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Post Info TOPIC: Jessica Alba and her non latina ways....


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RE: Jessica Alba and her non latina ways....

TV Buff wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Dogo wrote:

You say ashamed... I say indifferent
Oh yeah.... and you're a chicken!

Buffster...I hear ya girl!  We are on the same page! 

This is an argument that I've had with very, very close members of my family for a loooong time. They decided that they wanted to make things easier for the kids by teaching them to be canadians and to purposely forget where they came from. In the end, some of the kids sought out their roots and now they love them to pieces, so much so that they're becoming fully active members of their communities. The other half are still little and don't know any better. wink

I can't speak for Jessica Alba, but I can tell you that I think we ALL are a mixture of races. In my own country, we were conquered by the Spanish and from them I am so grateful to have inherited that language that I love so much 'cause it's so rich and it sounds so beautiful and it's so strong and poetic and romantic. I know there's som French in my family too, and I hope to one day learn it myself.  I don't like the way that came to be, but that's the history and there's nothing we can do about it now.
From my indigenous ancestors, I am so proud of the people: brave, courageous, forceful warriors. I'm proud of Cacique Nicarao, a wise leader who by peaceful means tried to deal with the Spanish in a very diplomatic and advanced manner. I am most proud of my chorotega roots, of Cacique Diriangen, a brave warrior who fought to the last breath and when he couldn't fight anymore, he jumped off a cliff  'cause he'd rather be dead than caught. (I should actually find out about my Honduran roots, 'cause apparently most of my family was originally from there. But oh, well.... shrug.gif)
Even now, in Canada, though me buffsters were born here, and because both hubby and I come from the same place, we talk about the place, the country, our memories, so much so that they love it even though they've only visited a couple of times. And I'm not fooled to know that if we ever moved back there, they would BEG us to come back to Canada, 'cause this is their country and this is what they know and like. But hey, we try. We all love it here and try to be the best citizens we can be, being the mixture that we have become. I like this country, I love the language, I like the people, the city. I am [insert my real name here] and I. AM. CANADIAN.


Oh, and like good old Forrest used to say, "That is all I have to say about that."


Ummm okayblankstare

We might move to south america b4 this even becomes an issue for Chile Jrshrug.gif



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Chilenita wrote:

Dogo wrote:

You say ashamed... I say indifferent
Oh yeah.... and you're a chicken!

Buffster...I hear ya girl!  We are on the same page! 

This is an argument that I've had with very, very close members of my family for a loooong time. They decided that they wanted to make things easier for the kids by teaching them to be canadians and to purposely forget where they came from. In the end, some of the kids sought out their roots and now they love them to pieces, so much so that they're becoming fully active members of their communities. The other half are still little and don't know any better. wink

I can't speak for Jessica Alba, but I can tell you that I think we ALL are a mixture of races. In my own country, we were conquered by the Spanish and from them I am so grateful to have inherited that language that I love so much 'cause it's so rich and it sounds so beautiful and it's so strong and poetic and romantic. I know there's som French in my family too, and I hope to one day learn it myself.  I don't like the way that came to be, but that's the history and there's nothing we can do about it now.
From my indigenous ancestors, I am so proud of the people: brave, courageous, forceful warriors. I'm proud of Cacique Nicarao, a wise leader who by peaceful means tried to deal with the Spanish in a very diplomatic and advanced manner. I am most proud of my chorotega roots, of Cacique Diriangen, a brave warrior who fought to the last breath and when he couldn't fight anymore, he jumped off a cliff  'cause he'd rather be dead than caught. (I should actually find out about my Honduran roots, 'cause apparently most of my family was originally from there. But oh, well.... shrug.gif)
Even now, in Canada, though me buffsters were born here, and because both hubby and I come from the same place, we talk about the place, the country, our memories, so much so that they love it even though they've only visited a couple of times. And I'm not fooled to know that if we ever moved back there, they would BEG us to come back to Canada, 'cause this is their country and this is what they know and like. But hey, we try. We all love it here and try to be the best citizens we can be, being the mixture that we have become. I like this country, I love the language, I like the people, the city. I am [insert my real name here] and I. AM. CANADIAN.


Oh, and like good old Forrest used to say, "That is all I have to say about that."



I love this one too!!!


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Dogo wrote:

You say ashamed... I say indifferent
Oh yeah.... and you're a chicken!

pffft mira quien habla....el Argentino who isn't really Argentino!


Buffster...I hear ya girl!  We are on the same page! 



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You say ashamed... I say indifferent
Oh yeah.... and you're a chicken!

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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Dogo wrote:

She's not denying her roots Buff, she's just saying she honestly doesn't feel it, and hasn't been exposed enough to do so
Grandma is (was) German. If I ever.. make that WHEN i become famous in Germany and paprazzi ask me why I don't eat strudel. I'll say 'I'm not feeling it, dude'

She is sooooo denying them and she's totally ashamed of them...

"I've got cousins galore. Mexicans just spread all their seeds. And the women just pop them out."

"My grandfather was the only Mexican at his college, the only Hispanic person at work and the only one at the all-white country club. He tried to forget his Mexican roots, because he never wanted his kids to be made to feel different in America. He and my grandmother didn't speak Spanish to their children. Now, as a third-generation American, I feel as if I have finally cut loose."

"My grandfather was the only one in our family to go to college. He made a choice not to speak Spanish in the house. He didn't want his kids to be different."

"[Before] I always felt like such an outcast and now I feel like people are more diverse ethnically. I was always self conscience of my puffy lips and darker skin when I was a kid, because I felt like I didn't fit in.
"Alba is my last name and I'm proud of that. But that's it. My grandparents were born in California, the same as my parents, and though I may be proud of my last name, I'm American. Throughout my whole life, I've never felt connected to one particular race or heritage, nor did I feel accepted by any. If you break it down, I'm less Latina than Cameron Diaz, whose father is Cuban. But people don't call her Latina because she's blonde


I love this one too!!!


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She's not denying her roots Buff, she's just saying she honestly doesn't feel it, and hasn't been exposed enough to do so
Grandma is (was) German. If I ever.. make that WHEN i become famous in Germany and paprazzi ask me why I don't eat strudel. I'll say 'I'm not feeling it, dude'

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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miguel wrote:

Cameron Diaz...

Q: Did every Cuban that you met stop you and try to talk to you in Spanish?

CD: Mm-hmm. You know they do, absolutely.

Q: And how do you handle that?

CD: I go, "God, you know, it all sounds so familiar. I know what you're saying, I really do. I just cannot respond to you back in Spanish. I can barely speak English properly." I didn't grow up in a Cuban or Latin community. I grew up in Southern California on the beach, basically. And I'm third generation. I'm of Cuban descent, but I'm American.

Thank you, Migüey! Perfect example! Cameron does not DENY what she is or is ASHAMED of it. And she could totally pass for Sweedish, if you ask me. She accepts it and doesn't have to REPRESENT. It's just that Jessica spends so much time EXPLAINING why she's not latina that, like I said before, the more she does it, the more she'll have to explain why she doesn't consider herself latina. shrug.gif


I love this one too!!!

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Does it make a difference in the end where i'm from, if all i'm trying to do is the greater good?

Bah. I'll get a dog instead. At least 'bark' and 'woof' are all the same in every language. shrug.gif

Chile, i must say! your image editing skills are exquisite! The tears look so natural. wink.gif

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
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well i think it was up to her parent's to teach her about her background, but she should have also checked it out.. u seehispanic- americans ain't happy were they are from they hide their true colors, and teach there children the WHITE WAY off life..

Now I as a parent have and will teach my children where their background is.. if any one has met Little Duro you can tell.. he dances salsa, and it make's me proud that he enjoyes himself..

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Chilenita wrote:

Baina wrote:

Let me clarify...

I'm not against you teaching your children about their culture and where their family history comes from.......but at some point....they can't possibly identify with it.......You're passionate 'cause you're first generation Canadian born from Chilean parents right? When you're kids have you think they're going to indentify with their Chileno roots?

HELL YES!  Chile Jr will pass that on TRUST ME!  It's very important for my husband and I that she identify with her Chilean/Argentino roots.  One of the most important things to us is that she pass that on to her children.  We are going to do everything we can to ensure that.  She has been talking for months now and doesn't know a word of English.  She will learn that anyway in school.  There are so many things you can do to ensure your kids indentify.

 I don't think it's fair to compare specific situations (yours) to how things, generally, work out. Most marriages in Canada or the states will likely be more diverse. 
Some have been 'fortunate' enough to marry within the same, or similar, culture. But in a country like Canada, I don't think that a realistic expectation. And to maintain your culture, being so far from it (specially in canada) for more than a generation or two (if you're lucky) is not realistic either. (unless your girl marries another argentino or chileno. Not likely, and even then...) Chances are your children and grandchildren will not marry in the same, or similar, culture, and eventually will be lost and have THEIR OWN culture that they feel rooted to (canadian). Which would be completely normal, IMO.
I virtually first generation Argentinian, and love and miss the culture, because it's where I GREW UP and feel identified with it. I know where my parents come from, but can't relate.What would be so wrong if my children did the same with the Canadian culture? It is, after all, where they live.
 I don't disagree that it isn't a good idea to show your kids where YOU come from, but I don't think is realistic to expect your children and grandchildren, and so on, to embrace and hold on to much of your culture. That is something we should learn to live with... or move back. And to force it upon them seems selfish.
Ideally, in your case, I guess it would be nice, but.... some things are just impossible to hold on to

-- Edited by Dogo at 23:46, 2008-01-14

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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Chilenita wrote:

confundida wrote:

how many latinos do you that live in the states say im latino ................ i think that the majority of them call themselves canadian.......

when jr gets older and people ask her where are u from what would you wnat her to say im canadian or spanish???

Why would latinos living in the states call themselves Canadianweirdfacebiggrin

When she gets older I hope she will be proud of both the way I am.  I LOVE Canada.  My blood is 100% Chilean.  I feel like I am both.  My parents did a great job in making sure I identify with my roots.  Now it's my turn to try and do the same.  It's a little more tricky with her because CHE and I are from different countries.  She will need to learn about both.

-- Edited by Chilenita at 15:34, 2008-01-14




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@ chile

you are confusing things, nobody really said that you shouldnt teach your kids about your backgroun, i for one believe that and i know i would teach them how to speak spanish because it is very important . However jessica alba is a whole different case, her parents and grandparents never taugh her anything about her spanish roots, furthermore her mom is from danish and french descent, her dad was taugh not to ask about his spanish heritage so he didnt teach her anything. Her grandparents never spoke spanish to her so it is not really her fault.

why is this a big deal?? she is not even 100% latino , she was born in the states. She is just saying the truth , how she feels and we should respect that and the good reasons for it.
Its not like she was born in mexico , grew up with her parents speaking spanish and then all of the sudden she is embaressed of her culture. She is as american and was brought up as an american. 

I'm sure most of us have more than  one background , think about it , if we really go back to our ancestor i dont think anyone here is a 100% from their country , heck i met so many latino with italians last name but if you asked them they may know where it came from but they do not care about it , simple as that. 

-- Edited by rick at 17:59, 2008-01-14


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Chilenita wrote:

Question Miguel....lets say you move to Boston..marry a white chick...your kids go to a private school where everyone is white....will you NOT teach them spanish and about Peru so that they can fit in?

i will teach them spanish because i think knowing as many languages as possible is important, and i will cook them peruvian food because it's frigging good..

i really don't spend too much time thinking about my peruvian identity - and i can kindof relate because i grew up all over the place, and so did my parents. i love peru, but can i guarantee that 75 years from now, or 100 years from now, my decendants will as well?

who the heck knows.


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miguel wrote:

Cameron Diaz...

Q: Did every Cuban that you met stop you and try to talk to you in Spanish?

CD: Mm-hmm. You know they do, absolutely.

Q: And how do you handle that?

CD: I go, "God, you know, it all sounds so familiar. I know what you're saying, I really do. I just cannot respond to you back in Spanish. I can barely speak English properly." I didn't grow up in a Cuban or Latin community. I grew up in Southern California on the beach, basically. And I'm third generation. I'm of Cuban descent, but I'm American.

Ah yes.................Welcome to my world!!!!!  nod.gif

Anyway, Jessica Alba (to me) isn't anything special.  Her face isn't "WOW" although I will say she's got a killer bod!!!  thumbsup.gif

*meh*  I guess that's what matters to men anyway!  shrug.gif

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 16:45, 2008-01-14


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Question Miguel....lets say you move to Boston..marry a white chick...your kids go to a private school where everyone is white....will you NOT teach them spanish and about Peru so that they can fit in?



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Cameron Diaz...

Q: Did every Cuban that you met stop you and try to talk to you in Spanish?

CD: Mm-hmm. You know they do, absolutely.

Q: And how do you handle that?

CD: I go, "God, you know, it all sounds so familiar. I know what you're saying, I really do. I just cannot respond to you back in Spanish. I can barely speak English properly." I didn't grow up in a Cuban or Latin community. I grew up in Southern California on the beach, basically. And I'm third generation. I'm of Cuban descent, but I'm American.



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wow this isnt new!

1st who really cares if she doesnt want to be latina lol....shes 100% american born and raised

see you guys gotta relize that latinos born in the states (especialy mexicans) dont talk about their roots, they say to others that they are american or from their state.... and it wasnt her grandfathers fault, in those times if you werent an american like the rest then you didnt fit he just wanted the best for his kids

over here its totaly different....we grew up learning about our roots and were we came from, plus most of us had to learn how to speak spanish, if we didnt we would get da CORREA lol most of the latinos born here come from different backgrounds

im half ecuadorian and salvadorian but i grew up learning about diffrent latin cultures like : mexico, panama, dominicana, puerto rico, colombia...etc..



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TV Buff wrote:

I'll give you the other side of the coin, as an example: Amanda Martinez. Her mom is south african (if I remember correctly) and her dad is Mexican. She's very, very close to the mexican side of her family and from her dad she learned to appreciate and love the culture, the music, the food, to the point that she is now celebrating fully that side, and not for that does she stop being fully canadian. I think Alba's grandfatehr or greatwhatever did a disservice to his family by denying them their roots, but the girl is an adult now and she is now identified as being latina by the majority of the world, and the more she denies it and tries to explain why she doesn't feel latina, the more she's going to be antagonized for it. Thus, she should just accept that she has Mexican in her and move on.

So there are South African forums complaining that she's not in touch her her African side?



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rick wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Dogo wrote:

Chile, What are your, and Che's, parents background?

My parents are both Chilean as far back as they can trace.

Che's mom is Chilean for generations.  His fathers parents are from Argentina.  His dad's grandfather was Italian and his mom's grandfather was from Portugal.

does che speak italian or portuguese? does he identify with their culture enough to say i was born in argentina but i have italian and portuguese roots.

We are talking about his grandparent's parents and not on both sides.  His granfather's father (not mother) was Italian but was in Argentina his whole life.  His grandfathers mom was 1/2 portuguese.  Either way he is still aware of that culture and his parents cook italian and portugese food and are not embarassed by the fact that they are mixed.



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TV Buff wrote:

rick wrote:

jessica alba is not even spanish from her moms side . Her mom is danish and french. Only on her dad side she is mexican. And not fully mexican if you realize that her great grandfather did not want his kids to know about his cultures.

It's not really her fault , danish and french people could say that jessica alba should identify with their cultures too .

Chilenita in your case is so much different , you are both latinos (you and your husband) , and you were brought up with the latino culture , if i m not mistaken your husband was even born in argentina .

I would like alba to come closer to the latino culture for sure but i can't blame her for not doing so. But who knows this could be like jeniffer lopez case , after denyin her spanish roots for so long she actually married a spanish singer and even made a movie about hector lavoe and she also learned to speak spanish

I'll give you the other side of the coin, as an example: Amanda Martinez. Her mom is south african (if I remember correctly) and her dad is Mexican. She's very, very close to the mexican side of her family and from her dad she learned to appreciate and love the culture, the music, the food, to the point that she is now celebrating fully that side, and not for that does she stop being fully canadian. I think Alba's grandfatehr or greatwhatever did a disservice to his family by denying them their roots, but the girl is an adult now and she is now identified as being latina by the majority of the world, and the more she denies it and tries to explain why she doesn't feel latina, the more she's going to be antagonized for it. Thus, she should just accept that she has Mexican in her and move on.

how is that the other side of the coin if she learned to appreciate her culture from her dad?? so you are saying jessica alba dad also taugh her to love the latino culture and she just refused to do it?

She is an adult but its totally her choice to feel connected to the latino culture or not. She is not fully latino , she is half latino from her dads side. She was never brought up with the latino culture, her parents and grandparents never spoke spanish to her. It's like many argentinos out there, they dont even look spanish because they have italian in them but you dont see them connected or speaking italian. I have a peruvian friend whos grandfather is croatia but he was born and raised in peru ,he does not care or know anything about croatia but his last name is croatian.


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rick wrote:

jessica alba is not even spanish from her moms side . Her mom is danish and french. Only on her dad side she is mexican. And not fully mexican if you realize that her great grandfather did not want his kids to know about his cultures.

It's not really her fault , danish and french people could say that jessica alba should identify with their cultures too .

Chilenita in your case is so much different , you are both latinos (you and your husband) , and you were brought up with the latino culture , if i m not mistaken your husband was even born in argentina .

I would like alba to come closer to the latino culture for sure but i can't blame her for not doing so. But who knows this could be like jeniffer lopez case , after denyin her spanish roots for so long she actually married a spanish singer and even made a movie about hector lavoe and she also learned to speak spanish

I'll give you the other side of the coin, as an example: Amanda Martinez. Her mom is south african (if I remember correctly) and her dad is Mexican. She's very, very close to the mexican side of her family and from her dad she learned to appreciate and love the culture, the music, the food, to the point that she is now celebrating fully that side, and not for that does she stop being fully canadian. I think Alba's grandfatehr or greatwhatever did a disservice to his family by denying them their roots, but the girl is an adult now and she is now identified as being latina by the majority of the world, and the more she denies it and tries to explain why she doesn't feel latina, the more she's going to be antagonized for it. Thus, she should just accept that she has Mexican in her and move on.


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Chilenita wrote:

Dogo wrote:

Chile, What are your, and Che's, parents background?

My parents are both Chilean as far back as they can trace.

Che's mom is Chilean for generations.  His fathers parents are from Argentina.  His dad's grandfather was Italian and his mom's grandfather was from Portugal.

does che speak italian or portuguese? does he identify with their culture enough to say i was born in argentina but i have italian and portuguese roots.



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Dogo wrote:

Chile, What are your, and Che's, parents background?

My parents are both Chilean as far back as they can trace.

Che's mom is Chilean for generations.  His fathers parents are from Argentina.  His dad's grandfather was Italian and his mom's grandfather was from Portugal.



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jessica alba is not even spanish from her moms side . Her mom is danish and french. Only on her dad side she is mexican. And not fully mexican if you realize that her great grandfather did not want his kids to know about his cultures.

It's not really her fault , danish and french people could say that jessica alba should identify with their cultures too .

Chilenita in your case is so much different , you are both latinos (you and your husband) , and you were brought up with the latino culture , if i m not mistaken your husband was even born in argentina .

I would like alba to come closer to the latino culture for sure but i can't blame her for not doing so. But who knows this could be like jeniffer lopez case , after denyin her spanish roots for so long she actually married a spanish singer and even made a movie about hector lavoe and she also learned to speak spanish



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Chile, What are your, and Che's, parents background?

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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confundida wrote:

how many latinos do you that live in the states say im latino ................ i think that the majority of them call themselves canadian.......

when jr gets older and people ask her where are u from what would you wnat her to say im canadian or spanish???

Why would latinos living in the states call themselves Canadianweirdfacebiggrin

When she gets older I hope she will be proud of both the way I am.  I LOVE Canada.  My blood is 100% Chilean.  I feel like I am both.  My parents did a great job in making sure I identify with my roots.  Now it's my turn to try and do the same.  It's a little more tricky with her because CHE and I are from different countries.  She will need to learn about both.

-- Edited by Chilenita at 15:34, 2008-01-14



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sori ah i mean american.....



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confundida wrote:

how many latinos do you that live in the states say im latino ................ i think that the majority of them call themselves canadian.......

Say.. huh?

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

Foro Master

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how many latinos do you that live in the states say im latino ................ i think that the majority of them call themselves canadian.......

when jr gets older and people ask her where are u from what would you wnat her to say im canadian or spanish???


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Ok assuming it's not her fault & she grew up all American, wouldn't u at this point be a bit smarter & try to learn & identified urself with ur real roots.

I'm sorry she's got no excuse to her stupid comments. I mean it actually takes from her & althou she is gorgeous she may not be the same in many ppl's eye's.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA


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Chilenita wrote:

HELL YES!  Chile Jr will pass that on TRUST ME!  It's very important for my husband and I that she identify with her Chilean/Argentino roots.  One of the most important things to us is that she pass that on to her children.  We are going to do everything we can to ensure that.  She has been talking for months now and doesn't know a word of English.  She will learn that anyway in school.  There are so many things you can do to ensure your kids indentify.

So why is your problem with her???

It was her great grandfather that denied his roots...............She is full blown American!

Like I said before.......If she was going around saying she was people would have a problem with it because he doesn't even speak the language.....

Women! I tell ya!




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Baina wrote:

Let me clarify...

I'm not against you teaching your children about their culture and where their family history comes from.......but at some point....they can't possibly identify with it.......You're passionate 'cause you're first generation Canadian born from Chilean parents right? When you're kids have you think they're going to indentify with their Chileno roots?

HELL YES!  Chile Jr will pass that on TRUST ME!  It's very important for my husband and I that she identify with her Chilean/Argentino roots.  One of the most important things to us is that she pass that on to her children.  We are going to do everything we can to ensure that.  She has been talking for months now and doesn't know a word of English.  She will learn that anyway in school.  There are so many things you can do to ensure your kids indentify.



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TV Buff wrote:

miguel wrote:

TV Buff wrote:
No, I'm not saying that with all your mixes you should play them all, but you should ACCEPT them all, which is something grandpa Alba didn't do. He purposely denied his roots, and was ashamed to admit he was mexican, and he taught that to his kids, therefore ROBBING them of their identity. And I bet you that all the white people he was surrounded with saw him as that, as a very latino-looking mexican.
You don't have to REPRESENT them all, just accept them and not be ashamed of it: wear your colours with pride, and from then be what you want to be. It's just un punto de partida, then you decide. Wear your colurs with pride. In the end, that's what people see: the cover. Only you know best.

those are all easy things for us to say now, in 2008.

How on Earth could you hide, unless you LOOK caucasian, what your race is or was even back then? Just by denying it and saying "I don't look latino, I don't look latino" you would automatically NOT look latino and have everyone else see you as white? How is that possible? Just by ACTING white you can be white? I don't understand.

in this case if u quack like a duck doesn't mean u look like one, I'm with u Bufster w00t.gif


-- Edited by X4v13r at 15:04, 2008-01-14


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TV Buff wrote:
How on Earth could you hide, unless you LOOK caucasian, what your race is or was even back then? Just by denying it and saying "I don't look latino, I don't look latino" you would automatically NOT look latino and have everyone else see you as white? How is that possible? Just by ACTING white you can be white? I don't understand.


people make decisions based on their realities, and if your reality includes systematic, entrenched discrimination, you might want to do whatever you can to be as similar to others as possible. you can't do anything about your skin, but maybe you can do something about adopting local culture. again, being a minority now is not the same as being a minority in the first half of the 20th century. so why judge her for denying her roots. being american is what she knows!!!! not being mexican. for god's sake, her great grandfather on her father's side was mexican. her mother's side is totally american and her grandfather didn't marry a mexican either. so really, she's mostly american!

could i guarantee that my great grandson would identify with being peruvian? who the heck knows....



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miguel wrote:

TV Buff wrote:
No, I'm not saying that with all your mixes you should play them all, but you should ACCEPT them all, which is something grandpa Alba didn't do. He purposely denied his roots, and was ashamed to admit he was mexican, and he taught that to his kids, therefore ROBBING them of their identity. And I bet you that all the white people he was surrounded with saw him as that, as a very latino-looking mexican.
You don't have to REPRESENT them all, just accept them and not be ashamed of it: wear your colours with pride, and from then be what you want to be. It's just un punto de partida, then you decide. Wear your colurs with pride. In the end, that's what people see: the cover. Only you know best.

those are all easy things for us to say now, in 2008.

How on Earth could you hide, unless you LOOK caucasian, what your race is or was even back then? Just by denying it and saying "I don't look latino, I don't look latino" you would automatically NOT look latino and have everyone else see you as white? How is that possible? Just by ACTING white you can be white? I don't understand.


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miguel wrote:
so give her a break, she's just talking about her reality - it is what it is. what would you have done for your kids if you watched black people having to sit in backs of buses, minorities being lynched.. etc


I am totally against the american model of assimilation.  I think that's why they're having so many problems. And that's why I'm so grateful I ended up in Canada, with Trudeau, 'cause here our differences are celebrated.  At least in theory, anyway.


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TV Buff wrote:
No, I'm not saying that with all your mixes you should play them all, but you should ACCEPT them all, which is something grandpa Alba didn't do. He purposely denied his roots, and was ashamed to admit he was mexican, and he taught that to his kids, therefore ROBBING them of their identity. And I bet you that all the white people he was surrounded with saw him as that, as a very latino-looking mexican.
You don't have to REPRESENT them all, just accept them and not be ashamed of it: wear your colours with pride, and from then be what you want to be. It's just un punto de partida, then you decide. Wear your colurs with pride. In the end, that's what people see: the cover. Only you know best.


those are all easy things for us to say now, in 2008.



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Let me clarify...

I'm not against you teaching your children about their culture and where their family history comes from.......but at some point....they can't possibly identify with it.......You're passionate 'cause you're first generation Canadian born from Chilean parents right? When you're kids have you think they're going to indentify with their Chileno roots?


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Baina wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

I fully agree buffster!

I was born in Canada.  That does not mean I am NOT going to teach my little one spanish or not teach her about her roots. That is just stupid.  Whatever I am glad she wants to look less latina.  She is a crappy actress at best.

That is retarded.

So how far back do you go?

How many native languages do you represent or speak?

Do you say you're party Spaniard as well?


No, I'm not saying that with all your mixes you should play them all, but you should ACCEPT them all, which is something grandpa Alba didn't do. He purposely denied his roots, and was ashamed to admit he was mexican, and he taught that to his kids, therefore ROBBING them of their identity. And I bet you that all the white people he was surrounded with saw him as that, as a very latino-looking mexican.
You don't have to REPRESENT them all, just accept them and not be ashamed of it: wear your colours with pride, and from then be what you want to be. It's just un punto de partida, then you decide. Wear your colurs with pride. In the end, that's what people see: the cover. Only you know best.


I love this one too!!!

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miguel wrote:

I think calling her or her family acomplejados is a little ridiculous. try and put some historical context into it. Her grandfather came to the US from mexico what, in the first half of the 20th century??? keep things in perspective people, being a minority at the time wasn't exactly kosher. at the time, everyone was more concerned about integrating as much as possible, fitting in.. being american - because if you weren't, you wouldn't get anywhere.

so give her a break, she's just talking about her reality - it is what it is. what would you have done for your kids if you watched black people having to sit in backs of buses, minorities being lynched.. etc


i see that it wasn't even her grandfather.. it was her GREAT grantfather that immigrated. you guys are passing judgement when you shouldn't be.



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I think calling her or her family acomplejados is a little ridiculous. try and put some historical context into it. Her grandfather came to the US from mexico what, in the first half of the 20th century??? keep things in perspective people, being a minority at the time wasn't exactly kosher. at the time, everyone was more concerned about integrating as much as possible, fitting in.. being american - because if you weren't, you wouldn't get anywhere.

so give her a break, she's just talking about her reality - it is what it is. what would you have done for your kids if you watched black people having to sit in backs of buses, minorities being lynched.. etc




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Chilenita wrote:

I fully agree buffster!

I was born in Canada.  That does not mean I am NOT going to teach my little one spanish or not teach her about her roots. That is just stupid.  Whatever I am glad she wants to look less latina.  She is a crappy actress at best.

That is retarded.

So how far back do you go?

How many native languages do you represent or speak?

Do you say you're party Spaniard as well?




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X4v13r wrote:

oh please is not that latinos like other cultures, other cultures like latinos y do u think they keep traveling to ur countries, eating our food, trying to learn how to dance and stuff like that.....


I agree!!



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oh please is not that latinos like other cultures, other cultures like latinos y do u think they keep traveling to ur countries, eating our food, trying to learn how to dance and stuff like that.....




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God wrote:


Mexicans just spread all their seeds.


Well ...that's true....In fact Latinos...You can find latinos Miexed with any race, we're not racist, maybe is because latinos F...K anything.biggrin



Go leafs Go!


thats sort of true still... I got cousins that are mixed with Greek, Chinese, Haitian, Dutch, Irish and most of the Latin countries... i got cousin galore like Alba says. Los Latinos somos gente sexual, nos gusta coger , algunos hasta a cuanta hembra se nos cruze...  we dont descriminate, we regulate every shade of that as s


ask your Doctor if MIKOC* non-drowsy * is right for you.


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TV Buff wrote:

Baina wrote:

TV Buff wrote:

Once you DENY your true identity, you're lying to yourself and to your offspring. I can see the grandfather's generations having identity criseseses. Specially becoming famous and being what you look like. It's sad, really. Not that I feel sorry for Jessica DCL Alba. shrug.gif


My family has a pretty weird mix.....

So am I denying my roots 'cause I don't go around calling myself Chinese or Black?!?

She's not spanish......her grandfather was!

Yes, yes you are, but it's your grandmother's fault, as it is Jessica's grandpa's fault. shrug.gif

I fully agree buffster!

I was born in Canada.  That does not mean I am NOT going to teach my little one spanish or not teach her about her roots. That is just stupid.  Whatever I am glad she wants to look less latina.  She is a crappy actress at best.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Baina wrote:

TV Buff wrote:

Once you DENY your true identity, you're lying to yourself and to your offspring. I can see the grandfather's generations having identity criseseses. Specially becoming famous and being what you look like. It's sad, really. Not that I feel sorry for Jessica DCL Alba. shrug.gif


My family has a pretty weird mix.....

So am I denying my roots 'cause I don't go around calling myself Chinese or Black?!?

She's not spanish......her grandfather was!

Yes, yes you are, but it's your grandmother's fault, as it is Jessica's grandpa's fault. shrug.gif


I love this one too!!!

Foro Master

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 Mexicans just spread all their seeds.


 Well ...that's true....In fact Latinos...You can find latinos Miexed with any race, we're not racist, maybe is because latinos F...K anything.biggrin



Go leafs Go!

What Do I Know....?????


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TV Buff wrote:

Once you DENY your true identity, you're lying to yourself and to your offspring. I can see the grandfather's generations having identity criseseses. Specially becoming famous and being what you look like. It's sad, really. Not that I feel sorry for Jessica DCL Alba. shrug.gif


My family has a pretty weird mix.....

So am I denying my roots 'cause I don't go around calling myself Chinese or Black?!?

She's not spanish......her grandfather was!


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Chilenita wrote:

"My grandfather was the only Mexican at his college, the only Hispanic person at work and the only one at the all-white country club. He tried to forget his Mexican roots, because he never wanted his kids to be made to feel different in America. He and my grandmother didn't speak Spanish to their children. Now, as a third-generation American, I feel as if I have finally cut loose."

"My grandfather was the only one in our family to go to college. He made a choice not to speak Spanish in the house. He didn't want his kids to be different."

"[Before] I always felt like such an outcast and now I feel like people are more diverse ethnically. I was always self conscience of my puffy lips and darker skin when I was a kid, because I felt like I didn't fit in. And now its mainstream, and color isn't as big of a deal and if anything its better."

"My whole life, when I was growing up, not one race has ever accepted me, So I never felt connected or attached to any race specifically. I had a very American upbringing, I feel American, and I don't speak Spanish. So, to say that I'm a Latin actress, OK, but it's not fitting; it would be insincere."

"Alba is my last name and I'm proud of that. But that's it. My grandparents were born in California, the same as my parents, and though I may be proud of my last name, I'm American. Throughout my whole life, I've never felt connected to one particular race or heritage, nor did I feel accepted by any. If you break it down, I'm less Latina than Cameron Diaz, whose father is Cuban. But people don't call her Latina because she's blonde."

Once you DENY your true identity, you're lying to yourself and to your offspring. I can see the grandfather's generations having identity criseseses. Specially becoming famous and being what you look like. It's sad, really. Not that I feel sorry for Jessica DCL Alba. shrug.gif


I love this one too!!!
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