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Post Info TOPIC: Primeros Dìas en Toronto!!!!

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Primeros Dìas en Toronto!!!!

Pajaro, lo que yo tengo de edad, vos no tenes de cerebro.

And i think it's safe to say that you're probably more wrinkled than my grandpa's underwear.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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TV Buff wrote:
@ Guada: Hecho es con ache, unless you're talking about the reggaeton group.

-- Edited by TV Buff at 10:41, 2007-02-26

Pero al final, te recuerdo no mas que la ache (“H”) es muda – COMO TU ya debes saber! :wink :   "Never too late" can only come from one oldie to another!


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!

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Buffy no please i appreciate your correcting my i already know it's bad spanish writing ,but i guess it's never late to learn. Thanks i guess . But the point is, you knew what i meant.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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Guadalupana wrote:

You guys are so cavernicolas. El mentado cumbo de basura no mas es para el card board roll that's in the paper!
Or any other sanitary item that needs not be flushed down the toilet!

I'd understand placing the paper in the can if you're still getting buckets of water to flush the toilet como en el campo!



That’s exactly how my washroom works… nothing wrong with using buckets of water!  


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!

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elinmigrante wrote:

buenos días en un mes pienso llegar a Toronto !!!! y quisera me aconsejaran cuales serìan los primeros pasos que tengo que hacer al llegar a Toronto, ose a, que papeles sacar, donde comprar, donde ir, etc .. agradezco sean explicitos...agradeceria tambien respuestas  de personas serias debido a que en este foro muchas personas inmaduras ( no todas) postean respuestas estupidas y sin sentidos.. claro sin onfender a nadie.. gracias y espero respuestas.. 

Ah, I always love this line... but wait... did he just call us estupidos y sin sentidos... I don't think I like that...

Gotta finish reading the thread to see what the foro luminaries came up with...

ETA: Oh, you people never disappoint... I just read the whole thread. ElInmigrante must be loving the edumacation he's getting on toilet paper.
@ Guada: Hecho es con ache, unless you're talking about the reggaeton group.

-- Edited by TV Buff at 10:41, 2007-02-26


I love this one too!!!

Foro Master

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You guys are so cavernicolas. El mentado cumbo de basura no mas es para el card board roll that's in the paper!
Or any other sanitary item that needs not be flushed down the toilet!

I'd understand placing the paper in the can if you're still getting buckets of water to flush the toilet como en el campo!


The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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Dogo wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Well, it's not like you're flushing the entire roll of paper down the toilet. Just a few squares of it at a time. I can't imagine a few squares clogging up a toilet when some people (men, no doubt) sometimes drop baby arms in there.

At least we don’t drop … never mind.

Baby arms – Geez, I thought I did bad disposing of latex once upon a time

@Guada: you're likely right about toilet paper being designed to be disposed that way, I was just taught (del verbo enseñar - had to edit that) to dispose it in a can

-- Edited by LGigolo at 13:09, 2007-02-23

In a can, IN the washroom?!!!
Maaaan! your washroom must STINK como caca vieja!

-- Edited by Dogo at 18:20, 2007-02-25

A garbage can – in the washroom, YES!!! It doesn’t stink because the garbage bag in the garbage can gets changed daily - or as needed!


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!


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LGigolo wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Well, it's not like you're flushing the entire roll of paper down the toilet. Just a few squares of it at a time. I can't imagine a few squares clogging up a toilet when some people (men, no doubt) sometimes drop baby arms in there.

At least we don’t drop … never mind.

Baby arms – Geez, I thought I did bad disposing of latex once upon a time

@Guada: you're likely right about toilet paper being designed to be disposed that way, I was just taught (del verbo enseñar - had to edit that) to dispose it in a can

-- Edited by LGigolo at 13:09, 2007-02-23

In a can, IN the washroom?!!!
Maaaan! your washroom must STINK como caca vieja!

-- Edited by Dogo at 18:20, 2007-02-25

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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yo voy con visa de inmigrante!!!



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Guadalupana wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

 flushing the entire roll of paper down the toilet. Just a few squares of it at a time.

Pfft! this is LG! como tan inteligentonto que es, de seguro echa all of the 24 rolls together.

You forgot to add: los 24 rollos enteros lo mando de una Y SIN SACARLOS DE LA FUNDA PLASTICA! 

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Well, it's not like you're flushing the entire roll of paper down the toilet. Just a few squares of it at a time. I can't imagine a few squares clogging up a toilet when some people (men, no doubt) sometimes drop baby arms in there.

At least we don’t drop … never mind.

Baby arms – Geez, I thought I did bad disposing of latex once upon a time

@Guada: you're likely right about toilet paper being designed to be disposed that way, I was just taught (del verbo enseñar - had to edit that) to dispose it in a can

-- Edited by LGigolo at 13:09, 2007-02-23

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

Foro Master

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Posts: 7107

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

 flushing the entire roll of paper down the toilet. Just a few squares of it at a time.

Pfft! this is LG! como tan inteligentonto que es, de seguro echa all of the 24 rolls together.


The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

Foro Master

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LGigolo wrote:

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Why not? Flushing paper down the toilet, that is.

@ Pajaraca_Gringa: Because chances are, it will EVENTUALLY end up clogging up the pipes and you will have a load of sheit to deal with.

 No fijate. El papel higienico supuestamente es echo para poder ehcarlo en el toilet. Now, if you decide on flushing paper towel, then you may have a problem.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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Posts: 1505

Well, it's not like you're flushing the entire roll of paper down the toilet. Just a few squares of it at a time. I can't imagine a few squares clogging up a toilet when some people (men, no doubt) sometimes drop baby arms in there.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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Posts: 14952

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

Why not? Flushing paper down the toilet, that is.

@ Pajaraca_Gringa: Because chances are, it will EVENTUALLY end up clogging up the pipes and you will have a load of sheit to deal with.

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Posts: 1505

Why not? Flushing paper down the toilet, that is.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


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Posts: 14952

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

LGigolo wrote:

y de que está hecho el periodico, Einstein?

En ese caso tendrías que decir: otro TIPO de papel que te recomiendo Yeah, PL may be gone but he left me as a spokesperson.

Y tu que me saliste, Pajaraca_Loca?  Correcting my grammer and propper werding!?  @Guadalupana:  para que no pase eso, se usa un tacho de basure y no se flushea el papel higienico en el toilet.

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Julie wrote:

Vas a llegar visa de residente ? Si es el caso, pasando aduana te daran to "kit" de bienvenida y ahi tendras toda la informacion de que hacer y donde ir.
Te aconsejo que eso sea lo primero que hagas.

Bueno y despues, empezar a buscar alojamiento, si es que no tienes y poco a poco ir comprando lo que necesitas para instalarte.

Invierno casi se acaba so no vayas a comprar miles de triques, guarda tu dinero para cosas mas importantes

Como por ejemplo fiestas con el Foro!

:whisper : Vez, te dije que respuestas mas serias ya vendrian!

La verdad, yo no tuve que preocuparme de mucho cuando vine ya que aun era pelado cuando vine y tenia mis padres que se encargaban de todo. Espero que todo te salga bien y si necesitas una mano en algo, otro post en el foro a lo mejor te puede ayudar (que se yo, alguien conoce/tiene cuarto apartamento de arriendo, cosas basicas para un hogar – un extra set de platos que le regalaron pa su wedding, o cosas asi).

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

Foro Master

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Posts: 7107

Uh yeah, Lg, charmin ultra toilet paper is the worst you can get. It does not disolve very well in the septic system. Which in the end can cause a backflow into your house. And really, i don't think you'd want everyone's shiot all over your home.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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Posts: 1505

LGigolo wrote:

y de que está hecho el periodico, Einstein?

En ese caso tendrías que decir: otro TIPO de papel que te recomiendo Yeah, PL may be gone but he left me as a spokesperson.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


Status: Offline
Posts: 10577

Vas a llegar visa de residente ? Si es el caso, pasando aduana te daran to "kit" de bienvenida y ahi tendras toda la informacion de que hacer y donde ir.
Te aconsejo que eso sea lo primero que hagas.

Bueno y despues, empezar a buscar alojamiento, si es que no tienes y poco a poco ir comprando lo que necesitas para instalarte.

Invierno casi se acaba so no vayas a comprar miles de triques, guarda tu dinero para cosas mas importantes

A person who doesn't make mistakes is unlikely to make anything.


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Posts: 14952

Gringa Lahtina wrote:

@ LG.... NEWSFLASH: "Paper" does not translate to Spanish as "Papel"... it's "periódico", thank you very much. Así, aunque te cueste más trabajo.

y de que es hecho el periodico, Einstein? 

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:


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Posts: 1505

@ LG.... NEWSFLASH: "Paper" does not translate to Spanish as "Papel"... it's "periódico", thank you very much. Así, aunque te cueste más trabajo.

Audio, video, disco.

So... it's been... what, like a year that I've had this signature? Did anyone get that it says: I hear, I see, I learn? :(


Status: Offline
Posts: 14952

elinmigrante wrote:

buenos días en un mes pienso llegar a Toronto !!!! y quisera me aconsejaran cuales serìan los primeros pasos que tengo que hacer al llegar a Toronto, ose a, que papeles sacar, donde comprar, donde ir, etc .. agradezco sean explicitos...agradeceria tambien respuestas  de personas serias debido a que en este foro muchas personas inmaduras ( no todas) postean respuestas estupidas y sin sentidos.. claro sin onfender a nadie.. gracias y espero respuestas.. 

En cuanto a papeles, te aconsejo que compres:Lo puedes conseguir casi en cualesquier lado – es muy suave para tu cu-tiz. Otro papel que te recomiendo seria el Toronto Sun :No solo te enteras de las noticias del dia, pero en caso de emergencia, te puede hasta servir de back-up en caso que se te agote el papel mencionado en mi primera recomendacion.  Ah, por cierto, este papel se consigue por casi cualquier esquina en Toronto.  esperate con paciencia que ya te vienen las respuestas "serias"

Not everything I post or say on foro are necesarily true facts.  <- THAT is a fact! :blankstare:

TOP Guru

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Posts: 3151

elinmigrante wrote:

buenos días en un mes pienso llegar a Toronto !!!! y quisera me aconsejaran cuales serìan los primeros pasos que tengo que hacer al llegar a Toronto, ose a, que papeles sacar, donde comprar, donde ir, etc .. agradezco sean explicitos...agradeceria tambien respuestas  de personas serias debido a que en este foro muchas personas inmaduras ( no todas) postean respuestas estupidas y sin sentidos.. claro sin onfender a nadie.. gracias y espero respuestas.. 

bueno que es exactamente lo que quieres saber? de que papeles  hablas, comprar que? comida, ropa se un poco mas explicito y quisas se te puedad ayudar, oh Bienvenido a Canada cuando llegues por aca


Regular Plus

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Posts: 39

buenos días en un mes pienso llegar a Toronto !!!! y quisera me aconsejaran cuales serìan los primeros pasos que tengo que hacer al llegar a Toronto, ose a, que papeles sacar, donde comprar, donde ir, etc .. agradezco sean explicitos...agradeceria tambien respuestas  de personas serias debido a que en este foro muchas personas inmaduras ( no todas) postean respuestas estupidas y sin sentidos.. claro sin onfender a nadie.. gracias y espero respuestas.. 

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