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RE: To stay or to leave.................

bigbrother wrote: it me or are women straight out messed up? Whaz wrong wit chu woman? I`m just gonna disregard your last message to me because is clear that you can't handle the truth. You post all this because you want peoples opinions and when they give it to don't like it. Typical woman.... Don't go diggin if you don't want to get upset. Women can be so connaiving....then play the little miss innocent act...something you all seem to have down to a tee.  You all like to  play it dumb when it's to your advantage. Just a couple a what you're saying is he cheated on his new wife with you????? And after you told him he ****ed things up between you guys by getting thought you could still be friends????? Why do women love to go stirring up the **** in their past????? here's what I think......I believe it was "innocent" when you looked him up. You saw he was "happy" and so you couldn't wait to let him know you are happy too. I think you were loving it that he was still interested in you. It musta been a good boost for your ego to know he wasn't over you. You never liked the wife.....for obvious you couldn't pass up the opportunity to get back at her while you were at I said......I've had the "pleasure" of meeting too many of you. You wanted opinions............theres mine.

Ok easy there Tom Cruise!  You couldn't be further away from the truth!!!

I figured after 10 years passing, yes, we could be friends or as many of you say, acquaintances.  I was 16 when I made those comments that he f@cked up.  Hate to break it to you but mentalities do change after many years.  I was a young kid back then that didn't know anything about love or relationships.  Now I'm older and I can look back on my stupidness.

Also, this "innocent" act you say I did of looking him up, didn't even happen.  I did not go out looking for him.  A friend of mine added me and then I found my ex's picture.  I did not go out of my way to look for him. 

As for me not liking the wife......once again, you're wrong.  I understood her concern TEN years ago.  Did I feel it was justified to go bonkers and run to MY friends and claim that I'm a homewrecker?  No.  Did I feel it was right to point a finger at me when clearly she was the one to sleep with my friend?  No.  When I found out all this stuff, THAT'S when I began to dislike her.  It had nothing to do with her past feelings towards me.  A

s for my ego blowing up when my ex confessed his feelings for me........yeah no.  I told him quickly to smarten up and snap out of it! 

What I found interesting was that my ex's sister and his mother knew we were talking and didn't find anything wrong with it.  Only in part because they knew we are not in love with each other, we're older now, we're not kids, we both have our own separate lives, AND they know that we have respect for each other.  Also, those who know me quite well, sent me PMs and actually gave me advice and not once accused me or condemend me as some people here who don't know me have.

Ah well.  Like I said LAST WEEK, I've washed my hands clean of this situation.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 09:16, 2007-04-09


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The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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bigbrother wrote: it me or are women straight out messed up? Whaz wrong wit chu woman? I`m just gonna disregard your last message to me because is clear that you can't handle the truth. You post all this because you want peoples opinions and when they give it to don't like it. Typical woman.... Don't go diggin if you don't want to get upset. Women can be so connaiving....then play the little miss innocent act...something you all seem to have down to a tee. You all like to play it dumb when it's to your advantage. Just a couple a what you're saying is he cheated on his new wife with you????? And after you told him he ****ed things up between you guys by getting thought you could still be friends????? Why do women love to go stirring up the **** in their past????? here's what I think......I believe it was "innocent" when you looked him up. You saw he was "happy" and so you couldn't wait to let him know you are happy too. I think you were loving it that he was still interested in you. It musta been a good boost for your ego to know he wasn't over you. You never liked the wife.....for obvious you couldn't pass up the opportunity to get back at her while you were at I said......I've had the "pleasure" of meeting too many of you. You wanted opinions............theres mine.
u know us? weirdface




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Permalink it me or are women straight out messed up? Whaz wrong wit chu woman? I`m just gonna disregard your last message to me because is clear that you can't handle the truth. You post all this because you want peoples opinions and when they give it to don't like it. Typical woman....doh Don't go diggin if you don't want to get upset.

Women can be so connaiving....then play the little miss innocent act...something you all seem to have down to a tee.  You all like to  play it dumb when it's to your advantage.

Just a couple a what you're saying is he cheated on his new wife with you????? And after you told him he ****ed things up between you guys by getting thought you could still be friends?????

Why do women love to go stirring up the **** in their past????? here's what I think......I believe it was "innocent" when you looked him up. You saw he was "happy" and so you couldn't wait to let him know you are happy too. I think you were loving it that he was still interested in you. It musta been a good boost for your ego to know he wasn't over you. You never liked the wife.....for obvious you couldn't pass up the opportunity to get back at her while you were at I said......I've had the "pleasure" of meeting too many of you.

You wanted opinions............theres mine.

Motown Junkie wrote:

So here's the e-mail I sent to my girlfriend yesterday about this whole crazy mess I got myself into!!! Names have been changed to protect identities (and fulfill fantasies).

Hey girl!!! Ready for this one?

Ok, ready?
And go.Girl, grab a drink before you read all this!!! LOLOk, now I'm ready.

When I was 16, I met my first love. Yes, he was my first, we were madly in love and we were hunky dory!!! In March or May of 98, I broke up with him because.... well, who wants to be in a serious relationship at that age??!! So he started dating someone right after that which I knew was a rebound but I didnt care. We remained friends until I met his girlfriend, pleasantly said, "Nice to meet you!" and after that, she banned him from talking to me. He's always been INCREDIBLY loyal (that he wont even stick up for himself) so that was the end of our friendship. A year later they got married (she was prego). The first three months of his marriage, we still kept seeing each other but in the end, I snapped out of it and said, "You blew it! We would've been together had you given me time but you ran off and got married because you knocked someone up. I cant be with a married man and a FATHER!" So that was that.

Fast forward to 2007!!!

Who do I find on Facebook??? Yes yes yes, my first love himself, Mr. Johnny Depp!!! Feel free to search!!! lol Much to my delight, I noticed he was still married to the same girl and had not one, but two beautiful girls. I sent him a message, "Hey how are you stranger? Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls! Congrats!!! Take care!" which SOMEHOW began WWIII.

The wifey IMMEDIATELY spotted that and called him at work screaming that I had tried to add him as a friend and that he will not and shall not respond. He responded anyway, like so, "Hey, theres a face I havent seen in awhile. Do you have an e-mail address so that we can talk on MSN? By the way, don't respond to this just wait until Wednesday night and Thursday night when my wife is at work. " At this point, Im just thinking in my head, WTF? I just said HI!
So whatever, we began talking and he kept rambling on and on about how he often wondered what would have happened with us if he had not gotten married. He told me how his wife cheated on him in '05 and how we was looking for me, that they had gotten back together after LOTS of begging on her part and for the sake of the children. However, since then, he hasnt been able to trust her, understandably so. He asked me, "If we separated and I told you I wanted to continue from where we left off, what would you say?" I snapped him back to reality and said, "Uhhhh hello??!!! I have El Pibe!!!" He then said, "I know that silly, I meant if you werent in a relationship?" Anyway, we talked via webcam and I often had El Pibe sitting right beside me and El Pibe was cool with who I was talking with. We were enjoying our newfound friendship!
So last week, I went onto my very good friends profile, and noticed Johnny Depp's wife on his profile. I immediately asked, "Hey, how do you know Medusa?" to which he replied, I went to high school with her and she f@cked Fat Albert! (I happen to know Fat Albert as he wanted my arse!! Lol) My spidey senses started tingling so I asked, "Before or AFTER she was married?" and he said, "BOTH!!!!!" At the same time, wifey noticed on his profile that I was there and immediately started questioning him. Doing her job to make me look like a home wrecker/mistress, she said that Johnny Depp and I were together when they had first gotten married. Ugh! Fortunately, my friend knows me well enough to know the truth.
ANYWAY, Johnny Depp and I decided to finally meet up after so long! We met up this past Saturday and pretty much reminisced about everything and anything. It was nice, fun, and great to catch up on all these years that have passed.
YESTERDAY, I get a text message from him saying, "Medusa found your e-mail address and your number." I replied, "You're screwed! Screw this. This is looking to be an affair. I dont want to deal with this anymore." And he said, "Thats fine! I understand." So I went on my Facebook and you know where it says MJ is home or MJ is tired or whatever? Well, I put, MJ is wondering why some women are such b*tche$? GET OVER IT!!! and went away to do my thing.

When I came home later that evening, I had realized that I was going to be in the old area and that I should ask a friend (who happens to be Johnny Depp's sister) if she wanted to meet up. What do I see on her profile?? Medusa posting, "WHY ARE WOMEN SUCH B*TCHE$??? Hahahahaha!!!!"

GIRL!!!! I cant tell you how PISSED I was when I saw that. To know that she was snooping on MY profile???? One word: WHACK!!!!! So being the natural bee-otch that I am, I changed the status and put, MJ is asking, "Have you seen a white Saturn lately? cause I have!!! ;)" Thus describing Johnny Depp's vehicle and letting her know that we've seen each other.

Immature? Perhaps. Vengeful? Yup! Do I care? Nope.

So THEN Johnny Depp's sister responds on Medusa's profile, "That was so random! What was that all about?" obviously unaware of the situation.So I took it upon myself to write to the sister and explain my side of the story. I'm not expecting her to pick sides but I wanted to let her know the deal. At one point I said, "I don't respect a woman who cheats on her husband who happens to be a very special friend to me." And blah blah blah.This was all last night.TODAY, I get a text message from Johnny Depp himself saying, "Sorry to bother you but what did you tell my sister? "


So something tells me that I exposed something that SHOULDNT have been exposed.Anyway, thats the story SO FAR!!!!

I am seriously hating Facebook right now.

Help me.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 10:42, 2007-04-04



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Motown Junkie wrote:

angelita wrote:
Oh boy oh boy!! I would add my
but it seems like everyone took the words out of my mouth. If i were the wife i'd be pretty upset as well.

Girl, why do you get yourself into all this drama. Why even bother posting this on foro?!?

STOP talking to that guy and stop instigating his wife, just ignore her as well!!

I posted it on foro to get everyone's opinion which once again led to "MJ, you started it."   

I didn't realize that every woman in here turns psycho when their husband/boyfriend talks to an old friend.
  Well I dont' know if every woman turns psycho, but I myself wouldn't like my significant other to be talking to an EX OF HIS, maybe a friend from high school, no problem, because the meaning of FRIENDS AND AN EX is two different things.

That's all it was. 

He didn't go behind her back to have some little rendez-vous.  He went behind her back to avoid fighting with her.  Apparently, I'm not the only female friend that has to be bound to secrecy.

It's nothing but her guilt that's getting her angry.  She can
f@ck around on him but he can't TALK to an old friend???? Girl get it YOU ARE NOT JUST AN OLD FRIEND YOU ARE AN EX


-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 17:09, 2007-04-04


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this is a probaly a little bit too late, but here is my answer:

No man or woman, should stay on a relationship because of the kids, that is the worst thing to do when there is kids involved, they are the ones that suffer.  Now I know someone womens can be very mean and use the kids against the father just to get back at them, but I don't think no women should do that, the kids shouldn't pay for whatever the mistakes between the parents, as a woman I would never used my kid to get my wx back, I mean my situation was different with my sons daddy, but in general WOMEN shouldn't do that, and yeah if the mother is trying to be a bit** well you know what take her to court and if the judge sees that you are a good father, the judge will give you all the rights que se merece. biggrin


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Well, i'm not psycho, a little nutty maybe, sometimes, but not a freak.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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Motown Junkie wrote:

I didn't realize that every woman in here turns psycho

You have no Idea....... I learned that this week.


What Do I Know....?????


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@ Dogo, c'mon, we know who we can share our with and be safe

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.

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Dogo wrote:

Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda...... I'm having the most trouble grasping the idea that you thought it would be ok to tell your friend's sister that his wife had cheated on him
What made you think it was something everyone knew about, and that it wasn't something that, MAYBE, he had confided in you ONLY...and what possesed you to actually tell her?
If I were your friend, aquaintance, whatever... I'd be mighty pissed too!

I didn't just say, "Hey, she slept with my friend."  I said I don't respect a woman who sleeps around.  It was my stupid assumption that his family would've known!!!! 


His own family had no problem that we were talking but everyone else clearly has.
Ah well, I've wiped my hands clean of this "mess".


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Dogo wrote:
THings like that don't "kinda slip".... in a live conversation?... hmmm... maybe
In an email/message? never

Then again... mira a quien le hablo

But the ones that I let slip can, right? Awwwwwwwwww c'mon! I mean :cyr:


Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Dogo wrote: Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda...... I'm having the most trouble grasping the idea that you thought it would be ok to tell your friend's sister that his wife had cheated on him What made you think it was something everyone knew about, and that it wasn't something that, MAYBE, he had confided in you ONLY...and what possesed you to actually tell her?If I were your friend, aquaintance, whatever... I'd be mighty pissed too!Ho-lee!! How did I miss that part? Perhaps because I didn't read all of it?

But in MJ's defense... sometimes things kinda slip. Of course not things of this nature... smaller things, chu know?  Yeah, yeah... it still doesn't make it right... this and that, yadda, yadda...

Silence! I never said I was the best secret keeper ever.

THings like that don't "kinda slip".... in a live conversation?... hmmm... maybe
In an email/message? never

Then again... mira a quien le hablo

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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Dogo wrote:

Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda...... I'm having the most trouble grasping the idea that you thought it would be ok to tell your friend's sister that his wife had cheated on him
What made you think it was something everyone knew about, and that it wasn't something that, MAYBE, he had confided in you ONLY...and what possesed you to actually tell her?
If I were your friend, aquaintance, whatever... I'd be mighty pissed too!

Ho-lee!! How did I miss that part? Perhaps because I didn't read all of it?

But in MJ's defense... sometimes things kinda slip. Of course not things of this nature... smaller things, chu know?  Yeah, yeah... it still doesn't make it right... this and that, yadda, yadda...

Silence! I never said I was the best secret keeper ever.


Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda...... I'm having the most trouble grasping the idea that you thought it would be ok to tell your friend's sister that his wife had cheated on him
What made you think it was something everyone knew about, and that it wasn't something that, MAYBE, he had confided in you ONLY...and what possesed you to actually tell her?
If I were your friend, aquaintance, whatever... I'd be mighty pissed too!

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

angelita wrote: Speaking for myself and pretty sure other females in here, i would NOT turn psycho on my hubby/ex if he spoke to an ex, but to a certain point. But as i read every post in here, you are just not getting the point. And BTW, you are NOT just an OLD are the LOVE that he lost and wished he could have been with. And by trying to want to contact you in the past and contacting you now, is NOT a good sign for his wife and anyone else.Bah, i'm NOT going to bother. I hate drama and i don't know why i even read these 3 pages. Nighty night!!! -- Edited by angelita at 17:24, 2007-04-04You know, that is THE most common-sensical-ish thing to do. MJ just wants to see what MJ wants to see.

I think i said that before, anyways, I'm done trying to make a blind person see.





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angelita wrote:
Speaking for myself and pretty sure other females in here, i would NOT turn psycho on my hubby/ex if he spoke to an ex, but to a certain point. But as i read every post in here, you are just not getting the point.

And BTW, you are NOT just an OLD are the LOVE that he lost and wished he could have been with. And by trying to want to contact you in the past and contacting you now, is NOT a good sign for his wife and anyone else.

Bah, i'm NOT going to bother. I hate drama and i don't know why i even read these 3 pages.

Nighty night!!!

-- Edited by angelita at 17:24, 2007-04-04

You know, that is THE most common-sensical-ish thing to do. MJ just wants to see what MJ wants to see.


Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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Motown Junkie wrote:

angelita wrote: Oh boy oh boy!! I would add my but it seems like everyone took the words out of my mouth. If i were the wife i'd be pretty upset as well.Girl, why do you get yourself into all this drama. Why even bother posting this on foro?!?STOP talking to that guy and stop instigating his wife, just ignore her as well!!I posted it on foro to get everyone's opinion which once again led to "MJ, you started it."   

I didn't realize that every woman in here turns psycho when their husband/boyfriend talks to an old friend.

That's all it was. 

He didn't go behind her back to have some little rendez-vous.  He went behind her back to avoid fighting with her.  Apparently, I'm not the only female friend that has to be bound to secrecy.

It's nothing but her guilt that's getting her angry.  She can f@ck around on him but he can't TALK to an old friend????


-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 17:09, 2007-04-04

 Speaking for myself and pretty sure other females in here, i would NOT turn psycho on my hubby/ex if he spoke to an ex, but to a certain point. But as i read every post in here, you are just not getting the point.

And BTW, you are NOT just an OLD are the LOVE that he lost and wished he could have been with. And by trying to want to contact you in the past and contacting you now, is NOT a good sign for his wife and anyone else.

Bah, i'm NOT going to bother. I hate drama and i don't know why i even read these 3 pages.

Nighty night!!!

-- Edited by angelita at 17:24, 2007-04-04

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?

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angelita wrote:

Oh boy oh boy!! I would add my but it seems like everyone took the words out of my mouth. If i were the wife i'd be pretty upset as well.

Girl, why do you get yourself into all this drama. Why even bother posting this on foro?!?

STOP talking to that guy and stop instigating his wife, just ignore her as well!!

I posted it on foro to get everyone's opinion which once again led to "MJ, you started it."   

I didn't realize that every woman in here turns psycho when their husband/boyfriend talks to an old friend.

That's all it was. 

He didn't go behind her back to have some little rendez-vous.  He went behind her back to avoid fighting with her.  Apparently, I'm not the only female friend that has to be bound to secrecy.

It's nothing but her guilt that's getting her angry.  She can f@ck around on him but he can't TALK to an old friend????


-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 17:09, 2007-04-04


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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angelita wrote:

Oh boy oh boy!! I would add my but it seems like everyone took the words out of my mouth. If i were the wife i'd be pretty upset as well.

Girl, why do you get yourself into all this drama. Why even bother posting this on foro?!?

STOP talking to that guy and stop instigating his wife, just ignore her as well!!

Great ideas

And just to add one more thing: Ignore Angelita too!


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!

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angelita wrote:

Oh boy oh boy!! I would add my but it seems like everyone took the words out of my mouth. If i were the wife i'd be pretty upset as well.

Girl, why do you get yourself into all this drama. Why even bother posting this on foro?!?

STOP talking to that guy and stop instigating his wife, just ignore her as well!!

 Amen my sista... AMEN



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Oh boy oh boy!! I would add my but it seems like everyone took the words out of my mouth. If i were the wife i'd be pretty upset as well.

Girl, why do you get yourself into all this drama. Why even bother posting this on foro?!?

STOP talking to that guy and stop instigating his wife, just ignore her as well!!

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?


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luna chiquitita wrote:

well.. u're right up there with God's (fgnrg) gorilla penis


*Officially unsubscribing from this thread*

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(

TOP Guru

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well.. u're right up there with God's (fgnrg) gorilla penis

"meh" - Margo

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Motown Junkie wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote: luna chiquitita wrote: In the wise words of the invisible man and his edumacated wife"Attention: Span is officially gone."@ Boof... ya I wonder This is what happens when MJ agrees. I'm everybody's play toy. 


You should e-mail that line to your friend.

I quidd, I quidd!!!


I love this one too!!!

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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

luna chiquitita wrote: In the wise words of the invisible man and his edumacated wife"Attention: Span is officially gone."@ Boof... ya I wonder This is what happens when MJ agrees.

I'm everybody's play toy. 



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luna chiquitita wrote:

In the wise words of the invisible man and his edumacated wife

"Attention: Span is officially gone."

@ Boof... ya I wonder

This is what happens when MJ agrees.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(

TOP Guru

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In the wise words of the invisible man and his edumacated wife

"Attention: Span is officially gone."

@ Boof... ya I wonder

"meh" - Margo

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Hey, hablando de otra cosa como los locos, I wonder what neruda named his dog after all. hmm


I love this one too!!!

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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Chale Tanga wrote: @ MJ: your intentions might have been clean, but his definately werent.  If he has nothing to hide then why hide you from his wife? Just leave it be... he's not going to enhance your life or contribute to it... so drop it. ps. Translating Gringrin's post: "no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver" -> there is no worst blind person than one that refuses to seeHere's what I think... MJ's intentions WERE "clean" but from this point on, they got murky.

YESTERDAY, I get a text message from him saying, "Medusa found your e-mail address and your number."  I replied, "You're screwed!  Screw this.  This is looking to be an affair.  I dont want to deal with this anymore." And he said, "Thats fine!  I understand."  So I went on my Facebook and you know where it says MJ is home or MJ is tired or whatever?  Well, I put, MJ is wondering why some women are such b*tche$?  GET OVER IT!!! and went away to do my thing.  

When I came home later that evening, I had realized that I was going to be in the old area and that I should ask a friend (who happens to be Johnny Depp's sister) if she wanted to meet up.  What do I see on her profile??  Medusa posting, "WHY ARE WOMEN SUCH B*TCHE$???  Hahahahaha!!!!"


GIRL!!!!  I cant tell you how PISSED I was when I saw that.  To know that she was snooping on MY profile????  One word:  WHACK!!!!! 

:blowing whistle: MURKIEST!!!!! HERE, RIGHT HERE!
So being the natural bee-otch that I am, I changed the status and put, MJ is asking, "Have you seen a white Saturn lately? cause I have!!! ;)"   

Thus describing Johnny Depp's vehicle and letting her know that we've seen each other.

Immature?  Perhaps.  Vengeful?  Yup!  Do I care?  Nope. 

So THEN Johnny Depp's sister responds on Medusa's profile, "That was so random!  What was that all about?" obviously unaware of the situationOBVIOUSLY So I took it upon myself to write to the sister and explain my (of course   ) side of the story.  I'm not expecting her to pick sides but I wanted to let her know the deal.  At one point I said, "I don't respect a woman who cheats on her husband who happens to be a very special friend to me." And blah blah blah. This was all last night. TODAY, I get a text message from Johnny Depp himself saying, "Sorry to bother you but what did you tell my sister? "


So something tells me that I exposed something that SHOULDNT have been exposed. Anyway, thats the story SO FAR!!!!

I am seriously hating Facebook right now.

Help me. 

Ok, MJ, let's give you the benefit of the doubt... your intentions were "innocent"... no hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas. Don't do good things that look like bad things.

  Yeah.  I will fully admit that change of status thing was wrong but I was really angry.  I KNOW it was wrong.  I fed fuel to the fire.  It was stupid of me.

But I know deep in my heart that I had nothing but good intentions.  If I wanted to hide $hit, El Pibe would've never known and none of you would've ever known either.

I did find it odd that he was going behind her back.  Trust me, I did!  I asked him, "Why are you making this look like an affair?" and he said, "It's not that.  I just don't want to fight with her.  She's not one to be comfortable with me having female friends."

I talked to his mom and his sister last night and they were fully aware that we've been chatting but HE told them so OBVIOUSLY he didn't say, "I'm trying to get with her" otherwise they would've given him crap.  They both knew that we're just friends BUT they did warn him to NOT PLAY WITH FIRE because they know how his wife is.


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Chale Tanga wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:Here's what I think... MJ's intentions WERE "clean" but from this point on, they got murky. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

You made me read it!!! I vowed to not read it and you tricked me into reading it.  BLAH!!!

anyways... MJ is this getting silly... just leave it.  Make your life a whole lot easier.  Stop looking for drama (intentially or not), and just leave it.

Ya 'stuvo... let the man deal with his own drama, and you enjoy your life.

Punto y aparte. (I think thats what they say? si? no? talves? quien sabe? meh!)

I love it mitad.



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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Here's what I think... MJ's intentions WERE "clean" but from this point on, they got murky.

YESTERDAY, I get a text message from him saying, "Medusa found your e-mail address and your number." I replied, "You're screwed! Screw this. This is looking to be an affair. I dont want to deal with this anymore." And he said, "Thats fine! I understand." So I went on my Facebook and you know where it says MJ is home or MJ is tired or whatever? Well, I put, MJ is wondering why some women are such b*tche$? GET OVER IT!!! and went away to do my thing.

When I came home later that evening, I had realized that I was going to be in the old area and that I should ask a friend (who happens to be Johnny Depp's sister) if she wanted to meet up. What do I see on her profile?? Medusa posting, "WHY ARE WOMEN SUCH B*TCHE$??? Hahahahaha!!!!"


GIRL!!!! I cant tell you how PISSED I was when I saw that. To know that she was snooping on MY profile???? One word: WHACK!!!!!

:blowing whistle: MURKIEST!!!!! HERE, RIGHT HERE!
So being the natural bee-otch that I am, I changed the status and put, MJ is asking, "Have you seen a white Saturn lately? cause I have!!! ;)"

Thus describing Johnny Depp's vehicle and letting her know that we've seen each other.

Immature? Perhaps. Vengeful? Yup! Do I care? Nope.

So THEN Johnny Depp's sister responds on Medusa's profile, "That was so random! What was that all about?" obviously unaware of the situation. OBVIOUSLYSo I took it upon myself to write to the sister and explain my (of course ) side of the story. I'm not expecting her to pick sides but I wanted to let her know the deal. At one point I said, "I don't respect a woman who cheats on her husband who happens to be a very special friend to me." And blah blah blah.This was all last night.TODAY, I get a text message from Johnny Depp himself saying, "Sorry to bother you but what did you tell my sister? "


So something tells me that I exposed something that SHOULDNT have been exposed.Anyway, thats the story SO FAR!!!!

I am seriously hating Facebook right now.

Help me.

Ok, MJ, let's give you the benefit of the doubt... your intentions were "innocent"... no hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas. Don't do good things that look like bad things.


You made me read it!!! I vowed to not read it and you tricked me into reading it.  BLAH!!!

anyways... MJ is this getting silly... just leave it.  Make your life a whole lot easier.  Stop looking for drama (intentially or not), and just leave it.

Ya 'stuvo... let the man deal with his own drama, and you enjoy your life.

Punto y aparte. (I think thats what they say? si? no? talves? quien sabe? meh!)




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:up: Whatever Gringa just said!


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!


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Pajaro_Loco wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:Gringa Lahtina wrote: Motown Junkie wrote: Gringa Lahtina wrote: Ok, I wrote this: "Hey how are you stranger? Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls! Congrats!!! Take care!" I'm really confused right now. Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! I meant all that followed, silly. It's awesome that you completely trust El Pibe. There is no reason for you to go into jealous rages because of that, plus I'm sure he doesn't give you any reasons. But put yourself in wife's stinky shoes (no, wait, those are yours ) Say you were to find out that El Pibe went and saw an Ex or he started doing stuff behind your back I'm sure you wouldn't be a happy camper. Wake up and smell the coffee, MJ! This is as much your fault as it is your buddy's. Yes, he may have started it but... do you really want me to finish this sentence? If you can't see where you goofed on this one then... (someone translate this for her) no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. The wife just acted like any other jealous-freakazoide wife would act. I see. Now let's just say, she didn't find out anything and we remained talking. Would that still be a bad thing?@X: It WAS and still is nothing. I truly believe his wife took it to a whole different level when it shouldn't have gone anywhere. If an ex of Princessa were to say, "Hey, nice to see you here! I see you're happy! That's great, take care!" would you start thinking she's having an affair???That's EXACTLY what happened. -- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:00, 2007-04-04
 THAT on it's own, is not a big deal... it's all upfront.Where it gets a little messy, is when HE is meeting you, talking, phoning, webcam chatting with you BEHIND HER BACK!!!   I would not appreciate my significant other doing that to me.  The main responsible one may be him; but YOU are a CONTRIBUTOR! Sorry - my two cents.(Think about it: IF you were HER, and HE was PIBE... you find all that has happened BEHIND YOUR BACK)  You would see it a different way.

thnk u




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Chale Tanga wrote:

@ MJ: your intentions might have been clean, but his definately werent.  If he has nothing to hide then why hide you from his wife?
Just leave it be... he's not going to enhance your life or contribute to it... so drop it.

ps. Translating Gringrin's post:

"no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver" -> there is no worst blind person than one that refuses to see

Here's what I think... MJ's intentions WERE "clean" but from this point on, they got murky.

YESTERDAY, I get a text message from him saying, "Medusa found your e-mail address and your number."  I replied, "You're screwed!  Screw this.  This is looking to be an affair.  I dont want to deal with this anymore." And he said, "Thats fine!  I understand."  So I went on my Facebook and you know where it says MJ is home or MJ is tired or whatever?  Well, I put, MJ is wondering why some women are such b*tche$?  GET OVER IT!!! and went away to do my thing.  

When I came home later that evening, I had realized that I was going to be in the old area and that I should ask a friend (who happens to be Johnny Depp's sister) if she wanted to meet up.  What do I see on her profile??  Medusa posting, "WHY ARE WOMEN SUCH B*TCHE$???  Hahahahaha!!!!"


GIRL!!!!  I cant tell you how PISSED I was when I saw that.  To know that she was snooping on MY profile????  One word:  WHACK!!!!! 

:blowing whistle: MURKIEST!!!!! HERE, RIGHT HERE!
So being the natural bee-otch that I am, I changed the status and put, MJ is asking, "Have you seen a white Saturn lately? cause I have!!! ;)"   

Thus describing Johnny Depp's vehicle and letting her know that we've seen each other.

Immature?  Perhaps.  Vengeful?  Yup!  Do I care?  Nope. 

So THEN Johnny Depp's sister responds on Medusa's profile, "That was so random!  What was that all about?" obviously unaware of the situationOBVIOUSLY So I took it upon myself to write to the sister and explain my (of course   ) side of the story.  I'm not expecting her to pick sides but I wanted to let her know the deal.  At one point I said, "I don't respect a woman who cheats on her husband who happens to be a very special friend to me." And blah blah blah. This was all last night. TODAY, I get a text message from Johnny Depp himself saying, "Sorry to bother you but what did you tell my sister? "


So something tells me that I exposed something that SHOULDNT have been exposed. Anyway, thats the story SO FAR!!!!

I am seriously hating Facebook right now.

Help me. 

Ok, MJ, let's give you the benefit of the doubt... your intentions were "innocent"... no hagas cosas buenas que parezcan malas. Don't do good things that look like bad things.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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Motown Junkie wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote: Motown Junkie wrote: Gringa Lahtina wrote: Ok, I wrote this: "Hey how are you stranger? Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls! Congrats!!! Take care!" I'm really confused right now. Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! I meant all that followed, silly. It's awesome that you completely trust El Pibe. There is no reason for you to go into jealous rages because of that, plus I'm sure he doesn't give you any reasons. But put yourself in wife's stinky shoes (no, wait, those are yours ) Say you were to find out that El Pibe went and saw an Ex or he started doing stuff behind your back I'm sure you wouldn't be a happy camper. Wake up and smell the coffee, MJ! This is as much your fault as it is your buddy's. Yes, he may have started it but... do you really want me to finish this sentence? If you can't see where you goofed on this one then... (someone translate this for her) no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. The wife just acted like any other jealous-freakazoide wife would act. I see.

Now let's just say, she didn't find out anything and we remained talking. Would that still be a bad thing?

@X: It WAS and still is nothing. I truly believe his wife took it to a whole different level when it shouldn't have gone anywhere. If an ex of Princessa were to say, "Hey, nice to see you here! I see you're happy! That's great, take care!" would you start thinking she's having an affair???

That's EXACTLY what happened.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:00, 2007-04-04

 THAT on it's own, is not a big deal... it's all upfront.

Where it gets a little messy, is when HE is meeting you, talking, phoning, webcam chatting with you BEHIND HER BACK!!!   I would not appreciate my significant other doing that to me.  The main responsible one may be him; but YOU are a CONTRIBUTOR! Sorry - my two cents.

(Think about it: IF you were HER, and HE was PIBE... you find all that has happened BEHIND YOUR BACK)  You would see it a different way.


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!

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Yesi wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote: Gringa Lahtina wrote: But it wasn't a simple: Hi, how are you, was it? MJ, go back and re-read what you wrote yourself. You're a smart girl, it isn't hard to figure out why things transpired the way they did.Dear God, don't ever let El Pibe find his first love or any other ex-gf for that matter.
Ok, I wrote this:  "Hey how are you stranger?  Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls!  Congrats!!!  Take care!" I'm really confused right now.  Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  You actually when out with him and talk... I am sorry but this is giving him Hope.... A "Hi" is ok, but going out with him and talking is crazy, does El Pibe know about this???

If it was El Pibe going out with an ex-girlfriend for lunch you will be kicking her arse... This is just me giving my two cents I don't know you very well but I think you would definaly kick her arse.... biggrin

OF COURSE HE KNOWS!!!!!!  C'mon people!!!!!!!!! 

@X:  Let's not talk about growing up when you insinuated that I'm a hooker for demanding sex from my own boyfriend.    I don't think I need growing up to do.  I think I just need to stop being so naive and stop thinking that everything is growing up daisies!!!!!!

@Yesi:  El Pibe has gone out with female friends before.  Even when there was a past attraction.  If I was still dating Prieto, then hell yeah, I'd freak because I couldn't trust him as far as I could throw him but I COMPLETELY trust El Pibe.  I wouldn't freak at all.  I know if some woman were to throw herself onto El Pibe, he'd grab his phone and say, "Hey, look at my princess!!!!"

@Chale:  I know he respects my relationship with EP.  So I don't think he had wrong intentions.  I know that he didn't want to fight with his wife because APPARENTLY he's not allowed to talk to ANY woman let alone me.  His sister and his mother have said the same thing and thanks for the translation.  I didn't need it but thanks anyway.  That's why I responded with "I see".    Get it?  Irony??  No?  Ok.

THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:09, 2007-04-04


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Gringa Lahtina wrote:
I meant all that followed, silly.

It's awesome that you completely trust El Pibe. There is no reason for you to go into jealous rages because of that, plus I'm sure he doesn't give you any reasons. But put yourself in wife's stinky shoes (no, wait, those are yours ) Say you were to find out that El Pibe went and saw an Ex or he started doing stuff behind your back I'm sure you wouldn't be a happy camper.
Wake up and smell the coffee, MJ! This is as much your fault as it is your buddy's. Yes, he may have started it but... do you really want me to finish this sentence? If you can't see where you goofed on this one then... (someone translate this for her) no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. The wife just acted like any other jealous-freakazoide wife would act.

 COMPLETELY AGREE with the Gringa!
If the shoe was on the other foot, you might see it differently, MJ.


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!


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Motown Junkie wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote: But it wasn't a simple: Hi, how are you, was it? MJ, go back and re-read what you wrote yourself. You're a smart girl, it isn't hard to figure out why things transpired the way they did.Dear God, don't ever let El Pibe find his first love or any other ex-gf for that matter.
Ok, I wrote this: 
"Hey how are you stranger?  Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls!  Congrats!!!  Take care!" I'm really confused right now.  Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! 

You actually when out with him and talk... I am sorry but this is giving him Hope.... A "Hi" is ok, but going out with him and talking is crazy, does El Pibe know about this???

If it was El Pibe going out with an ex-girlfriend for lunch you will be kicking her arse... This is just me giving my two cents I don't know you very well but I think you would definaly kick her arse.... biggrin



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Pajaro_Loco wrote:

I am with X all the way (X is smarter than he looks! ). I would not have wanted my significant other to go anywhere past "Hi, How are you? Good? Ok, bye - keep enjoying life or dealing with your problems".

u r still not going to be part of my friend list on fatchbook

@GL thnk u thats just what i wanted to say..........

sorry MJ but some times i feel that u still need to do some growing up.



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@ MJ: your intentions might have been clean, but his definately werent.  If he has nothing to hide then why hide you from his wife?
Just leave it be... he's not going to enhance your life or contribute to it... so drop it.

ps. Translating Gringrin's post:

"no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver" -> there is no worst blind person than one that refuses to see


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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote: Gringa Lahtina wrote: Ok, I wrote this:  "Hey how are you stranger?  Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls!  Congrats!!!  Take care!" I'm really confused right now.  Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  I meant all that followed, silly. 

It's awesome that you completely trust El Pibe. There is no reason for you to go into jealous rages because of that, plus I'm sure he doesn't give you any reasons. But put yourself in wife's stinky shoes (no, wait, those are yours ) Say you were to find out that El Pibe went and saw an Ex or he started doing stuff behind your back I'm sure you wouldn't be a happy camper.
Wake up and smell the coffee, MJ! This is as much your fault as it is your buddy's. Yes, he may have started it but... do you really want me to finish this sentence?  If you can't see where you goofed on this one then... (someone translate this for her) no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. The wife just acted like any other jealous-freakazoide wife would act.  

I see. 

Now let's just say, she didn't find out anything and we remained talking.  Would that still be a bad thing?

@X:  It WAS and still is nothing.  I truly believe his wife took it to a whole different level when it shouldn't have gone anywhere.  If an ex of Princessa were to say, "Hey, nice to see you here!  I see you're happy!  That's great, take care!" would you start thinking she's having an affair???

That's EXACTLY what happened.   

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:00, 2007-04-04


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Pajaro_Loco wrote:

I am with X all the way (X is smarter than he looks! ). I would not have wanted my significant other to go anywhere past "Hi, How are you? Good? Ok, bye - keep enjoying life or dealing with your problems".

He's just saying everything I'm saying in a condensed manner!

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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I am with X all the way (X is smarter than he looks! ). I would not have wanted my significant other to go anywhere past "Hi, How are you? Good? Ok, bye - keep enjoying life or dealing with your problems".


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!


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Motown Junkie wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote: Ok, I wrote this: 
"Hey how are you stranger?  Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls!  Congrats!!!  Take care!" I'm really confused right now.  Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! 

I meant all that followed, silly. 

It's awesome that you completely trust El Pibe. There is no reason for you to go into jealous rages because of that, plus I'm sure he doesn't give you any reasons. But put yourself in wife's stinky shoes (no, wait, those are yours ) Say you were to find out that El Pibe went and saw an Ex or he started doing stuff behind your back I'm sure you wouldn't be a happy camper.
Wake up and smell the coffee, MJ! This is as much your fault as it is your buddy's. Yes, he may have started it but... do you really want me to finish this sentence?  If you can't see where you goofed on this one then... (someone translate this for her) no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. The wife just acted like any other jealous-freakazoide wife would act.  

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(

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luna chiquitita wrote:

MJ, what advice did you friend give you? after the email and all...

She said "As long as your intentions are pure and El Pibe knows about everything, talk to him.  Maintain the friendship that was there before all this.  Let his wife deal with her own insecurities and infidelities.  If she were confident in the relationship and not dwelling on what she did, she would not have to worry about you."

And I agree.

I'm gonna be stubborn and stick to my guns here.  I did not have any bad intentions.  I was under false pretense that we could still keep in touch without any drama.  When I asked him why he had to sneak around just to talk, he said, "When you're married, you learn to pick your battles.  I just don't want to fight with her because she can be unreasonable."

Everything was great before $hit hit the fan.  Not once did we mention our kiddy relationship and we talked about family, friends, careers and all that stuff that you would normally talk about with a friend.  


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Motown Junkie wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote: But it wasn't a simple: Hi, how are you, was it? MJ, go back and re-read what you wrote yourself. You're a smart girl, it isn't hard to figure out why things transpired the way they did.Dear God, don't ever let El Pibe find his first love or any other ex-gf for that matter.
Ok, I wrote this: 
"Hey how are you stranger?  Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls!  Congrats!!!  Take care!" I'm really confused right now.  Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! 

some times i think u just see what u want to see.......It wasn't a simple hi because if it was nothing like this would have happen.
and i know for a fact if the same thing was to happen to El Pibe u would not react the same way he has, I can put money on that one.



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MJ, what advice did you friend give you? after the email and all...

"meh" - Margo

TOP Guru

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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

But it wasn't a simple: Hi, how are you, was it? MJ, go back and re-read what you wrote yourself. You're a smart girl, it isn't hard to figure out why things transpired the way they did.

Dear God, don't ever let El Pibe find his first love or any other ex-gf for that matter.


 mj < -    -> El Pibe


TOP Guru

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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

But it wasn't a simple: Hi, how are you, was it? MJ, go back and re-read what you wrote yourself. You're a smart girl, it isn't hard to figure out why things transpired the way they did.

Dear God, don't ever let El Pibe find his first love or any other ex-gf for that matter.


Ok, I wrote this: 

"Hey how are you stranger?  Good to see you're still happily married and with two beautiful little girls!  Congrats!!!  Take care!"

I'm really confused right now. 

Plus I see lots of girls on El Pibe's profile leaving comments AND private messages but I don't say anything because I know he LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEESSSSSSS mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! 


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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But it wasn't a simple: Hi, how are you, was it? MJ, go back and re-read what you wrote yourself. You're a smart girl, it isn't hard to figure out why things transpired the way they did.

Dear God, don't ever let El Pibe find his first love or any other ex-gf for that matter.


Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(
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