países. Pero hay un caso que llama la atención: El de Milena Santillana, que vive hace 9 años en Estambul (Turquía), casada con un turco y madre de dos niños.

Ella no maneja la burocracia turca, pero con otro grupo de mujeres logró los permisos para la movilización.

Diana Fernández, en Munich (Alemania), tuvo que hacer varias reuniones paralograr convocar, por ahora, a cien personas. El viernes se le unió Elsa Mogollón, directora de la revista Ecos de España.

Henry Mancilla, un joven que estudia inglés en Melbourne desde hace 6 meses, preparó la marcha para el 3 de febrero, para que lleguen 200 personas, y Alejo Bernal, otro estudiante de 19 años, logró que una banda de música local les anime la manifestación en La Haya (Holanda).

Por ahora, tanto los organizadores en Colombia como en las otras ciudades del mundo han convertido la Internet en sus oficinas. La red que los metió en el mundo virtual y que ahora los sacará a las calles, en la vida real, el 4 de febrero.

Avanza protesta en otros países

  • ESTAMBUL. Debido a las congestiones de tránsito, un grupo de mujeres gestiona con las autoridades locales los permisos para hacer una concentración en la plaza de Besiktas. El alcalde menor de Besiktas acompañará el acto.
  • ROMA. A las 12 del día, hora colombiana, comenzará la concentración en la Piazza Spagna. Once colombianos, apoyados por tres italianos, imprimieron volantes a una tinta en español, italiano e inglés. Tienen apoyo de ONGs y personalidades italianas.
    Seis jóvenes iniciaron con la propuesta de la marcha desde Internet
  • AUSTRALIA. Los coordinadores definen este fin de semana las actividades que realizarán en Melbourne, donde están los organizadores. La marcha, posiblemente, sea el domingo 3 de febrero por razones logísticas.
  • MUNICH. Unos 100 colombianos se han reportado para participar en la marcha, además de un grupo musical integrado por 13 europeos.
  • RÍO DE JANEIRO. Personas vestidas de blanco, con banderas de Colombia y una flor, se congregarán en una playa. Un artista brasilero participará en el acto, en cuya organización trabaja un comité.
  • VENEZUELA. Un comité trabaja hasta las 3 de la mañana en la organización del acto. Participan estudiantes, intelectuales y personalidades de la cultura. Quieren mantener en secreto parte de los actos. Los manifestantes se concentrarán, con camisetas blancas, a las 9:30 a.m. en la Plaza Brion de Chacaito para iniciar la marcha, que durará unas tres horas.
  • HOLANDA. Vestidos de blanco y en silencio unos 200 colombianos, según cálculos de los organizadores, marcharán por algunas calles de La Haya. Habrá un acto cultural con músicos colombianos.

Medios rodean la manifestación y convocan a participar

Los medios han manifestado su apoyo a la protesta y preparan transmisiones especiales para ese día. Incluso, han pensado en una alianza.

  • "Lo interesante es que convoca a todo el mundo y tiene un destinatario específico que son las Farc", dijo Darío F. Patiño, director de Caracol Noticias.
  • Alejandro Santos, director de 'Semana', señaló que "se le muestra al mundo que los colombianos somos pacíficos, amenazados por una minoría violenta y poderosa".
  • El director de Noticias RCN, Álvaro García, agregó que "esta es una propuesta sin intereses políticos y seguramente hará historia".
  • Yamid Amat, director de CMI, pidió que "se deje marchar al país, que lo dejen desarrollar y vivir en paz".
  • EL TIEMPO, por su parte, desplegará tiodo su equipo periodístico para un cubrimiento multimedia con Citytv y Nohora Sanín, de Andiarios, dijo que la marcha "canaliza la protesta frente a una violencia tan injusta".


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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Mastropiero wrote:

The Fan wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.

Si hay algo peor que una historia olvidada es una malcontada y ese es una tejiversación del rollo..
Paramilitars were born to protect the populations and the farms in the rural areas were the army doesn't have control, even though they were clandestine, there was a lot of acceptation among the population  but soon  they got out of control and start doing their own illegal businesses  and become in another big problem. But nothing compared to  FARC, when I use to lived there you have to be careful  and go in  caravans of cars when you travel at night, now you can travel with confidence because you find Army and Police everywhere, kidnappings  it will never be a "Canada", but for those that grew up there the change is noticeable, the economy is growing slowly but steady, there is a good momentum going on (even in our sucker team), and that has to do a lot with the president, who has brought back some of the confidence and the trust,  of course not all the people  is happy, political decisions are never black or white, so  he is carrying  some criticism and unconformism, just like anywhere else... if  people here complaining all the time ang getting irrated for stupid things such as  TTC schedule, health care(?),  "poverty", not making enough money, the weather etc, etc,   don't expect to find all happy campers there, where there are real problems. 

He is friendly with Bush right?



More than friends, Bush is the Big Brother bullying Uribe with eliminating us from the TLC (tratado de Libre  Comercio y preferencias arancelarias), which will create an automatic economical crisis...what does Chavez want him to do? que Uribe mande a Bush a freir esparragos...y el pueblo que? que se lo coma el marrano? we don't have a choice! even though we hate it and most of the Colombian people is anti-US, there's no much we can do from my third world.

That is what I have read, heard and thought.  I wanted to see if you agree!  I do admit that I am no fan of Uribe's either.  That is just a matter of opinion I suppose.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved


Status: Offline
Posts: 478

The Fan wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.

Si hay algo peor que una historia olvidada es una malcontada y ese es una tejiversación del rollo..
Paramilitars were born to protect the populations and the farms in the rural areas were the army doesn't have control, even though they were clandestine, there was a lot of acceptation among the population  but soon  they got out of control and start doing their own illegal businesses  and become in another big problem. But nothing compared to  FARC, when I use to lived there you have to be careful  and go in  caravans of cars when you travel at night, now you can travel with confidence because you find Army and Police everywhere, kidnappings  it will never be a "Canada", but for those that grew up there the change is noticeable, the economy is growing slowly but steady, there is a good momentum going on (even in our sucker team), and that has to do a lot with the president, who has brought back some of the confidence and the trust,  of course not all the people  is happy, political decisions are never black or white, so  he is carrying  some criticism and unconformism, just like anywhere else... if  people here complaining all the time ang getting irrated for stupid things such as  TTC schedule, health care(?),  "poverty", not making enough money, the weather etc, etc,   don't expect to find all happy campers there, where there are real problems. 

He is friendly with Bush right?



More than friends, Bush is the Big Brother bullying Uribe with eliminating us from the TLC (tratado de Libre  Comercio y preferencias arancelarias), which will create an automatic economical crisis...what does Chavez want him to do? que Uribe mande a Bush a freir esparragos...y el pueblo que? que se lo coma el marrano? we don't have a choice! even though we hate it and most of the Colombian people is anti-US, there's no much we can do from my third world.


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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Posts: 10551

The Fan wrote:



I suppose anyone who doesn't agree with YOUR opinion on this matter is blind?

It's strange and I have said this before but I find it odd that somehow you appear EVERY time there is a post re: left wing politics. I guess you have some sort of "instinct" that lets you know that someone posted something like that.hmm



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Posts: 10551

The Fan wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.

Si hay algo peor que una historia olvidada es una malcontada y ese es una tejiversación del rollo..
Paramilitars were born to protect the populations and the farms in the rural areas were the army doesn't have control, even though they were clandestine, there was a lot of acceptation among the population  but soon  they got out of control and start doing their own illegal businesses  and become in another big problem. But nothing compared to  FARC, when I use to lived there you have to be careful  and go in  caravans of cars when you travel at night, now you can travel with confidence because you find Army and Police everywhere, kidnappings  it will never be a "Canada", but for those that grew up there the change is noticeable, the economy is growing slowly but steady, there is a good momentum going on (even in our sucker team), and that has to do a lot with the president, who has brought back some of the confidence and the trust,  of course not all the people  is happy, political decisions are never black or white, so  he is carrying  some criticism and unconformism, just like anywhere else... if  people here complaining all the time ang getting irrated for stupid things such as  TTC schedule, health care(?),  "poverty", not making enough money, the weather etc, etc,   don't expect to find all happy campers there, where there are real problems. 

He is friendly with Bush right?



How is it blinding me?  You are making assumptions.  I have not even posted an opinion.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved

Foro Master

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Posts: 5387

The Fan wrote:

El Duro wrote:

just like in venezuela's position some people like chavez other don't, but u relazies it only the rich that complain about everything never the poor

I am sorry but that is a very ignorant comment, but prove me wrong and tell me in what you base this opnion.

how is it ignorat? it's true when things are not going right for the rich they are the right one to go and say something.. do u realize that all the protest that is done in all over the world  is by the rich not the poor...

BTW- don't let your love for the U.S.A blind u

-- Edited by El Duro at 15:11, 2008-01-25

I'm Also World Famous

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Posts: 108

Chilenita wrote:

Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.

Si hay algo peor que una historia olvidada es una malcontada y ese es una tejiversación del rollo..
Paramilitars were born to protect the populations and the farms in the rural areas were the army doesn't have control, even though they were clandestine, there was a lot of acceptation among the population  but soon  they got out of control and start doing their own illegal businesses  and become in another big problem. But nothing compared to  FARC, when I use to lived there you have to be careful  and go in  caravans of cars when you travel at night, now you can travel with confidence because you find Army and Police everywhere, kidnappings  it will never be a "Canada", but for those that grew up there the change is noticeable, the economy is growing slowly but steady, there is a good momentum going on (even in our sucker team), and that has to do a lot with the president, who has brought back some of the confidence and the trust,  of course not all the people  is happy, political decisions are never black or white, so  he is carrying  some criticism and unconformism, just like anywhere else... if  people here complaining all the time ang getting irrated for stupid things such as  TTC schedule, health care(?),  "poverty", not making enough money, the weather etc, etc,   don't expect to find all happy campers there, where there are real problems. 

He is friendly with Bush right?




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Posts: 108

El Duro wrote:

just like in venezuela's position some people like chavez other don't, but u relazies it only the rich that complain about everything never the poor

I am sorry but that is a very ignorant comment, but prove me wrong and tell me in what you base this opnion.



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Posts: 10551

Mastropiero wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.

Si hay algo peor que una historia olvidada es una malcontada y ese es una tejiversación del rollo..
Paramilitars were born to protect the populations and the farms in the rural areas were the army doesn't have control, even though they were clandestine, there was a lot of acceptation among the population  but soon  they got out of control and start doing their own illegal businesses  and become in another big problem. But nothing compared to  FARC, when I use to lived there you have to be careful  and go in  caravans of cars when you travel at night, now you can travel with confidence because you find Army and Police everywhere, kidnappings  it will never be a "Canada", but for those that grew up there the change is noticeable, the economy is growing slowly but steady, there is a good momentum going on (even in our sucker team), and that has to do a lot with the president, who has brought back some of the confidence and the trust,  of course not all the people  is happy, political decisions are never black or white, so  he is carrying  some criticism and unconformism, just like anywhere else... if  people here complaining all the time ang getting irrated for stupid things such as  TTC schedule, health care(?),  "poverty", not making enough money, the weather etc, etc,   don't expect to find all happy campers there, where there are real problems. 

He is friendly with Bush right?



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Llegó el momento de dejar nuestra indiferencia a un lado.

Colombianos, Colombianas, y amigos de Colombia en el mundo:

El próximo 4 de Febrero salgamos a las calles y unámonos en una GRAN MARCHA NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL EN CONTRA DE LAS FARC.

Somos muchos más colombianos y colombianas, y amigos de Colombia en todo el mundo quienes construimos patria. El próximo 4 de Febrero a las 12 del mediodía hagamos que escuchen nuestro dolor y el repudio que nos causa la violencia de las FARC, y su actuar terrorista contra Colombia y el mundo.

- Mostremos nuestra rabia y nuestro dolor.
- Expresemos que no queremos más el uso de las armas como una expresión de lucha por el poder.
- Que nos tomen en cuenta.
- Que somos más los buenos que no somos noticia, y que sea esa la imagen que se vea en los medios de comunicación y que se abran los micrófonos y las páginas de los periódicos y se volteen las cámaras a mirar la cara de cada una y cada uno de los colombianos que si quiere vivir una Colombia en paz y que quiere una Colombia en paz para las próximas generaciones.


El próximo 4 de Febrero a las 12 del mediodía salga a la calle y con banderas de Colombia, con flores, con camisetas blancas, banderas blancas, hágase escuchar, ver, sentir y que le tomen en cuenta.

Invite a su familia, a sus hijas e hijos, a sus amigas y amigos, a sus compañeros de trabajo. Invite a la persona que está a su lado a hacer un alto en el camino para que las FARC entiendan que NO LOS QUEREMOS.

Somos muchos más colombianos y colombianas quienes no utilizamos la violencia como una herramienta por el poder.

Los puntos de encuentro para el 4 de Febrero en todo el mundo están en:

contact :

Luis Orellano

"No es el dolor físico el que me detiene, ni las cadenas en mi cuello lo que me atormenta, sino
la agonía mental, la maldad del malo y la indiferencia del bueno"
Coronel Luis Mendieta, secuestrado hace 9 años

ask your Doctor if MIKOC* non-drowsy * is right for you.


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btw, the Facebook group is called Un Millon De Voces Contra La FARC

ask your Doctor if MIKOC* non-drowsy * is right for you.


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ask your Doctor if MIKOC* non-drowsy * is right for you.


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caliche wrote:

Mastropiero: I'm not Colombian, but I have alot of Colombian friends. They have also mentioned to me that there will be a fundraiser of some sort for the families devastated by la FARC... do you anything about this??

I wil be letting friends know about this rally, I wonder what their initial reactions would be.

Cool man, there will be a world wide manifestation February 4th, I'm at work right now and I don't have access to FBK, but  just look for something about NO MORE FARC and there is one group  for Toronto, when I get home I will post more info, and thanks for the support dude!


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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Posts: 478

All I heard from outsiders is always criticism, pointing fingers.That can be done by anyone, but  we don't want more of that, we need action, solutions and that's what the goverment has done wheater you like it or not.  A while ago I stop arguing about policies, right now I just hear people that bring answers, solutions to the problem.  To those who criticize  Uribe...what is the solution ah? who? what do they want? how?...ask them, it's not a simple sudoku. If you asked me....If the peace dialogues don't work, the guvernment must to intensify the militar action until the last FARC (ELN is not that significant) element is eliminated....but how to do it when they  could be your friend, relative or someone that you grow up with?


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


Status: Offline
Posts: 628

Mastropiero: I'm not Colombian, but I have alot of Colombian friends. They have also mentioned to me that there will be a fundraiser of some sort for the families devastated by la FARC... do you anything about this??

I wil be letting friends know about this rally, I wonder what their initial reactions would be.

ask your Doctor if MIKOC* non-drowsy * is right for you.


Status: Offline
Posts: 478

Chilenita wrote:

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.

Si hay algo peor que una historia olvidada es una malcontada y ese es una tejiversación del rollo..
Paramilitars were born to protect the populations and the farms in the rural areas were the army doesn't have control, even though they were clandestine, there was a lot of acceptation among the population  but soon  they got out of control and start doing their own illegal businesses  and become in another big problem. But nothing compared to  FARC, when I use to lived there you have to be careful  and go in  caravans of cars when you travel at night, now you can travel with confidence because you find Army and Police everywhere, kidnappings  it will never be a "Canada", but for those that grew up there the change is noticeable, the economy is growing slowly but steady, there is a good momentum going on (even in our sucker team), and that has to do a lot with the president, who has brought back some of the confidence and the trust,  of course not all the people  is happy, political decisions are never black or white, so  he is carrying  some criticism and unconformism, just like anywhere else... if  people here complaining all the time ang getting irrated for stupid things such as  TTC schedule, health care(?),  "poverty", not making enough money, the weather etc, etc,   don't expect to find all happy campers there, where there are real problems. 


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata


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Some more interesting info on the US take on what is "terrorism" in Colombia

Good Terrorists, Bad Terrorists: How Washington Decides Who's Who

by Garry Leech

The U.S. State Department has included Colombia's two leftist guerrilla groups, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN), on its annual list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) for the past four years. This year it also listed the right-wing paramilitary organization, the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), as a terrorist group.

However, unlike the two guerrilla groups, the AUC was not included on the FTO list, but rather on a secondary list that, according to the State Department's acting Coordinator for Counterterrorism Edmund J. Hull, means the AUC's activities have "caught our attention and caused us to look more closely at this organization." Consequently, the AUC is not subject to the same legal sanctions that apply to the FARC, the ELN and other groups included on the FTO list.

The State Department's Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000 report was released last week and the inclusion of the AUC finally acknowledges what human rights organizations and even the State Department's own Para6%20copy.JPGannual human rights reports have stated for years: the AUC is responsible for the majority of civilian massacres and human rights abuses in Colombia. The AUC was also included in the report for its involvement in kidnapping and the drug trade.

These are the same activities that have repeatedly landed the FARC and the ELN on the FTO list, which forbids providing funds or material support to FTO groups, denies their members visas to enter the United States, and requires U.S. financial institutions to block the funds of FTO organizations and their members. And yet, despite their engagement in the same terrorist activities, the AUC's inclusion on the secondary list means these State Department sanctions do not apply to the organization or its members.

The most glaring difference between the AUC and Colombia's guerrilla groups, according to the State Department report, is that, "The paramilitaries have not taken action against U.S. personnel." Does the inclusion of this statement mean only groups that target U.S. personnel are considered full-fledged terrorist organizations and, therefore, are subject to U.S. sanctions? Such a categorization scheme is cold comfort for the millions of people in Colombia and around the world who are victims of the AUC and other groups whose goals and objectives, though not necessarily whose means, just happen to coincide with U.S. political and economic interests.

When asked why the Colombian paramilitaries were included in this year's report, State Department spokesman Hull said, "In the case of the AUC, I think our concern over the past year has been a dramatic increase in their activities and a tendency to change their tactics to more terrorist acts, including kidnappings, for example, or murders of civilians." But as mentioned earlier, human rights groups and the State Department itself have long known that the AUC has been involved in these activities for years and that there has not been, as Hull claims, a change in their tactics.

A more likely explanation for the AUC's inclusion in the State Department report is the organization's growing military strength, which is making it increasingly difficult for Washington to turn a blind eye to its atrocities. However, by placing the AUC on the secondary list, the State Department can sidestep criticism that it repeatedly ignores the paramilitaries, while still implying that the guerrilla groups continue to be Colombia's principal terrorist organizations.

The AUC is partly funded by sectors of Colombia's economic elite whose interests are aligned with those of Washington and U.S. corporations. They are fighting the guerrilla insurgency in order to preserve the political and economic status quo in Colombia. The FARC and the ELN are both in opposition to the neoliberal economic model being implemented in Colombia, resulting in part from conditions imposed on Bogotá by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in return for a $2.7 billion loan in December 1999 (see, Colombians Protest IMF-imposed Austerity Measures).

By excluding the AUC from the FTO list, the State Department has made it clear that it does not judge terrorism as much by an organization's violent activities as by who is the target of those activities. Not only do the FARC and ELN target U.S. personnel, they are also fighting against U.S. political and economic interests in Colombia. Consequently, they are on the primary FTO list. Meanwhile, the double standard used to create the State Department's lists once again illustrates that terrorism serving U.S. interests is not, in Washington's eyes, really terrorism.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Foro Master

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Posts: 5387

just like in venezuela's position some people like chavez other don't, but u relazies it only the rich that complain about everything never the poor

I'm Also World Famous


Status: Offline
Posts: 10551

El Duro wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I have met Colombians they can't stand him either.  Like everything there are always people who will agree and disagree.  Same goes with FARC.  Some think like the posts that I posted and others think like Mastropiero.  Wondering what his thoughts are .....he seems smart and I am interested in hearing them.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved

Foro Master

Status: Offline
Posts: 5387

Chilenita wrote:

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!

Iagree there, my parent just go back from colombia,a dn they tell me that the people is not happy with him and that he is a puppet to bush just like gaviera(sp) the one that got pablo killed

I'm Also World Famous


Status: Offline
Posts: 10551

Some more posts...

Alvaro Uribe is a US puppet psychopath

The US is paying to prolong the war in Colombia as it pays for the war in Somalia and the war in ISrael

Manuel Marulanda is not the leader of the Farc
his hq is not at San Vicente de Caiguán, is not the farc website
Farc is a anti-terrorist organisation
the guerrillas don't care less about "international significance"

it's a civil war between peasants v rich land thieves
none of the sores in Latin America are anywhere near treated
it's a war against natural forces - an alient fascist establishment v the people - it will end when the US run out of money - unless the elite are planning another genocide

Ha! (another genocide) Ha!



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved


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Posts: 10551

Was reading some interesting posts regarding farc on a forum the other day.  Give me your thoughts.

Cholo - you sound like a news pundit on any of Colombia's absurdly biased TV channels (Uribistas one and all) . Banging on about FARC while completely ignoring the real issue: The war waged by the ruling elite, backed by the military and paramilitaries, against the Colombian population.

Over 3MILLION (!) campesinos and indigenous people have been forced off their lands by the military and paramilitaries to make way for agribusiness, multinational exploitation of natural resources and cocaine production - all on behalf of the ruling elite/landowners. You get the phone call, given 24 hours to leave and those who refuse get killed.
Hundreds of thousands of "enemies" of the right ie. communists, journalists, trade unionists, peace activists, guerillas, innocent campesinos, community leaders etc have been tortured and/or killed. Whole villages massacred.

In 2006 alone 84 (!) trade unionists were assasinated. For what? wanting basic rights for workers! It is murderous fascism pure and simple. When the media does actually blame the paramilitaries, they ALWAYS fail to ask WHO ARE THEY WORKING FOR? Its as if there's these random gangs of tooled-up yobs roaming the countryside bumping off anyone who upsets their fierce right-wing sensibilities. Any benefits they bring for the ruling elite are purely coincidental! The media continue to maintain Uribe is fighting the paramilitaries when they are ONE IN THE SAME.

To compare the drug running and few hundred kidnappings (and the odd massacre) by FARC to all of this is absurd.

Unfortunately Richard Gott seems to have been led along by this media horse****. If he thinks the end of FARC equals the end of the violence he is way off the pace.

I do however agree with Cristobal that there existence might hinder a democratic bolivarian revolution, but how would a democratically elected leftwing government possibly hope to reign in the military and paramilitaries, supported by the ruling elite/landowners?
I say it with heavy heart but I can't see it somehow. The military would seize power and the best we could then hope for would be international military intervention. Ha! As if.
For more on Colombia's politics see

Despite all of this Colombia is a great country full of warm hearted friendly people and great musicians. Sorry about the plug but to see some of this other, better side of Colombia visit my website



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Mastropiero wrote:

I know that there is no many Colombians in this Foro, but if you happen to know some, please help us spreading the word about the Demonstration against FARC that will be happening on February 4th, millions of people in Colombia and around the world will go out to the streets to protest against all the horrible things they do, and to prevent the international community to give them political status, they are just plain terrrorist hidden under the flags of Marxism, if anyone wants to know more about it,  there are a couple of  groups on FBK I think one is called No more FARC-100 Colombians in DUndas square or something like that

Please keep me posted.


Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved


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Posts: 478

I know that there is no many Colombians in this Foro, but if you happen to know some, please help us spreading the word about the Demonstration against FARC that will be happening on February 4th, millions of people in Colombia and around the world will go out to the streets to protest against all the horrible things they do, and to prevent the international community to give them political status, they are just plain terrrorist hidden under the flags of Marxism, if anyone wants to know more about it,  there are a couple of  groups on FBK I think one is called No more FARC-100 Colombians in DUndas square or something like that


Nadar contra la corriente no es terquedad, si la corriente va hacia la catarata

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