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Motown Junkie wrote:

TV Buff wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Hmmmm... I was never bullied. shrug.gif Are there no bullies in Mexico? Well, there was a guy who was my friend and then he stopped talking to me. Then he'd talk behind my back and call me names... but I never considered it bullying. He was just being an ass and I ignored him. Ok, that wasn't bullying, was it?

@ Guada... OMG... I'm gonna be careful now. I had no idea the crazies got that crazy.

Lucky you! I was bullied by the worst bully of all: my sister! She's bullied me ever since I was a baby. In fact, she bullied everybody: my brother, who was 2 years older than her, my mom, the neighbours, her teachers, everybody. The woman is bossy! So bullies at school paled in comparison to her. no.gif I was a victim... crying.gif

whisper.gifShe was born on June 22... I'm just saying... shrug.gif

But that's my birthday.  blankstare.gif

And Xaviers.  hmm.gif

I'm diff yan!!! rage.gif



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TV Buff wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Hmmmm... I was never bullied. shrug.gif Are there no bullies in Mexico? Well, there was a guy who was my friend and then he stopped talking to me. Then he'd talk behind my back and call me names... but I never considered it bullying. He was just being an ass and I ignored him. Ok, that wasn't bullying, was it?

@ Guada... OMG... I'm gonna be careful now. I had no idea the crazies got that crazy.

Lucky you! I was bullied by the worst bully of all: my sister! She's bullied me ever since I was a baby. In fact, she bullied everybody: my brother, who was 2 years older than her, my mom, the neighbours, her teachers, everybody. The woman is bossy! So bullies at school paled in comparison to her. no.gif I was a victim... crying.gif

whisper.gifShe was born on June 22... I'm just saying... shrug.gif

But that's my birthday.  blankstare.gif

And Xaviers.  hmm.gif


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Oh well, being a bully to your siblings is the best thing ever! until they get taller than you, and can crush you with a single hand squeeze. That's when i became calmada.


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Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Hmmmm... I was never bullied. shrug.gif Are there no bullies in Mexico? Well, there was a guy who was my friend and then he stopped talking to me. Then he'd talk behind my back and call me names... but I never considered it bullying. He was just being an ass and I ignored him. Ok, that wasn't bullying, was it?

@ Guada... OMG... I'm gonna be careful now. I had no idea the crazies got that crazy.

Lucky you! I was bullied by the worst bully of all: my sister! She's bullied me ever since I was a baby. In fact, she bullied everybody: my brother, who was 2 years older than her, my mom, the neighbours, her teachers, everybody. The woman is bossy! So bullies at school paled in comparison to her. no.gif I was a victim... crying.gif

whisper.gif She was born on June 22... I'm just saying... shrug.gif


I love this one too!!!


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Hmmmm... I was never bullied. shrug.gif Are there no bullies in Mexico? Well, there was a guy who was my friend and then he stopped talking to me. Then he'd talk behind my back and call me names... but I never considered it bullying. He was just being an ass and I ignored him. Ok, that wasn't bullying, was it?

@ Guada... OMG... I'm gonna be careful now. I had no idea the crazies got that crazy.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(

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luna chiquitita wrote:

OMG Guada.. that's crazy.. u should have pressed that little yellow strip button on the train... i guess hindsight is 20/20 'cause it seems like u were in more shock than anything else.... messed up no.gif

HEY CHALE.. isn't Rigoberto ur papa bear's name? sprint.gifgiggle.gif

 ummm.... shouldnt that be something you ask me in a PRIVATE PM!!! furious.gif


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OMG Guada.. that's crazy.. u should have pressed that little yellow strip button on the train... i guess hindsight is 20/20 'cause it seems like u were in more shock than anything else.... messed up no.gif

HEY CHALE.. isn't Rigoberto ur papa bear's name? sprint.gifgiggle.gif

"meh" - Margo


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Guadalupana wrote:

Buffy--the woman wasn't blaming me, she just made that comment. There weren't that many people on the train, and honestly all i wanted to do was catch my breath. I know it could have been worse, but thank god it wasn't. Now i watch EVERYONE getting on trains that i'm getting in.

In elementary school the ones bothering me were LATINOS. Imagine that, i still remember his name, Rigoberto. furious.gif

hey, he is on fatchbook blankstare.gif

M. Rigoberto O.?

Anyways, sorry to hear about what happen to u, I been taking the subway for so many years I've seen my share of things.....and all i can say is u always have to be careful.



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Buffy--the woman wasn't blaming me, she just made that comment. There weren't that many people on the train, and honestly all i wanted to do was catch my breath. I know it could have been worse, but thank god it wasn't. Now i watch EVERYONE getting on trains that i'm getting in.

In elementary school the ones bothering me were LATINOS. Imagine that, i still remember his name, Rigoberto. furious.gif

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Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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Guadalupana wrote:

Buffy, that's scary, but the truth is it happened to me once. I don't think it was the same guy, because he wasn't oriental.

It happend like this:

I was at king station (long time ago--4 yrs maybe) and as the train arrived, an older man stood beside me, as the doors opened, i stood to the side to let him in first, and out of nowhere he punched me right in the abdomen. Taking every breath out. I was stunned, and very VERY angry, but what was i to do? Tackle the guy? i guess i could have done something, but it was so sudden. He went in, got his seat at one end of the train partition, while i, holding my stomach went the other. A woman in there saw what happened and all she said was "then the elderly wonder why the younger people don't respect them" i just sat down and said nothing...

There are a lot of messed up people in this world.

This is REALLY messed up. So I don't think I get it... why did that woman say that? She blamed you? And you, why didn't you say anything to anyone? That wasn't right, man! He could've shoved you onto the oncoming train, like that guy did to that Humber student a few years back.
As for your being bullied in elementary school, is that the norm? For kids to bully the non-English speaking little kids?


I love this one too!!!

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Now to answer MJ's question:

In elementary, since i barely knew english, the kids somehow thought it was a great idea to pick on me. The girls never said anything but they weren't a welcoming let's be friends kind of bunch. The ones who did hurt me were the boys. They used to shove me at recess, and the funny part is, they were spanish too, so go figure. So, from being bullied, i decided to use the same force they did. If that stupid boy shoved me, i'd shove back.
If i saw someone bothering my brothers, i'd get right up their face. I thank god i never got into a serious fight though.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

Foro Master

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Buffy, that's scary, but the truth is it happened to me once. I don't think it was the same guy, because he wasn't oriental.

It happend like this:

I was at king station (long time ago--4 yrs maybe) and as the train arrived, an older man stood beside me, as the doors opened, i stood to the side to let him in first, and out of nowhere he punched me right in the abdomen. Taking every breath out. I was stunned, and very VERY angry, but what was i to do? Tackle the guy? i guess i could have done something, but it was so sudden. He went in, got his seat at one end of the train partition, while i, holding my stomach went the other. A woman in there saw what happened and all she said was "then the elderly wonder why the younger people don't respect them" i just sat down and said nothing...

There are a lot of messed up people in this world.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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Promoters can be classified as Bullies.biggrin

-- Edited by JSUN at 14:03, 2007-04-18



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TV Buff wrote:

luna chiquitita wrote:
ANYHOO.. bullying is far worse for girls I think... 'cause its emotionally and mental bullying... having your friends turn your back on you is far more damaging than getting punched in the face once.

Speaking of...

Stalked by fear of the silent sucker punch
Apr 16, 2007 02:30 AM


WOW thats crazy......i hope i never see that guy because i probably go after him.




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TV Buff wrote:
Speaking of...

Stalked by fear of the silent sucker punch
Apr 16, 2007 02:30 AM

There's a guy downtown who sucker-punches women and runs away. No one knows his name or where he lives or what his problem is. But Jean Rusty is familiar with the guy. She lives near Dundas and Spadina. We were sitting in her apartment the other day. She was telling me the story. Truth is, I could read it on her face. She still has a shiner, late-stage now, more yellow than blue. There are other effects. She kept one eye on her TV as we talked. The screen gives her a closed-circuit view of the lobby.She was watching to see who was coming, who was going, and who was just hanging around. She's nervous about going out. The guy has hit her twice. "The first time was just before St. Patrick's Day. I was at the doughnut shop, standing outside having a smoke. He came up behind and said something. I turned around to see. He punched me in the nose and took off."He bloodied her face pretty good. "I went to the walk-in clinic. I called the police. They told me to find his name and tell them. How am I going to do that? He likes hitting and taking off."What does this guy look like? "He's about 5-4. I think he's Korean. He's got black hair, dirty, shoulder-length." What was he wearing? "To me, he's wearing colours. He's got a red jacket down to here." She made a mid-thigh gesture. "He was wearing blue sweat pants. His clothes are dirty. I'd say he's between 35 and 42." She remembered something else. "Sometimes he walks normal and sometimes he walks like this." She got up from the couch and took three little steps forward, did an abrupt about-face, took three little steps back, then stopped and turned and took three steps forward again.You know that walk; a little duckie in a shooting gallery, an addict on the edge. She said, "If he's doing crack, he doesn't know what he's doing." The creep hit Jean a second time, this time on St. Patrick's Day; again, outside the doughnut shop. Again, she didn't see it coming. She had to go to the hospital. The cops took pictures of her face. You don't want to see the pictures. She touched her cheek gingerly. "I found out I have a fractured nose." She pushed her hair aside. "And there's this bump on my head." And she still has headaches.A couple of days later, while she was on her way home from the drugstore she'd gone to pick up pain medicine, and some of those depression pills she spotted the hit-and-runner on the other side of the street. Jean didn't have her phone. She did the unexpected. She called out to him. "I see you. Do you see what you did to me?" You or I might have ducked down, turned a corner, kept on walking. Why did she call out? "I wanted to show I'm not afraid. He just looked at me. I kept looking behind to see if he was following." The guy didn't follow Jean. Instead, he went over to the doughnut shop, punched a Chinese woman in the face and ran away again. The guys at the doughnut shop called Jean and told her when the guy showed up. They should have called the cops. Jean said she called 911 but by then it was too late. I said I thought she ought to get a restraining order. She said, "I been beaten up before by a guy. You can't get a peace bond if a guy has no fixed address. I don't know what the law is any more."Jean hasn't had an easy life, but the hard knocks have made her observant. "I feel like there's something wrong with this guy. He's asking for help." He's asking for something, I guess. He might not like what he gets when his time comes. Jean said, "He's asking for help, but I'm the one who's suffering. I don't know if he's living on the street or in a shelter. But if he ends up with the wrong crowd, he'll end up killing someone." Jean paused. The pause lengthened. "I'm sorry. I'm reliving the nightmare. That's why I'm on depression pills. I'm trying to be really strong. I'm the victim. Why should I hide? That makes him the winner." And so she takes precautions. She watches the lobby. She shops during the day. She goes out with a friend and takes no shortcuts. "I stay in the open. I don't want to be found in a laneway."In the meantime, she said, "You go to sleep at night, it's nightmares over and over. People say forget the past but it sneaks up on you." Watch your back.

holy overload of words batman!!!

I'm still in the first sentence....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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luna chiquitita wrote:
ANYHOO.. bullying is far worse for girls I think... 'cause its emotionally and mental bullying... having your friends turn your back on you is far more damaging than getting punched in the face once.

Speaking of... ETA: Sheesh!

Stalked by fear of the silent sucker punch
Apr 16, 2007 02:30 AM

There's a guy downtown who sucker-punches women and runs away. No one knows his name or where he lives or what his problem is.

But Jean Rusty is familiar with the guy. She lives near Dundas and Spadina. We were sitting in her apartment the other day.

She was telling me the story. Truth is, I could read it on her face. She still has a shiner, late-stage now, more yellow than blue. There are other effects.

She kept one eye on her TV as we talked. The screen gives her a closed-circuit view of the lobby.

She was watching to see who was coming, who was going, and who was just hanging around. She's nervous about going out. The guy has hit her twice.

"The first time was just before St. Patrick's Day. I was at the doughnut shop, standing outside having a smoke. He came up behind and said something. I turned around to see. He punched me in the nose and took off."

He bloodied her face pretty good. "I went to the walk-in clinic. I called the police. They told me to find his name and tell them. How am I going to do that? He likes hitting and taking off."

What does this guy look like? "He's about 5-4. I think he's Korean. He's got black hair, dirty, shoulder-length." What was he wearing? "To me, he's wearing colours. He's got a red jacket down to here." She made a mid-thigh gesture.

"He was wearing blue sweat pants. His clothes are dirty. I'd say he's between 35 and 42." She remembered something else. "Sometimes he walks normal and sometimes he walks like this."

She got up from the couch and took three little steps forward, did an abrupt about-face, took three little steps back, then stopped and turned and took three steps forward again.

You know that walk; a little duckie in a shooting gallery, an addict on the edge. She said, "If he's doing crack, he doesn't know what he's doing."

The creep hit Jean a second time, this time on St. Patrick's Day; again, outside the doughnut shop. Again, she didn't see it coming.

She had to go to the hospital. The cops took pictures of her face. You don't want to see the pictures. She touched her cheek gingerly. "I found out I have a fractured nose." She pushed her hair aside. "And there's this bump on my head." And she still has headaches.

A couple of days later, while she was on her way home from the drugstore she'd gone to pick up pain medicine, and some of those depression pills she spotted the hit-and-runner on the other side of the street. Jean didn't have her phone.

She did the unexpected. She called out to him. "I see you. Do you see what you did to me?"

You or I might have ducked down, turned a corner, kept on walking. Why did she call out? "I wanted to show I'm not afraid. He just looked at me. I kept looking behind to see if he was following."

The guy didn't follow Jean.

Instead, he went over to the doughnut shop, punched a Chinese woman in the face and ran away again. The guys at the doughnut shop called Jean and told her when the guy showed up. They should have called the cops. Jean said she called 911 but by then it was too late.

I said I thought she ought to get a restraining order. She said, "I been beaten up before by a guy. You can't get a peace bond if a guy has no fixed address. I don't know what the law is any more."

Jean hasn't had an easy life, but the hard knocks have made her observant. "I feel like there's something wrong with this guy. He's asking for help."

He's asking for something, I guess. He might not like what he gets when his time comes.

Jean said, "He's asking for help, but I'm the one who's suffering. I don't know if he's living on the street or in a shelter. But if he ends up with the wrong crowd, he'll end up killing someone."

Jean paused. The pause lengthened.

"I'm sorry. I'm reliving the nightmare. That's why I'm on depression pills. I'm trying to be really strong. I'm the victim. Why should I hide? That makes him the winner." And so she takes precautions.

She watches the lobby. She shops during the day. She goes out with a friend and takes no shortcuts. "I stay in the open. I don't want to be found in a laneway."

In the meantime, she said, "You go to sleep at night, it's nightmares over and over. People say forget the past but it sneaks up on you."

Watch your back.

-- Edited by TV Buff at 12:59, 2007-04-18


I love this one too!!!

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luna chiquitita wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

Ok, so clearly fathers tell their sons, "Beat the crap out of that jerk!" but what about girls?? hmm.gif

invisible.giflooks like I got the Mimi-itis... hmm.gif

ANYHOO.. bullying is far worse for girls I think... 'cause its emotionally and mental bullying... having your friends turn your back on you is far more damaging than getting punched in the face once.

I didn't miss your essay!

I just like this answer MUCH better!  thumbsup.gif

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 11:59, 2007-04-18


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Motown Junkie wrote:

Ok, so clearly fathers tell their sons, "Beat the crap out of that jerk!" but what about girls?? hmm.gif

invisible.gif looks like I got the Mimi-itis... hmm.gif

ANYHOO.. bullying is far worse for girls I think... 'cause its emotionally and mental bullying... having your friends turn your back on you is far more damaging than getting punched in the face once.


"meh" - Margo

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Yesi wrote:

I never got bullied in Mexico but when I came here I did...... I was 13 and this girl from Jamaica used to make my life a living hell everyday at school..... just because I didn't speak English....

I punched her in the face 3 times and that was it ....... biggrin After that she wanted to be my friend... Don't know why.... I just said to her the only word I knew in English  ---****U----


I'm Also World Famous


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I never got bullied in Mexico but when I came here I did...... I was 13 and this girl from Jamaica used to make my life a living hell everyday at school..... just because I didn't speak English....

I punched her in the face 3 times and that was it ....... biggrin After that she wanted to be my friend... Don't know why.... I just said to her the only word I knew in English  ---****U----


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Motown Junkie wrote:

Ok, so clearly fathers tell their sons, "Beat the crap out of that jerk!" but what about girls?? hmm.gif

 Go to any Latin Concert and fight there....opppppssss !

What Do I Know....?????

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Motown Junkie wrote:
When I went to talk to a teacher, I was told, "Don't be a tattle tale!" blankstare.gif

And you didn't listen eh !biggrin


What Do I Know....?????


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Motown Junkie wrote:

Ok, so clearly fathers tell their sons, "Beat the crap out of that jerk!" but what about girls??  hmm.gif

put out no.gif



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Ok, so clearly fathers tell their sons, "Beat the crap out of that jerk!" but what about girls??  hmm.gif


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El Duro wrote:

since I'm a father, i can only say one thing.. about 3 years ago my son was getting bullied and my son told me about it.. I told him to beat the crap out of the kid which he did..
-- Edited by El Duro at 10:36, 2007-04-18

My dad told me the same and I did it therefore, no more bulling...hahaha


What Do I Know....?????


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Motown Junkie wrote:

I remember having snowballs whipped at my freakin' face!  furious.gif

When I went to talk to a teacher, I was told, "Don't be a tattle tale!"  blankstare.gif

After that, I just shut my mouth and endured everything.  lonely.gif

Then one day my dad came and brought me McDonalds (great childhoold memory) and the kids thought he was a giant.  omg.gif  There was a mean kid on the bus that used to come behind me and snap my "training" bra.  I pointed him out biggrin.gif and my dad said, "Are you touching my daughter?" and that pervert stammered, "No sir!"  Needless to say, that kid never even glanced at me after that!

Actually, high school was more of a nightmare.  I envy all of you that had such a wonderful time!!!!  cry.gif

I guess it never ends for petting.gif




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El Duro wrote:

since I'm a father, i can only say one thing.. about 3 years ago my son was getting bullied and my son told me about it.. I told him to beat the crap out of the kid which he did..



Funny you said that... cuz I remember I had a little situation with a bully @ school...I told muh mum about it and she told me to "walk away" from the situation, cuz it wasn't worth fighting and blah blah blah...
When I told my dad about it, he told me to beat the $hit of the guy, which I did... Santo remedio!!! and I even got respect from the other kids...

I think sometimes you have to fix $hit the man's way...

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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I remember having snowballs whipped at my freakin' face!  furious.gif

When I went to talk to a teacher, I was told, "Don't be a tattle tale!"  blankstare.gif

After that, I just shut my mouth and endured everything.  lonely.gif

Then one day my dad came and brought me McDonalds (great childhoold memory) and the kids thought he was a giant.  omg.gif  There was a mean kid on the bus that used to come behind me and snap my "training" bra.  I pointed him out biggrin.gif and my dad said, "Are you touching my daughter?" and that pervert stammered, "No sir!"  Needless to say, that kid never even glanced at me after that!

Actually, high school was more of a nightmare.  I envy all of you that had such a wonderful time!!!!  cry.gif


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Foro Master

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since I'm a father, i can only say one thing.. about 3 years ago my son was getting bullied and my son told me about it.. I told him to beat the crap out of the kid which he did..

as a kid i was never bullied, but i hated to see other kid's bullied, so what i would do i kick the crap of the bully because he was picking on someone



-- Edited by El Duro at 10:36, 2007-04-18

I'm Also World Famous

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Bullying nowadays is ALOT scarier than it used to be. People are getting KILLED and something needs to be done. It's reassuring to know that the School Boards are starting to take these things a little more seriously because the outcome is becoming fatal in many cases.

The School Boards are now cracking down on online bullying. As we all know its easier to say and o things online than in person but the problem is when kids/teenagers do it, the repercussions are sad cry.gif There was the case of that student here in Ontario that was cause quite a stir.... (evils of Facebook cc: Lahtina)

The Ontario Gov is trying to implement safety measures to prevent things like these happening here. Could it happen, HECK YA, will these programs the gov is trying to put in help? Maybe, maybe not BUT they are creating awareness of how grave these issues have become.

As a kid I was somewhat bullied... it was mental bullying 'cause we were poor and we didn't have the same things the other kids have. What happened? My sister transferred schools and I got into more fights. shrug.gif

I wonder why kids think its ok? It is because of our flawed legal system? Our Young Offenders Act that protects their identities and gives them a slap on the wrist? The lack of protection eye witnesses/whistle blowers receive so its safer for them to shut up and close their eyes because the repercussions are far worse than the protection the correctional system offers them? Too many questions and not enough answers. It's sad that situations like these (what happened in Virginia) is when people realize that there is a problem that needs a solution. I fear I may sound cliche but really, HOW MANY MORE PEOPLE NEED TO DIE BEFORE SOMETHING IS DONE?!

"meh" - Margo

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McOSIRIS wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

I've noticed that many of these shootings from young people tend to result from their countless times of being "bullied".

Have any of you had any experiences with a bully?  If so, what did you do?

For those who have children, what advice would you give (or have given) if they were to come home with concerns?

I would tell them to get a gun a kill the maddafakkas.... furious


biggrin  I just was thinking about the same thing, if I ever have a kid with that problem jejejejejjejejejee

Men Loves to Love me...ï«------:-

Women Love to Hate me...

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I was bullied in elementary and the sad thing is, I wanted to do exactly what MC-O said. shrug.gif

Attention: Span is officially gone.


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Motown Junkie wrote:

I've noticed that many of these shootings from young people tend to result from their countless times of being "bullied".

Have any of you had any experiences with a bully?  If so, what did you do?

For those who have children, what advice would you give (or have given) if they were to come home with concerns?

I would tell them to get a gun a kill the maddafakkas.... furious


Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

TOP Guru

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I've noticed that many of these shootings from young people tend to result from their countless times of being "bullied".

Have any of you had any experiences with a bully?  If so, what did you do?

For those who have children, what advice would you give (or have given) if they were to come home with concerns?


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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