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God wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote:


So how do you feel about the "hello" kiss kiss situation......or do you just hug?

Because a lot of germs are also carried out via lips and

Do you shake people's hands?

 I shake people's hands but after all that I don't touch my face. That's when I go wash my hands.


That's an extreme!!  lol

That's like Howie Mandel......

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"

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God wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote:


So how do you feel about the "hello" kiss kiss situation......or do you just hug?

Because a lot of germs are also carried out via lips and

Do you shake people's hands?

I shake people's hands but after all that I don't touch my face. That's when I go wash my hands.


No way, even i do that. I hate opening doors because of all the nasty hands that touch it. Specially the washroom doors, i use tissue to open them. I clean my desk constantly with the disinfecting wipes.


The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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Motown Junkie wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote:


So how do you feel about the "hello" kiss kiss situation......or do you just hug?

Because a lot of germs are also carried out via lips and

Do you shake people's hands?

 I shake people's hands but after all that I don't touch my face. That's when I go wash my hands.


What Do I Know....?????


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Guadalupana wrote:

i have to admit, i am at fault here. But is it ok if it's family?

It depends on your relationship with the pregnant depends if she gives you permission.....some women love that type of attention while pregnant, and others just's a respect thing......but's an inevitable act......people will just do it without asking.....

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"

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LaDyBuG wrote:


So how do you feel about the "hello" kiss kiss situation......or do you just hug?

Because a lot of germs are also carried out via lips and

Do you shake people's hands? 

I do the hello kiss kiss situation with people I know.

And yes, I shake people's hands but after all that I don't touch my face.  That's when I go wash my hands.

I don't think some people are getting my idea here.  If someone in my family or my friends touch my face, say to move an eyelash or something, I won't like it but I won't freak out either.

However, if a co-worker or someone who I don't even know touches my face, then what the hell??!!! 

I don't care how it is back home but if I recall correctly, I never saw strangers walking up to each other and touching each other's faces.  What are we?  Monkeys???   Are we just shy of picking each other's heads for lice??? 

Anyway, for those that are all touchy touchy, I would LOVE to see your face when someone you don't know, let's just the bus stop, or on the subway.........just come and touch your face!  I HIGHLY doubt, a calm, "Please don't touch my face." will come forth.

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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LaDyBuG wrote:


So how do you feel about the "hello" kiss kiss situation......or do you just hug?

Because a lot of germs are also carried out via lips and

Do you shake people's hands?

If it's the first time i'm meeting you, i am NOT going to kiss you. Just shake your hand.
Later, after we've been properly acquainted only then, AND THEN only!  we can play tonsil hockey.


The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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TV Buff wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face. I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

I'm with MJ on this one. Even though I'm a very touchy-feely kinda person (I usually tap people's arms when I talk) I haaaaate it when people touch my face or my hand, but especially my face. And if they're cold, even worse. I think the only thing worse than people touching your face is being pregnant and people feeling like they're entitled to touch your belly. Soooooo not fetch!!!

i have to admit, i am at fault here. But is it ok if it's family?


The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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So how do you feel about the "hello" kiss kiss situation......or do you just hug?

Because a lot of germs are also carried out via lips and

Do you shake people's hands? 

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"

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Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face.  I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

I'm with MJ on this one. Even though I'm a very touchy-feely kinda person (I usually tap people's arms when I talk) I haaaaate it when people touch my face or my hand, but especially my face. And if they're cold, even worse. I think the only thing worse than people touching your face is being pregnant and people feeling like they're entitled to touch your belly. Soooooo not fetch!!!


I love this one too!!!

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Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face. I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

Anyway, I think it was just reflex to slap her hand like that (angelita, if you haven't already, you'll be blocking everything left, right, and centre) but I think I was too mean.

 What's Next are you gonna wear gloves like Micheal Jackson ?

What Do I Know....?????


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Guadalupana wrote:

Dogo wrote:

Is it just me or this No touching, no kissing on the cheek, no groping to say "hey" thing is almost exclusively an anglo culture thing
I don't remember people freaking out if other people touched them (in an innocent manner) while living back home

I dunno

-- Edited by Dogo at 23:14, 2007-02-06

Could be, but this girl that touched MJ's face is clearly not getting the message that MJ doesn't want anything to do with her.
I sympathise with you MJ, porque i know what it's like. Only in my case, i absolutely avoided the girl who got on my nerves, was very vague when replying to her prying questions, just didn't talk to her, and showed little or no interest in what she shared with me. She finally got the point. And now we hate eachother. 

I know
My comment was just a general one
If someone doesn't like to be touched in the face, well... then they just don't like to be touched in the face. But the "no touching" thing seems to be priti common in anglo countries 

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.

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Dogo wrote:

Is it just me or this No touching, no kissing on the cheek, no groping to say "hey" thing is almost exclusively an anglo culture thing
I don't remember people freaking out if other people touched them (in an innocent manner) while living back home

I dunno

-- Edited by Dogo at 23:14, 2007-02-06

Could be, but this girl that touched MJ's face is clearly not getting the message that MJ doesn't want anything to do with her.
I sympathise with you MJ, porque i know what it's like. Only in my case, i absolutely avoided the girl who got on my nerves, was very vague when replying to her prying questions, just didn't talk to her, and showed little or no interest in what she shared with me. She finally got the point. And now we hate eachother. 

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.


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Motown Junkie wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote:

Reflex or not....I agree with X,....girl u need to relax.....
the poor girl probably thinks you're a Spazzz or

YOU can't be serious.  YOU???!!!

You're ok with somebody just coming up to you like that???    A total stranger, of course not.....and someone I know....well, So long as they don't ruin my make up I'm ok with it LOL......I mean not an all the time thing and preferably not by surprise like your co worker did, but even so, I wouldn't karate kick the's a one time thing, if I don't want it to repeat I will make it clear......IF it repeats again, I will call Angelita on the person!!  lol

You don't even let people take pictures of you!!!!   Nada que ver!  I get my point across......

Why would I let someone who I HARDLY know touch my face???  Why would you shake the hands of a complete stranger when meeting them, why would you kiss people on the cheek when saying hello, why hug someone.....etc....ect....they are all in a way an exchange of Germs as well......

As far as the germ thing goes....ok.....I see your point....and if you don't like it, it has to be respected and people should know of it....make it clear in other words....BUT in this specific case the girl had no idea.....I mean chiky doesn't even know you don't like her, if she knew she wouldn't have approached you, but maybe she knows and is trying to win you over......have you tried giving her a chance?  Everyone has a story you know....

You were just taken by surprise here and your reflex reaction was just that.... A reflex!

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"


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Dogo wrote:

Is it just me or this No touching, no kissing on the cheek, no groping to say "hey" thing is almost exclusively an anglo culture thing
I don't remember people freaking out if other people touched them (in an innocent manner) while living back home

I dunno

-- Edited by Dogo at 23:14, 2007-02-06

Good point......I think almost everywhere worldwide, everyone's so touchy feely.....and nobody has a problem with it......

"To be a good Promoter you must have the heart of a Gambler and the mind of a Computer"


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Is it just me or this No touching, no kissing on the cheek, no groping to say "hey" thing is almost exclusively an anglo culture thing
I don't remember people freaking out if other people touched them (in an innocent manner) while living back home

I dunno

-- Edited by Dogo at 23:14, 2007-02-06

The opinions expressed by this poster should always be considered offensive to Guadalupipi.


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@Downtown_Junkie: Send a link of this thread to your BELOVED co-worker!


The fun was over long ago.  Gone Fishing!


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Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?


Yeah, I am a masochist.  I will never tell someone I DON'T LIKE YOU unless they've done something to hurt me or my loved ones.  This girl hasn't done anything like that but she's too damn clingy.  Didn't you read the Instant Message conversation?  I'm sorry but I can't be blunt enough to say, "Ummm....can you get away from me?"

Also, can't you tell if someone doesn't like you?  I don't do anything to make her think we're friends but she has her own little conclusions in her head.

As for more germs in MY purse, that's fine because it's MY purse and it's MY germs and it's not going on MY face!!!!!


but u touch ur purse, thus u r the one with the germs, anyways......

send her an email telling her how u feel about it, something like that thread about myspace, u r friends as long as she doesn't bother u.


What's your point?  We all have germs but we don't go around touching random people in the face, do we?  DO YOU???!!!

If I wanna touch my purse a thousand times, fine, what it comes down to, is this...........I'm not going to go touching someone else' face!!!

As for your idea about sending her an e-mail.................ugh........eventually I'm going to have to say something but I don't know HOW to say it and I don't want to sound a like a bee-otch!  I know lots of you think that anyway but whatever.

We DO have to work together so I don't want her to feel like she can't come up to me for WORK related items.  I think she has a problem differentiating work and friendship!  She's mixing the two and as far as I'm concerned we're just co-workers.

i thought the whole point of u acting that way was because u don't like people touching ur face because u don't know where there hands have been and not is okay if u have germs , let me ask u what is UR point because u just lost me.


Doesn't take much to lose you, does it??? 

I'm wasn't going to explain my post ALL OVER again because it's not rocket science but I guess with you, I'm going to have to.

You make no sense with this statement....."i thought the whole point of u acting that way was because u don't like people touching ur face because u don't know where there hands have been and now is okay if u have germs"

It's OK to have germs!!!  To be completely GERM-FREE is impossible but it is NOT OK to go around touching people's faces especially those who you don't even know.

Do you understand now X@vier???!!!!

I'll go into more detail in case it hasn't sunk in.

People will have germs regardless.  I don't know if this chick washes her hands or not and frankly I don't care because eitherway I DON'T KNOW HER!!!

You can't have this stupid debate with me when your own girlfriend feels the same way.

Let's just say you're on the subway and someone comes up to you and touches your face.  You're just going to step back and say, "Please don't touch me."??!!!  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!  For all you know, that person could be the cleanest person in the world but YOU DON'T KNOW them. 

God (nfgrg), I'm just shy of drawing pictures for you!!!!


this is turning into a circle so anyways......sorry I'm wrong.

thank you, come again!





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Guadalupana wrote:

Not sure who agreed with you MJ, and who said you were over reacting, BUT
i'm on your side. Keep you hands to yourself!

Unless of course, it's a cute guy, then baby touch all you want.

I'm kidding...maybe.

sure I will...

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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Not sure who agreed with you MJ, and who said you were over reacting, BUT
i'm on your side. Keep you hands to yourself!

Unless of course, it's a cute guy, then baby touch all you want.

I'm kidding...maybe.

The opinions expressed by this poster can be offensive and are mainly directed at Dogo.
Delta gamma b i t c h-orama. Copyright 2008 All rights reserved.

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X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?


Yeah, I am a masochist.  I will never tell someone I DON'T LIKE YOU unless they've done something to hurt me or my loved ones.  This girl hasn't done anything like that but she's too damn clingy.  Didn't you read the Instant Message conversation?  I'm sorry but I can't be blunt enough to say, "Ummm....can you get away from me?"

Also, can't you tell if someone doesn't like you?  I don't do anything to make her think we're friends but she has her own little conclusions in her head.

As for more germs in MY purse, that's fine because it's MY purse and it's MY germs and it's not going on MY face!!!!!


but u touch ur purse, thus u r the one with the germs, anyways......

send her an email telling her how u feel about it, something like that thread about myspace, u r friends as long as she doesn't bother u.


What's your point?  We all have germs but we don't go around touching random people in the face, do we?  DO YOU???!!!

If I wanna touch my purse a thousand times, fine, what it comes down to, is this...........I'm not going to go touching someone else' face!!!

As for your idea about sending her an e-mail.................ugh........eventually I'm going to have to say something but I don't know HOW to say it and I don't want to sound a like a bee-otch!  I know lots of you think that anyway but whatever.

We DO have to work together so I don't want her to feel like she can't come up to me for WORK related items.  I think she has a problem differentiating work and friendship!  She's mixing the two and as far as I'm concerned we're just co-workers.

i thought the whole point of u acting that way was because u don't like people touching ur face because u don't know where there hands have been and not is okay if u have germs , let me ask u what is UR point because u just lost me.


Doesn't take much to lose you, does it??? 

I'm wasn't going to explain my post ALL OVER again because it's not rocket science but I guess with you, I'm going to have to.

You make no sense with this statement....."i thought the whole point of u acting that way was because u don't like people touching ur face because u don't know where there hands have been and now is okay if u have germs"

It's OK to have germs!!!  To be completely GERM-FREE is impossible but it is NOT OK to go around touching people's faces especially those who you don't even know.

Do you understand now X@vier???!!!!

I'll go into more detail in case it hasn't sunk in.

People will have germs regardless.  I don't know if this chick washes her hands or not and frankly I don't care because eitherway I DON'T KNOW HER!!!

You can't have this stupid debate with me when your own girlfriend feels the same way.

Let's just say you're on the subway and someone comes up to you and touches your face.  You're just going to step back and say, "Please don't touch me."??!!!  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!  For all you know, that person could be the cleanest person in the world but YOU DON'T KNOW them. 

God (nfgrg), I'm just shy of drawing pictures for you!!!!

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?


Yeah, I am a masochist.  I will never tell someone I DON'T LIKE YOU unless they've done something to hurt me or my loved ones.  This girl hasn't done anything like that but she's too damn clingy.  Didn't you read the Instant Message conversation?  I'm sorry but I can't be blunt enough to say, "Ummm....can you get away from me?"

Also, can't you tell if someone doesn't like you?  I don't do anything to make her think we're friends but she has her own little conclusions in her head.

As for more germs in MY purse, that's fine because it's MY purse and it's MY germs and it's not going on MY face!!!!!


but u touch ur purse, thus u r the one with the germs, anyways......

send her an email telling her how u feel about it, something like that thread about myspace, u r friends as long as she doesn't bother u.


What's your point?  We all have germs but we don't go around touching random people in the face, do we?  DO YOU???!!!

If I wanna touch my purse a thousand times, fine, what it comes down to, is this...........I'm not going to go touching someone else' face!!!

As for your idea about sending her an e-mail.................ugh........eventually I'm going to have to say something but I don't know HOW to say it and I don't want to sound a like a bee-otch!  I know lots of you think that anyway but whatever.

We DO have to work together so I don't want her to feel like she can't come up to me for WORK related items.  I think she has a problem differentiating work and friendship!  She's mixing the two and as far as I'm concerned we're just co-workers.


i thought the whole point of u acting that way was because u don't like people touching ur face because u don't know where there hands have been and not is okay if u have germs , let me ask u what is UR point because u just lost me.



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Chale Tanga wrote:

@ MJ: Damn girl, youz a spaz yo!

I agree with not letting others touch your face and whatever, but you shouldnt have slapped the poor woman. Shes prob in the HR office right now filing an assult report on that crazy spaz lady that looks like this

Ok, so slap is the wrong word or maybe it's not.  I didn't slap the girl.  I pushed her nasty hand off my face!!! 

PS-The HR dept. thinks she's a little "off". 

@angelita:  I don't want her near me here at work let alone beyond work, thank you very much!!! 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 13:22, 2007-02-06

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!

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@ MJ: Damn girl, youz a spaz yo!

I agree with not letting others touch your face and whatever, but you shouldnt have slapped the poor woman. Shes prob in the HR office right now filing an assult report on that crazy spaz lady that looks like this


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X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?


Yeah, I am a masochist.  I will never tell someone I DON'T LIKE YOU unless they've done something to hurt me or my loved ones.  This girl hasn't done anything like that but she's too damn clingy.  Didn't you read the Instant Message conversation?  I'm sorry but I can't be blunt enough to say, "Ummm....can you get away from me?"

Also, can't you tell if someone doesn't like you?  I don't do anything to make her think we're friends but she has her own little conclusions in her head.

As for more germs in MY purse, that's fine because it's MY purse and it's MY germs and it's not going on MY face!!!!!


but u touch ur purse, thus u r the one with the germs, anyways......

send her an email telling her how u feel about it, something like that thread about myspace, u r friends as long as she doesn't bother u.


What's your point?  We all have germs but we don't go around touching random people in the face, do we?  DO YOU???!!!

If I wanna touch my purse a thousand times, fine, what it comes down to, is this...........I'm not going to go touching someone else' face!!!

As for your idea about sending her an e-mail.................ugh........eventually I'm going to have to say something but I don't know HOW to say it and I don't want to sound a like a bee-otch!  I know lots of you think that anyway but whatever.

We DO have to work together so I don't want her to feel like she can't come up to me for WORK related items.  I think she has a problem differentiating work and friendship!  She's mixing the two and as far as I'm concerned we're just co-workers.

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?


Yeah, I am a masochist.  I will never tell someone I DON'T LIKE YOU unless they've done something to hurt me or my loved ones.  This girl hasn't done anything like that but she's too damn clingy.  Didn't you read the Instant Message conversation?  I'm sorry but I can't be blunt enough to say, "Ummm....can you get away from me?"

Also, can't you tell if someone doesn't like you?  I don't do anything to make her think we're friends but she has her own little conclusions in her head.

As for more germs in MY purse, that's fine because it's MY purse and it's MY germs and it's not going on MY face!!!!!



but u touch ur purse, thus u r the one with the germs, anyways......

send her an email telling her how u feel about it, something like that thread about myspace, u r friends as long as she doesn't bother u.




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@ MJ - Girl this thread is about YOU and not ME!!! heehee

BTW, from all the information that i've gathered since the day you started interacting with that co-worker, i believe she has a crush on you!! Either that, or your are her only friend!!!

I want to meet this woman! I want to see how she acts with you!! heehee

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?


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Yeah Ok wrote:

At least she didn't make you smell her finger.

I would make her pull mine....

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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X4v13r wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?


Yeah, I am a masochist.  I will never tell someone I DON'T LIKE YOU unless they've done something to hurt me or my loved ones.  This girl hasn't done anything like that but she's too damn clingy.  Didn't you read the Instant Message conversation?  I'm sorry but I can't be blunt enough to say, "Ummm....can you get away from me?"

Also, can't you tell if someone doesn't like you?  I don't do anything to make her think we're friends but she has her own little conclusions in her head.

As for more germs in MY purse, that's fine because it's MY purse and it's MY germs and it's not going on MY face!!!!!

@Confu:  Now you're comparing when I have MY OWN kids to a stranger.

What would you be upset with?  Lil' Man touching your face or Shantall touching your face???

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 13:07, 2007-02-06

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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At least she didn't make you smell her finger.



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McOSIRIS wrote:

X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...


and she is worry about some1 touching her face

@MJ if i was her i do the same with my "friends", at any point do i see u telling her that u don't like her being around u, i know is not nice but if is causing u so much grief y don't u just say something or are u masoquista?



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X4v13r wrote:

yeah thats because u and MJ are just crazy like that


wat! what did I do.

U more crazy then me.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA


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X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


I saw that on a documentary and it's true...

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...

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X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face.  I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

Anyway, I think it was just reflex to slap her hand like that (angelita, if you haven't already, you'll be blocking everything left, right, and centre) but I think I was too mean. 

From now on, ONLY decaf for you... ok???

Seriously?  YOU and X@vier are ok with strangers touching your face???

On top of that, you even met her and you saw HOW MUCH I HATED IT when she kept punching my arm so why would I tolerate her touching my face??? 

I've seen too many nasty women in the ladies room walk out without washing their hands so NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!

@X:  Don't you think it would've been better to say, "Hey, feel how cold I am." or something to give me a warning!!!  I'm sorry but I DO NOT walk up to people without saying a word and put my hand on their face!!!! 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:11, 2007-02-06

take ur own advice and next time just tell her "hey, i don't like it when people touch my face, pls don't do it again." I'm sure she will understand.

by the way u always talk about this person ( i think is the same person ) if u don't like her, y don't u just tell her, it will save u all the problems u have with her.......being a 2 face doesn't take u very far.


I don't like her but I'm not going to cause unnecessary tension at work!

And who's being two-faced?  She's a nice girl who's just too clingy and touchy for a co-worker.  If you like that kind of "Single, White Famale" behaviour, more power to you but I'll pass.  Something tells me Princessa wouldn't like it if somebody she doesn't even know came to touch her face without a word, either.

cause unnecessary tension!?!?!? are u for real? y do u think u slaped her hand? not because u don't like people touching ur face becuase all u had to do is move......u just don't like her and anything she does to u, it just bothers u, is human nature. when u don't like some1.....I'm sure if u told her in a civil way she would understand and like i said before, it will save u from stuff like this.


The question is "ARE YOU FOR REAL???"  How many times do I have to say it, "I DIDN'T SEE IT COMING!!!"  If I had seen her coming at me, I would've stepped back but I didn't!!  I was walking away from my desk and she came behind me and put her hand on my face!!!!

Like LC said, why couldn't she have touched my hand or even said SOMETHING FIRST???!!!!  I'm not a big fan of the hand thing but that's because of the nastiness I've seen in the ladies washroom but seriously.......not my face.  Again, like LC said, this chick is on a comfort level with me that she shouldn't really be on!

thats just it, she doesn't i said, being 2 face is not a good thing, and like angelita said, if it was el pibe it would of been a diff story.

by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


Uh HELLO??????!!!!!!!!  El Pibe is my BOYFRIEND!!!!  What the hell are you talking about now???

And I'm not two-faced, this girl just doesn't get the point.  For example, I just got this now:

TK  [12:42 PM]:

We're still having lunch at 1?

MJ  [12:43 PM]:

No, I'm gonna pass

MJ  [12:43 PM]:

I'm not hungry

TK  [12:43 PM]:


TK  [12:43 PM]:

i'll stop by your desk on my way back and we'll talk!

LIKE WTF??????!!!!!!  How this girl DOESN'T know she shouldn't be on that level with me is pretty obvious!!!  I don't even talk to her!!!!  She just throws herself at me!!!!

And why's no one saying anything to angelita?!  She's ready to drop kick someone with just a little pat on the head!  The girl's in tae kwon do so you know it's not gonna be a dinky kick either!!!   

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


EWWW babe, that grouse.

Anyhow this backs up why I also laundry my purses.


yeah thats because u and MJ are just crazy like that



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X4v13r wrote:
by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.


EWWW babe, that grouse.

Anyhow this backs up why I also laundry my purses.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA


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Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face.  I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

Anyway, I think it was just reflex to slap her hand like that (angelita, if you haven't already, you'll be blocking everything left, right, and centre) but I think I was too mean. 

From now on, ONLY decaf for you... ok???

Seriously?  YOU and X@vier are ok with strangers touching your face???

On top of that, you even met her and you saw HOW MUCH I HATED IT when she kept punching my arm so why would I tolerate her touching my face??? 

I've seen too many nasty women in the ladies room walk out without washing their hands so NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!

@X:  Don't you think it would've been better to say, "Hey, feel how cold I am." or something to give me a warning!!!  I'm sorry but I DO NOT walk up to people without saying a word and put my hand on their face!!!! 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:11, 2007-02-06

take ur own advice and next time just tell her "hey, i don't like it when people touch my face, pls don't do it again." I'm sure she will understand.

by the way u always talk about this person ( i think is the same person ) if u don't like her, y don't u just tell her, it will save u all the problems u have with her.......being a 2 face doesn't take u very far.


I don't like her but I'm not going to cause unnecessary tension at work!

And who's being two-faced?  She's a nice girl who's just too clingy and touchy for a co-worker.  If you like that kind of "Single, White Famale" behaviour, more power to you but I'll pass.  Something tells me Princessa wouldn't like it if somebody she doesn't even know came to touch her face without a word, either.

cause unnecessary tension!?!?!? are u for real? y do u think u slaped her hand? not because u don't like people touching ur face becuase all u had to do is move......u just don't like her and anything she does to u, it just bothers u, is human nature. when u don't like some1.....I'm sure if u told her in a civil way she would understand and like i said before, it will save u from stuff like this.


The question is "ARE YOU FOR REAL???"  How many times do I have to say it, "I DIDN'T SEE IT COMING!!!"  If I had seen her coming at me, I would've stepped back but I didn't!!  I was walking away from my desk and she came behind me and put her hand on my face!!!!

Like LC said, why couldn't she have touched my hand or even said SOMETHING FIRST???!!!!  I'm not a big fan of the hand thing but that's because of the nastiness I've seen in the ladies washroom but seriously.......not my face.  Again, like LC said, this chick is on a comfort level with me that she shouldn't really be on!


thats just it, she doesn't i said, being 2 face is not a good thing, and like angelita said, if it was el pibe it would of been a diff story.

by the way did u guys know that a girls purse has more germs than a public washroom...... I'll look it up again and post the source.




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angelita wrote:

All this talk about Touching faces, are there any other things that you people don't like??

I hate it when someone taps my head!! Makes me feel like they are petting a pet or something. I think that's when i'll drop kick someone

Roses are red violets are korny, when I think of you Ohh baby I get horny...


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All this talk about Touching faces, are there any other things that you people don't like??

I hate it when someone taps my head!! Makes me feel like they are petting a pet or something. I think that's when i'll drop kick someone

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?


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Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Jaime Cruz wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote:

Reflex or not....I agree with X,....girl u need to relax.....
the poor girl probably thinks you're a Spazzz or

YOU can't be serious.  YOU???!!!

You're ok with somebody just coming up to you like that???

You don't even let people take pictures of you!!!!

Why would I let someone who I HARDLY know touch my face???

For Paparazzi issues I don't like to have my picture taken either, and I agree with MJ on this.
I wouldn't let someone come and touch my face out of nowhere without saying a word.

nothing wrong with not liking people touching ur face, but is the way u go about telling people, that is all.......
lets put it this way, i don't like people looking at me, I'm going to punch the next person that looks at me in the eye than tell him i don't like it when people look at me.....u get what i mean.


You've gone to the extreme now with the idea of punching someone in the face.

Also, you can't tell HOW I said it.  I didn't scream or go bananas on her.  I said it with a stern voice but low enough so only the two of us could hear.

@JC:  THANK YOU!!!! 


it was just a way of putting it.....

@others if u guys are worry about germs don't leave ur house.........I'll be honest, i hate people that don't wash their hands after using the washroom, I have even told people to wash them whem I'm there.......and i never touch the handle to open the door in the washroom and have never used a public washroom to do a number 2 (I know I'm crasy that way) but to react that way is just crazy in my opinion that is all........, yes move out of the way, tell the person u don't like it but to slap not a good thing in my books.



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I don't like when people touch my face, you don't know where their hands have been

"I'm a B!TCH, a very CLASSIC one! Your a SLUT, a very NASTY ONE!! Cant Stand me, SIT the F*CK down. Cant LOOK @ me? Turn da F*CK AROUND!"

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Motown Junkie wrote:
I don't like her but I'm not going to cause unnecessary tension at work!

And who's being two-faced?  She's a nice girl who's just too clingy and touchy for a co-worker.  If you like that kind of "Single, White Famale" behaviour, more power to you but I'll pass.  Something tells me Princessa wouldn't like it if somebody she doesn't even know came to touch her face without a word, either.

Ok your sooo right on this one. I don't care even IF i knew the person DO NOT touch my face. I honestly work hard to avoiid pimples, greassy face, etc. spend money on creams, toners, etc. that no Dirty hand is touching me.

I honestly don't know how I would react to someone touch my face out of the blue, but I probably give a dirty face/look, who knows but it wouldn't be pretty.

Even with my b/f that I adore soooooo much, if he doesn't wash his hands (especially after any contact with food) then there is a no touching policy.

Reason I don't think I can ever be with a mechanic or guys that have permantly dirty lookin hands. I have respect for them but I couldn't let them touch me.

I'm NOT Spoiled, I'm a PRINCESSA

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X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face.  I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

Anyway, I think it was just reflex to slap her hand like that (angelita, if you haven't already, you'll be blocking everything left, right, and centre) but I think I was too mean. 

From now on, ONLY decaf for you... ok???

Seriously?  YOU and X@vier are ok with strangers touching your face???

On top of that, you even met her and you saw HOW MUCH I HATED IT when she kept punching my arm so why would I tolerate her touching my face??? 

I've seen too many nasty women in the ladies room walk out without washing their hands so NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!

@X:  Don't you think it would've been better to say, "Hey, feel how cold I am." or something to give me a warning!!!  I'm sorry but I DO NOT walk up to people without saying a word and put my hand on their face!!!! 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:11, 2007-02-06

take ur own advice and next time just tell her "hey, i don't like it when people touch my face, pls don't do it again." I'm sure she will understand.

by the way u always talk about this person ( i think is the same person ) if u don't like her, y don't u just tell her, it will save u all the problems u have with her.......being a 2 face doesn't take u very far.


I don't like her but I'm not going to cause unnecessary tension at work!

And who's being two-faced?  She's a nice girl who's just too clingy and touchy for a co-worker.  If you like that kind of "Single, White Famale" behaviour, more power to you but I'll pass.  Something tells me Princessa wouldn't like it if somebody she doesn't even know came to touch her face without a word, either.

cause unnecessary tension!?!?!? are u for real? y do u think u slaped her hand? not because u don't like people touching ur face becuase all u had to do is move......u just don't like her and anything she does to u, it just bothers u, is human nature. when u don't like some1.....I'm sure if u told her in a civil way she would understand and like i said before, it will save u from stuff like this.


The question is "ARE YOU FOR REAL???"  How many times do I have to say it, "I DIDN'T SEE IT COMING!!!"  If I had seen her coming at me, I would've stepped back but I didn't!!  I was walking away from my desk and she came behind me and put her hand on my face!!!!

Like LC said, why couldn't she have touched my hand or even said SOMETHING FIRST???!!!!  I'm not a big fan of the hand thing but that's because of the nastiness I've seen in the ladies washroom but seriously.......not my face.  Again, like LC said, this chick is on a comfort level with me that she shouldn't really be on!

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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Posts: 1535

Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face.  I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

Anyway, I think it was just reflex to slap her hand like that (angelita, if you haven't already, you'll be blocking everything left, right, and centre) but I think I was too mean. 

 Hahahaha! I know what you mean!! I'm dying to try my drop kick on someone!! heehee For tonight's class i'll try it on my instructor!

I guess it's a reflex for you, but try to relax. Although, i personally think that if Pibe were the one to do it to you, you wouldn't get as mad as the co-worker that you hate.

If love is the answer, could you rephrase the question?

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luna chiquitita wrote:

Well I have to say I agree with MJ on this on.  Knowing first hand how many ppl don't wash their hands in the washroom is enough to send a germaphobe into spontenous combustion.

ANYHOO... does MJ need to relax, possibly but only because all her threads have a face   Why wouldn't this girl touch MJ's hand?  Isn't that a little bit more acceptable?  I think so.  Either way, this girl thinks they're at some level of comfort where that's ok and MJ needs to tell her HELLZ NO!

Anyhoo, I dont think you were too mean, MJ.  Your reaction or reflex was due to the fact that you can't really stand your co-worker and her touching you makes it even worse.  I think you should just tell her.  Straight up.  GO AWAY!

  Case in point!!!

@Phanta:  I have Jebus in my life, thank you very much!!!! 

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!


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Motown Junkie wrote:

X4v13r wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

McOSIRIS wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

If a co-worker touches your face, do you let them or tell them not to???

My infamous co-worker came up to me and put her hand on my face.  I leaned back and slapped her hand away and snapped, "Don't touch my face!!!" and she said, "I just wanted you to know how cold I am."

Anyway, I think it was just reflex to slap her hand like that (angelita, if you haven't already, you'll be blocking everything left, right, and centre) but I think I was too mean. 

From now on, ONLY decaf for you... ok???

Seriously?  YOU and X@vier are ok with strangers touching your face???

On top of that, you even met her and you saw HOW MUCH I HATED IT when she kept punching my arm so why would I tolerate her touching my face??? 

I've seen too many nasty women in the ladies room walk out without washing their hands so NO THANK YOU!!!!!!!

@X:  Don't you think it would've been better to say, "Hey, feel how cold I am." or something to give me a warning!!!  I'm sorry but I DO NOT walk up to people without saying a word and put my hand on their face!!!! 

-- Edited by Motown Junkie at 12:11, 2007-02-06

take ur own advice and next time just tell her "hey, i don't like it when people touch my face, pls don't do it again." I'm sure she will understand.

by the way u always talk about this person ( i think is the same person ) if u don't like her, y don't u just tell her, it will save u all the problems u have with her.......being a 2 face doesn't take u very far.


I don't like her but I'm not going to cause unnecessary tension at work!

And who's being two-faced?  She's a nice girl who's just too clingy and touchy for a co-worker.  If you like that kind of "Single, White Famale" behaviour, more power to you but I'll pass.  Something tells me Princessa wouldn't like it if somebody she doesn't even know came to touch her face without a word, either.


cause unnecessary tension!?!?!? are u for real? y do u think u slaped her hand? not because u don't like people touching ur face becuase all u had to do is move......u just don't like her and anything she does to u, it just bothers u, is human nature. when u don't like some1.....I'm sure if u told her in a civil way she would understand and like i said before, it will save u from stuff like this.




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I would have probably done the same thing.  If a person I know, doesn't say a word to me, comes up to me, and tries to touch my face, I know I would step back and swat their hand away and ask them what are doing???

-- Edited by El Pibe at 12:29, 2007-02-06


Ha ha I can change my signature!!!

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X4v13r wrote:

Jaime Cruz wrote:

Motown Junkie wrote:

LaDyBuG wrote:

Reflex or not....I agree with X,....girl u need to relax.....
the poor girl probably thinks you're a Spazzz or

YOU can't be serious.  YOU???!!!

You're ok with somebody just coming up to you like that???

You don't even let people take pictures of you!!!!

Why would I let someone who I HARDLY know touch my face???

For Paparazzi issues I don't like to have my picture taken either, and I agree with MJ on this.
I wouldn't let someone come and touch my face out of nowhere without saying a word.

nothing wrong with not liking people touching ur face, but is the way u go about telling people, that is all.......
lets put it this way, i don't like people looking at me, I'm going to punch the next person that looks at me in the eye than tell him i don't like it when people look at me.....u get what i mean.


You've gone to the extreme now with the idea of punching someone in the face.

Also, you can't tell HOW I said it.  I didn't scream or go bananas on her.  I said it with a stern voice but low enough so only the two of us could hear.

@JC:  THANK YOU!!!! 

Knock people down at their own expense, they'll take it as a compliment!!!!
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