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Post Info TOPIC: Evo Morales


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Evo Morales

wow no me pude aguantar las ganas de opinar sobre este tema.
Primero Chilenita en uno de tus post dices que tu opinion no es basada en lo que te cuentas tus papas o amigos o algo asi. Bueno yo no tuve la suerte de nacer sabiendolo todo como tu.
Sobre Evo Morales y su defensa a Fidel y su Democracia en cuba... Cual democracia?? con un solo partido politico y candidatos electos por el??. Pq que si no perteneces al partido estas preso o te matan.
TB esto del embargo americano, si Cierto completamente real no es escusa para que el ego de un Dictador haga lo que quiera en un Pais (lo mismo que Pinochet).
Un buen lider debe tener la capacidad de ver que su posicion esta afectando a la mayoria de su Pais.



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@ Chilenita - don't listen to him. I like you. BTW I don't ramble. wink.gif

@ X - evileye.gif

I know you don't rambleblankstare



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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@ Chilenita - don't listen to him. I like you. BTW I don't ramble. wink.gif

@ X - evileye.gif

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA


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Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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El Duro wrote:


El Mismo wrote:

El Duro wrote:

this is the same moron that tried to pull the same s hit with Rafeal Correa, and he put in in his place..

Evo Morales is a Inca.. first Inca president of bolivia I belive. I could be wrong.. THE PEOPLE elected him, cause they got lied to alot, i respect Evo for what he is doing in Bolivia, he is bringing the country to what it should have been..

and now incas are not worthy of being presindents like blacks aren't in the US?

Well in the hell did i say that inca's are not worthy of being president of a country.. I said the PEOPLE elected him, and read before u talk


Easy boy!


- Mismo -


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este es solo bueno para medio leer las noticias y nada más... jeje

Siempre hay una razón para sonreir... búscala!


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Didn't have time to post this yesterday. I was too busy arguing about Fidel.  Here is some info on Evo.  You don't go from being a "coca famer" to president by being stupid.  If only more latin americans had his type of drive and heart!!

On March 27th, 1995, tired of the governments' constant betrayals and the continuous injustice, the united organisations of farmers, colonizers and indigenous people founded the Assembly for the Sovereignty of the Common People (ASP) and the Political Tool for the Sovereignty of the Common People (IPSP), not only in order to take power locally, but also with the aim of taking power nationally.

Evo, member of the National Congress

The denial of the National Electoral Court and the political community to grant them their own own acronym and legal entity led the ASP-IPSP to seek a solution to the impasse. It was agreed they could participate in elections as candidates for the United Left (IU), a coalition of leftist parties that was headed by the Communist Party of Bolivia (PCB). In the first electoral test, the municipal elections of December 3rd, 1995, the IU captured 10 mayoralties and 49 town councillorships, all in the department of Cochabamba.

In the national elections of June 1st, 1997, the IU won 4 seats in parliament, out of 130. Morales, reaching the first milestone of his brilliant political carreer, was one of the IU candidates who took a seat, for the riding that included the provinces of Chapare and Carrasco. He did it with an overwhelming 70% of the votes, the highest percentage obtained by any of the 68 candidates elected through the countrys simple majority system. In 1997, although its difficult to believe, I ended up being the member of parliament  who got the most votes in Bolivia. At last I was an MP! A dream I had persued for a long time, but, at the same time, a social and political commitment with a huge responsibility.

Since he wanted to participate in the local elections of December 5th, 1999, Morales came to a paradoxical agreement with the leader of MAS-U, David Añez Pedraza, a powerful businessman and former member of the military who in the past had been known for his staunch opposition to indigenous movements. They agreed that in the future, the IPSP would take on the MAS acronym. Sealing the agreement, the IPSP-MAS started off in January 1999, with Morales as  president. As thanks for this absorbtion that included the adquisition of the name and the colors of the MAS-U, a moribund party, Añez was made honorary president for life of the IPSP-MAS, which soon was called simply Movement Towards Socialism (MAS).

In the municipal elections of December 1999, the MAS, with 3.2% of the votes in the whole country, behind eight other parties, was confirmed for the moment as a small, purely regional organisation, its roots limited to the departments of Cochabamba and La Paz (especially in the area of the Yungas, amply populated by coca farmers). 58 of the 79 MAS candidates who won city councillorships across the country were elected in these 2 departments.

While Evo strengthened his political base, the ADN government, led by Banzer and then Quiroga, broadened their erradication campaign, as laid out in the Dignity Plan, which had begun in April 1988 under the supervision of the U.S. This plan instituted a real state of seige in the Chapare, in a clear process of militarization of the region. Hundreds of police and military officers violently invaded the lands of the Chapare, committing an innumerable amount of abuses and assassinations which violated the most basic human rights and liberties.

From his seat in the Parliament, Morales denounced the militarization of the conflict and the massacre perptrated in the Chapare. In addition, he appealed for the right of the peasants to resist militarily the troops who defended the erradication of the coca bushes and who didnt hesitate to shoot at protesters. This earned him a severe warning from the highest authorities.

The threat materialized January 24, 2002. With the tacit approval of the president at that time, Jorge Fernando Quiroga Ramírez, a majority made up of 104 representatives of the ADN, the MNR, the MIR, the UCS (Civic Solidarity Union) and the NFR (New Republican Force) decided to relieve the MAS leader of his seat.
The Parliamentary Ethics Commission found indications the Aymaran member of parliament had committed serious inadequacies in the execution of his duties and, in record time, ousted him.

Morales, far from being quieted or neutralized politically, acquired a halo. He became the representative of the people injustly persecuted and saw his popularity flourish. On the 5th of March, 2002, Morales submitted an objection before the Constitutional Tribune for violating his right to defend himself, to the presumption of innocence, and to parliamentary immunity. That same day, he resigned from the Confederation of Coca Producers of Cochabamba and was endorsed by the representatives of the Six Federations of the Tropics as the MAS presidential candidate for the presidential elections of the 30th of July. The crowd that gathered in La Paz cheered Morales with chants of Kausachum coca! (Long live coca!) and Huaiñuchum yanquis! (Down with Yankees!), and hoisted the wipala, the multi-colored checkered flag that is the emblem of the Andean cultures, along with the standard tri-colored Bolivian flag.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Foro Master

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El Mismo wrote:

El Duro wrote:

this is the same moron that tried to pull the same s hit with Rafeal Correa, and he put in in his place..

Evo Morales is a Inca.. first Inca president of bolivia I belive. I could be wrong.. THE PEOPLE elected him, cause they got lied to alot, i respect Evo for what he is doing in Bolivia, he is bringing the country to what it should have been..

 and now incas are not worthy of being presindents like blacks aren't in the US?

Well in the hell did i say that inca's are not worthy of being president of a country.. I said the PEOPLE elected him, and read before u talk

I'm Also World Famous


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LGigolo wrote:



(but yes, it was funny!)

X does have a funny bone - so says Prinny!  or was it a funny boner... one of the two. biggrin

eather one, gosa de la vida la muchacha giggle.gif




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Posts: 14952



(but yes, it was funny!)

X does have a funny bone - so says Prinny!  or was it a funny boner... one of the two. biggrin

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Posts: 10551

X4v13r wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.

I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.


I don't like flat out lie. I just don't share all info. Like when out of nowhere Genie annouced I was preggersblankstare

GOD lies thoughbiggrin all the time so I guess you are calling him and self admited liar LGIG losers.....

He's just encamando... making comments that GET YOU and rest of us in a heated discussion as he watches from the sidelines... did you miss THAT!!! He likes to create the mess and watch from the side!!! biggrin

is echo a new feature in foro, did i miss something giggle.gif


Okay that was funny!

I heard you Lgig the first time - tee hee



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved


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Posts: 11664

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.

we all know u r creative as well thats y i don't believe u that u like Fidel that much and still like ya petting.gif


aww how heart warmingaww  I like you even though I don't agree with any political view you may have.

Well believe it buddy cuz I do like him.  Don't get me wrong I do not consider myself a communist. 

What I like most about you "X" is prinnybiggrin

the funny thing is prinny only likes u because i do giggle.gif


UGh that b i t c h!!  I am never ever EVER going to listen to her drunken rambling againcry

tell me about it when she starts with that rambling i fill her mouth mal pesados giggle.gif




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Posts: 11664

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:


X4v13r wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.

I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.


I don't like flat out lie. I just don't share all info. Like when out of nowhere Genie annouced I was preggersblankstare

GOD lies thoughbiggrin all the time so I guess you are calling him and self admited liar LGIG losers.....


He's just encamando... making comments that GET YOU and rest of us in a heated discussion as he watches from the sidelines... did you miss THAT!!! He likes to create the mess and watch from the side!!! biggrin


is echo a new feature in foro, did i miss something giggle.gif




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Posts: 11664

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.

I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.


I don't like flat out lie.  I just don't share all info.  Like when out of nowhere Genie annouced I was preggersblankstare

GOD lies thoughbiggrin all the time so I guess you are calling him and self admited liar LGIG losers.....





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Posts: 14952

Chilenita wrote:


X4v13r wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.

I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.


I don't like flat out lie. I just don't share all info. Like when out of nowhere Genie annouced I was preggersblankstare

GOD lies thoughbiggrin all the time so I guess you are calling him and self admited liar LGIG losers.....


He's just encamando... making comments that GET YOU and rest of us in a heated discussion as he watches from the sidelines... did you miss THAT!!! He likes to create the mess and watch from the side!!! biggrin


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Posts: 10551

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.

we all know u r creative as well thats y i don't believe u that u like Fidel that much and still like ya petting.gif


aww how heart warmingaww  I like you even though I don't agree with any political view you may have.

Well believe it buddy cuz I do like him.  Don't get me wrong I do not consider myself a communist. 

What I like most about you "X" is prinnybiggrin

the funny thing is prinny only likes u because i do giggle.gif


UGh that b i t c h!!  I am never ever EVER going to listen to her drunken rambling againcry



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved


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Posts: 14952

X4v13r wrote:


Chilenita wrote:


X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

we all know u r creative as well thats y i don't believe u that u like Fidel that much and still like ya petting.gif


aww how heart warmingaww I like you even though I don't agree with any political view you may have.

Well believe it buddy cuz I do like him. Don't get me wrong I do not consider myself a communist.

What I like most about you "X" is prinnybiggrin

the funny thing is prinny only likes u because i do giggle.gif



The funniest thing of it ALL... is Prinny doesn't even like YOU!!! rofl.gif

(ok, ok, We all know she LOVES you!)


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


Status: Offline
Posts: 10551

X4v13r wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.

I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.


I don't like flat out lie.  I just don't share all info.  Like when out of nowhere Genie annouced I was preggersblankstare

GOD lies thoughbiggrin all the time so I guess you are calling him and self admited liar LGIG losers.....



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Posts: 14952

X4v13r wrote:


LGigolo wrote:


Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.


I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.



Depends how well people know you and how people take it I guess.  I know I cross random put downs con ciertas viejas del Foro; but there is an understanding that's pure fun and games. 

YOU, Mr. X - If I remember correctly... are the encamation proffesional del foro... encamador.  lmao.gif You just like to stir sh it between ppl for fun and watch from the sidelines. nod.gif   That's one of your ways to spice up foro.


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Posts: 11664

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.

we all know u r creative as well thats y i don't believe u that u like Fidel that much and still like ya petting.gif


aww how heart warmingaww  I like you even though I don't agree with any political view you may have.

Well believe it buddy cuz I do like him.  Don't get me wrong I do not consider myself a communist. 

What I like most about you "X" is prinnybiggrin

the funny thing is prinny only likes u because i do giggle.gif




Status: Offline
Posts: 10551

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.

we all know u r creative as well thats y i don't believe u that u like Fidel that much and still like ya petting.gif


aww how heart warmingaww  I like you even though I don't agree with any political view you may have.

Well believe it buddy cuz I do like him.  Don't get me wrong I do not consider myself a communist. 

What I like most about you "X" is prinnybiggrin



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
Copyright 2008  All Rights Reserved


Foro Master

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Posts: 6639

LGigolo wrote:


Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.



Following the same rationale that means my Penis is not that small ?? YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

What Do I Know....?????


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Posts: 11664

LGigolo wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.


I can honestly say i have never done any of this worst when people catch u lying, u don't just look like a lier but also a loser for lying.




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Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.

Chilenita, no worries you are right he is a lier on foro and outside foro.... biggrin I have met him before all lies.... biggrin



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Yesi wrote:

LOL.... Politics, it always gets the same people posting.

I agree with X and God, and I know we have gone trough this before. we all think diferently and to be honest no one will change anyone's mentality. We all have facts to prove our point, why do you think that is?

I agree with X, Evo is representing his whole country that is why he is the president right? and by this clip and by many other clips i have seen he sure answers questions ignorantly... (is that even a word)

Anyway Cuba is a total different topic.... Did someone say he has never done anything wrong to its people... hahahahaha please, I have a frind that has not seen his dad in 25 years, just becasue he decided to pray in the streets of cuba back in the day.... He has been in jail since then... just for admiting he adores jesus christ more than the president of Cuba....

You call that fair.... F u c k Fidel.......

Though religion has never played the same role in Cuba as it has in other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, many Cubans are involved in religious instititutions. At latest count, there were 1,143 protestant churches, 413 missions, 832 ministers, and 206 seminary students in Cuba, as well as Catholic churches, Jewish synagogues, and Afro-Cuban religions.

Most Cubans see no contradiction between religious belief and the socialist nature of their revolution. Fidel Castro himself has said, "Where do the contradictions between Christian teachings and socialist teachings lie? Where? We both wish to struggle on behalf of humanity, for the welfare of humanity, for the happiness of humanity."

I bought an excellent book last time I was in Cuba called Fidel y La religion.  I'll lend it to anyone who would like to read it.

Yesi you should ask your friend to join foro.



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Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.

we all know u r creative as well thats y i don't believe u that u like Fidel that much and still like ya petting.gif




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Chilenita wrote:

Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude. It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real". I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up. Perhaps strech the truth here and there. With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever. He has told me so himself. You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc. I know it's all in fun. For that reason I don't believe him. In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative. So am I to an extent.

Par de mentirosos, exageradores, falsos...

Pfffffttt... TODOS hacemos lo mismo, no? weirdface more than exagerate the truth, I think inventos spice foro life from time to time... Fawk, even second and third and forth accounts people create to spice things up are good... all in the name of a little entertainment... as long as we don't get too personal and/or insult people hidding behind other ids.


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

Foro Master

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Chilenita wrote:


God wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Mismo wrote:

@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

Humm thanks I think.

@X If you generalize a president or a country based on an entire clip I am afraid I can't take your opinion seriously.

@GOD...I always wonder why people who are so anti castro go to cuba. Perhaps you can answer me.

I'm not able to answer for everybody but in my personal case the first 6 times I went to cuba it was for Work related reasons, I used to work for the largest resort company in Latin America (Grupo Posadas) and yes Grupo posadas manages or used to manage few resorts in Varadero.

The last time I went..I went on a Photographic trip, by the way We didn't stay in a resort, We flew from TO to Cayo Largo and from Cayo Largo to Habana and there we rented a a room in some local House and ....Do you know how nice is to wake up at 35 degrees all sweaty and find out that tuesdays is a NO water day....thank god for AXE !

We went to couple Hospitals...for a second I felt like if i was inside the Mayo Clinic biggrin.

The Public transportation system is amazing....specially that thing they call "Camello" maybe TTC needs to learn from them.

Until...we got arrested for being nosey. weirdface

You got arrested in Cuba. Forgive me it I don't believe you. I remember the Cuba thread. You and your pregnant fiance or something like that. Yeah it's around here somewhere

As far as healthcare goes well there is no dispute. Facts are facts and they have some of the best doctors in the world. I have had to visit a hopital twice in Cuba with no problems. The united states has some super uber fancy time you have thousands of dollars to spare you should visit one.

Anyhow did you know that every year since 1992, the UN General assembly has voted to condem the U.S policy toward Cuba? In Nov 2000 the vote was 167-3


First of all Get the facts straight...
a) Wasn't my fiance....
b) Wasn't pregnant.biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Now coming back to the topic.

I fully agree with you they have the best doctors in the whole earth (and prolly uranium, neptunium and plutonium)  BUT cuban doctors are like Mario Benedetti without a F1 car.

Remember what Trudeau said ...he said "Living close to the US Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant". No matter what, every lil move from the will affect us.

What you call ass kissing I will call it Diplomacy. For instance If I hate my boss I wont go all ballistic to him because I know what would happen to me...instead I just keep it simple...I smile and I say good morning...

Don't you think if Fidel had a bit of diplomacy Su gente would be better...BUT I think he put his ego before his gente.


What Do I Know....?????


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Okay wait a sec here!! I feel like my post to GOD was rude and I don't really mean to be rude.  It's not that I think you are a big liar or anything it's just that well I can never really believe anything your write is "real".  I know it sounds like one in the same rightblankstare  It's just that we all say things on here to spice things up.  Perhaps strech the truth here and there.  With God I know he does it to make things seem interesting or whatever.  He has told me so himself.  You know with the whole I am married thingy, not married thingy, kids thingy, no kid thingy, I am chileno thingy, I am not chileno thingy...etc.etc.  I know it's all in fun.  For that reason I don't believe him.  In "real" life I am sure he doesn't make random stuff up at all but on foro he is ummmm creative.  So am I to an extent.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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El Mismo wrote:


LGigolo wrote:


El Mismo wrote:


LGigolo wrote:

Roasted lamb with greek salad and potatoes was great! hungry.gif

no invitas.....pordonde trabayas carai....maybe one of these days i meet you for lunch and one cerveza



po'l chentro... cherca de Eaton's Chetre! un tantito lejos de Scarberia, loko a menos q' tengas dia libre!



I always have dias today I am at home doing some other type work.



SE NOTA... must be FORO related work!


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


Status: Offline
Posts: 14952

Yesi wrote:

LOL.... Politics, it always gets the same people posting.

I agree with X and God, and I know we have gone trough this before. we all think diferently and to be honest no one will change anyone's mentality. We all have facts to prove our point, why do you think that is?

I agree with X, Evo is representing his whole country that is why he is the president right? and by this clip and by many other clips i have seen he sure answers questions ignorantly... (is that even a word)

Anyway Cuba is a total different topic.... Did someone say he has never done anything wrong to its people... hahahahaha please, I have a frind that has not seen his dad in 25 years, just becasue he decided to pray in the streets of cuba back in the day.... He has been in jail since then... just for admiting he adores jesus christ more than the president of Cuba....

You call that fair.... F u c k Fidel.......

I've heard too many similar stories of people not having the freedom to practice religion, access basic necesities such as meat or soap or anything, with the exception of LIMITED amounts... Then again, I have never even visited Cuba, so I have no first hand experience.  Just from what I have heard/read - I don't care for Fidel!  (I hope he doesn't read this sh it.  He might extradite me and bring me to jail!)


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Posts: 1530

LGigolo wrote:


El Mismo wrote:


LGigolo wrote:

Roasted lamb with greek salad and potatoes was great! hungry.gif

no invitas.....pordonde trabayas carai....maybe one of these days i meet you for lunch and one cerveza



po'l chentro... cherca de Eaton's Chetre! un tantito lejos de Scarberia, loko a menos q' tengas dia libre!



I always have dias today I am at home doing some other type work.


- Mismo -


Status: Offline
Posts: 1619

LOL.... Politics, it always gets the same people posting.

I agree with X and God, and I know we have gone trough this before. we all think diferently and to be honest no one will change anyone's mentality. We all have facts to prove our point, why do you think that is?

I agree with X, Evo is representing his whole country that is why he is the president right? and by this clip and by many other clips i have seen he sure answers questions ignorantly... (is that even a word)

Anyway Cuba is a total different topic.... Did someone say he has never done anything wrong to its people... hahahahaha please, I have a frind that has not seen his dad in 25 years, just becasue he decided to pray in the streets of cuba back in the day.... He has been in jail since then... just for admiting he adores jesus christ more than the president of Cuba....

You call that fair.... F u c k Fidel.......



Status: Offline
Posts: 14952

El Mismo wrote:


LGigolo wrote:

Roasted lamb with greek salad and potatoes was great! hungry.gif

no invitas.....pordonde trabayas carai....maybe one of these days i meet you for lunch and one cerveza



po'l chentro... cherca de Eaton's Chetre!  un tantito lejos de Scarberia, loko a menos q' tengas dia libre!


Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


Status: Offline
Posts: 1530

LGigolo wrote:

Roasted lamb with greek salad and potatoes was great! hungry.gif

no invitas.....pordonde trabayas carai....maybe one of these days i meet you for lunch and one cerveza


- Mismo -


Status: Offline
Posts: 14952

Roasted lamb with greek salad and potatoes was great! hungry.gif

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


Status: Offline
Posts: 10551

God wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Mismo wrote:

@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

Humm thanks I think.

@X If you generalize a president or a country based on an entire clip I am afraid I can't take your opinion seriously.

@GOD...I always wonder why people who are so anti castro go to cuba. Perhaps you can answer me.

I'm not able to answer for everybody but in my personal case the first 6 times I went to cuba  it was for Work related reasons, I used to work for the largest resort company in Latin America (Grupo Posadas) and yes Grupo posadas manages or used to manage few resorts in Varadero.

The last time I went..I went on a Photographic trip, by the way We didn't stay in a resort, We flew from TO to Cayo Largo and from Cayo Largo to Habana and there we rented a a room in some local House and ....Do you  know how nice is to wake up at 35 degrees all sweaty and find out that tuesdays is a NO water day....thank god for AXE !

We went to couple Hospitals...for a second I felt like if i was inside the Mayo Clinic biggrin.

The Public transportation system is amazing....specially that thing they call "Camello" maybe TTC needs to learn from them.

Until...we got arrested for being nosey. weirdface

You got arrested in Cuba.  Forgive me it I don't believe you. I remember the Cuba thread.  You and your pregnant fiance or something like that.  Yeah it's around here somewhere

As far as healthcare goes well there is no dispute.  Facts are facts and they have some of the best doctors in the world.  I have had to visit a hopital twice in Cuba with no problems.   The united states has some super uber fancy time you have thousands of dollars to spare you should visit one.

Anyhow did you know that every year since 1992, the UN General assembly has voted to condem the U.S policy toward Cuba?  In Nov 2000 the vote was 167-3



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Foro Master

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Posts: 6639

Chilenita wrote:


El Mismo wrote:

@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

Humm thanks I think.

@X If you generalize a president or a country based on an entire clip I am afraid I can't take your opinion seriously.

@GOD...I always wonder why people who are so anti castro go to cuba. Perhaps you can answer me.


I'm not able to answer for everybody but in my personal case the first 6 times I went to cuba  it was for Work related reasons, I used to work for the largest resort company in Latin America (Grupo Posadas) and yes Grupo posadas manages or used to manage few resorts in Varadero.

The last time I went..I went on a Photographic trip, by the way We didn't stay in a resort, We flew from TO to Cayo Largo and from Cayo Largo to Habana and there we rented a a room in some local House and ....Do you  know how nice is to wake up at 35 degrees all sweaty and find out that tuesdays is a NO water day....thank god for AXE !

We went to couple Hospitals...for a second I felt like if i was inside the Mayo Clinic biggrin.

The Public transportation system is amazing....specially that thing they call "Camello" maybe TTC needs to learn from them.

Until...we got arrested for being nosey. weirdface


What Do I Know....?????


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Posts: 10551

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

El Mismo wrote:

@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

Humm thanks I think.

@X   If you generalize a president or a country based on an entire clip I am afraid I can't take your opinion seriously.

@GOD...I always wonder why people who are so anti castro go to cuba.  Perhaps you can answer me.

I can say the same and more but i wont.


Yeah well it's hard to listen to someone who would suggest the entire country is uneducated.hmm 

BTW say more but just log in as another memberbiggrin



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Watch a bunch of random "members" you never see on line magically post on this thread.

It's quite funny.biggrin



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Chilenita wrote:

El Mismo wrote:

@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

Humm thanks I think.

@X   If you generalize a president or a country based on an entire clip I am afraid I can't take your opinion seriously.

@GOD...I always wonder why people who are so anti castro go to cuba.  Perhaps you can answer me.

I can say the same and more but i wont.




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El Mismo wrote:

@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

Humm thanks I think.

@X   If you generalize a president or a country based on an entire clip I am afraid I can't take your opinion seriously.

@GOD...I always wonder why people who are so anti castro go to cuba.  Perhaps you can answer me.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

don_plyero wrote:

excuse me! evo morales is one of the best presedents in latin america today and of bolivia

hes doing a good job by defending the poor which never got any attention from the other governments

and if its his view that fidel isnt a dictator then let him speak his mind

i agree with him, fidel hasnt done nothing bad to the world, he hasnt done nothing bad to cubans (only to the rich ones that left cuba)

another blind person


Perhaps he is not blind. 

Perhaps it is you that is blinded by anti castro NORTH American propaganda.

Re: Evo....I like him very much.  Most important of all he is a great soccer playerbiggrin

maybe I should get my cuban friends to come and post back on that...... the funny thing is that u guys talk of him like u have lived in cuba.......was worst is that no cuban that has lived there would ever agree with u guys shrug.gif


OBVIOUSLY your Cuban friends who are no longer in Cuba don't like Fidel.

Saying that no cuban would ever agree with me or us is a flat out lie.  I know and have met MANY Cubans that LOVE Fidel.

There was a time when I used to visit cuba two or three times a year.  I have been going to Cuba since I was five years old. You are right I have never lived there but I have been there very often.   I also have many Cuban friends....not random people I have met but actual friends that I have known since I was a kid.

Unlike some suggest here on foro I don't base my opinion on what my dad or what friends say.  I have my own opinion on Fidel and the YEARS of anti castro propaganda that I have seen and even been taught by a teacher or two have not changed my opinion of him.

The opinion you have on EVO ....well let's just say it's obvious it's from this clip and nothing else.  Generalizing a people based on a president no matter what your opinion is of that president is silly.  Even though I wish nothing but death to Bush I wouldn't go as far as to say ALL Americans are the same as he is.

thats funny that u have visited Cuba so often and u can't see how bad cuba really is to its people.......
i mean they get treated as a second class citizen in their own country weirdface.gif
i don't know if u have ever heard in all ur visits Cuba, what happens to people that talk bad about cuba/castro.

and that clip is enough to show me that that president is a puppet......he has no education in him.




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@chile, like the way you think but not all the time.biggrincheers

- Mismo -


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God wrote:

Sounds more like a FREE DEMOCRATIC culture.

Now that is funny.



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God wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

don_plyero wrote:

excuse me! evo morales is one of the best presedents in latin america today and of bolivia

hes doing a good job by defending the poor which never got any attention from the other governments

and if its his view that fidel isnt a dictator then let him speak his mind

i agree with him, fidel hasnt done nothing bad to the world, he hasnt done nothing bad to cubans (only to the rich ones that left cuba)

another blind person


Perhaps he is not blind.

Perhaps it is you that is blinded by anti castro NORTH American propaganda.

Re: Evo....I like him very much. Most important of all he is a great soccer playerbiggrin

maybe I should get my cuban friends to come and post back on that...... the funny thing is that u guys talk of him like u have lived in cuba.......was worst is that no cuban that has lived there would ever agree with u guys shrug.gif


There is a Big difference between going to cuba every single year for 2 weeks than living in there your whole life. The tourist vibe makes everything look nice and perfect but reality it's far from 4 mojitos.....Azzuuuccarrr!

-- Edited by God at 13:19, 2007-10-11

Right too bad they don't have an a s s kissing puppet like Fox as president.



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X4v13r wrote:

Chilenita wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

don_plyero wrote:

excuse me! evo morales is one of the best presedents in latin america today and of bolivia

hes doing a good job by defending the poor which never got any attention from the other governments

and if its his view that fidel isnt a dictator then let him speak his mind

i agree with him, fidel hasnt done nothing bad to the world, he hasnt done nothing bad to cubans (only to the rich ones that left cuba)

another blind person


Perhaps he is not blind. 

Perhaps it is you that is blinded by anti castro NORTH American propaganda.

Re: Evo....I like him very much.  Most important of all he is a great soccer playerbiggrin

maybe I should get my cuban friends to come and post back on that...... the funny thing is that u guys talk of him like u have lived in cuba.......was worst is that no cuban that has lived there would ever agree with u guys shrug.gif


OBVIOUSLY your Cuban friends who are no longer in Cuba don't like Fidel.

Saying that no cuban would ever agree with me or us is a flat out lie.  I know and have met MANY Cubans that LOVE Fidel.

There was a time when I used to visit cuba two or three times a year.  I have been going to Cuba since I was five years old. You are right I have never lived there but I have been there very often.   I also have many Cuban friends....not random people I have met but actual friends that I have known since I was a kid.

Unlike some suggest here on foro I don't base my opinion on what my dad or what friends say.  I have my own opinion on Fidel and the YEARS of anti castro propaganda that I have seen and even been taught by a teacher or two have not changed my opinion of him.

The opinion you have on EVO ....well let's just say it's obvious it's from this clip and nothing else.  Generalizing a people based on a president no matter what your opinion is of that president is silly.  Even though I wish nothing but death to Bush I wouldn't go as far as to say ALL Americans are the same as he is.



Proud memeber and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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X4v13r wrote:


Chilenita wrote:


X4v13r wrote:

don_plyero wrote:

excuse me! evo morales is one of the best presedents in latin america today and of bolivia

hes doing a good job by defending the poor which never got any attention from the other governments

and if its his view that fidel isnt a dictator then let him speak his mind

i agree with him, fidel hasnt done nothing bad to the world, he hasnt done nothing bad to cubans (only to the rich ones that left cuba)

another blind person


Perhaps he is not blind.

Perhaps it is you that is blinded by anti castro NORTH American propaganda.

Re: Evo....I like him very much. Most important of all he is a great soccer playerbiggrin

maybe I should get my cuban friends to come and post back on that...... the funny thing is that u guys talk of him like u have lived in cuba.......was worst is that no cuban that has lived there would ever agree with u guys shrug.gif



There is a Big difference between going to cuba every single year for 2 weeks than living in there your whole life. The tourist vibe makes everything look nice and perfect but reality it's far from 4 mojitos.....Azzuuuccarrr!

-- Edited by God at 13:19, 2007-10-11

What Do I Know....?????

Foro Master

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Posts: 6639

Chilenita wrote:


X4v13r wrote:

don_plyero wrote:

excuse me! evo morales is one of the best presedents in latin america today and of bolivia

hes doing a good job by defending the poor which never got any attention from the other governments

and if its his view that fidel isnt a dictator then let him speak his mind

i agree with him, fidel hasnt done nothing bad to the world, he hasnt done nothing bad to cubans (only to the rich ones that left cuba)

another blind person


Perhaps he is not blind.

Perhaps it is you that is blinded by anti castro NORTH American propaganda. Sounds more like a FREE DEMOCRATIC culture.

Re: Evo....I like him very much. Most important of all he is a great soccer playerbiggrin



What Do I Know....?????

Foro Master

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Posts: 6639

don_plyero wrote:

excuse me! evo morales is one of the best presedents in latin america today ooookaaaaaaaaayyyyyy

hes doing a good job by defending the poor which never got any attention from the other governments. You mean the coca producers

and if its his view that fidel isnt a dictator then let him speak his mind. Or Ignorance

i agree with him, fidel hasnt done nothing bad to the world. Neither Saddam Hussein.

he hasnt done nothing bad to cubans really...I think he has few dead bodies on his personal account. (only to the rich ones that left cuba)

Let's make the scenario that they open cuban you think the cubans would stay in there ???


What Do I Know....?????
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