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Post Info TOPIC: DAMN PIT BULL LAW!!!!!!!!


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One endangered species

But pit bull attacks are down


Sebastian, a part pit bull, part bull mastiff romps through the snow at the Humane Society. He has escaped a death sentence because he was born before Aug. 29, 2005. (Michael Peake, Sun Media)

Sebastian is a lucky dog.

Charging around with puppy-like enthusiasm in a fenced off area behind the Toronto Humane Society's River St. building recently, the rambunctious 2-year, 11-month-old pit bull/bull mastiff mix has escaped the fate of many other similar dogs that have been put to death in accordance with provincial law.

Toronto's animal services officials report they euthanized 722 dogs generally labelled as pit bulls since changes to the Dog Owners' Liability Act kicked in on Aug. 29, 2005 -- albeit a significant number would have been put down regardless of the law for a variety of reasons.

And reports of bites by pit bull type dogs have dropped dramatically.

In 2004, the animal services department received reports about 130 of the powerful animals biting humans and animals.

The numbers dropped by substantial increments in subsequent years: 71 in 2005; 53 in 2006; and 44 in 2007.

IfSebastian had been born several months later -- after Aug. 29, 2005 -- and found himself in one of the kennels at the city's four animal services shelters, he would be on a kind of doggy death row, waiting to be injected with an overdose of lethal drugs.

A sign of just how controversial the issue can be, animal services officials refuse to allow the media to photograph or have contact with the condemned dogs in their shelters.

"All it would do is make the public very upset about that particular one dog and whoever might own that dog -- it would potentially cause them further upset," says animal services manager Eletta Purdy.

Concern about attacks prompted the Ontario government to target pit bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and any other dog that possesses the physical characteristics of those creatures.

There's a ban on owning any of the identified dogs that were born or imported into the province after the law took affect.

People can keep robust canines such as Sebastian -- currently a homeless ward of the Toronto Humane Society which does not euthanize animals in its care -- as pets because they were owned by an Ontario resident prior to the date when provisions of the law were enacted.

However, owners must spay or neuter those pets and keep them muzzled and on a leash whenever their four-legged charges are in public.

Purdy is reluctant to declare the law a success even though the number of reported pit bull bites has dropped.

She explains that statistics can be misleading and factors such as the size of a breed's population -- and even the weather -- can have an impact on the number of bites that occur in a year.

Animal services officials, who figure that only about 15% of dog owners obtain licenses for their pets, have no idea of how many pit bulls now reside in Toronto.

"What I can say is what the legislation appears to be doing is it seems to be having an impact on the pit bull population with respect to the number of dogs that are potentially out there in the community," adds Purdy. "It looks like, by breed, from our statistics, that the number of bites that have been reported to us -- regarding pit bulls -- has dropped from 2005 to 2007."

She says that if restrictions were put on any other specific breeds, the same sort of pattern would likely occur for those dogs.

Of the 722 hapless pit bull-type dogs that have been destroyed since the law came into force, 297 were euthanized because they had the misfortune of not being owned by an Ontario resident prior to Aug. 29, 2005. Prior to enactment of the law, animal services personnel would have evaluated those dogs for such things as temperament with an eye to putting them up for adoption.

A significant number of the total would have been destroyed even if the province had not enshrined anti-pit-bull provisions into law.

The city put 188 of the muscular pooches to death because of behavioural and temperamental problems. In addition, the courts ordered that 12 others be put down and animal services personnel also euthanized 10 geriatric and 32 sick and injured dogs.

The city also put down 183 other dogs targeted by the legislation at the request of owners. Purdy says she doesn't know how many of those were destroyed because owners had concerns about complying with the anti-pit bull law.

Lee Oliver, of the Toronto Humane Society, which opposes the anti-pit bull provisions, argues that legislation won't stop the targeted dogs from jumping over a fence and biting someone.

"The owners that would have the dog in their front porch with a flimsy screen door that the dog can get through, those guys are still going to exist -- and they're within the law," he adds.

If the law is obeyed, time will greatly reduce -- if not eliminate -- the controversy surrounding pit bulls.

As Sebastian and other non-banned canines that fall under the pit bull label grow old and die, the targeted breeds will just disappear.

I was reading the story yesterday, and I have mixed feelings about this... I feel sorry for the breed; but I am glad to read the reports that incidents have dropped after the law came into effect.

-- Edited by LGigolo at 10:23, 2008-03-03

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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ill put a muzzle on its mouth

problem solved



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how can you buy one if there is no more breeding since the banning ? Black market ? Well this wouldn't be very clever bc even if in most part the owner is responsable for the behaviour of his pet, do not forget the tremendous strengh that this dog have, by nature in his jaw. You will never know where this dog comes from, what he's been mixed with and if he comes from a fighting line.........................................

Well what do I know ?................................ well you might be right but I do know much more about breeding that any of you might think and yes, about pit too.

But silly me, right ! What do I know.

@ MJ, I am not pro banning either but unfortunately pple were not responsible enough, it is very sad that the animals had to pay for our errors amd muzzles is not the solution and I don;t like it either but it might be a way to prevent accident and other bans

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ill believe it when i see it

and pitbulls shouldnt be banned
im in the process if buying one ...;p


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DN_416 wrote:

well loquito is the exception hes fruity ...and ur b/f even more fruity for being tripped over by such a gay cat

the owner must have mistreated the dog
whats next a fregin cockerspanial eating out someones balls???

Yeah no.  You can insult me all you want but don't insult Jason. 

And no Loquito is NOT the exception.  EVERY cat does that. 

And SOMETIMES the owner is to blame but SOMETIMES when a dog is UNCOMFORTABLE or feels threatened, it's going to snap regardless of whether it's a freakin' poodle or a pit bull!!!!

Research my friend, RESEARCH!!!!!

Child safety

Even dogs considered to be "family-friendly", such as Golden Retrievers, are capable of biting a child. A parent would rarely leave a child alone with an unknown pitbull, but people forget that even a cute dog is still a dog. Just because a dog typically has a good temperament does not mean that it is safe to leave a child alone with it. Since children are most easily harmed by dogs, there are a few steps that can be taken to ensure no harm comes to a child, or to the dog by extension:

  • Teach your child never to approach a dog that they don't know.
  • Always ask the owner if you can pet their dog. Owners know the temperament of their dogs.
  • Approach dogs from the front. They could be startled if approached from behind and at the least may knock you over.
  • Refrain from making sudden jerky movements. This could make the dog think you are playing or being aggressive.
  • Never let a child play unsupervised with an adult dog or puppy, yours or a neighbor's. An accident only takes few seconds.
  • Intervene and stop play if it looks too rambunctious or boisterous. Children aren't as durable as puppies. Puppies regularly bite as a part of regular play with other puppies.
  • Always watch children to see what they are doing with the dog, and if what they are doing is dangerous or not.

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:32, 2007-03-14


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well loquito is the exception hes fruity ...and ur b/f even more fruity for being tripped over by such a gay cat

the owner must have mistreated the dog
whats next a fregin cockerspanial eating out someones balls???


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DN_416 wrote:

Im a dog lover and i still highley doubt that such an innocent luving breed of dog can be violent

i mean look at them! lol

-- Edited by DN_416 at 20:06, 2007-03-13

Regardless of how "fluffy" and "cute" they look, don't forget they are the subspecies of the wolf!!!  All domestic animals have the tendency to resort to their "natural" instincts!!!

For example, ever watch how a lion "trips" their prey?  Well, that's what Loquito does to El Pibe and I every time we walk past him.  Come to think of it............I think he's trying to kill us. 

@Julie:  Thanks for that answer!  I am TOTALLY against banning any dog but for safety matters, I do think a muzzle is a good idea.

@LG:  What exactly are you trying to say here:  Ok, I didn't know how to highlight was I was going to respond to since it was already highlighted.


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Im a dog lover and i still highley doubt that such an innocent luving breed of dog can be violent

i mean look at them! lol

-- Edited by DN_416 at 20:06, 2007-03-13



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Well first of all Danny, I can tell you that there is more agressive Lab and Golden than you think. Most of all that is due to bad mix to increase the population ue to the demand.
Second, I had a friend back in Mex that had that adorable light brown pit called Brutus, what a joke, I mean the name, this dog never hurt a fly and loved kids and to be pet y them.

I think it is very very unortunate but as mention above, never ever let your kid approach a dog you ae not familar with, you nver know the history behind the animal and the owner.

Now to answer to MJ, in Europe they had banned the pits, american staff and all but they also passed a law towards the "molosse" (dogs with lots of strengh, usually work dogs) to have them musseled outside their home and reinforced the leach thing which was already mandatory but not always respected.

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.


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bigbrother wrote:

DN_416 wrote:

The kid must have been poking the dogs nuts out or something then.....

those dogs r harmless regardless...i still dont buy the whole thing

my friend has a white pink nose pit....he also has a 1 year old daughter and the dog wont even hurt a fly....

It's one thing to have a dog face and another one to be a dog expert. Just my don't hate

lol no worries....your insults are too corney .......ur to new to step up to my caliber



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Motown Junkie wrote:

Oh man......I being right!!!

Doesn't happen often

"Authorities hope this tragic event will provide a lesson for others.

"The best thing to do is keep your children away from unknown dogs or strange dogs that you don't know their personality or behaviour," suggests Tre Smith of the Toronto Humane Society. "

  Ok, I didn't know how to highlight was I was going to respond to since it was already highlighted. But yeah duh! U can never trust a dog. I hope they won't take any drastic measure with the doggie tho' - that would be sad.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(

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Oh man......I being right!!!

Doesn't happen often 

"Authorities hope this tragic event will provide a lesson for others.

"The best thing to do is keep your children away from unknown dogs or strange dogs that you don't know their personality or behaviour," suggests Tre Smith of the Toronto Humane Society. "


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DN_416 wrote:

The kid must have been poking the dogs nuts out or something then.....

those dogs r harmless regardless...i still dont buy the whole thing

my friend has a white pink nose pit....he also has a 1 year old daughter and the dog wont even hurt a fly....

It's one thing to have a dog face and another one to be a dog expert. Just my don't hate




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The kid must have been poking the dogs nuts out or something then.....

those dogs r harmless regardless...i still dont buy the whole thing

my friend has a white pink nose pit....he also has a 1 year old daughter and the dog wont even hurt a fly....


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bigbrother wrote:

They should ban certain people from having dogs PERIOD!


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bigbrother wrote:

They should ban certain people from having dogs PERIOD!


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They should ban certain people from having dogs PERIOD!



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damm but they r soooo not like that  .....really weird i dont buy it


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X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

So first they banned pitbulls and now a GOLDEN RETRIEVER has mauled a 3 year old. 

I wonder what politicians are going to come up with now.  Ban all big dogs??? 

What they NEED to realize is to have a CHILD play with a DOG in general is ASKING for trouble.

3-Year-Old Child Mauled By Dog
Tuesday March 13, 2007

It's usually the prefect combination - a loving youngster and a gentle dog.

But something went horribly wrong at an Oshawa home Tuesday and now a three-year-old girl is facing the possibility of having extensive plastic surgery.

Police say the youngster was being cared for by neighbours at 506 Lanark Drive just after 1pm, and was petting their friendly Golden Retriever.

Cops aren't sure what provoked the animal, but it suddenly turned on the child, mauling the tot from her eye to her cheek.

The toddler was rushed to Lakeridge Health Centre, where plastic surgeons are examining the damage. It's believed her eyesight will be O.K. but she may require extensive repairs to her cheek.

The dog has been seized by animal control and those who know the creature are baffled.

Golden Retrievers are generally among the most gentle of dogs and are usually excellent with children.

It's not clear what will become of the canine, but the owner is the neighbour's son and he has no idea about what's happened to his beloved pet. He's currently away on vacation down south for March Break.

For updates on this story, stay tuned to CP24 all afternoon and check back with And for a full report, watch CityNews at Six.

they don't go based only on one incident, if it was that way no1 would be able to have a dog


Who says this has been the ONLY incident? 

Not ALL dog attacks are in the media.


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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Motown Junkie wrote:

So first they banned pitbulls and now a GOLDEN RETRIEVER has mauled a 3 year old. 

I wonder what politicians are going to come up with now.  Ban all big dogs??? 

What they NEED to realize is to have a CHILD play with a DOG in general is ASKING for trouble.

3-Year-Old Child Mauled By Dog
Tuesday March 13, 2007

It's usually the prefect combination - a loving youngster and a gentle dog.

But something went horribly wrong at an Oshawa home Tuesday and now a three-year-old girl is facing the possibility of having extensive plastic surgery.

Police say the youngster was being cared for by neighbours at 506 Lanark Drive just after 1pm, and was petting their friendly Golden Retriever.

Cops aren't sure what provoked the animal, but it suddenly turned on the child, mauling the tot from her eye to her cheek.

The toddler was rushed to Lakeridge Health Centre, where plastic surgeons are examining the damage. It's believed her eyesight will be O.K. but she may require extensive repairs to her cheek.

The dog has been seized by animal control and those who know the creature are baffled.

Golden Retrievers are generally among the most gentle of dogs and are usually excellent with children.

It's not clear what will become of the canine, but the owner is the neighbour's son and he has no idea about what's happened to his beloved pet. He's currently away on vacation down south for March Break.

For updates on this story, stay tuned to CP24 all afternoon and check back with And for a full report, watch CityNews at Six.

they don't go based only on one incident, if it was that way no1 would be able to have a dog



TOP Guru

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So first they banned pitbulls and now a GOLDEN RETRIEVER has mauled a 3 year old. 

I wonder what politicians are going to come up with now.  Ban all big dogs??? 

What they NEED to realize is to have a CHILD play with a DOG in general is ASKING for trouble.

3-Year-Old Child Mauled By Dog
Tuesday March 13, 2007

It's usually the prefect combination - a loving youngster and a gentle dog.

But something went horribly wrong at an Oshawa home Tuesday and now a three-year-old girl is facing the possibility of having extensive plastic surgery.

Police say the youngster was being cared for by neighbours at 506 Lanark Drive just after 1pm, and was petting their friendly Golden Retriever.

Cops aren't sure what provoked the animal, but it suddenly turned on the child, mauling the tot from her eye to her cheek.

The toddler was rushed to Lakeridge Health Centre, where plastic surgeons are examining the damage. It's believed her eyesight will be O.K. but she may require extensive repairs to her cheek.

The dog has been seized by animal control and those who know the creature are baffled.

Golden Retrievers are generally among the most gentle of dogs and are usually excellent with children.

It's not clear what will become of the canine, but the owner is the neighbour's son and he has no idea about what's happened to his beloved pet. He's currently away on vacation down south for March Break.

For updates on this story, stay tuned to CP24 all afternoon and check back with And for a full report, watch CityNews at Six.


Proud member and supporter of Delta Gamma B i t c h - orama
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